Drinking, Regrets, Anything interesting

Who else drinking alone tonight? Well not anymore. Anybody wanna share any regrets?
Mine, not hooking up with that old crush back in high school and being with my current gf. Every time I try to leave she breaks down and threatens suicide and she has a history of try it, so I guess my conscience keeps me in a dead end relationship were she's completely dependent on me and I just keep lying

I'm trying to let go of my regrets. They don't change the past, and hold me back from making things as right as possible

That's a really good way of looking at it, thanks for your input bud

been drinking cheap gin all day and now I have the worst migrane. I think I need to eat something.

is your girlfriend financially dependent on you? that might explain why she's trying to kill herself when you threaten to leave. if you don't love her, find her a job do a 360 and walk out the door. your conscious will be purified as you realize you did all you could to help her independence


clingy girlfriends are horrible. they never leave you alone even when you're at work or trying to talk to someone else and at a moments notice they'll leave and latch onto to somebody else who can provide their delusional fantasies more efficiently. and if you try to leave them before this, they'll overdose on Tylenol and your name will be written in blood and vomit on the bathroom wall. it's a lose lose situation. mutual understanding and trusting independence is the best relationship instead of a creepy degenerate dependent domination fetish my man.

I feel so isolated in this brainwashed world. Literally no one I can relate too

look in the mirror, there's someone who understands you

oh the ignorance. understanding the self is one of the most greatest accomplishments any human can undertake. you would be a liar if you said you understood yourself. stay brainwashed

This my dude

If it makes you feel any better, I feel the same, everyone else following the herd, and herer I am, left alone, the only semblance of a friendship is anonymous people on an imagineboard

i understand myself better than anybody else. i didn't say i am a prophetic oracle regarding myself, but through experience i can confidently say i know more about myself than any other person. you should be able to say the same unless you have bipolar schizophrenia or something

no no everyone feels this way I know. I half expected everyone to yell at me like they should have. posting this xkcd is the only appropriate response.
try and guess why I feel entitled to feel this way though. or ask me what i'm talking about instead of trying to relate to me when I just said that's literally impossible

also I have a lot of friends but I can't talk to them about what I would really want to talk about. I don't even know where to go on the internet to find people I can relate to

you are misunderstanding everything I am saying lol

you have a superiority complex. i will ask you. what are you talking about? do you think that everyone else has a superiority complex and it prevents them from treating others like humans, and instead treating them like brainless automatons? can you not relate to others, or can others not relate to you? now you've got me curious.

We all feel like this because we are human, yeah. Maybe you feel this way because of a personal experiance that feels so unrelateable that you, or anybody for that matter, can not even fathome that others can relate? Maybe even a contrversial opioin? Excuse the retarded generic-ism or whatever I'm drunk.

I am a muslim paki canadian trump supporter. truly one of a kind

Are you devout religious? Are you in it for the sense of cultural belonging? How'd you end up in Canada? Why do you support the current US President?

why do you support a kike puppet?

well if you must ask

oh this is really confusing to think about, but if you must ask
first of all being understood and having someone to relate to are different things. although the person in the mirror, the 'self' does understand me, it does not relate to me and due to it's animalistic nature is liable to confuse/manipulate me
second of all, okay so you say understanding yourself is meant in terms of how a person should know who they are better than they know another person. the self is made of the general human nature and of a conditioned identity/ego/subconscious. although you may identify your identity better than you identity others it's meaningless if you have no understanding of consciousness and human nature itself

i argue with my parents on what being religious means. there's a great ignorance in pakistani culture. I can't entirely speak for muslims that actually speak arabic but generally it seems like no one actually cares about any meaning in the quran resulting in shit like ISIS
if muslims were against terrorists (and they were not brainwashed) they would be supporting trump. they also would not be saying isis is not muslim because that's hypocrisy, the same thing that ISIS is doing in the middle east saying other muslims are not muslims (and then killing them). you see in islam, we kill apostates. so we need a court to say who is or who is not a muslim otherwise you get takfiri extremists spreading their wahhabi ideology from saudi arabia just so that everyone who isn't a good brainwashed muslim goy can apparently be killed after being accused of apostasy.
or something like that

he's trolling israel. media makes you think he's against syria but he's not. the air field missile strike in syria happened after giving a 2 hour notice to russia

I like to post on /pol but they usually ban me if I ever say I'm muslim lol

/islam/ bans me because they are full of isis sympathizers and can't handle a muslim criticizing islam
i get along more with christians the couple times I went into the christain vs islam threads. told them they aren't angry enough at muslims and left

I've had a few cocktails. What is your poison?

keep telling yourself that

i just posted three times before you and now i'm all sweaty. smoke weed every day. it's totally not haram if you are self medicating

who's a good goy! u are!

