Dear dysnomia, pls remove way and add hex as mod again

dear dysnomia, pls remove way and add hex as mod again



Other urls found in this thread:****s_and_anime_tiddies_lyrics_dbangz.html

omlet, sticky this tread tbh

dysnomia is a faggot and so is OP

t. way


No, I think only OP is

your gay

But I like women

but that's a gook

so you're a non exclusive pedo then?

gooks are dogs

go back to halfchan with that shit tbh

Good times man.

hey anons i might go to sleep, pls keep this tread on first page so dys can see it when he wakes up

Loved Skins but im still sad about how it ended with cook and shit

Pedobro I'll do what I can.

Ugh don't remind me of that shit.

also here's proof of way trying to silence criticism

We already know Way is a faggot and possibly the pedo vol. Relax buddy. Everyone here is caught up.

hex thread? hex thread.


yeah sure a bedo who deletes pics of Lgs and who likes to post Angels

omlet is dead

just fantastic.

that's his cover dipshit


you're posting subhumans on Holla Forums
you don't have to the tools to deter the pedos and your efforts are meaningless because if you act and address anons like you've done for the past 5 days you won't be vol for very long. kys attention whoring avatarfag.


They do it for free

that right there boys is the only rebuttal a dumb avatarfag has. i was expecting just a random subhuman image reaction but he gave me text. good job, faggot.

wew. that's just sad. a mod that white knights for subhuman gooks by editing anons posts

Why is the front page playing music?

we wuz Holla Forums board owners n shiiiiiiiiiet

i'm not hearing any music

hey user pls don't sage my tread ;-;

yo shit is fucked

jesus christ..

i legit can't hear anything. i've tried my speakers, headset and headphones and nothing. i was just listening to some jewtube videos and I muted everything except the Holla Forums catalog tab and still nothing. wew lad



was expecting worse

here i just happened to save it

should be on metapol. but they dont read it…. seeing more and more of these lately not a good sign


there seems to be alot less porn on b right now. maybe this is a meta move?

are you sure about that? -.-

Way unless you're a pussy subhuman orbiter you'll stick this thread

nvm going to sleep
kys Way

pretty sure ya. what we got right now like 15%. last week I left because first ~14/15 threads were all porn and I just wanted something random….not something random to beat off too




you gonna bump for the next nine hours?

im gettin asian pussy

fuck it bump

I don't like way so yes

heroin elol

shut up ese u iz a stain!!!
dont 4get to follow my twitter @egomackey

I'm anti social media so no

the catalog has 18 pages chill for a few hours, it is the sites down time anyway all your doing is shitting up the thread

youre anti getting laid


I prefer females








this tread is important and should be keep in 1st page tbh


ok I'm going to sleep, pls keep bumping this tread to 1st page


pedos BTFO

stop saging my tread you filthy newfag









Quit deleting posts that don't violate DOST you vol faggots. Instagram tier pictures and youtube videos do not violate DOST you gook spamming cuck.









Fugging children is ok, also way will get unmod once dysnomia sees this tread






I actually studied psychology so I will know

I'm not mad, but you will be once way gets unmod :)

You have a lot more faith in dys than I do. He had to sticky the fucking rules for mods and he still hasn't done shit even though they have repeatedly broke them.

He won't :)))


He will and you will cry

He won't and I'll laugh at your pathetic existence

your a ween who doesn't have a job and never goes outside tho


Remove way, yes.
Add Hex, no.
I like Hex and wouldn't wish it on him.
Besides, he wised up and no longer wants to help the puffy cunt.

Project much?

time to move along?

ok gn fr this time, keep this tread in 1st page

t. hex


Pretty much, yeah.

well fuuuuckkk, nowhere left to run.




no im hex


t. pedo


sticky this tread tbh

Don't wanna

wasnt asking you tbh

What's wrong with Way this time?

They want to violate dost and stay unbanned

hes breaking the rules and is censoring criticism


No, I delete spamming threads "oh no I got b&"

i've seen you make the most questionable decisions as mod out of any other one. i'm not even advocating for you to be removed but you do overstep your boundaries imo tbh

no, you were deleting my anti way treads and they were not spam



You had 5 "tbh" threads to cry about being banned for dost.

crying is freech

dys is a 12 y/o loli

I never got banned, and you keep deleting criticism treads for no reason

screenshot it next time. You guys are being too vague.

