East Coast Bombing False Flag?

East Coast Bombing False Flag?

Archive of the supposed bomber's manifesto:
webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3CPQb6tVUXMJ:nybomber.tumblr.com/ &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

TL;DR interesting points from my perspective:

Says his bomb making will improve and there will be a next time

Seems to like a shot at hardcore Christians and republicans.

Definitely using some HRC talking points here. Is she inciting violence or is this guy really trying to make about how "deplorable" Trump is?

Historically totally untrue but an attempt to attack specifically white people. AKA turn minorities as well against the awful cisgendered privileged white people.

Again - Next time.


**Sorry if formatting is aids I normally lurk, have never actually posted.

Other urls found in this thread:



Sage negated, shill faggot


The point of a false flag is to falsely blame a group of people for an attack carried out by the gov.

Why would CTR lead you to believe it was a false flag? That is as dumb as Hillary trying to point out Donald Trump donated $20,000 to that Florida AG.

CTR would push the narrative that it was a christian white pro-life confederate flag flier.

Believe it or not dune coons aren't behind every bombing in this country. Look at the Oklahoma city bombing, that was to cover up corruption, they used a white guy.

CTR: Vote for Hillary, It will like Obama's 3rd term and Obama was great oh yeah btw that bombing was actually the government trying to make Trump and white Christians look like they are hateful because jews are pushing multiculturalism and want to make Donald Trump's beliefs seem so unacceptable that it would lead a "sane citizen" to turn to bombing to raise awareness.

CTR is woke now I guess.

Watch the media narrative, its going to be all about Trumps "violent rhetoric"

Best part is they'll probably go with another white patsy this time since it's overdue + Trump is too branded with anti-muslim terrorism sentiment. When they do expect $.25 posters like

to go quiet.

Yeah, it would be bad for business to use a Muslim as a patsy at this point. That would only hurt Hillary b/c she's seen as "weak on terrorism" and outside of the MSM news cycle she's seen as to blame for terrorism.


Are you really taking this shit seriously?

Yes and No. I think whats written on that is total bullshit. I think its 100% fake, its not even convincing but at the same time its really suspicious for that reason.

I would say I'm examining it because this is being investigated by the FBI currently.

To me this seems like a really cheesy fake manifesto to smear white people and Trump supporters and I could really see picking up parts of this as their narrative to demonize white people and their beliefs.

Stop being a faggot. This happened at the same time people were getting shanked by a freedom fighter at Mall of America. It was coordinated. If it was a false flag faggots like DeBlasio wouldn't be stonewalling on calling it a terrorist attack.

Plus last week Obongo declared he wanted to see an increase in "refugees" taken in in 2017 to 100k+. Pretty fucking retarded to follow that up with multiple false flag terrorist attacks don't ya think?

If you were anything but a shill or literally retarded millennial you would know that precious to 9/11 every "terrorist" organization - from the weather underground to black september to the PLO - took credit for their bombings, that was the entire point. These days you have bombs going off during drills simulating bombs going off. You have a lugenpress that reads off of state prescribed scripts without even having to hide it. It all serves to kill the 2nd amendment, increase support for Israel (which ISIS of course never attacks) and give mental midgets something to stamp their feet about while their rights are stripped away. Keep pushing the koolaid though (((user))), you're only impressing the useful idiots. See you later after you switch IDs.

Yeah? How? I guess we're supposed to believe the faggot was close enough to witness it then went home (oppressed but living in NYC) created a Tumblr haha then wrote that long shti? THOUSANDS of cops were out, there's MASSIVE surveillance there.

The dumb faggot said they made errors, plural then says, won't make the same mistake singular. So was it one error or many?

Some halfchan tard in Iowa wrote that because they still aren't old enough to drive so last night shitposted.

If you are anything but a shill or literally retarded millennial explain to me why ISIS would take credit for the stabbing but not the bombings if it was coordinated?

I would point you to the Oklahoma city bombing, had no terrorists, was used to destroy government docs and is still used to demonize white people. Assuming all violence is dune coon related is just fucking dumb.