I like your posts.
so you are aware of what you are and how you are, but you do not agree with your own superego/ego/etc? that's a pretty difficult issue, if i'm understanding you correctly. i would recommending attempting meditation to transcend beyond your emotional and animalistic tendencies and do your best to judge yourself from a standpoint that you can relate to.
i think the same thing happens with most religions as they get too big. as they spread so valiantly, they often lose the subtleties of the religion and become a shell of the former self. most christians in western culture don't actually know much about the bible or anything about abrahamic religion beyond a few jesus quotes.

the only "good goy" is you

Eh, we got our vices. Finished off muh vodka and moving onto rum.

oh also I have interest in fringe stuff. what I said in the first part of my post here is due to personal research into buddhism, which does have many correlates in western psychology and every religion ever

well my ego wants babies/sex now and it doesn't understand patience, even if it does understand me.
i am not aware of what the superego may say explicitly, but obviously one would want to agree with whatever is logical.
i think the best way to judge oneself is to compare to ideals. even the greatest human may still have room to improve.

very interesting your notion of judging oneself from a standpoint that is relatable. something definitely worth thinking about, I think it's less useful for me to think about now than it would have been earlier in my life. I still haven't thought about it yet though…. some food for thought for later
that wasn't my explicit intention in complaining about not having someone to relate to…
what I was intending in that complaint was just pointing out the ludicrous state of things. and also how everyone is so brainwashed that if they refuse to listen to you then how will you tell them the truth?

alcohol is poison, but sometimes there's a need to kill the ego if you know what I mean. ever try 151? are you just taking shots or chugging this….

Trump ended the arming of 'moderate rebels' and this directly ended any hope of progress towards the greater israel project through balkanization of surrounding areas
He believes the kurds a valid ally against ISIS, but if he ever gave his support for an independent kurdish state then you can say he supports destabalization in the middle east (which is in israel interests)
I'm not sure about best korea, but taking trumps negative words for iran at face value does show his support for israel. but that's kind of the point. I'm gonna call it 4d chess and general bolstering of us defense systems because gotta pay of those debts somehow.
the fact is, the coalition has been fighting ISIS alongside Hezbollah for years. Anyone who says that Iran supports terrorism is just bullshitting/trolling due to the fact that the US defined hezbollah as terrorists.
so yea, tell me more about how such a good goy I am

Mainly shots mixed. Mostly double vodka and bebsi. Just had a rum and bepsi

I drink alone every night. Divorced. Haven't had a friend in a decade. Probably don't deserve one.

I used to feel regret, but now it's more of a sense of the inevitability of it all. I see what someone else might have done differently in my situations, but I'm increasingly skeptical about my ability to have done anything except exactly what I did.

I tell myself things will be different in the future, but I've been telling myself that for a while. The years slide by and I'm still me. If human life is precious, you wouldn't know it from the way I've spent mine.

Everyone deserves a friend.
All I have to say is that the past is just that, it's unchangeable and that's the end of it. It's okay to reflect and see what you could do differently but you mustn't obsess. Man, I hope you can change your life around, but I feel like I'm much younger than you so can't really give any good advice. But, I believe in you, I honestly feel like you can change, in which ever ways you think you should, and get past all your regret. I sincerely believe in you, Gob bless Holla Forumsro

i regret opening Holla Forums today

Yeah, I'm almost 40, so I'm probably older than you, unless you're also an ancientfag.

Thanks for your kind words. I think it might be too late for me, though. Maybe the best I can do is serve as an example to others of what not to do. Don't be afraid of your own shadow. Don't spend every night playing video games and on shitty imageboards, until you drink yourself into slumber. Do something bold with your life.

Good luck.

it made me happy

Regardless, I believe in you. I guess though it's up to you in the end, my man. Thanks for the advice, sobering up, so it won't be wasted.

You too.

I just spend 5 hours shit posting. Everything is a mess and I simply don't want to clean it. But if I was high and listening to music then I'll do anything probably.

Anyone else try to use weed to be productive? That's what self medicating is about right? or am I a degenerate druggie

You are doing the Lord's work, my son!

Everytime i start drinking i go after cocaine, so no more alcohol for me, 3 weeks clean

sleep tight porker