Actually I'm a >>>/cuteboys/


I never bothered to memorize your trip, but if you're the real Dys, fuck you for encouraging censorship on Holla Forums

i wasnt flooding, you keep deleting for no reason

I'm just user, not a mod. And if there were threads of the same topic you were flooding.

Scroll up nigga

heres screenshots


i wasnt making same topic over and over, way was deleting every criticism tread for no reason

There was a thread were everyone was discussing moderation and you created new one.

what rule is that breaking?

I'm not encouraging it, I'm saying screenshot it next time so I can discipline properly. I don't know what happened nor do I have proof otherwise.


Way should leave those up and only remove all but one if there are multiple. We should be open to criticism, that's why a lot of people come here.

not same thing, this tread was to get you unmod and hex could replace you and you deleted it because you were scared


Way did nothing wrong


Unfortunate as it is, I have no control over globals actions and bans. You'll have to post about it on /sudo/


censorship and breaking b.o's rools are reasons to get unmod

way keeps deleting pics that dont break any rules

Mod is doing whay dys is too scared to do himself

I see pedo pics on all these screen caps so he literally did nothing wrong

You mean like this?


We need a new chan. Holla Forums is cucked by SJW and jim who bought this place by stealing the initial user base.



that doesnt break any rools

yes please fuck off

"Way" actually is no different from jim.
Maybe "Way" is jim himself.

Why do you delete things that don’t violate the dost or break any rules? Do you just want to feel powerful ?

It violates dost.

pedo pics dont break any rules

no it doesnt


more reasons to unmod him tbh

Literally none of that shit violated dost you dumb cunt.

It doesn't.
• Whether the focal point of the visual depiction is on the child's genitalia or pubic area;
• Whether the setting of the visual depiction is sexually suggestive, i.e., in a place or pose generally associated with sexual activity;
• Whether the child is depicted in an unnatural pose, or in inappropriate attire, considering the age of the child;
• Whether the child is fully or partially clothed, or nude;
• Whether the visual depiction suggests sexual coyness or a willingness to engage in sexual activity;
• Whether the visual depiction is intended or designed to elicit a sexual response in the viewer.


"Way" is going lunatic for days now. Why is he still a mod?

if you post it in a thread full of pedophiles who talk lewd about children, it actually does

I figured it out! Way is an antipedo pretending to be a pedo trying to support pedophilia by pretending to be an antipedo who is banning legal shit to cause a backlash.

Do us a favor and get rid of Way, he's literally the worst when it comes to deleting shit that does not violate dost.

i wanna fug dysnomia tbh
related is for way tbh

Explain his actions here

Why are you begging for dysnomia to remove a mod for overstepping their boundaries when dysnomia is the biggest offender of that?
And whats worse is that if he were to be replaced it would never be anyone better, this place is doomed to have shit moderation until the day jim gets tired of shilling his pisswater site on a dead imageboard that makes no money and pulls the plug.

i wanna fug dysnomia tbh

just incase Way deletes muh freech

lewd talking is frees speech and not goes against rools

Other mods got unmoded for doing little to nothing this guy is is banning everyone and anything.

dysnomia>gay way

tell that the fbi you utter moron

even the other mods called him out for being so triggerhappy in a thread a few days ago tbh

why are hex threads no longer allowed? way bumplocked all of them and deletes any new ones that get created. what rule does posting about hex violate?

fug that up
disregard this post tbh

the fbi will agree with me tbh

Even when there's no "lewd" talk shit gets deleted if there's a picture of a little girl.

The FBI has been flooded with hysterical morons who think everything is CP, and it's slowing down their ability to deal with the real stuff. The FBI hates you.

way is anti hex because way is jealous of him

Way is Hex tbh

he's also butthurt that i called him out for editing another anons post criticizing his subhuman gookposting

Hex is lh/ox tbh

The only difference between them is that way isn't permabanning people.
That makes no difference though since the length of the ban means jack shit, I ban evade a 20 minute ban just like I do a permanent one.

hex is anti gook and follows rools tho


t. way apologist

ban this fag

They were told not to perma

thx for bumping my tread

This, way is the best mod

gooks are based tbh

the fuck how can i be ox/lh/hex at the same time
what about real ox?

that's his cover tbh

ban this faggot

Saying they're both shit isn't being an apologist.

gooks are the 2nd worst race


niggers being the first?

they are but dys is clearly much better

yes ofc

theres a difference in doing something that is technically not allowed (because if it was there shouldn't be bans at all) and being open about it

dys should've known better than to mod someone who solely posts gooks tbh

good riddance i hate pedos and i hate pedo vols even more.
kys way

Sure it does if you use bullshit layer tactics.