1 Bomb exploded too early in NJ 3 found along the route
1 exploded in NY killed nobody 2 others found in NYC

Why would the guy who wrote that "manifesto" and who claims to be a gay activist leave a letter written in Arabic in the same bag as the unexploded NYC bomb?

I'd say that manifesto is "fake and gay" but he already had the gay part covered, so it's just "fake".

The Orlando Club shooter was also thought to be gay and Arabic. They tried to spin that narrative as a LGBTQ thing not terrorism. I'm not ruling out the possibility of him being Muslim, I just think that would hurt Hillary so it doesn't make sense to me to use one as a patsy.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the stabbings but not the bombings though so thats part of why I'm suspicious.

I'm just saying watch the media narrative if they call this shit real it will be a real anti-white anti-christian narrative.

Yeah, which is why this one didn't have an arab patsy ready to go. Watch when the news cycle starts up tomorrow though, $5 says they go with an "alt right" narrative. Best part is if they do larpers like you won't even try to debunk it, just go with b-but m-muslims proportionately are way more terroristy than US. Thus conveys the lesson you will probably never understand: behave and believe like a jew (evidence = oppression, feelz > reelz) and you are no better than a jew.

ISIS are a bunch of Mossad/CIA controlled, Saudi funded limited hangout wahhabists, if you don't already know that I can't help.
If you're asking why/how the narrative is being framed in this paticuliar psy op, my guess so far is to distract from Hillary + show that Trump's pledge to destroy (((ISIS))) is meaningless since homegrown "terror" is just as much of a threat. Didn't you know they can just reach over the internet and turn american kids into bomb making jihadis? That's why the interweb has to brought to heel, starting with those evil nazi frog people.

Furthermore the people running this are old fashioned. They very much believe plebs flock to strong leaders during times crisis and War.

Not only is Hillary a woman, but everyone just spent the last week talking about her being on her death bed. Making the idea of this being a false flag even more retarded than it already was.

Go back to Reddit faggot.

Thats pretty much exactly what I was getting at. This is somehow going to be Trumps fault and his "radical following"

They also have to cover up for that news in Syria where the gov openly showed that they are willing to carry out a bombing mission for ISIS.

It was made by an ircfag and posted in the shitposting thread last night 15 minutes after it was made. It's a turboautist trying to take Holla Forums on a ruse, **and it will be hilarious if he gets v&.

You have some sort of source to show this is fake or do you wanna just claim correctness/ superiority in true to form liberal fashion?

Even if the tumblr page isn't real, that's some grade A jewish subversion that we could learn a lesson from. Ive always thought it's best to use their tactics against them.

By comparison that alt-right press meeting a while back was a fucking embarrassment, all it did was legitimize the label, painting a big target for the (((media))) to exploit.

Why? The US arming ISIS to fight Israel and Saudis proxy war is the worst kept secret of the last 5 years.

Tell me what happens if tomorrow everyone in America was told Obama bombed Assad to help ISIS takeover some town? Let me spoil it for you. Nothing happens. Nothing happens because the only people that can prosecute him are his co-conspritors. The only other option being a citizen army storming the White House and that's not happening either.

I totally agree with that. They just needed a broad term to call it so they could talk shit about it.

Sounds legit to me.
Go ahead and use it to fuck with people, but don't get fucked with yourself

ehhhhh Hillary is still trying to win an election, that stuff doesn't help her. (following the assumption of no rigging due to successful poll observation)

Maybe trump false flagged it?

The bombers talking points seems to only help the "alt right" and give him votes.

Any sort of issue of terrorism/crime will help Trump because Hillary and her (((allies))) cause it.

I'm just saying IF this is real (open to proof that its not), there is going to be a lot of anti-white anti-christian ant-Trump mud slinging going on.

Really doesn't prove anything. Somebody could have been looking for a manifesto and just found it. The guy that climbed Trump tower uploaded a video to youtube the night before he did it and the internet found that while he was climbing, its not all that weird of a thing to be looking for.

