'Mass Casualty Incident' At State Capitol As Neo-Nazis And Protesters Clash
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Spooky as fuck tbh.
That's Matthew Heimbach's "party."
It's only just begun, comrades. :^)
I'm disappointed the antifa didn't pull a knife. I understand the benevolence on our part, but we walked away with more seriously injured.
This can't happen again.
Their site.
This is actually fascism peeps. Watch out for the globalist buzzword popping around. And an overt focus on the global financial elite as being the sole cause of the world's problens rather than a natural outgrowth of capital.
Yeah I'm not going there. I don't want to end up on some right wring terrorist watch list.
kys fam
Die Nazi scum!
this is pretty true really tbh because liberals have a long history of accommodating fascism until there is a conflict of interest
liberal powers deserve more of the blame for the holocaust, they also never saved spain
But would you smash a Nazi's head in?
depends on the material conditions tbh famalam
Turbulent times comrades. The habbening is upon us. Revolution draws near.
He's a Nazi and if you don't kill him right now, he will one day fight against the revolution.
this is why you're a joke
The far left in prison gets killed, the far right gets training.
ugh I wish these larping faggots would leave the vikings alone
Try organizing when most of your comrades are in hospital because friendly neighbourhood boneheads beat them up.
well no shit, that's what fucking happens when the extent of your "revolution" is the equivalent of crips v bloods you fucking mongoloid
Meh leftist deserve to be shot against the wall.
In Europe fascists regularly attack leftist activists without provocation. They are not friendly, they hate us, they enjoy beating people up and won't spare you just because you are a liberal.
The far right goes to jail in because they're degenerate thugs like the two boneheads in the picture.
So what do you think the revolution will be like then?
says the literal cuck who wants a daddy standing over them telling them what to do, so they can suck his dick all day long :)
And a great day was had by all.
I'm sure they'd say the same thing about antifas.
I'm not advocating pacifism, I'm pointing out LARPing in the streets and escalating gang violence "in the name of leftism" is useless at best, counterproductive at worst. It's not a revolution to fight some retard in too-large camo-pants and a swastika tattooed on his face outside a seven-eleven. If you're having peaceful organized events and being attacked by skinheads, defend yourself, fine. However you like. But just maybe, just maybe your "pre-emptive action" attitude is adding fuel to a fire? It's called eye-for-an-eye and it's never worked, not once.
I also love how the left of today condone violence against workers and believe that the plebs are too stupid to have their vote taken seriously. Classy guys.
What do you mean? Why would we take the vote of a lumpen seriously?
Except that's what happened.
Dictatorship of MY proletariat?
Okay bud.
And 12 people did not get stabbed 5, and one of them was the Nazi.
You don't see the funny side of you people claiming to want what is best for 'the workers' then telling them in the same breath they don't deserve a vote?
My bad.
antifa faggot stabs a 'nazi', nazi takes his knife and stabs antifa faggot and four of his faggot friends.
But they would be wrong. Antifa was formed because boneheads kept beating up leftists.
Leftists don't glorify the proletariat, we want to abolish it.
What a bunch of juvenile nonsense.
I'm guessing you're not familiar with the concept of a lumpenprole?
I'm trying to find the system that's best for everyone. If there are faggot dissenter proles who think Hitler is the shit and want to fight my movement, they will be disregared all the same. If they wish to have a system that revolves around classes they are my enemy, "working class" or "elite"
I'd like to see the report where he took that same knife and stabbed the antifa's.
nobody is dead and the thing got cancelled
the fascists are trying to spin this into a victory because they stabbed some people kek
Hard to pin down when you have no ID or flag but yes, I've seen many over here talk up democracy. Of course if you think democracy sucks then by all means go for something else. But please drop your double-speak. You want totalitarian 'socialism' then just come out and say so.
There's nothing in socialism about giving lumpenprole's an equal say in the revolution. Go look the concept up and then come back.
You think that you're better than these people. I don't see any reason this would change after your revolution. Essentially you want you and your ilk as leaders. Or 'managers' in your parlance.