I've been a lot more mellow lately.

If there are dupe threads I'm all for removing all but one, spam is annoying. If it was just one it would be a problem but there are currently 7 hex threads up. 8 counting this one. I don't mind spam removal.

He never was real just someone lh pretented to be after he sent his trip lh to sleep

ban evasion is only not allowed on Holla Forums

Forgot capcode

Go 'way

What are layer tactics?

this tbh

that makes no fucking sense
so i impersonated "real ox" who was actually lh's other personality. i highly doubt that.

what are bans there for then?

Wow you've been mellow what a fucking relief here I thought you were a massive faggot all the time but it turns out you just run this place like shit whenever your feeling bad that solves that problem.

Real ox never existed
1 user=3 personalities

you sound like a newfag tbh

not an argument

it is

it isnt

come on, rub your two brain cells together and address my point


hex is pure and threads about him should not be removed, satan

you have no points

not an argument

Way only started fucking with hex threads after I started criticizing him, has nothing to do with spam tbh

lh being ox and hex is highly unlikely.
lh = burger
ox = german
hex = eu? idk tbh
maintaining 3 personalities is quite hard tbh

it is and thx for bumping my tread


US, I've talked about my guns here before

it isn't

it is


it is not

That why its perfect as lh goes to sleep ox comes online


Welp. Ya'll niggas better start getting along tbh

is is

Change it to a mexican since he likes gooks

hold Way accountable if he keeps fucking up tbh

is obviously not idiot

im mexican and im very sure most of us dont like gooks

it is

kys pedo tbh

fug u burger
jk i'm burger too ;-;

so when does the "real" person got to sleep

I tried, but he's way too much of a faggot

i was spamming lolis in them late at night tbh


6am us la time

A former hotpocketeer in charge of doing it for free based on jims feelings has no place to complain tbh.
You and way are just different flavors of faggot.

god bless you

it is

lol this tbh


and he goes to sleep for how many hours? one?

t. Way

Lh/ox have been absent for 2 days

new trend

It is

good meme, user. it isnt

tbh I think I support this

put your capcode or trip on tbh

It is

Why would I have either of those things? I'm not a faggot.

You know its true thats why it tiggers you


hex wasn't that bad. he has a decent avatar and he's actually rational.
way on the other hand has terrible waifus and borderline braindead, he's likened to a Neanderthal.

t. way


no one likes you



t. pedo

he did but i still prefer him over way

And why did these fuckers disabled Jewtube embed?

I do tbh

because of your spamming


The antis linked kid videos untill they did because you cant ban muh tor

and what would that spam consist of?

Because you schmuck embedded child twerking

that was me tbh

thats no reason to disable them

big surprise


the cp is been posted by antis tbh

Wow its almost like the people posting CP don't care about the rules

Dont play with mhy feelings like that, bitch.

We do fucktard. Its the antis that are posting the hardcore shit

the rule should be pedos out

i missed the cp tbh

the rule should be you out

as mod I would resign right now, this is the point where dys pusses out and gives in to the pedos. stay only if your into cp.


false flag, there was never cp

was it at least good child porn?

logs say otherwise tbh

Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law

we won! :) now make hex mod

log is lying!

If the people posting CP care about the rules then why do they post CP?


we can go back to playing cat and mouse with janitor duties if the vols would like but i have something other than post lolis today so maybe tomorrow k cuties

oh and enable youtube embedding tbh

I know, you only talk about how you go to mk n shit. but you would never ever post something here. we believe and trust you.

talking to the wrong goy tbh

The thing is, the pedos never posted CP, because we know the rules, and this is our home. The antis however, do it all the time to make us look bad. Btw, define what CP is in your opinion.

i posted cp tbh

You do know MK, is a federal honeypot, right?

child photography?

