If so, make me believe
Do you believe in god?
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, sauce please
trump is pres
I will share my belief since it was half asked for
if god is all powerful, then he could theoretically erase any trace of his existence, and so there is no way to know if he exists or not
I thought long and hard about this question, and if I act under the assumption that he exist or if I do not my behaviors and attitude are largely the same, so I dont bother pondering it anymore since I cannot know for certain
nah, fuck off
I'm well versed in the field of theology but I want to hear you guys' "facts" about god to make me into a religious person once again
Why would you want to erase your existence if all you want is to be known?
meep meep god is a fraud tbh no homo
b is dead
smh tbh fam
Let's revive it
go to church, guaranteed wife
i wander how low those tits are hanging by now.
God is a hoax and religion is the opiate of the masses, nobody can make you believe because only fools that were indoctrinated believe. Just embrace militant Atheism and belittle xtians whenever you encounter them.
agnostic btw, not atheist
also mgtow
t. homo
I wish but I medically can't be
You can do it. Don´t let your dreams be dreams.
My list on why I can't/won't be gay
You already do, faggot. You've simply hardened your heart against that knowledge because of it's obvious moral implications to eternity for you. Then, you decided it was fun to listen to thousands of other liars such as yourself because it made it even easier to lie to yourself.
If you keep at it, then God will give you over to strong delusions because you refused to acknowledge God in your heart. Your life, your choice, and all the while creation all around you is constantly convicting you about the truth of God's existence in your heart.
Remember OP, God doesn't believe in atheists. Neither should you.
same thing
I'm sorry, I can't fake it.
How do you even know that he exists? Have you seen him? Has anyone you know ever seen him? If yes, then does said person have a picture or video of him? Are you blindly following what your parents and church have because "it's right"? If you have such blind faith in god, do you also believe in fairies and leprechauns? If not, why? Is it because you can't see them? If that's the case, wouldn't god fall under the same scrutiny since he can't be seen either?
Nah that was Hillary's story.
I believe in Spinoza's God.
Trumps too. It is safer to say "that is ZOGs story".
I know Trump backflipped on Syria as soon as he was briefed on the Qatar / Turkey pipeline but he has't actually committed ground troops beyond some CIA training. I would be amazed if Clinton didn't deploy within a week.
define god
define belief
then we'll talk
First, yes, i abelieve in Jesus Christ, second,
Fun fact, atheists dont breed and fall into degeneracy, even Paul said that, its like being a cuck is a punishment for tipping hats.
Thanks to solipsism we already know that atheists (all flavors) are cons or tards.
I believe there is very likely a creator behind us, but I can't prove it so I just work to be a good dude knowing if there is a God, he's not gonna give a fuck what bullshit religion I followed.
I have three children
Like, we know how to have fun or we really change genes? I'd love to change genes just because of my thoughts
Does that makes you feel better about yourself?
there is literally no reason for an atheist to have morals
if you are not a hedonist, you aren't really an atheist and are actually lying to yourself
That is retarded.
Can you see the problem with your logic?
who am I kidding, this is a low effort troll
I have morals because empathy is one reason why we've evolved to where we are.
Exceptio probat regulam in casibus non exceptis, you are basically telling me that my point is right.
Already answered by others.
No, but thanks for acknowledging that my point is right.
Relative, psichopath genes, "evil" genes are pretty common and our genetic pool changed thanks to propaganda and genocide in the last years, you know "evil genes" dont come from neanderthals and we are forcefully breeding violent tards with low IQ and empathy, Neaderthal mitochondria or y chromosome? extinct, like Rh- in some decades, talking about "natural evolution" in animals that have controlled births is an error and the most fucked up part is that you post a study from the same guys controlling breeding, i am not saying that you are wrong, i am proving that your argument is biased, basically propaganda, in the worst case what allowed one thing to survive and another not was a succesion of violent ice ages.
humans have empathy because humans are not atheists, naturally
if morality = true then atheism = false
this is logically true by the definitions of the words. if you disagree then we obviously do not even agree on definitions
Get off Holla Forums and you will start to see the light.
nothing here but a slow cynical suicide and lowly grave
This is your claim. Atheist isn't something you are because it's definition is based on a negative, the lack to belief in a higher power.
Imagine having a work assigned to anyone that does do a thing, like calling non-skaters "walkers" or non-fishers "hookless".
It's a fucking retarded concept but it was a term created by people that believe in invisible magic sky people so I shouldn't expect anything else.
so we agree that athiets don't exist and anyone who calls themselves that is retarded? thank you
at the very fucking least, call yourselves agnostic ya godless heathens
no wait it sounds like your saying something else, something very stupid. not sure though
Morality is independent in faith of a higher power. Some people use thought processes like empathy, understanding, justice and a sense of societal/cultural advancement and sustainment to determine their moral standing. I think that's what he's trying to say.
Define morality.
The word "atheist" is retarded because it's based on a negative but I suppose we have "poor" which is also based on a negative.
As for "agnostic" that is a fucking cop-out, "I don't think there is a god but I might be wrong so I'll sit on the fence like a child". These are the people that do deathbed confessions because there just might be a heaven and they want in but they can't be fucked actually practicing a religion.
Back to morality that is a complete clusterfuck to define in any meaningful way but if our general idea of the meaning is close enough (ie. application of ethics) it'll work.
I have a very strong code a ethics I live by and from what I have seen I take them more seriously than most religious people take their book of choice. I do not bend my rules, I don't "get a pass" once in awhile, it's the core of how I live my life. It's not determined by law or god or anyone else, it's my code of my design.
This is the problem. It may be perfect but if you can't impose it on other people it is meaningless and you enable degenerate hedonism because of you can create your on morality why can't they? You said yourself it isn't based on religion or more importantly law, so why should they be bound by those constructs when you aren't?
Why can't everyone live by their own standards? If they are doing something I think is fucked I'm completely within my right to tell them that is fucked and they can do the same.
Society where everyone says what they think tends to default more towards classical values than hedonism with is why there is so much pressure being applied to stop people saying what they think for fear of being labeled a "(X)ist".
As for the law it stopped representing the will of the people long ago so I see no logical reason to respect it.
what if someone said that a higher power is implied in the definition of morality itself?
obviously morality means being good to one another or whatever, but the issue is why would anyone be moral when being immoral is more beneficial at an individual level? it's only when you start thinking of benefits for others (for family or society) that you start considering morals. and if you are athiest, if you believe that nothing will matter and that you will cease to exist after you die, then what reason do you have to consider morality? none
if you're asking me to defend/argue any particular claim then please be specific. I'm not sure what we are talking about any more
That is incredibly fallacious and you know it. What is the logical flaw in saying "I don't know"
If Socrates proved anything, it's that saying I don't know is the only logical thing you can truly say
where did this code of your design come from, and what reason do you have to follow it? any reason you can think of will contradict the definition of atheism
God obviously exists, it could be carbon or organic matter that came from an asteroid and crashed on our planet or just water. Basically god is the thing that created us and all living things, so god exists, but it's not somekind of almighty ominscient being.