What do you propose to do with them after your glorious revolution then? You assume they will be just as content under your new system? Or maybe just gulag?
The last few weeks, especially the Brexit vote has really brought to the front what I always suspected about a lot of you leftists. Petulant elitist children.
when has "manager" been used in leftist organisation?
dunning-kruger effect in full force here, you obviously have no idea what you're talking about
god you're such a pseud
Bureaucrat better?
Read a fucking book. You have no idea what you're talking about, or what socialism revolves around.
When a revolution is over, things are voted on in a participatory democracy. This has nothing to do with abandoning the movement because Nazi's think we should do something else. Think of the lumpenprole as the antifa to you: they are working class people, who interfere with your glorious fascist paradigm.
They would most likely be purged in the revolution. Again, look up lumpenprole you have no idea what you're talking about.
I just want to hear you say it loud and clear.
'plebs should know their place'. Go on. The mask has already slipped.
What if they vote the wrong way again?
People without revolutionary potential. So 52% of Brits are lumpenprole? Now I see why you don't stand on a straightforward and honest platform…
Sure. Plebs should know their place. Happy now? Wanna fuck off?
why should I recognise somebody else's supposed right to tell me what to do?
why should their vote have any control over me?
no, people with my beliefs are usually criticised for a lack of bureaucracy
Read a book please. Again, no idea what you're talking about. The lumpenproles have no role in our society if they wish to perpetuate a class system, take that as you will. If you think people in a communal society are suddenly gong to vote to give all the profits to one guy who owns the factory, you're literally retarded.
Perhaps. I never said the majority weren't classcucked.
Brexit has just given us all a prime example of what happens when those at the top of a society presume to know the thinkings of their lessers.
At this rate your world is going to be a very lonely place post revolution.
You don't know what leftism is.
yeah because nothing says the lesser thinking for themselves more than fascism
you fucking nonce
So you admit we voted right but hate everyone for doing it?
This is like a mix of Holla Forumss jooz and cultural marxism.
im legitimately confused now, what ideology do you subscribe to?
To be fair people on here either don't give a fuck because we know Capitalism stays and Britain is going back to the EU in 10 years, or they're tards who believe it was a victory for Anti-Capitalism. None supported staying.
Are you retarded?
No, we don't "hate" everyone who voted "right" jesus christ. We don't think there was a win or loose situation in Brexit.
Yes, the majority of western nations are class spooked, if you want to say "WELL EVERYONE THINKS X SO ITS RIGHT" that's not an argument.
Liberal democracy is not the same thing as democracy in general. Democracy has many forms.
I supported Remain because it was the least shitty option.
surely you meme?
I don't really. You're all full of shit.
I think that democracy is important. I also think that massive institutions place a barrier between the people and their representatives. So I'd continue breaking down the larger more authoritarian structures of government and try give as much power as possible to local governments. Failing total localisation of government, I'd take something vaguely nationalist that respected the right of the individual.
so basicall>>753858
so what you mean to say is that you're spooked?
Call it what you like lad, as I said I don't ascribe to any specific ideology. You on the other hand. You're a Stalinist right?
In any revolution worth talking about, the reactionaries and fascists would have been purged.
Or, more accurately, purge their leaders and reactionary/fascist institutions. Reactionaries and fascists are a cowardly lot, they'll fall into line without their leaders.
The cowards that for example voted brexit despite months of doomsaying? Is it 'reactionary' to look after your own interests? Do you know what is better for the people who feel they've been shafted by globalisation than they do? If so then all you need to work on is your message.
There's nothing wrong with looting the ideological supermarket, but you just come off as an uninformed political illiterate groping around helplessly in the dark, unable to even define his own values and opinions because he lacks the vocabulary and theory to solidify it.
For example, your point that "institutions place a barrier between the people and their representatives" is "authoritarian" is lacking consciousness as to how the system actually functions. Are not those "representatives" holding authority over the people? Aren't they actually a part of the authoritarian structure, and you're just upset that they're functioning in the interests of those institutions instead of the people? Why give the representatives your power to begin with, instead of using it yourself?