Instagram pictures are not CP tho

months ago someone was spamming pretzel girl and i posted a few mouse gifs and caps


yeah but wins n shet

yeah sure, you know all pedos so you can speak for them. but let's assume you're right, as bo I would still boot you because no pedos means no antis and therefore no cp.

Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law
Actually, the rule is, Holla Forums has no rules, except US law

You don't know that, I'm sure theres pedos posting CP because they don't care about the rules just like theres antis posting CP because they want the moderation to get fed up and ban pedos all together. And I'm a pedo myself so you can't just write me off as an anti boogeyman.

But you have no way to know whos a legit pedo, or whos a troll. If you ban everyone, then the antis will say wtf? Why we banned?

America will ban all jews before you become b.o tbh

antis are closet pedos tbh

Have you ever posted CP here?

why would antis stay? they would go to wherever the pedos go.

Yes they are. I think many of the antis, not all, are externalizing an internal fight

and no board activity

this mouse but lewd n shet

they follow us everywhere. There is no telling on what they really want

this better not be dost niggers

No, but that doesn't prove anything.

they just want a purpose

to check DOST nigga. See if it applies to it

it proves everything actually

Jim/Dysnomia DOST or actual DOST. be more specific.

Then shut the fuck up! im tryint to bring us back in

Actual DOST

then i should be fine :3


wanna bet?

it never iis. Actually, so far DOST= mods feelings

Are you so clueless as to how this place is run that you think tricking dysnomia into thinking no pedo has ever posted CP here is the key to getting old Holla Forums back?


of course not, dumbass. The old days of chans are dead and gone,.

if any pedo actually thinks that then they should probably kill themself tbh or come back to the pgt

no i actually have responsibilities outside the internet today so maybe tomorrow or something

we even had a guy here, Police Officer Ox. He was a real poster

Then what does "trying to bring us back in" mean?

i'm right here dude.

Trying to uncuck the mods, so they allow us to post like whe have been doing that in the last 3 weeks. Instagram, and non-lewd pictures

Turn your tripcode back on, faggot

i don't have a trip tbh


k bye

doesn't matter way still deletes it after other mods have dismissed reports


what was this?

Actual DOST

she needs more content tbh

The only reason that went on for as long as it did is because nobody was moderating and it got so bad that jims son had to bitch at dysnomia to hire some more people to do it for free since he wasn't doing it himself anymore.
Thats why I say you're clueless, because dysnomia has no control over anything hes just jim and sons puppet.

k, that is nice. Keep the nasty shit out of here


And that leads to another problem. Holla Forums has been compromised by the shills of Kike-land

Jims not just another problem hes the root of all problems with the site, the only issues this site had before him were technical ones and I'd take those back any day over his shit.




Too these faggts 2D dont count, because Dysnomia is a 2Dfag


Sorry, but I am not Hex. (he can confirm)
And I am not Ox

Nigger LH is here and he's been pretty active the past few days but idk where Ox
fucked off to. He's probably sad that both both b and lg have been cucked so he's probably crying.
This is LH obviously

t. Way

how would you know? I don't really use name here


Way can't handle the heat

way is gay tbh


Images, typing style, typing mannerisms and comparing b and pgt activity or I'm a vol :)

mostly here

tbh? didn't know I had one

>or I'm a vol
you must be very proud of yourself ;0


I didn't get a vol spot though :*(
Everyone has typing mannerisms therefore they must have a type style. That's why I change how I type very often.

Yeah that's pretty accurate.

really sad bastad

Nice trips and all, but there is a new and active pedo board on 8ch now, so we shouldn't have to worry about it for a moment or so anyway.

For a shitskin, she isn't half bad looking.

"shitskin" lolis are one of he best lolis tbh

Dysnomia is a faggot and i agree Way is a god awful mod bring back Hex.

i the same do as wel

she is not a 'shitskin', she is gorgeous Russian девочка tbh

this here

Its just Way being all butthurt.

She is a Slav, and therefore a shitskin.

