126 things Donald Trump has said and done that, in a normal election, would disqualify a nominee
This is one of the funniest things I've seen all day. Here are a few highlights:
>Donald Trump literally: literally literally literally literally literally
>1. Said he “could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and … wouldn’t lose any voters.” cause that disqualifies you from being President
>3. Still refuses to admit that President Obama was born in the U.S. nice try idiots
>8. Pointed at an African American supporter at his rally, and shouted, “Look at my African American over here!” instantly disqualified
>122. Suggested deporting Hillary Clinton, a U.S. citizen.
The whole list is worthy of keks, but these were some of the funniest ones (especially 122)
Hillary's campaign puts out kek-inducing list of reasons Trump is disqualified
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don't really care much mate
You cared enough to comment first
Bump and reported.
I'm reminded of when that guy said, "When throwing the kitchen sink doesn't work, what's left?" I guess desperate blog posts like this, apparently.
Where's 126 crimes Hillary Clinton did that would not allow her to be nominee in a normal election?
So what, king nigger obama is bombing US citizens with drones
None of those disqualify a person from president. Andrew Jackson made Trump sound like a pussy.
It keeps happening
This one is disqualifying, everyone knows you exile citzens, not deport them
Or hang them
Are they high?
Did the Huffington post editorial team write this list?
This is full tilt "you hurt my feelings" mode and nobody is falling for it.
Leftists/Globalists are getting desperate. After Trump wins, I hope they decide to try to start a revolution so the purge can get started quickly. If Trump loses the revolution will get started quickly.
No one cares. She has complained incessantly about "he hurt my feefees" and the result is nobody cares anymore. She sounds like a high school girl, which I guess makes sense because those are the types who run her Twitter account.
She's getting desperate.
So THIS is why he's unfit? according to her?
So he's actually perfectly qualified. What a dumb bitch. No true American is going to agree with this shit.
Someone should make a Kenshiro Trump edit.
Leftists aren't Americans, they're globalists.
Found this on youtube
Not a single one on her list is linked to any sort of law
For her, right off the top of my head, just the things that are public knowledge and not even close to conspiracy territory, that do actually no shit legally disqualify her from running for office
Seriously, the amount of stupidity from her and her camp is fucking astounding. Do they not realize how easy it is to punch back with this?
I've got a bad feeling we'll get some pansy Mao style knockoff riots at schools and all the social justice commie fuck teachers will pretend to be against it and play the victim for protection while all the legitimate educators get caught up in the violence unprotected.
This infuriates me every time I see this is used as an argument. I was at that rally in person and he didn't "kick out" the fucking baby. That's a flat out lie.
Legit all that was said is "oh the babies crying? that's ok I babies. Ok I'm kidding you can take the baby outside".
I can think of 33,000 things that would disqualify Hilary. ;^)
thank you for correcting the record
No shit. Their propaganda is getting more outlandish and out of touch every passing day. Even normies are starting to wonder what the fuck is going on with TV.
first post shill post
I don't know why this pic makes me laugh.
Hear that? The sound you hear is the death rattle of her campaign.
Psychological Projection?
I love this man. No homo.
Top Kek.
One day, maybe soon, you'll run into someone who says that Trump should be disqualified and they're only reason will be because be says things that they don't like.
I have an idea
It's great for Trump, the more asinine the bullshit leftists throw at Trump, the more normies will be able to realize it's all bullshit.
What about that "Abuela Hilary" shit, huh?
They're not though.
What does this have to do with the guy being a cripple?
But that's true.
… Well yeah.
And so what if he did?
But that's true too.
That's one reason why I support him.
OR he's telling the cold hard truth about the marketplace.
Or a list of 126 people who "committed suicide" and had a tie to Clinton.
126 may be a bit short
this website got memoryholed as fast as they could
quite a lot of the links in it need to be searched through the archives too
It would have to consist of stuff that is absolutely in the normie realm that can be easily proven. The most obscure we could go would be the leaked emails.
It would have to be formatted in a way for plausible deniability or whatever, too. Like how I said "Intentional or not, she did x, which breaks x law". It'd need as little wiggle room as possible for detractors.
quite difficult, she's got the nasty habit of covering her provable crimes by other crimes that she makes unprovable, like obtaining from the cops the official report of "suicide" for the "death by drowning with concrete shoes after he tried to cure his headeache with 6 bullets in the back of the head" of a guy who could have incriminated her in a former crime
That's a nice picture.