Finally a definition! Now we are almost getting somewhere
A mix of 34 years life experience, logical reasoning and a little philosophy.
I want to be a good person, have a positive effect on my environment and those I interact with while avoiding anything that makes me feel like a shitty human.
How so? My code is basically driven by my selfish need to feel like a good person and generally feel better about myself.
but that's not selfish. you wouldn't have that need if you were 100% selfish.
this need comes from your beliefs of what 'good' is and whatever ' logical reasoning and a little philosophy. ' that resulted in wanting a 'positive effect on environment'
Already this is contradicting with the idea that you will cease to exist after you die and that nothing will matter. you do not believe that is true if you care about the environment
Because most people don't care for morality. They have to be indoctrinated with what is right from an early age to avoid trouble. Even if you are generous and say 80% of people are capable of forming their own morality that actually encourages good behaviour the 20% will still be a major issue at a later date and what can we do about them if all viewpoints are tolerated?
Yes but when they inevitably gain an advantage because of their lack of morals they won't extend the same courtesy to you.
There is no such thing, almost everybody will always be manipulated by one group or another. You think they are saying what they think but they are really just parroting what they have been taught. This is why they need to be indoctrinated with healthy values rather than left to twist in the wing.
It's just the modern face of manipulation. You don't need to actively impose your will with violence when you can get inside most people's homes and indoctrinate them with media in a non aggressive way.
But if you can't impose your own law then that is meaningless because everybody else will still respect it. If there is no law at all they will follow whoever can protect them and adopt their rules which could completely contradict your rules.
What if the higher power was your people as a whole? It is the endless entity that you are just a part of and your morality comes from a sense of duty to future generations.
I just don't understand how you could think monotheistic religion is the only way to create oral people. It seems pretty narrow.
What if that is God?
Who said that? Nice strawman
Even higher than people as a whole, is consciousness itself as a whole. That is God. Now go reread any and every scripture that references God with the context of this new definition. See what happens and how it makes sense
Good point but I like to avoid abstract concepts like that and put it into easily understandable terms.
It wasn't intentional. I just assumed that is what you meant.
I kind of understand what you are saying here but I disagree. Nature is "God" and your people are your place in the natural hierarchy.
I think a case can be made individually for pretty much each religion/philosophy for God being consciousness. Even in Christianity "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." so if you interpret "word" as thought (as it is traditionally thought of as, "Logos") then God is thought and God made the world through thinking. Don't get me wrong I am no Christian. Probably better to start with Buddhism.
Anyways it's obviously all hard to talk about, let alone conclude on anything so abstract. That's why I say that atheism is arrogance to conclude that there is no god and that, all people, religious people included, should be agnostic. Most major faiths have the notion of questioning your faith itself as a part of faith anyways
However for asking proof of god, or in the case of this thread, an incentive for belief in God, we would first have to agree on a definition of some sorts. This post was quite adequate
What is the thing that created all things? What is the source of the universe, scientifically. What theories do we have for the Big Bang? There are two, either our universe started from a single infinite point, or our universe started from nothingness…
You're right. I assumed you were talking about monotheistic religions because of the use of the word God but I suppose you can apply that to other things.
It's impossible to say so just holding up nature itself as the creator and fulfilling your role according to that is the safest bet. Pantheism is better than agnosticism.
What if the universe is an illusion (much like a dream, or you know, a holographic projection from a lower dimension, something postulated by modern physicists). That would put into question the validity in saying that the "universe is real"
Surely it exists, but does it exist as an illusion or is it "real"
I at first was appealed to something that conclusively can be said is better than agnosticism, but I wouldn't be too sure if Pantheism meets the standard of extreme skepticism that one finds in the development of the field of philosophy.
Anyways, I think we all are agreeing without realizing it. The issue of religion and spirituality might just actually be a mere semantic issue. But I definitely think philosophy should be taught in middle school or something.
That does seem to be safe to say. What I was implying earlier was through some abstract understanding, one can identify with consciousness, with the concept of being able to experience, and then from there operate on a morality that comes from a sense of cultivating rich and positive experiences, and to just put a stop on any suffering and strife. Of course then why do we put human suffering on a higher tier than animal or plant suffering? Perhaps because of human reasoning or something, the human experience of suffering being somehow worse than animals. Or we are humans so we selfishly protect humans lol.
At the very least, we should aim to minimize suffering at the hands of other humans. Suffering from nature (hunger etc) is probably a good thing as it allows us to realize mistakes and experience growth through learning.
Though even if reality/existence is an illusion, it is still divine as it allows consciousness to operate and have experiences. Does this notion follow or contradict Pantheism?
It's definitely one of those.The most true statement that holds infinite amount of meaning is that "All is one" and that all separation is an illusion. What definitely is true is that we are all part of this shared experience that comes from a single shared reality.
danni ashe I think
This triggers my autism because it doesn't have any real impact. If I am here experiencing it right now then it is as real as it can be, even if I am being deceived in one way or another it doesn't make it any less real for me. It's an interesting thought but if it can't be definitively answered then what is the point in asking?
It is agnosticism taken to its logical conclusion. Everything that comes from nature is a small part of of "God" by right of being a part of the whole. It's not claiming to have a true definitive answer but it is as close as you can get without making baseless assumptions and leaps of faith.
It is outside of people who think they know what is best and try to impose it on you like the "big three" religions. I don't have any problem with superior mindsets being imposed but if they are regressive and superstitious that is an issue.
It should but elites just want to meet up at their gay mystery temples and keep their knowledge to themselves while encouraging everybody else to be mindless plebs. I'd like to say their knowledge belongs in the trash but I don't have enough info to say if it is or isn't.
Suffering is part of nature and leads to progress, it has helped us to better ourselves. Without the bad you can't appreciate the rich and positive experiences because it is the negative ones that give them true meaning. Without suffering humans would still be savages.
Because that is our branch of nature and it is easier to understand and relate with. Personally I am more bothered by undue animal suffering at the hands of humans because at least a human can understand why he is suffering.
Or a sense of guilt about the way animals have been abused at the hands of man makes us distance ourselves to feel less guilty about it. Maybe most people just genuinely don't care though.
Suffering through man made challenges can be good for growth too and it is all a part of nature so maybe it is for the best. Suffering directly from nature is definitely a positive for the whole because it eliminates weakness and strengthens the stock. Mastering large portions of nature is one of our biggest mistakes and if it continues humanity will be doomed to become a dysgenic unhealthy mess that will be annihilated when nature rears it's head in an unforseen manner.
It follows it. Personally I just pick and choose things that make sense to me and use pantheism to describe it because it is flexible and has more in common with my own views than any other established religion that I know of. I'm not well read on classical pantheism or its modern form, it is just the closest thing to my own views and has seen a lot of different incarnations so I feel comfortable using it as a title.
