NY Bomber anti-Trump Gay SJW

Online blog post says NY explosion was revenge for 'LGBTQ oppression' by gay Trump hater and more bombs will come.


Other urls found in this thread:


I am not going to stand by while there is inequality in my country such as the racism being seen in white police officers all over the country.

I am not going to live in a country where it is OK to have a misogynist, xenophobic, racist Islamophobic, republican candidate running for President of The United States!

That’s implying that republicans in general should even be taken seriously as they are all cisgendered privileged white people.

This is not the end, this is just the beginning. I will be remembered. I will make a difference. I will eliminate my targets before it is too late.

Probably a hoax since it occurred in pozzed NY, then again a muslim "Orlando Commando" sodomite gunned down a latino gay bar.

Can't find the headline outside of the archive, its not on the official dailymail.co.uk, OP is full of shit.

WOW fuck, ignoire my post, i'am the retard, just found the article.

So sorry OP

I'm betting it's a hoax.

It was Milo, he's actualy an anti-trump member of the GTF working undercover to kill americans.

My name is not important, but what's important is what I'm going to do. I fucking hate this world, and these cishet breeding bigots feasting on lives of LGBTQI+ people. My life is just whole life is just infected dried cum, and I've always wanted to ejaculate violently. This is the time o f cummies, and no life is worth saving. And I will put in the grave as many as I can! It's time for me to kill and it's time for me to cum! My Stonewall riot begins here!



chelsea is pretty much gay central for jew york too. It doesn't make much sense to raise lbgtfwtfbbq awareness by blowing up your fellow fags. Maybe he was trying to a kill a guy who refused to poz him?

this, sounds like a troll

user, thanks for giving me flashbacks.

You too will get your chance to learn to fly.

I hope it's real because it would help turn mainstreet America against diseased fags.

It's probably fake, though


good job user

Hope it's true and helps Trump somehow get NY

I thought there were only injuries, no deaths.


Someone call the cops, user killed me.


Holy shit, I remember threads on Holla Forums where anons were boasting about killing sprees and we used to tell them: "yes boy, just make sure you claim that you were doing it for feminism"


fake, but the gayness was probably real.


Meanwhile the thread proving Hillary used key compositing and sound effects to fake her rally crowd is left unstickied and allowed to get shilled to death.
But keep larping along to your prescribed MSM narrative, retards. Remember Hillary a good boy dindu nuffin. I'm sure CTR appreciates all your hard work.

That shit is retarded. Im glad the people in charge here weren't dumb enough to sticky that crap.

Thank you for correcting the record (((user))).

Good. Hopefully there'll be many more incidents by terrorist fags as it will help red-pill more people.

bi awareness week coming up. i'm calling conspiracy fact!

Top Kek what a fag.

No, a faggot didn't blow up other faggots.

A second device that was found contain a letter partially written in Arabic. Two eyewitnesses in a resaturant saw an old mudslime with a suitcase. Police have surveillance video of an Arab male.

This tumblr shit is clearly the dribble of some fag drunk on semen who couldn't start a fire.

Gals this is bad. This is REALLY REALLY bad. Hillary needs to get out ahead of this and condemn these actions and the supporters involved. This is the moment of truth for her campaign if she fails this test, it's over for her.

A major speech directed at her supporters, telling them this kind of behavior is inexcusable is the only way forward from this. I've been a Hillary supporter since forever and I'm telling you. This NEEDS to happen!

Are they sure it's an Arab?

I was hoping it would be a nigger muzzie.

now THAT'S a dangerous faggot.

Nigger muzzies in the US would probably be able write in sandnigger runes as well as they would probably learn them from the koran. A lightskinned mudslime from apefrica could probably be confused for a sandnigger.

Ezekial 18:31-18:32 gematria. Most likely not for bi awareness.

instead in the name of "lord repe".

that faggot would be out the door at my range for pointing a pistol up like that while having a finger on the trigger. fucking stupid wog faggot

Keep me posted.

Milo is jewish

fake and gay

He's a kike wog.

Isn't Chelsea a gay neigbourhood though?

Can someone dox the guy in OP's pic and get the semen guzzler arrested.

dots plz

go home

Fake and gay. We're not that stupid.