Dubs confirm.
Guys, I think it is official:
our opposition are fucking retards
This shit again? What the hell does this even mean? "Disqualify"? Who disqualifies candidates? What are the criteria for being disqualified?
I remember Obongo's people were running around yammering about "disqualification" earlier in the campaign, getting the Twatter normies riled up. I wonder if Shillary's camp is trying to mimic that.
dubs confirm
Months later and they still don't understand how badly they were trolled.
How about no…
how about you lurk harder instead of being an obnoxious newfag. instead of freaking out like a little faggot, embrace it, trump embraced all the negatives, he converted them into a lethal psychological weapon, if you don't understand how psyops works then you don't belong here, fuck off and kill yourself.
Actually that edit was from half/pol/ long before fullchan ever existed. Did you really expect Holla Forums to make something quality?
And left Holla Forums accuses Holla Forums of not making their own content.
I guess we should embrace that gay ass Donald Trump merchant that's been floating around too by that logic.
Always the first post. Always.
not really, if someone claims that you're angry all the time, you take advantage of it and say "yes I am angry, and I won't stop being angry until we fix this country" transforming the bad narrative into a good one.
not every word is on the chaotic neutral ground, deadly is one of them that is on the chaotic evil and believe it or not, greedy is also a chaotic neutral, because you can turn it good and to your advantage, remember when trump said something along the lines of "we have to be very greedy so this country can hoard alot of money" not exactly in those words but similar.
Cont. you don't have to meme yourself into a vicious kike, but you can probably meme the concept that the right is rising at a rapid pace and that by making Holla Forums into a scheming "evul nehzi" hillary will further develope her tinfoil hat making her look like a fucking retard, and shes too old to figure out how to reverse this shit.
more like bot-post.
There is nothing wrong with borrowing memes, fam, but simply because Holla Forums uses shitposting common to multiple boards to argue that Holla Forums makes no OC doesn't make it so.
Fucking this. The list is pathetic on its own but putting out a list of genuinely alarming crimes as a direct response will turn it fully against her and allow it to be approiately comment attached to anyone sharing shillary's list on FB.
Wrong. A list of 126 is very long, so it doesn't need to be fully substantiated. Reasonable plausibility without referencing any known hoaxes will be enough. Look at, for example, the many lists go Clinton related deaths ("arkancide"), while not every single one is provably dirty play or directly connected to the Clintons, the sheer numbers in association with the family makes it clearly beyond coincidence. The goal is to make clear that her character is dirty, corrupt and treasonous; none of her many controversies are anomalies but part of a pattern.
Yes, include the leaks. But also the multiple separate instances she lied under oath about the leaks, and the treasonous connections the leaks demonstrated with the foundation and the other instances she had evidently lied to her supporters (i.e. Just last weekend, stating she was not sick, it was just heat, then stating it was pneumonia two days later. Blatant, undeniable lie).
We won't play her game and say it "disqualifies" for president, but instead could take back her "unfit for presidency", or state it qualifies for prison, or exile.
We can reach 126 easily if we include each separate instance of Arkancide, each lie told and each instance of plausible bribery traded for political position.
The question is if there are already existing lists compiled that we can mine from and curate to a list of the most damning. Existing compilation of the many "Clinton-related death" lists here:
I want her to play in my ball pit.
Trips confirm.
but user, look at that (((nose)))
just a note, its really not borrowing, that meme was made before the exodus.
I must act though.
proto-Holla Forums
point is, it's anti-Holla Forums
only if it hurts your feelings.
meme magic 101 user, we have to hijack the kikes and take their positions, they have to become the next tinfoil hat conspirators now.
flip the table fam.
Kieth Olbermann just went through this same spiel in a video like a week ago and they gypped it.
What a great list! Makes me want to vote for him twice.
MAGA 2016!
That's an odd way to spell "A FUCKING WHITE MALE", user
I'm beginning to wonder if Anons are intentionally posting shilly posts if they see an empty thread just for the lolz because it's like fucking clockwork.
I'm not sure, Hitler.
Fucking he'll man how can one man be based
self check
Final self check, them I'm out of here. I always get good dubs, but self-checking is too weird. Polite sage.