Fashion Thread
Post your fashion collection. You can rate mine if you want to.
Fashion Thread
Post your fashion collection. You can rate mine if you want to.
beautiful dot dress
Fucking degenerates
Jealous cucks can't compete. My fashion collection is better than yours
Ox you are fucking relentless
100% agree!
he is the CP spammer
Trendy and colorful!
Whatever Ox just post more Pim
I mean fashion
Stop spreading fake fear! This is not CP - it's a fashion thread with professional artists.
PEDOS OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes but it's obvious the poster (you) are a pedophile.
Not at all. Good photo art and pedophilia are two different things!
See for yourself: [pic]
Being attracted to kids is the most degenerate fetish imaginable. You're not fooling anyone with you bullshit fashion pedo thread
But we all know that's not true. I couldn't care less that you post the pics, but why lie about the reasons?
The only poster sexualising this child in this thread is you faggot
Deal with it!
What? The hell is wrong with you? Stop judging other people by yourself.
Le Madoona.
I'm not the one who keeps posting images of young girls
checked. what a cute dress! i bet my niece would love one like that
THX mate! You are a scholar and a sceintist
Yet you feel the need to comment about the attraction to kids 'being the most degenerate fetish imaginable.' Are you sure you're not projecting because all we're doing is admiring the fashion. Personally I don't think much about fashion at all but the clothes are very attractive and look very expensive.
Winter is coming
Clothes which just happen to be worn by young girls. The only thing you should be admiring is a piece of rope.
MAGA! US and ehhh A! US and A!
i bet that's a wool sweater. did you know wool retains its insulation value even while wet? it's a sensible purchase, although it does itch a bit when worn next to the bare skin
go back to lolifox, pedos
Yeah, it's always viscous cucks and old rotten female whales. This fact is undeniable
t. pedo
I bet she gives the best handjobs. She has such a pretty face and that is all I need.
what a strange looking bow tie
kys pedogenerate
jesus christ, user! wtf are you doing? this is a fashion thread. this thread is not for lewd
Silly! It's a fashion thread. Read OP you illiirate nigger
Things just a appear strange because she a a professional model
Pedophilia isn't a crime.
so cute! if i have a daughter, i'm going to buy her that dress!
Good you are taking this thread serious. When we get children, we need to dress them properly.
stop posting child abuse victims tbh
OK Orwell, but you're wrong.
go to first greentext and rinse, repeat and recycle.
ITT: witch hunting at its finest
Stop posting shit. Nobody abused this girl. It's a professional model and she was on TV.
that place is under attack by trolls tbh
waiting for that incoming ban tbh
i think they chose an excellent model to display this shirt. the color contrasts are on point. professional photography at its finest, tbh
Walk into fashion store see this
wat do?
don't lewd her pls
Yeah fucking jealous SJW cucks ruin each place they go
very nice jeans she is wearing. does user know if they are denim or some other material?
those ribbon tie shoulder straps are adorable
cp spammer is to blame
moral of the story is spam and midgets are free speech
annafag out
t. Ox (cp spammer)
It's not CP, it's fashion!
Just look at this modest and refreshing political dress.
best dress
t. real cp spammer
hi, ox
i don't like that yellow sheer skirt on the left. i don't like it at all
Just imagine you come home form work and your fashion girls is waiting for you on the couch.
take it off
she is turning 12 this month
i would have, if i were the photographer
hoping burgerland doesn't fatten her up and ruin her modelling career
Happy birthday little girl!
I don't like that she is in the (((USA))) now, at all tbh
that picture caused controversy
so is this anna user and lh
i dont have "fashion" heavy pictures tbh
That lasted legit 5 days
I don't know that
can you even fault them they have no fucking idea what the set rules even are which is probably why this thread still exists
Kek has truly blessed this thread!
Praise Kek!
so this is the work of Ox…
you are all getting fucked raw, you just don't see it yet
Not even a week like I predicted
Always blame dysnomia, user.
Tl;dr of Dysnomia's new rules: Stop deleting instagram lolis you fucking niggers.
Nope. I'm right here dude. Hiding away behind Tor.
granny thread?
this is a fashion thread, user. if you want a granny thread, create one
what means this?
Praise HEX! This thread was HEX approved!
it means mods are faggots
best shirt ever made, tbh
anyone else report the thread?
Is it okay if I drop some Maisie?
there's nothing to report, tbh
Why user? You out of touch?
hi Hex
does she violate dost? then no
read the sticky tread you nigger
I'm grabbing it for girltime so it should be fine.
based dysnomia tbh