Yes. Everything is part of nature and it all serves it's own specific purpose and role as a part of the whole, that is the universal truth and it is undeniable. This is why I like pantheism but I also warp this truth to make it more concrete, it is just a vague concept otherwise and most people require something more personal for it to make sense. The warping comes from turning it into a kind of blood religion where your branch of people are your embodiment in the world and you are a small part of this larger body.
False as fuck, if we go back to solipsism both are beliefs, "lack of belief" is the same as irreligious, thats ok in retards and animals, atheism is a belief.
Atheists are cons or retards.
If god existed, he'd make all the people be perfectly righteous.
That's not the case, hence god doesn't exist.
Why even make people in the first place?
Look, this is all really great. I enjoy a good theological shitpost. I hope we get a /rel/ - religion and philosophy board and it takes off.
I need sauce on the posted video.
You're right.
Why cancer the earth in the first place ?
Cracks me up that people think we're some kind of superior, perfect beings. We have SO many flaws, it's absolutely tragic that we ended up on top of the food chain.
Remove humans from the Earth and the Earth would no doubt be a healthier place for all forms of life. Remove all non human life, and humans would perish.
Remove literally all plant life, animal life, bacteria/microorganisms, fungi, etc then yes it's going to be a bit hard to survive given that there are no nutrients left to consume
Humans have empathy because it also benefits the group. Unless you have the global kibbuz shitters that expand it to a point were reality doesnt meet the instincts anymore.
If you stretch the definition or the concept of the word "belief" to a point where it is absolutely meaningless then yes atheism is a belief aswell because the chance for god to exist isnt 0.
If he didn't want to be known, why does he want to be worshipped? Why were there buildings made specifically for the acknowledgement and praise of him? Why were books written that stroke his ego for the entirety of the first few chapters?
Wanting to not go to jail or be a total dickhead is basic human nature and no book should control that. If you really wanted to just be a genuinely nice person, you don't need a religion to tell you what you can and can't do.
If all it took to convert me was to sit in an echo chamber, I wouldn't be here in the first place
Do you have proof that a higher being did create us or are you just repeating what was told to you? Until there is concrete evidence of his existence, why can't you have doubt? Like I stated earlier, why can't we also believe in fairies, leprechauns and unicorns even though there is no concrete evidence and we can't see them?
Everything written about him is contradictory, which is a common HUMAN mistake in creating a "perfect character" and that glaring mistake is quite prominent in mediums such as comic books, television and movies.
In my opinion, that just seems like a cop out or easily accepted thought: everything might not be real and it's all just an illusion. It's the epitome of fake deep and people tend to never refute this point like they refute the notion of a god existing; it also seems to be a easily explainable, human argument because it seems so out of reach of our consciousness and quite unbelievably easy to misconstrue to form our own personal ideals and such and I don't like it because of this reason. Tl:dr too easy and too broad which encircles the entire argument into a stagnant.
Pornography and questioning God is an old tactic. For those that are interested the easiest place to start is by questioning the system you live in. As an older example:
Why do trees and plants grow from shit and dirt, user?
If we are creatures of reason, why would we need this assistance, and why would this assistance be endemic to our survival. Why would the system design itself around just one variable?
How can I not believe in God when I look at OP's pic? Titties are proof that God loves us.
'Tis very ugly
Well you could think that the spiritual and religious beliefs would rise in the population due to the rising factor of the "unknown". So a spiritual or religous belief would calm the uncertainity of todays nature of "getting by" etc.
And also certain types of characters would rise.
Solipsism, do you have any proof that anything outside your mind is real? can you define yourself based on hard facts?
Fun fact, if you can undertand what solipsism is then the chance for God to exist is very high. Bte, stop using God and gods like they are the same.
Everything on earth has a purpose. Its intelligent design. God designed everything. :3
Its pretty easy to understand the fundamental truths. For instance there is no evidence of a classical abrahamic god or any of the other religion's deities. There IS overwhelming evidence that we live in a simulation however and the sole thing or things responsible for running that simulation would be the best case for a deity or deities but the extent of their influence on the simulation is arguably 0, whereas the initial input values to run the simulation are the only guiding principles. Most likely scenario, since an intelligence capable of running a simulation such as the one we are in would have a clock rate many times higher then their subjective experience of the passage of time, and any meaningful input would have a rather high resolution on the simulation. More evidence of us living in a simulation is the fact that quantum physics is quite literally, digital physics and that everything that makes up the boundries of known space time is composed of DISCRETE VALUES aka you cant "keep zooming in" because at a certain level (Planck length) reality becomes pixelated into identifiably separate values. The observer phenomena present in all of reality is also another heavy dose of evidence that we live in a sim. Consciousness ends with the death of the brain. Literally no arguing this. If you believe in brain injury you belive that brain death equals loss of consciousness.
Speaking about the nature of consciousness with that much arrogance is a surefire way to know that you're wrong.
yo fuck this debate sauce
Everything you just said cannot be considered "evidence" that we live in a simulation
1/3 of sexually active gay men don't do anal of any kind.
I used to get annoyed by zealots like you. Then I laughed. Now I just kind of feel sorry for you. You have spent your entire life living in fear. In the end, you're just going to die like the rest of us. All of your faith, fear, anger, and mental gymnastics will mean nothing. You will end and be nothing forever.
citation fucking needed
Its obvious that god exists.
If your point about the "simulation" has overwhelming evidence then we have overwhelming evidence to back up what Christ said, there is a reason why those posts are posted:
Now the real problem is why every instance/evidence coming from atheism that support christianity isnt talked in media, they are called the sinagogue of satan for a reason.
Strawman: The post
I'm gonna get dubs right now because God loves OP
okay then, um. please love God anyway. ok OP.
Love an imaginary being? How about no
You arent real.
Hai hai
A good place to start is to ask, "how we got here." You'll find evolution doesn't make scene, they can't explain the first living cell, and everything is designed. There's an upper bound (speed of light, cosmic microwave background radiation), a lower bound (indivisible time, indivisible space, indivisible matter) to reality, there is no such thing as a random number (we just try to get close with pseudo-random numbers). Magicians even prove there is something beyond the visible. If you look at history, you can trace civilizations back to around 3500~3000 BC and then everything goes dark. When you look into the past, you'll look at the present and future differently.
Here are some videos that I think expound on these things, you might like them:
I would like to share 3 verses from a book called Ecclesiastes:
(Chapter 1, verse 2) Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.
(Chapter 1, verse 9) The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
(Chapter 1, verse 11) There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.
Much love from your friends at /christian/.
Yes. I don't think it's still alive or cares about us though.
Even though science fully backs evolution, which completely contradicts the very idea of the entire book of genesis, you say that a bunch of fables explain it better? You'd have to be a complete moron to even believe such bullshit like the bible. Also, if god created everything, who created him? He can't manifest from nothing to become the creator of everything because it logically makes zero sense. This video explains my points better
Super God did. Checkmate atheists.
if Super God created God, how was Super God created?
