Does anyone here use a VPN?

I understand VPN technology and how it works, and the benefits it offers in terms of privacy and security. But should it be considered a necessity for anyone who spends most of their time posting wrongthink on Szechuan calligraphy boards? What about things that go further, like googling for and reading instructions to make improvised weapons and bombs? Or posting "hatespeech" in the comments of normie websites? How likely is it actually that someone could get V& for this shit, or at the very least be put on some kind of list to prevent them from buying guns or flying?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's generally good practice but don't count on them actually protecting you if you're planning on being a retard and doing something illegal.

Normiefag websites google/facebook/youtube keep extensive logs on their users.

A VPN will help hide your activity from your ISP and someone intercepting your packets but it's not going to protect you from the law. The time will come when the alphabet agencies have real legal access to all private company logs.

They've likely got access to it all anyway but anything they've gathered clandestinely is difficult to build a legal case with.

You should never enter, "How to make a bomb" into google. That is the kind of shit that puts you straight on a list. If you even have to ask that question then don't even pretend like you have enough mental agency to build a bomb let alone pull off a successful attack.

In terms of protecting yourself, I would say that is a relationship that you have between the person providing the VPN technology. For example, would you use a VPN that was run by the Israeli government who promises you that they don't log your activities? I would say that you could google some of the PRISMbreak slides from Snowden's leaks and see which VPNs they hate (I think theres a Euro based one called TwilightVPN or something).

Also you have to remember that there are other methods of figuring out who you are without needing to do deep packet inspection. If you browse pizza over TOR on your uni network, then you can be sure you're going to be one of a handful of people browsing TOR at any one moment so you can get caught with traffic analysis and not DPI.

Whatever, Rabbi. You should all enter "how to make a bomb" into Jewgle. It's called noise. These fucking kikes are counting on the wool-eyed believers to do everything they say, and that helps them suss out their undesirables. Like all of us here.

There should be noise plugins, so that every link you click Jewgle's some red-flag bullshit. This was the best discussed method to shutting down the NSA.

The NSA literally only works because faggots like you refuse to Jewgle shit that should be 100% Jewglable without causing the Jews to Oy Vey Anuddah Shoah[TM]. The NSA would be sitting on an infinite pile of shit if you faggots did this.

But no. Listen to the saging-Jew. Use only Jew-approved topics of research. Read only Jew-approved literature. Use only Jew-approved mathematics. Never become smart enough to form, let alone test, your own hypotheses.

Stay kosher.

I laughed hard. I've never seen a more 'hello FBI' post than this one. Let me guess, I should do that on Win10 by asking Cortana to use Edge to browse Google, amirite?

M8 you're posting on Holla Forums, you're already on every fucking list.


You can search for things securely or you can be a retard about it.

Remember everything about your device gets fingerprinted and this can be used for cross-referencing.

Let's say you're logged into to a google account. And you log out before you conduct your search but you're still using the same broser and IP. They're going to know it's from the same device.

Sorry NEETs, I don't know what they've been feeding you over on 4chan but you're not on a governmental list unless you post shit like "I'm going to kill the president". Then your information might go to the appropriate agency if they were made aware of it. Why do I argue with people that know actually nothing though?

I work in infosec fyi.


If you're worried about security, the easiest solution is to keep an air gap between your shitposting computer and your normie computer.
Buy an old laptop and only ever connect it to public wifi networks. Keep it in a foil bag the rest of the time and don't store any personal data on it.

Nice try, FBI.

Google EMSEC and TEMPEST. Also even disconnected computers have certain components that can be 'shined' (i.e. thrown an EM signal) where the device will respond. Think like an RFID chip in your NIC.

But you just posted "I'm going to kill the president"

Your information will be automatically collected and stored for analysis in the future. Currently, analysis methods are still struggling to keep up with the data throughput but they're getting more sophisticated with time.

There's plenty of information to suggest (((some people))) are interested in retroactively prosecuting normal people.

That's what the bag is for.

I take steps to obfuscate myself including using a non-NSA OS, CSRF, uMatrix, cookie controllers, and JAVA blocked by default. The only thing I compromise with is allowing myself to fullscreen my browser. This is a fingerprintable trait if you weren't aware.

Even if you google it you won't go to jail. Maybe a kid was trying to remember the name of a movie and he wrote the only line he remembered into google, that doesn't mean he'd get a visit from SS. I'm just saying the amount of people googling that is slim and is a very good factor for selecting the those who are at the intersection of dumb and insurrectionist types. Coupling those that search that phrase AND the other information you leak like a faucet on other sites is how you get put on the real lists.

Not sure it works that way m8.

You're not dilluting intel, you're just giving them everyone's name on a list, which they don't really mind.

Nigger please, they've been putting people on lists simply for saying words over Echelon. Which was back in the day when we had clunky ass computers and CRT screens.

Try this out, newfags.

Was that passive or active surveillance? Try again dumb fuck.

Nothing you do over the internet is private.
Nothing you do over the internet is private.
Using VPN or TOR for security is utterly retarded since using those put a bigger target on you and the VPN services and TOR nodes are owned, run and were created by government intel.

Echelon was keyword voice recognition of telephone voice conversations and predated the internet by a couple of decades.

t. guy who never worked for a corporation or went to a good school

Both, you retarded mongoloid.

And what the fuck does it matter, you're already on lists for even visiting here you chucklefuck.

Depends on what country. If you're in America, judging by your post, I'd say that chances are you have nothing to worry about. For now.