Kind of a one man hugbox, eh user?

Larpers describes you silly bastards to a T. Same reddit/tumblr/twatter cancer that never heard of /new/ or Holla Forums before 2015 and metasticized here with the gamergoy audience. Do you espouse the tenets of national socialism IRL? Naw, but here you pretend to. Do you recognize the MSM as 100% compromised? Naw, but here (sometimes) you pretend to. You're the dictionary definition of a blue-pilled cuck desperately needing someone to tell you what to think, who to be, and unable to decipher reality for yourself you simply follow the herd bending towards concensus. You're just a usefully ignorant little cunt spouting mainstream reactionary talking points to fit in, only ones here needing to go back to plebbit are you.

I'm trying to picture in my head a faggot radical bomber running around NYC.

might be similar to a faggot dune coon shooting up a club in Orlando.

Just a (((coincidence))) that it was found so quickly.

I get what you're saying. I'm not saying you're wrong but (((coincidence))) isn't proof and making a fake tumblr manifesto to subvert the narrative of it being a Muslim with it being a member of the LGBTQ community doesn't make a ton of sense to me since both demographics are puppets for (((them))).

It was someone fucking with us specifically. If you look in the thread I posted, then you'll see that the person who posted it was (2) with his first post being

possibly testing a digits script which didn't work

and the second post being the 'manifesto'. He then didn't post anything else after he got called out for making a fake page.


Yeah okay, You've convinced me. Seems highly unlikely.

The archive doesn't have any real time stamping so from my perspective It could have been up for days. An user finding a 12 minute old bombers manifesto seems really unlikely.

I was reading that thread but it turned to random garbage at some point and that probably didn't catch my eye.

I revert to my original suspicion that this was carried about by jew puppet dune coons.

They would never use a fag or someone left leaning for a false flag. Its either racist white men who are total shut ins and outcasts or snackbars.

Omar Mateen?

If the manifesto was from the same guy who planted the bombs (which I don't think it is, but, for the sake of argument), he seems to know English just fine so why would he leave a letter written in Arabic in the bag especially if he wants us to think it's an anti-Trump message from a radical gay activist?

Surely he'd know that, no matter what the message in Arabic says (even if it's "I love cocks but hate Trump and Mohammad"), merely having a letter in Arabic in the same bag would automatically make people think "Muslim" and not "pro-gay, anti-Trump activist".

False flag. A focused attack on a specific person would be more constructive. George Soros deserves t be assassinated and no one has tried. All of these senseless unfocused attacks only benefited the elites running show. They pass more and more laws with every false flag to control peoples lives.

Reminder that the FALN used similar bombs in NYC during the 70's and 80's

Reminder Hillary secured pardons for those bombers

Really none of the attacks in recent years serve any purpose for the assumed perps. This is probably a major reason why we "think everything is a false flag". None of the attacks do anything for the people that supposedly made it happen. Usually very counterproductive

I figured the false flag thing is more that the whole thing has the unstable and eclectic logic.
It doesn't fit the Holla Forums narrative of subhuman mudskins, so it must be a false flag.
Forgetting the people doing it are typically middle aged, well off democrats as a linking thing, all on some set of mental chems and then dropping htem in a known and dangerous method.
Which fits the traditional mass casualty with explosives throughout the US history. Leftist use bombs and knives, mass event or single, iwant you and you alone dead personally and sure.

Conservatives favor small numbers dead, use guns, and property destruction with fire while minimizing casualties. Well that and fire isn't fast.

The events that go against this, OKC and the current rash of targeting dems, are notable for their controversy and oddities.
Hence the issue.

Holla Forums also is now made up of youths, who's parents never chucked a light bulb off the state building, bombed a math lab running code breaking during a lunch break, or fucked off to Guatemala as a missionary but received Soviet military training by mistake.



Bateman is the only man I'd ever let fuck me in the ass now, user. Thanks for that.

op is a fucking sandmonkey, sage&report for bullshitting up this board


wrong fucking cut, this is just the gist without the annoyance bs