Super Mega God.
Genuinely the funniest answer I've ever heard. If that was the case, who created super god and why didn't he create everything else and take credit for it instead of having HIS creation taking all the credit, rendering him obsolete thus creating the paradox of who we should really worship and/or fear
be awake, drink some coffee and listen to this youtube.com
It's like how God got bored and created humanity to occupy his time, if humans are like ants compared to God then God is like a human compared to God when you compare him to Super God. Super god created him for fun basically. He doesn't want credit because he could do something that God could do in a matter of seconds, he creates God's, creation of mortal life is below him and not something he would want to be known for. Checkmate.
creation/causation only applies to things with beginnings, things that have parts and change and are divisible and decay. The universe is such a phenomena. God is not.
when we talk about God we talk about the first principle of all things, this principle is beyond time, for it is beyond time and the reason for time. It has no parts for it is unity and oneness, it does not change for it is eternal and beyond time and change.
To ask who created God is to misunderstand the nature of God, it's like asking why a triangle doesn't have 4 sides, it doesn't have 4 sides because it is a three-sided shape, by definition.
For every great thing that happens, god is thanked but "super god" isn't. You religious types never really think things through because if you did, your religions wouldn't be questioned and combatted with overwhelming evidence against said religion all the time
I literally just said that Super God doesn't care about the affairs of mortals, even God is a mortal in comparison to him. If God is getting praised then the praise is going to the right person.
Asking who created god is not even close to being an equivalent of asking why a triangle has 3 sides. You can't answer the question so you blab on about how you can't quantify god in "humanly" manners and that is bullshit and also why people hate you all. For every question you morons give cryptic, unimportant, irrelevant statements in response, hoping that people won't continue to pry. If you can't give a straight answer, you're either full of shit and lying or you don't know and you're lying; so which one applies to you right now?
I meant why isn't he thanked by god. I don't even know why I'm still acknowledging this super god bullshit, it's childish at best
Light from the sun is intelligent, as it has the ability to manipulate things on a quantum scale. The "random" process of life's ingredients coming together in primordial soup did so under the sun's light. Humans are generally too stupid to see outer space as a continuation of their own bodies. Heat from the sun is the first obvious clue, but "intelligence" is not commonly accepted.
That being said, your body is a USB stick of intelligence. Here, you have a part in rewriting your soul.
Everything in the universe emits frequencies, radiation, etc. Even a planet does so. Your soul is comparable to a radio frequency. As a fleshy being, you have the ability to add complexity to your frequency. Upon death, you go from a 3 spacial dimensional being to what can be considered zero dimensional. Information exists in zero dimensional space, so you better be at peace with yourself upon death, because you have a wait until you are recollected to be read.
The information that is "you" does not escape the planet's magnetic field. What people do not realize as well is that biblical concepts are allegories for celestial events.
Jesus, the SUN (not son) forcibly reunites with the earth and all of its stored information when the sun swallows the earth. This is when you are "risen" from the dead and is the end of the aforementioned long wait. Cosmic radiation will disperse all of the souls into "the greater kingdom", which is the galaxy (realm of the father.) Son, father, holy spirit.
The singularity (cosmic crunch, holy spirit) is yet another reunion of all galaxies into one.
If you were to go into the deepest regions of space, away from all stars and galaxies, you would find the saddest, most twisted, isolated "beings" that have shunned reincarnation, and existence generally.
Generally speaking, you're supposed to help along your fellow creations into becoming more defined, more complex "frequencies". You might think that the allegory of existing as information is inspired by computers but it is in fact our technology that is an imitation of what already is. Same for the idea of using light as a transmitter of information (fiber optic cable).
Ignorance can only prosper by defaming the entire idea of celestial life. Don't expect any of the recognizable institutions to acknowledge that information IS life. Plants, animals, and even planets emit such things. To be a planet is a different kind of being, but there are many ways to be alive.
Trying to add dead, invented things to your being, your pattern, is akin to worshipping demons. Imagine a clean string of information having a lot of extra, unwanted static in it.
Again, these dead things exist in the deepest reaches of space. These husks too, are alive, barely, but many of them cease to be after a while. That is true death. These husks (if they're still around) wait the longest time for the singularity to come around again. They don't participate in anything, don't want to be anything. They're just dwelling within themselves. But since they do not receive from the light, they are very comatose and entropic, and will cease to emit frequencies rapidly unless they can snag something else to sustain them. This again is analogous to demons, demonic deception, and baselessness.
The world is run by occultist liars and a lot of people will be snagged by them. Everything that is done is done to defame the light and gather everyone around a certain way of thinking so that they may exist in a dark corner of space for a time. But do not think hell can sustain itself. Entropic bodies will eat each other. Satanists literally worship a world of scarcity, do not be surprised that the lost souls in their kingdom will be the meals that sustain those at the top.
How do you know if God thanks him or not? Does Super God thank Super Mega God? I can't say for certain but I assume that he does.
This guy gets it tbh.
God is the supreme being, the fundamental principle behind all things. Eternal and unchanging. If you posit a being higher than God, then you've just admitted your idea of God was not supreme.
Whether we call God, "GOD" or "SUPER GOD" or "the ONE" doesn't really matter, what matters is his nature as the highest entity, beyond space and time, the source of life and so forth.
That's what I've been looking for. You assume that there is a super god just like you assume there is a regular god. You people have no evidence of his existence yet still claim he does while there are monumental amounts of evidence for evolution. If it can't be backed by science or math of some sort, it theoretically doesn't exist.
oxygen and carbon dioxide can be proven through science while magic fairies in the sky can't
But you still can't answer the fucking question: where did he come from?
Math is not material, there are no perfect circles or triangles in nature, there are only shadowy approximations. There are no "square roots" in nature either, there are only approximations. Infinity is a mathematical concept, but you can't observe it with science or your eyes.
That a triangle has 3 sides is an immaterial, unchanging truth, no matter how many deformed triangles you see in nature.
Similarly the immaterial, unchanging truth about God does not depend on us observing something in nature, but the fact that nature is intelligible, understandable, harmonized and fine-tuned bares the residue of God's work and shows us there is something beyond the realm of change and matter and time.
He does not come, nor does he go. He always is.
His nature is "to be". He is self-subsistent.
Over Jesus' halo there are three greek symbols: "omega, omicron, nu" : which literally means “the being one” or more precisely “He who is”.
When we exhaust all possible causal chains we reach the first cause, the unmoved mover, the prime reality behind the ever changing forms of matter and space, behind and within this manifold is God, the unchanging one.
The judeo christian teachings, are also flawed in the sense that it turns man against his own flesh, trying to "disavow" it. The flesh is entropic in its desires, as it seeks to take, and to have, but does not regenerate anything noteworthy. The same teachings also acknowledges that god "gives" satan (entropy) authority over the earth. It is impossible to separate god from entropy, for god CREATES entropy, so that he can know something other than himself.