Subjecting yourself to the nationalists or the representatives based on who "respects" your rights the most is foolish. If they can deny your rights, you never had them to begin with.
Oh, how courageous, they voted because of X propaganda instead of Y!
I'm all for more direct democracy. But that was impossible in constituency of 500 million citizens. Surely you understand this?
Basic rights are pretty commonly understood outside of conversations where people are trying to prove a point.
I think you missed the point.
"basic rights" are a spook
And no, a constituency of however many people does not invalidate direct democracy. 'Tis but a shitty meme meant to justify the existence of masters and slaves.
How could the EU possibly have been more democratic than it was (allowing the citizens more of a say) without falling apart? Countries in the EU and their citizens often have opposing views on these things. Fuck look at the tensions Brexit has stirred up. Now imagine that with ten times the people, and no common language.
your basic rights are those things you are capable of doing so long as third parties don't stop you.
I'd say that in the west 'basic rights' have expanded to cover the likes of legal protections and a basic minimum guaranteed standard of living.
stop being capitalist
I'm sure that was the very thing they were going to bring up in their oh so democratic Commission meeting.
well you asked
And it was 30 nazis vs 400 antifa. Antifa attacked with overwhelming numbers but suffered more casualties. If you are going to attack nazis you should bring warriors and not these weak faggots.
That was in the 80's. Now antifa is beating up right wingers or anyone who looks like a "fascist" like they do in Sweden when they "accidentally" beat up eastern European migrant workers. Eventually an anti antifa will be formed to fight against their violence.
What is the predominant ideology among anti-fa? They anarchists? They come across as spoilt kids who hate their own nations first and foremost.
life isn't call of duty user, the red army won the eastern front, and these fascists cancelled their parade or whatever it was
Well when there is an attempted murder the police tends to cancel the event.
Violence from what I have seen. In Scandinavia they have been known to resort to it against non fascists over trivial shit. They are hooligans, the ideology is an excuse.
Fear of immigration is what ultimately pushed the Brexit to victory.
If you were looking out for your own interests, you'd be a socialist, not a reactionary or fascist.
Yes. There is no "wisdom of the crowds" when the crowds are kept ignorant and fed propaganda.
Our message has been clear and consistent from day one. And it is slowly but surely spreading as capitalism sinks deeper in its decline.
Not even close. They are, and I am not kidding, actually fascists.
The Remain campaign, aside from within Scotland, was entirely based on fear of economic collapse.
If you were actually smart, you'd agree with me. Since you don't, it's obvious that you're not smart… [cue 4 emojis in a row]
No it wasn't. I as a socialist was for Brexit, but most poor people voted for Brexit too and it was more based on immigration than economic reasons.
I said Remain, not Leave.
Nobody, even the befuddled plebs who voted to leave, thought for a second that the economy was going to improve overnight upon leaving. Many of them consider some things more important than the economy.
Yeah, I thought that the economy was going to get worse.
Economic collapse from immigration.
The common thread between both being fear.
What I'm getting at is that reactionaries and fascists are out to protect some spooky notion of tradition, nation or the like. It's socialists who are out for their own interests.
Oh wait, I screwed that up.
Regardless, Leave was afraid of immigrants, Remain was afraid of economic collapse.
How is continued mass migration in my interest?
The same way that having a nation-state is in your interest.
liberals get the fuck out
You have no idea how Nazis work, do you? You let them have their Free Speech, and then one day they kill you for saying that they are Nazis. And then "Oh dear! We have Nazis among us! Why is Golden Dawn at 5%??? Pol has taken over the interwebs! What are we gonna do!!! We can't ban them based on ideology, or then we could be banned… … Oh dear dear…"
SocDem breeds Fascism and this is why.
Stop hatching the snake's egg!