I agree with all of that except bring back Hex. Hex is better off where he is. Let's leave him out of it.


way is a democrat tbh

Wew LH

They never pan out well so imo there's no point.


faggot confirmed

I love that he waited a few hours for dys to leave the thread


Thats exactly what jim does too, I think way is trying to suck up to jim by being just as big of an insufferable faggot so that hopefully he'll be in line as the next BO when dysnomia gets tired of being jims bitch.

This is true tbh. As much as I would like to help everyone here, it's better that I don't become a mod again. The Lord causes all things to happen for a reason. Feeling like I had to step down when moderation ability was limited happened for a reason. When I was a mod I gave everything I had to this board. It would be better for me to improve my life outside of this place, and try to achieve the goals I have. I still spend too much time here. And this is the reason for the other thing that happened. My ban was the signal to stop spending so much time here, and focus more on what I need to do. Easier said than done, but it's what I know I have to do.

I like this non lewd mp4 tbh


based. But when are you becoming a true European, aka Pagan?

exactly. her mother recorded it just like that!

Oh shit. Hex, I didn't think I'd see you back here again.

I swear if way becomes b.o ill just quit imageboards and go join hamas or something

It's all part of the lords plan tbh

hes here like everyday tho


I haven't seen him in a while though.

This was addressed at the end of my post. Your attention span is obviously too short to have read that far though.

Mormonism suits my needs just fine, and there are plenty of reasons why.

Where else would I be? I still don't have a job

Forgive me for not caring enough about some tripfaggot ex-mod's blogpost to read it all.

You cared enough to respond, and to get butthurt over my response to your response. So you obviously care about me quite a bit since you can't just ignore me.

once you learn the for-loop you'll be able to write the fizzbuzz program, tbh

maybe you need to lurk more?

Tripfag master race.





Forgive me for not being able to ignore the one tripfag who won't shut up about himself for 5 minutes on a dead imageboard with nothing else going on.

Where is the noname army? They were with me yesterday.

Just fucking with you LH its filename Ox.

Ah, hello noname.


i don't like being a tripfag tbh


Convert to nonameism, and we can take over Holla Forums.

wow she is already smart :)

Wew tripfags

using a trip like this has no purpose


My tripcode is better than yours.

do I know you? im noname tbh

Fuck off LH

Plausible deniability.

it seems like she is doing well alone


What did she mean this?

by dys

my secure is better then yours tbh

that little girl will be exactly like her mom ?

wow, so rude

I don't usually make it a habit to spoonfeed newfags, but let me help you newfag. Click the arrow next to my name -> add filter -> tripcode.

Have you converted to superior Paganism yet?

When will you spam the board again?

Namefag masterrace tbh

I'm a virped please don't associate me with those scum

maisie masterrace tbh

wise words from a prophet. i can only agree. jim has no respect people like us. the only reason i still visit Holla Forums is Holla Forums. when Holla Forums fell under fire, my duty was to switch over to defend the weak and suppressed from lunatic mad mods and global fat fucks.

i think my job here is done and Holla Forums mostly is place for the biggest losers anyway. the pedos tried to make this place at least somehow better but ended in a spiral of censorship and sadness. i also think dysomnia has learned nothing - "Way" went on a selfish lunatic spree and nearly crashed the board by posting disgusting chin-surgery gooks all across the board, for days…

Cat-Kike and converted me. I am a good pedo tbh.

vidpeds are gay tbh

maisie, stop pls

And miss half the shit thats going on in this board because you make everything about yourself? Nah I'd rather just call you out for the insufferable faggot you are.

way banned someone for posting a 29/yo gook but hes still free to post his teen gooks

Hex Did Nothing Wrongâ„¢

whats going on

he probably clicked the wrong post. he is mentally disturbed afterall 




I guess he accidentally typed dost also

2 busy fapping

lel just stop fake pedo

yes its because he called everything and anything dost.

expect his trash gook bitches

I don't see how I make everything about myself. I just talk to anons that mention me/want to talk to me. If most of the board is about me then most of the board seems to disagree with you that I'm insufferable.

Same as always except with more hotpockets.

Fake af tbh

fuck'n hell

ox pls go

hex could have stopped it. why didn't you listen?
it didn't have to be this way….

yup seems about right

see pedo spam is still there.

because banning "pedos" apparently has no effect


now Mormon Hex has to see that stuff. sad!

oops i think you are getting banned

have you ever even read mein kampf?