What this implies is, that a soul can have a very very long life, and move between different existences. But to be separate from god, one must have an ego. One can live an eternal life and add complexity to oneself, but the highest truth, is that god is one, and the ultimate reunion with god is to shed ones own separate egos and desires entirely, and to become the giving force, without taking. This is akin to flying into the sun directly, but one does so, knowing that this sun constantly regenerates. Thus, the reunion with god is a discontinuation of self. But whether you reach a final point in a circle from the left or from the right speaks of what kind of true death you have arrived at; one gives nothing and the other gives everything. Every angel that flies into the sun of god does so with the faith that the knowledge obtained goes towards the fulfillment of new created life, which in itself is an entropic process where god divides himself as to experience an unstatic creation.
no such thing.
Christianity in it's apostolic and saintly form has the fullness of the truth that no religion or philosophy can approach.
"“If you know that all visible things are a shadow and all pass away, are you not ashamed of playing with shadows and hoarding transitory things? Like a child you draw water with a bucket full of holes; do you not realize it and take it into account, my dear friend? As though there were nothing more serious than appearance and illusion, as though reality has been taken from them?” + St. Symeon the New Theologian,
Jesus was a circumcised rabbi though.
I'm not sure if you know this, but that's actually a belief of Laveyan satanism
Rabbi means teacher. The old covenant is superseded, baptism, circumcision of the heart, we are under the law of grace now.
Christianity took the path of holiness, "Judaism" took the path of the Talmud. Very different things. Judeo-Christian is a misnomer.
Laveyan satanism, as other such belief systems, is (satanic) in that it promotes taking, and enjoying the self. This is not the kind of death where an ego gives itself to creation force, but dies without giving anything.
People indoctrinated by the church, will say that "god enables satan" means "god enables evil" which flies in the face of "god is loving."
But if god and satan are seperate, under who's authority does satan do his works? If god was all powerful and resented entropy, would he not have killed it? Even the bible concedes, that what is done is done under the authority of god. If satan does so on his own power, he is a rival god who is capable of his own works, and thus god is not all powerful.
What group does it mean teacher too? Of what religious persuasion were jesus's compatriots? What book came before and shaped Christianity? It is accurate tbh, Christianity is semitic.
All evil is transient and is being destroyed by God through time. In the final calculus evil will disappear and all wounds will be mended and all who hate God will experience the due measure of their iniquity. Evil will be like nothing, only the good will persist into eternity, and all that will remain is God's glory and he will be all in all and justice will be served mercifully.
Evil emerges temporarily due to man's free-will to reject the good, this space exists for a moment only and while tragic it is not permanent, only God and his kingdom are permanent.
Yes Christianity has semitic roots, the apostles were semites, perhaps with the exception of Luke? But Christianity was mainly nourished and grew out of hellenic greece, the romans and franks. The early church fathers were not predominately gentiles. Vast majority of jews rejected christ. The semites who rejected Jesus and Christianity diverged into Talmudism and atheism and other nonsense.
they WERE* predominately gentiles, I meant.
So how is judeo Christianity not accurate if it has semitic roots?
That could be true. I only have my own eyes.
But then again, muslims state that things are created for benefit. xd. (troll face)
I'd like to hear WHY evil is considered transient, if gods creation was perfect?
Greek gnosticism, which states that material things are INHERENTLY evil. Christianity changes this to material things are a CHANNEL for evil.
Because the term "judeo-christian" creates a sort of alliance between modern jews and christians which doesn't exist.
jews and gentiles who converted to Christianity diverged from jews who rejected christ and became talmudists.
In conclusion, all I can say is that major religions were great philosophical works, with leanings towards a higher truth.
But if you think you're going to hell because you didn't worship jesus, you're under the influence of an extortionist god, like
To LIVE is to be EVIL.
And GOD is a DOG.
God is perfect and infinite.
Creation implies separation.
Separation from perfection and infinity implies imperfection and finiteness.
Creation is thus imperfect and finite, [since it is not God by definition], only God is perfect and infinite.
The fact that evil emerged in the finite and imperfect world is not that surprising or an existential problem.
When God created the world he said it was "good" or appropriate or "satisfactory", not literally "perfect" as in unchanging or incorruptible.
God gave man (and angels) the freedom to choose and allowed change to occur in time, these factors had the potential to corrupt creation. And they did.
But God also provides a remedy, so all debts will be settled in the end and all evil will vanish like smoke.
All will encounter God in the final judgment. Those who hate God will experience his presence as a burning fire, they will feel ashamed for their deeds and eternity will be dissatisfying. Those who love God and repent and cling to Him will experience eternal beauty and peace.
christcuckery is a jewish sub-sect
the proper translation for christianity is:
messianic radical-moral reform jew
-messianic because of the yid hanging from the stick
-radical-moral because of "muh moral values"
-reform jew because of reformatted and re-twisted bible
yet if you call christcuck to be jews they strongly reject it because they say they are sooo different from the jews they are not longer jews but the jews are outdated and misguided
pretty much the same say the muslimes (another jew sub-sect based on rather prophetic gibberish) say about christcucks and jews
yet notice: the christcukc never refer to jews as "pagans" because they actually kno; they and the jews are one and the same.
there are also some people claim chrstcuckery is "white mans religion", which is ridiculous because the bible itself says that jesus is son of house of king david. (perhaps the truth is jesus's mom was a typical jew-whore who fucked around with romans and got pregnant, still makes jesus a jew by rabbinical law). and jesus himself refers to the non-jews as unclean goys.
the fist members of the sect jewish sub-sect christcuckery were all jews without exception. but unlike the man jewish lines, they accepted non-believers into the sect without the requirement of blood relation.
christians also reject jews of being a race nor even a semi-race.
"god enables satan"
" he is a rival god who is capable of his own works"
"god is not all powerful"
doesnt matter which sect - all christucks are lying scum based on ponzi scheme.
remember: they are reform-jews and you know the rules:
-there are no good jews
-never trust a jew
-never believe a jew
-and the ones who got betrayed by the jew: serves them right! they trusted the jew
christcucks true goal is to collect money and to grow the pool of potential money donors
yeshua doesn't appear in the bible, Iesous does. The NT was written in Koine Greek by hellenized jews.
Jews and gentiles who accepted Christ were called Nazarenes and were ostracized for their beliefs by the pharisees and a permanent schism happened.
Christianity grew and was nourished by gentiles, it overtook greek philosophy and germanic paganism because it was superior in every way. It shaped European history and is responsible for "civilized man" for our moral and metaphysical understandings.
Civilized man is theocentric man.
