Share some tox ID's
Where the fuck is my pal edition
It's nowhere. Come back, Recharged
Share some tox ID's
Where the fuck is my pal edition
It's nowhere. Come back, Recharged
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck you guys, last time I added someone on Tox from here, they tried to send me CP.
I can't think of any reason why I'd want to interact directly with the average summer Holla Forums user.
What are you, gay? :^)
brb gonna make tox account now
I've been having trouble with my client for the past few weeks and I'm unsure if I have the ability to even use it at this point >.>
The tox help chat on freenode is mostly dead. Anyay...
for when I get it working, here ya are Holla Forumssoc
Next time that happens, crack open Wireshark and send their IP address and a file hash to law enforcement.
fucking LOL. why would i use this shit if it leaks my ip?
It's not really a leak, that's just the nature of anything p2p.
I have the most secure SSH setup.
Tuntox is great for ban evading too. lol
It works behind VPN/Tor. There are middle relays if direct connections cannot be established.
sup fag it's recharged here, adding you now
why would you want to add people you dont know?
what do you have in common except shitposting?
Do you only ever talk to people you already know?
pretty much.
this person is literally on nsa payroll
theyre probly more bored than we are.
There are only so many fake "cyber crimes" you can manufacture, and going after actual hackers is fucking hard so why bother.
I dont know if it's been fixed but apparently even if you use it over tor, it still leaks your real IP.
What the fuck.
ill repeat the original question.
what the fuck do i have to say to a random stranger?
why the fuck are you contributing to a random strangers thread?
narrative cohesion.
I like to add people just to see their avatars when they change them, I like to listen to people but I never initiate conversation myself, I also don't have that much time because other people message me already. I think I need to kill myself because I can't socialise right or adequately manage my attention. I won't add anyone here just now but you can have this blog post if you want it.
Last moment bump
Its just like you hate your privacy or something
Its like you enjoy using a system which is funded by the US government.
plz stop these nsa data gathering threads why don't we simply post our IPs plaintext instead of making such a hazzle out of it.
Fuck off back to reddit.
is grayhatter done with multidevice yet or is he busy wringing out his pussy at the MAGA guy on irc still?
is anyone at all still working on ukranian groupchats?
I'll post my ID after I fix btrfs
>tfw fell for the SUSE meme
kill me
Isn't bitmessage more like email?
Add LainBot join Club Cyberia
How many people are there on average ? I already have a lot of idle irc channels.
About 20 is pretty standard. Rarely drops below 18, some times breaks 30.
Tox is fucking gay in practical use
Not a arguement. Explain why.
How did you come to this conclusion user?
Does Tox work with group voice chat yet? I tried using qTox to talk with friends a while ago and it still didn't work after all this time. I'd use Tox over Discord in a heartbeat, but this one feature prevents me from doing so.
Man young shillary was such a qt.
I've been in groups of about 5 just fine. Use the most up to date version and you are probably good.
Holy fuck, you're still here, my friend! It's me, Rudolf! Compiling tox was a pain in the ass and I never was able to do it, but then they finally fixed their shit and I got a binary package that works on Trisquel. Unfortunately I didn't export a recent version of my tox profile, so I only have an old version way back when I had few friends. Which one of these losers are you?
I'm going to add everyone in this thread
about me:
programmer with a C++ preference
learning German
likes discussing business ideas
Do people talk or do they just idle all the day.
Better than it was, but still not good enough. Maybe this piece of shit will be good enough to use by the end of the year. Guess I'll go back to the botnet until then.
There are some permanent idlers, most talk once in a while though. Pretty much any time of day if you start talking some one else will join in, some times nothing is going on obviously, but you can make something go on.
if anything on your system is capable of DNS leaks you're networking wrong and need to read more or stop internetting.
Eat shit.
It's called Rickroll because they roll their own crypto
stay mad, and not knowing what the fuck I'm referring too.
That seems like a lot of people, are they all Holla Forums users or just random people?
Random people. Lainbot started on lainchan, so there's people from all over.
teach me how to use DNScrypt please
I'm looking for people that using xmpp with conversations + omemo. Who have this? Quote me you xmpp and I add you.
Add me boys
Gay? -> 7D8CEF66222B7B9C7094607E583F867B14DF906D9B55C508EC195243DC9C767A93347EF22666
For nude pictures.
Kill yourself.
Why you don't answer me?
Hello everyone, I am retarded, and I need help figuring out how to install Toxygen for Linux.. I am running Xubuntu.
Recharged disappeared again, where'd you go nigger
Is there any group chat for Holla Forums?
imma girl
this isn't a real tox id, gurl
That was a qTox specific bug (you should be using Toxic you pleb) and it only occurred when you added a friend. If I'm understanding it correctly, worst case scenario your ISP would be able to see that you made a DNS request for It wouldn't be able to see the contents of said request, the server wouldn't see your IP, and you would still be anonymous to anyone you were talking to via Tox. Hardly catastrophic.
Cyberia is the closest thing. No one hosts a Holla Forumsbot, probably because every time someone posts a Tox thread here it's immediately overrun with summer incapable of installing Tor.
Tox is compromised
I'm glad someone else knows and didn't bother signing up too.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Prove it is compromised.
ive been posting with my tox id in the email field for months just to see if anyone would catch it. lol nope.
The state of Tox, everybody.