The Murphy translation and the Stalag.

I just cummed on my phone.



hey cpanon, pls dont post cp when im not on vpn

it's not like it's your fault. you didn't upload it

how does having a vpn change anything? you think the cops can't track it down?

Why is cp so wonderful??.



having vpn is more safe than no vpn tbh

i just dont want to go to prison ;-;

i have to meme arrow so way doesn't rub his clit over banning me for requesting cp

It is sad

I'm a priest tbh

i heard dys is only 55kg tbh

meep meep must be a manlet, tbh

MODs sure taking their sweet ass time…

hex, what do you think about warren jeffs?


body of a dwarf asshole of a baby

who even is she? tbh

Lauren mayberry tbh

nothing new. boring

wats her backstory?

never in the back, always in the front

He's also very skinny, or he really is a girl.

I don't really know much about him other than he's FLDS which is a split from the LDS church that stuck to the doctrine of polygamy, and I think also the doctrine that niggers can't hold the priesthood.

Are you and dys still dating?

are you a pro polygamy mormon? and

ignore the and tbh

your going to kill the entire thread, you know.
not very helpful

Great job mods. Delete the stuff that looks illegal, but not the stuff that's actually illegal.

this tbh

yeah, or maybe they are sleeping


This is hot please post moar

You missed a spot, mods.

meep meep let me blow my load first


I have mixed emotions on it. On one hand back when the church was pure of race it would have helped the white race explode in numbers. On the other hand, the church leaders spoke of it in a pretty negative light. It was a commandment of God, so they participated in it, but it strained their relationships with their original wives which makes sense to me as well. Love between a man and a woman will always work best when both individuals are focused on each other. I tend to lean towards we are better off without it, and especially if the other problems we have right now didn't exist.

I should have been a vol :(

Hey guys what did I just miss?

this will do

4th pic is kinda cute.

Sorry guys I was cleaning something up… What happened?

Remedy on your feet nigger.

cp dump happened

did everyone abandon thread?

still here, nigga

glad i'm not the only one

we're under attack atm

pretty weak attack tbh

So are the people posting CP actually into it you think? Or they just like triggering people? Because I post gore for the same purpose all the time. Im not into it, I just like annoying people. Thoughts?(USER WAS BANNED FOR BEING OX)

in fact, they probably are

Do you think they like viewing it more than posting it?

they are probably into it. gore is easy to get. cp you gotta actually put in a little bit of effort i would think. at least for shit that isn't just nudism. it's the difference between being able to google it, and having to go on tor, find the uncensored hidden wiki, find a cp site, go download a bunch.

why they choose to post it? i can't answer that one

of course. no one would go through that much trouble and take that much risk (nothing more illegal on the entire Internet) in order to download it, unless they were into it.

probably for reactions (trolling) purposes only. hell of a risk though, no kidding.

I'm 'attacking' this thread by hand
Gimme a fucking break.
I like you Hex but you don't like me ;_;

why do you think that?

I have too many personalities.
I know you like at least one of them :3
Do you remember this gif from 4/5 months ago?

stop posting porn. there are Christians in the house


Not really though, from what I understand. People just get banned and posts deleted. No actual charges placed against them.

top kek user.

you don't know that

Do you recognize the gif or not ;-;

K going to project my demons elsewhere
maybe onto some tissue paper or something. Sorry for shitting up your thread

I wish these faggots would get midnight raided already

you should make the new hotpocketeers do it for free all night tbh

tbh, having him constantly on edge clicking update for the next few hours seems like a marvelous idea

Multiple monitors. Let's go fags

give it 10-15 minutes and let him get paranoid

im so used to having the board autofill my vol capcode
I have multiple monitors and can go all night without skipping a beat. Try me(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

what are you on about now?


reported for requesting cp


and this


double standards shm

remedy > way

Cu faggot

It was a self ban, you have to understand these mods have never ever used board tools before




gn tread, will keep bumping when i wake up

Bumpity Bump Bump

a long, slimy thing under a horse




Mfw he still bumps this shit

mfw when Dysnomia deleted his sticky

your gay

you have no face


help a nigger out. Hpw do i get to the Holla Forums archives, s'il vous plait?





Note: dysnomia is forcing me to post this against my will and better judgement.

user, pls get help