Well…. Maybe some of the didn't even think about the economy… Wonder who's fault it is that people only think about "muslims" and "ID pol". I wonder…
I'm getting to the point where I'd rather just antifa grow and beat the shit out of people rather than see them as edgy or joke about them. I'm fucking tired of neo-nat popularity.
Half the people in the comments are cheering them on, the other half are saying it's wrong to hit people who are making promises that they'll purge the people defending their freedom of speech the moment they get power.
Instead we should be like France, where being a nazi is illegal and the National Front is winning elections anyway.
Silencing nazis simply doesn't stop them.
Wait, do you mean them or us? We are going to purge the cops and politicians.
What kind of slippery slope silliness is this?
He means the fascists.
Affording freedom of speech to people who want to take away everyone's freedoms is no morally different from refusing to shoot a murderer in self-defense.
I'm 100% in favor of free speech in the context of bourgeois class rule. I don't think the capitalist government should be allowed any control over speech including that of Fascists. I also think it is the responsibility of the left to fight the Fascists any time they try to make use of this muh privilege.
The freeze peach meme is retarded because it fails to differentiate free speech as a muh privilege delegated by the government and the speech workers should allow when fighting for communism.
This makes sense. Fascists cry "Muh free speech when ZOG Occupied Government/commies/NATO are in charge, only free speech for our glourious leader when he is in charge". They do not really believe in freedom of speech.
and it should be noted that it's not backed up by decades of anti-globalisation protests and at some G-# summits counter protests.
Hey dudes, does anybody have that meme/image of how to stop fascism showing quotes by Hitler, a Holocaust survivor and what a stupid social liberal think?
It's like history never happened.
Fuck Chomsky.
The best part of raiding the ideological supermarket is that it applies to other anarchists. I don't hold myself to them when they fuck up.
Maybe I was unclear, but I am inclined to believe that you are just being disingenuous.
So you have nothing? I'm happy to run off the benefits of nation state but first, how is it in my interest to support continued mass migration?
Beating them up does, though.
When you allow the fascist to organize it only bolsters their power. How is that slippery slope? Are you talking about "if fascist then genocide"?
Sanders ruined Holla Forums, all these liberals would watch the nazis march in the street killing comrades daily.
Most grown nazis are meth heads anyways, I don't know why you should feel bad beating the shit out of them.
Does it? Years of clashes with leftist paramilitaries in Weimar Germany didn't keep them from gaining power.
dude doctors are fucking useless my grandma still died of cancer the very I D E A of medicine as a tactic is fundamentally wrong just let the cancer spread lmao don't give it attention
Fascists ruled germany post war?
With a casualty ratio of 20:1
Why are commies so bad at fighting with superior numbers?
If your views are so correct and ours so objectively wrong, you'd be able to win the battle of ideas without having to forcefully shut us down.
Eh, could be worse. Germany's U-Boat sailors consisted of 40,000 men. Only, 30,000 never made it back, and made grave in the Atlantic.
And they were supposed to be "advanced". Not to mention, there were Germans who had antiquated maps going into Russia, somehow they were all distributed without second thought; and those using the maps usually ended up lost, and shot out.
see pic
you can't force someone to agree with you by debate, it's up to them to not be retarded sadly
Incorrect. Stupid ideas by charismatic people, or, simple ideas that strain the truth, eventually gather people who buy into those untruths. There is no convincing them, the simpler view is always easier to digest than the complex one.
You become too dangerous to allow.
Antifa is more like homeopathy than medicine.
Besides if you want to point out the failures of the Red Army and how fascism is always so "stronger" than Russia militarily speaking, please look no farther than the brilliance of Italian military strategy. lmao
What do you accomplish by beating up a few of them? They're still alive. "I got beat up by people hostile to me, I'll reconsider my ideology now" is not generally how people think. I suppose in theory you could intimidate people and slow down their recruitment that way, but in reality it doesn't seem to have any deleterious effect on their numbers - "I'd join this group but I'd be beat up by antifa" is not a sentiment I've ever heard on Holla Forums.
the point is that they can't hold demonstrations and organise in public without getting chased out
in the video of this they got into their cars and drove away, what do you think the chances are that they'll do another march soon?