Anyone who seeks God will be able to recognize his words via Iesous Christos and his apostles. Just like a son can recognize the voice of his father.
most of the time christucks confuse themselves with things liek homosexuality: the reason is the are all faggots
for example by the catholic christcuck bible priests are forbidden to have sex with men, woman, and young girls - but there is no verse against sex with young boys
this is why priests liek to suck young boys anus
in fact christcuckery is about sucking young boys anus but only if no one is looking your way.
get your mind out of the gutter
most chritians have usually serious mental problems, they hear voices and sometimes they do hallucinate. sometimes they just invent lies and convince themselves of the lie. they then spread their daily mental gibberish amongst the population. often they find mostly depressed and sad idiots who are ready to follow them because they feel sad. this is how they create occultism.
unlike judaism, christcuckery is strongly based on degeneration of the people. christians do restrict knowledge, they feed bums and parasites and they literally promote cripples and failure humans. once the compound of their DNA-pool starts crumbling and their system collapsing, they simply blame it on jews and "satan, demons and witches". this is how they managed to keep their system alive from 5th century to 15+ century.
what is your religion or philosophy? who is your master?
all flesh crumbles, so what will you do when you encounter God?
because christcuck are literally schizophrenics - there is little to no point in discussing anything with them. they mostly are very stupid and never read books, they also avoid science and biology and pretty anything else too.
the muslimes at least have invented algebra, but the cristuck were even to dumb to invent anythign else other than stick and a jew hanging from the sticks. in fac the christucks always killed and tortured scientists in middle ages
this is why its called "dark ages".
And what the fuck is this? Anime music? Srsly?
Or did you mean to send something else?
Most importantly, by externalizing good and evil - they can never trust their own thought processes. It's always an all or nothing type mentality. Believe it all or believe none of it and die.
Whos objective morality are you talking about? :^)
christcukery even today is still a religion mostly practiced by shit skins. there is no description of jesus skin color in the bible - thats why christucks usually try to sell jewsus to different races as "one of them"
-asian jesus
-black jesus
-white jesus
-mexican jesus
but the true is jesus was born in galilee and went to judea.
he then tried to convince other jews to donate money to his sect (to follow him), but the jew law says a false prophet has to be executed so the jews asked the romans to execute him as romans were stationed in that areas.
jesus was pretty much a pre-communist. walking around and attacking successful people, promoting free shit to bums and parasites. his sect was also cheering for hard work while he himself has never worked a single day and was living mostly from donations which he usually collected from poor and desperate jew woman. jesus was literally stealing from the most poor people to parasite himself and his close sect members through society.
(kind of like karl marx who never worked a day but was a rich son of a capitalist-jew)
even later in time christins collected unmeasured amount of money from the poor and working population to waist in on grotesque and disgusting looking building
God; the same objective source that makes triangles 3 sided, makes 2+2 = 4 and makes homosex an abomination, makes your soul liable to judgment and knew you before you were born.
satan is attacking me
satan is attacking me
satan is misleading me
There are a good number of people who rationalized on their own that good behavior is likely beneficiary to the universe as a whole but then christcucks come in and jam the entire dogmatic package down everyone's throats.
Christianity employs tactics used by cults of today. Removal of critical thinking. Fear of retribution or punishment. Interpreting every action as hostile. Fucks sakes.
But the god from the other side of the world has a completely different objective morality so how am I supposed to know which ones the objectivist?
sexuality is good when its well ordered, done out of love within marriage and open to procreation.
sexuality that is deformed, sodomy, lustful, greedy and outside of marriage harms the subject, makes his soul sick and enslaves his mind from what is truly beautiful and good.
if their views are grounded in natural law, what is good for man and what is noble and dignified their "objective morality" should be quite similar to all other moralities claiming objectivity.
the truth is also within us, and your task is search for it as far as you can go, and as you discover it to conform to it. things like lust, rape, jealousy, murder, envy, sodomy, theft, idolatry are universally immoral. The golden rule says we should treat others how we wish to be treated ourselves, so even a thief understands that stealing is wrong since he doesn't want anyone to steal his property. Hypocrisy is shameful.
Of course some are wrong, some are false, not everyone who claims to have found the truth has found it, maybe they only found part of it.
Have you ever read Nietzsche's theory of master / slave morality? I find philosophy sort of convoluted but it's a good theory as it basically puts into words the theory of "dragging everyone down to your level", which is what christianity is in a sense.
Also, why do you have all those pics? Are you just hanging around, waiting for someone to mention christianity so you can use them? Not offended, just curious.
if you want to look at christcuck origins ou need to look at the semite tree
you may also hear people saying "muh judeo-chrsitcuck values".
the reason is because jews and christcucks (and muslimes) are from the same tree. their values are different but they do overlap strongly either some point or at many points.
generally speaking they are one and they same shit and they themselves usually admit it, unless they are shilling places like Holla Forums
Nice joke.
they are objectively immoral, even if some homos and goldiggers disagree.
Having any faith outside of islam is objectively immoral even if some christcucks disagree.
if muslims get saved it's despite their faith, not because of it.
Jesus aka actual God is merciful and even the mentally handicapped have a chance.
chrstians usually sell their image as a loving peaceful religion - which is entirely BS
today we know the muslimes as "evil beheading terrorists"
but if you look up christucker - christcucks were 100 times more evil and disgusting than all muslimes misbehavior combined
christcucks are even worse than satanists (which is another jewish sub-sect sometimes based on anti-biblical rules and immorality)
christucks tortured people, burned people, burned cats and animals, burned woman, drowned woman
here for example is the difference between christcucks and muslimes:
-muslimes sewed people in half starting by the head
-christcuck sewed people in half by putting the person upside down and then the sewed the people starting by the ass.
christcucks then were banned from control over the state more and more. many if not all of the church members were always corrupt assfucker faggots and hypocrites.
christians also targeted each other for most of the times, different christuck sects popped up and they killed each other. they also killed chunks of the population here and there because they are of on "outdated branch of christcuckery and refuse to convert to the new right sect".
finally people got so tired of christcuckery, forced illiterate stupidity, christcuck lies and corruption etc, they kicked them out form any major influence of the state.
the french for example were so angry at christcucks, when the french revolutuon happened they even removed the christcukc calender and invented a new calender - it then was put back to the christian one, but still it shows how much jesus and his schizophrenic followers have annoyed all people in france
Only a false god would be such a little bitch that they can't even banish non-believers. More proof that islam is the one true religion.
Nope, God is also merciful that's why he heals the sick and the blind.
christucks themselves are a literally a trojan. they play the victim, then they slowly take over the power and then they start ruining everything for everyone including themselves until their own power finally collapses due to the unmeasured cuckery they commit
regardless of the social compound - they christcuck will always find a way to find to cuck themselves and everyone else and then they simply blame it on jews (which they themselves brought in in first place)
Christianity is the cure for all religion, ideology and wickedness.
Yeah we just need to give it a few more centuries right?