High, because they know it will cause an uproar.
Free media attention is always good.
It absolutely does, read up on the history of modern neonazis.
Nobody actually cares about these scuffles except people already on one side or the other, or locals. Did you hear about the one in Coburg? Neither did anyone else.
How is mass immigration a socialist issue?
Not everything is about you. You aren't that important.
You think your opinions hold more sway than mine? The guy I responded to suggested voting to control immigration was not in my interest, implying immigration is in my interest. Three of you have responded but none in actual answer to the question. So I assume you can't. So tell me again. Why should I vote against my interests? And don't even give me some greater good of the working class bullshit. A couple of you posting on here have revealed your disdain for these filthy plebs.
Except I've been seeing a string of news reports on it lately, so obviously someone cares.
"Nazis vs Anarchist on the Streets" is a story most journalist wont pass up.
The majority of people in this country have a very fixed idea of free speech.
"First they took away our right to speak freely, next they'll come for yours" is probably what goes through most of these peoples heads.
It's probably great for white nationalist, because now they can play up how the white race is victimized.
It completely fits their narrative.
Neither of our opinions hold much sway to each other's opinions. We're set in our ways. Regardless, both of us aren't terribly important in the grand scheme of things and our opinions hardly matter.
And my point is that in order to suggest that you're better than immigrants, you have to prove it. You're more or less on the same level as people.
Considering the above, I don't see how immigration isn't in your interest, it's moot.
they're all from fucking sacramento times or sacto herald or whatever though, locals
you think also that just a regular neo nazi march wouldn't get local media coverage?
whoa whoa whoa. Where did I say that?
There are numerous reasons to oppose mass migration. Brain drain in their country of origin and driving down wages while putting pressure on the public services of host nation being the strongest two.
The only case in defense of mass migration I've seen have been in terms of macroeconomics, bottom line GDP and the fantasy of infinite growth with finite resources. Yet many on the left seem convinced it is good and that the natives should shut up and take it. I wanna understand this thinking.
I'm a socialist, and I'm against immigration. It's a symptom of a much bigger problem. Try to look at the bigger picture.
I can't wait to hear your amazing reasoning.
Brain drain. We're off to a great start.
We have a military that's being funded to go to perpetual war in the near east, which perpetually creates radicals, that creates refuges. We've funded radicals there since the Cold War when our policy was to fund any and all nationalist groups regardless of creed.
What's funny is that you ascribe to nationalist ideology all the same, and you'd condemn others for practicing. But that's another matter entirely.
The point is our military is large enough to fund everything which you seek in public service, what little we have, several times over. But you don't seem to have issue with that. Just the fact that immigration exists, be it Syria or Central America.
You blame the people who don't have a choice rather than blaming the neoliberal government for not managing resources, if it even could in all the bureaucracy.
I don't find it appropriate to blame the impoverished for existing.
Despite your arrogant attempt at dismissal it's pretty clear that you accept both the issues I raise with mass migration while offering no a single reason I should accept or encourage it. Is this how you do it? No wonder you're a fringe opinion…
Maybe so. But I don't accept this as reason to bend over and accept anything they wish to do simply because of their motivation. Guy's robbig your house you don't stop and ask why do you?
Again you're making shit up. I'm all for other nations getting nationalistic. Beats some of the other shit they could unite behind.
I'm not american but I see your point here and agree that US adventurism (with UK along for the ride usually [UK stopped uis getting baw deep into Syria]) is cancer. Again, you're making assumptions.
Fair enough. But the kind of people we're discussing here are the 'no borders' crowd (one of many banners guaranteed to appear at an anti-fa gathering) who've largely been running the show recently.
Your nation being nationalistic is one of the primary causes of the problem. Nationalism does not result in every nation minding its own business, because business is not a national interest. To maintain a comfortable standard of living in your nation you have to steal from other nations.
8/8 logic m8
Why should any of them get spared?