"My kingdom is not of this world"
Whoever puts Christianity into practice will be saved and his soul will be in harmony. This is what I mean when I say Christianity is the cure for all religion/ideology/wickedness. On the personal level it is a cure.
That doesn't mean the world will turn into a utopia with no more war.
There will always be war and pestilence, until the final judgment.
So just a few more centuries until the final judgement then?
people always say it was the "jews" who brought down USA - but it was actually the christcucks
the christicucks where the ones who strongly pushed for jew-right. jews were mostly forbidden USA until chrisitans opened the borders for jews, afterwards a huge flood of jews came to USA. christucks also appreciated the nigger-slave trade the jews committed. the reason is they want to spread christcukery in africa too.
sometimes jews directly converted to christuckery to pass laws unto the dumb illiterate curistucks.
no one knows the time or day, could be soon like 10,000 years or a bit later maybe a few million.
But that doesn't really matter, because upon death you will encounter your maker and you will be judged.
hitler himself was actually at first a catholic, hitlers mom was a strict catholic convert. the christcucks managed to corrupt hitler and "mein kampf".
but hitler was a smart man, slowly he began to understand that christcuekry is actually a bad thing. the nazis then started to limit christcukery but most of the ss members refused to leave christuckery and kept donating money to church.
they used hitler and the nazis to fight communism because communists were killing christcucks and (muslimes) without mercy. while the church were constantly backstabbing hitler, to the very end of his life hitler finally understood that christcueckry is shit beyond imagination.
hitler then was constantly saying "why it had to be christcuckery? why not islime or jap shito-butthims?"
this video is describing christcucks better than anything else
I hope I die first so I can watch you wake up from the simulation of earth and see the look on your face when you realize what a sucker you were.
I beg and beesech you, Lord: grant to all who have gone astray a true knowledge of you, so that each and every one may come to know your glory.
+ St. Isaac the Syrian
doesn't matter how many layers of matter or simulation exist, ultimately we will die and meet our maker, the source of all; and the timeless truths I seek transcend dimensions, whether digital or atomic.
If one is enslaved by passions on earth or in a simulation they are still very much a slave. If one is freed and delivered it doesn't matter where his body happens to be, or in what form.
christcuks are bending liars. today we live in a zionist world - and israel literally proves all christucks wrong
so what do christcucks do? they simply bend reality by inventing zionst christianity. a belive that is contradicting the fundamental christian point of the destruction of the second temple. christains are actually strongly anti israel and they were the ones keeping up palestine to prevent a new formation of israel. but their own cuckery has made them transmit all the monetary system to jews and israel was recreated anyway.
christcucks were even too dumb to retake jerusalem from muslimes.
they also lsot spain and whole north africa and byzantium etc. in fact is they actually gave it away through cuckery. they accidentally retook spain though but it took them ages to do so.
sucker confirmed, the only reason people die here is so they can get out of the simulation and go back to the real world where everyone lives forever because of technological advances.
Anyway, the ultimate "simulation" is the one God is running right now, but most people are too occupied with genitalia and money to distinguish the relative from the absolute.
i may also add: currently christcuck is opening boarders form muslimes again. hundreds of years fighting mulimes nullified because of christcukery now welcoming everyone again same as they in the byzantium. all of this is happening because christcuck are not stupid and illiterate but also top cucks beyond imaginable cuckery
in fact i have seen christcucks they are so stupid, they dont even know their own bible.
i have also seen the same with muslimes. when you confront them with their own religion and quites of the bible they accuse of lying until you bring the bible and point it out to them.
they stand with the stupid look on their face
"ugggggh i didnt know about that, muh local priest never told me about this"
how be humans so stupid to follow a shitty jew sub-sect without reading (and understanding) whats actually written in their own scripture
If you didn't die in the simulation then how would you get back out of it and return to the real world then you dumbass?
We all chose this simulation like you'd choose an arcade cabinet to play on and once your life runs out you can insert another quarter and start again or go on with your actual life.
Prove me wrong oh wait you can't.
see pic
t. pederast childmolester
No manuscript says "yeshua".
Iesous Christos however is there plenty of times.
Your gonna die and get judged and there's nothing you can do about it lmao
not my pope.
im orthodox.
we send pedos to jail, we don't move them around and protect them.
Your going to wake up from the simulation and everyone will laugh at you for falling for a simulated religion and theres nothing you can do about it lmao
the real simulation is the one God is running, not the one some transhumanists daydream about running
they dont need to. they simply break their own rules and ask a day later for forgiveness (while talking to a schizophrenic voice in their head)
Nothing ever talked about god running a simulation, its clear you're starting to put the pieces together and realize that none of this is actually real but you're still trying to rationalize it with your religion even though you know deep down that its just as fake as everything else we experience here.
At least you've admitted to yourself that this is indeed a simulation, now you just have to understand what that entails.
Oh wow, it's almost like that's what Socrates and Plato and the Hindus and all the Prophets and mystics said all along. It's an old idea clothed in "digital" metaphors. Nothing new or special.
Yes you will "unplug" from the simulation eventually. For those who are attached to it and mesmerized by it the unplugging will be a painful hell, for others it will be peaceful. Depends on the state of their soul.
I just farted so long and hard, I think I might have moved the house off the foundations a little… jesus f christ!
Hm all those people had wildly different religious beliefs but all happened to feel the same way about being in a simulation, really makes you think.
no, i got them because christcucks were attacking 8/pol/ and still have them as a left over.
imkamfy back then was banning this shits until jim ordered to stop doing so during the (((trump))) pre-election because of "D&C".
i have archived and saved their raid threads somewhere on my drive. i also noticed a lot of them were stinky russians because its mostly them who spam icons. interesting about the russains is, the same as they were marching as atheists marxist pioneers, back then this same people were attacking everyone who is not a marxist/leninist/communist/atheist. the moment their government changed they all imminently flipped over to christcuckery which is basically a proof that majority of people will hail any shit as long as its government promoted. bring back communism and this same people in russia who today hail the yid hanging from the stick, will switch imminently back to communism and hail how great communism/atheism/marxism is. no surprise, russian are one of the dumbest humans on earth and very close to niggers.
myself not really a Holla Forumslack just wanted to read some informative and interesting articles on Holla Forums before 8/pol/ was ruined with the trump election, but christucks prevented it by ruining Holla Forums before tump/kushner alt-right kikes did - at a point christcucks were spamming each thread on Holla Forums to death and they made me hate christcuckery more than any other religion. i was actually kind of neutral to slightly pro christain before their raids without being chrsitian myself. by that time i didnt know much about christuckery until i looked up the christcuck bible and the various sect + their history + their typical tricks and lying etc
but after all i have i to grateful to them because they themselves showed me how shitty their religion is.
matthew confirms!
so they can accumulate and gather there. they then come out of jail and create secret political parties financed by jews and foreign aid. they also create homo-mafias and because they know each other form jail it makes it even easier. while officially all of them deny deny to be homos they end up as top politicians and business man backed by homo-mafia and police of they are part of.
congrats you dumb christcuck! you made child rapist faggots to the most powerful people in your leftover of a cuntry.
*tips fedora*
unfortunately there's no viable truth or path in life that can replace Christianity, its either you become Christian or you wallow in degeneracy, atheism, nihilism, and idolatry (worshiping rivers and genetics and trees)
you can also have all morals from christcuckery without following christuckery
you can also be a cristcuck and still be a degenerate faggot who sucks young boys anus - like most christcucks are
That never happened kid, pre second vatican council here, debate me.
Not sure if mormon, JW, gnostic, troll or baby first tippings.
I am dying, seriously, modern atheism is just antichristianism. Atheists will worship odin if that offend christians, just check Holla Forums.
Back to Holla Forums with your forced memes.
when christcucks are confronted with logic they get angry.
hmmm. where did i have seen this before. oh right, its the muslimes
poor supermarket
fedora logic.
I am this guy:
He is a "discordian", basically a militant atheist that is fighting christianity, no, i am not trolling, he is like the tard that killed 26 in a church a few days ago, he didnt give a fuck about religion, he just hate christianity and its a time bomb that the FBI have to control, also notice how they post in pedophile threads and how all mass shooters are atheists.
t. triggered christcuck
ughh so much anger. you must all red in your face like a watermelon. you know what? you need to relax as you always do - run to your local church, snatch a small boy and fuck him in the ass.
after all you are a christian and jesus likes all people including young boys.
First, damage control, second, stop projecting, i am into women, but the point about poppers made me a little mad but i get pussy anyways.
their minds are in the gutter, their souls are diseased…sad.
thread too long. Did any1 present any good, repeatable and observable evidence for god? (as if)
have you looked in the toilet? he told jewsus christ is everywhere but does it also mean he is our asses?
it would explain why jesus never had any woman. lol that faggot
see here,
why do you assume something has to be observable to be real? do you know that what causes observable things aren't directly observable themselves? and what cause those are even less observable, and so long until the most primal cause is totally unobservable
cuz if theres no way to detect it, it indistinguishable from not existing. If u have nothing, but sophistry, maybe u should stfu.
you have intution and reason, you are a man are you not? even the greeks knew atoms existed long before any were detected. and even now they are only indirectly detected. and we can intuit they are caused by even smaller parts, sub atomic causes, and those are even less observable, and so forth…down to vibrating strings or who knows what.
causality is real, even though no one has ever seen it, all we can observe are coincidences of something preceding something else, but never this thing called causality
nothings more wrong, than intuition, especially when it comes to quantum mechanics. Intuition is built on experiences and the experiences u have revolve around a macrocosm of your day-to-day live. Meaning: patterns u learned to recognize r wrong, when it comes to the earliest times of the existence of universe and its smallest particles. Gut feelings r not enough to prove anything. Do u have any evidence of god, or repeatable experiments pointing directly to your kind of god, or r u gonna engage in special pleading fallacy, by saying universe couldnt be a cause of itself, but god could?
the proofs of math are far more certain, far more true and far more enduring than anything in physics or biology or chemistry and the proofs of math do not depend on "observation" and "microscopes" but rest entirely on intuition and reason working together.
the idea that you need to "observe" something for it to be real is naive sophistry and not worth entertaining. Neither I nor any scientist can observe your mind and awareness nor your emotions, thus you are unaware and mindless and emotionless? You are a zombie, correct.
greeks didnt know about atoms, they just extrapolated matter is made of small parts, sine u can divide what u have continuously. They didnt know whats an atom made out of, how many r there an how do they interact.U poined me to some equation, that supposedly proves god - How does it prove god? E to the power of i times 3,14, and all that summed up with 1 gives 0 and that proves god how?
U have no kind of evidence for gof. Not mathematical, not any other
pointing an observable "behavior" back to a subjective, undetectable "emotional state" is like saying the universe has design/harmony therefore it has a designer. congrats, now you're getting somewhere.
difference is behaviour is observable, while u cant demonstrate theres "harmony/design" in universe, besides human inventions
that fact that you exist and you are conscious and can reason (albiet badly) proves God exists, for neither your parents knew how to create you, nor does space know, nor do the blind atoms floating around in the vacuum know; only God knows you and only he could have created you. And to him you will return. He is your origin and your purpose.
Seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking are miracles, and each part of you is a miracle, and you take these powers for granted, and despite your arrogance and blind atheism you didn't happen by "chance" nor did you create yourself and although you think life is meaningless you are wrong and you ask dumb questions about God because you long to find him. Good luck
thats still u trying to stretch the "first cause" and not have it be a special pleading case.
u didnt explain the equation and u didnt say why universe needs cause, but god doesnt
the fact that we can observe and talk about anything shows there is harmony and design otherwise nothing would be intelligible, we couldn't communicate, everything would be random chaos and incoherent….the eye couldn't see, the ear couldn't here, our mouths wouldn't be able to speak if there was no design harmony or order.
they knew how to make kids.Again, what made god, then?
Its not, that atoms see, its the processes they engage in. Its not miracles, its lots of time, gradual change and chemical reactions.
Thinking isnt a proof of god. Thinking is a proof of thinking
the universe is a multiplicity of changing parts, contingent on other smaller parts, it changes over time, it has a beginning, it didn't create itself, so it needs a cause.
God is nothing like the universe, God does not change or decay, God is not a multiplicity of parts, he is purely One, God has no beginning, so he requires no cause. He always is and always will be.
Science shows us the universe had a beginning at the "big bang". Logic shows us that the universe can't be infinitely old because there would be no way for the present to exist if that were the case. You can't traverse infinite time, if the past is infinite there would never be enough time to arrive at the universe' current configuration. Likewise you can't reach an end to an infinite future. So the Universe can not have an infinite past, it can't be eternal. It has a beginning, thus it requires a cause.
God does not. God is.
how do u know any of this?
u clearly dont know how infinity works
Yeah, what is causality? What made god? Everything has a cause, regardless if its made out of particles, or no, or if it decays or not. See, u spewed all those descriptors, as if they have any bearing on causality
What is time, then? How come u have a god before universe, if time started the the existence of universe?
So how do u know this universe is designed? Show me the other universe, that u have evidence for not being designed at all. It would be best if u had about 100 universes total to base this on
Cuz of rule of identity, Triangle has 3 sides, cuz we call things, that have 3 of something "things with 3 of something". If it had 4 sides, it wouldve been a 4sider, not 3sider
…and still not a single piece of solid physical evidence of god's existence; just a bunch bullshit cryptic speaking of why we should just blindly believe
That`s even bleaker than I imagined.
I somehow could detect that these posters, and others from a previous thread, were russian. I was even wondering if it was some massive psyops type deal to fuck with n. americans somehow but your idea makes more sense, they`re just plain retarded.
Check solipsism, atheism is pure sophistry.
I believe in D0G