Remakes can't be better than the ori-

Remakes can't be better than the ori-

That movie was so diferent that you shouldnt even call it a remake

No really unless you mean one has good direction and the other mediocre direction and production


pleb pls, both movies are about completely diferent things

My favourite adaptation of Solaris was a radio drama made by the BBC

it's shit
fuck you

Completely disregarded



Soviet filmmaking pretension far exceeds anything the French can produce.

Is this a :^) thread?


5 Angry Men


i only see 4 tho

A cuckino improvement.

Whut? TBoaN was seen as racist even by its original run standards when the KKK was known as the terrorist group formed by democrats, fine, but what do you mean with that they have a black president in the 19th century.

I just like the we wuz prezidants take on the meme. I could have also said
for recent claims that Alexander Hamilton was black.

No, seriously. My mother tried convincing me that Hamilton was black. I pulled out my phone and searched for his ancestry. The sources I found claimed he was Scottish/English and French. My mother had a look on her face that I'd triggered her programming and her brain shut down. This woman is a history teacher, for fucks sake.

Holy crap, it has been proved that the founding fathers were incredibly merciful to their slaves, Washington even paying salary and planning on Freeman them before dying, Jefferson even created a way of retribution to slaves from owners if the owner was proved to be an asshole and forbid torture in some states, not freeing his slaves in fear they'll end up with a worse master had they lost their freedom documents, that really, most of the population actually saw with good eyes as "ah, that nigger has earned his freedom, what a good nigger he has to be.".
What else do they want in revisioning past? We wuz Anunnaki?

There's some stupid musical where Hamilton's a rapping black guy that's popular right now, I guess people are dumb enough to believe it, when it's the historical equivalent of The Wiz.

Confirmed for not having read Tarkovsky's books or art theory in general.

Are you saying Solaris (2002) is French

There's the literal
Niggers claim the first US president was black, while completely ignoring the contradiction claiming that the 1st pres was black while the country was racist as fuck and wanted all blacks to hang would have been better if that last part was totally true
Claiming ancient egyptians were black. This one royally pisses me off because I study Ancient Egyptian mythology and culture as a hobby, and it's so obviously untrue that it makes my blood boil. Especially when they watch movies about Ancient Egyptian mythology (or ancient Egypt in general) and complain that the characters aren't black. My usual response, when it's about mythology, is "Osiris wasn't black, he had blue fucking skin" (which is true. Osiris, the god of the afterlife, was blue-skinned). When they complain about historical figures, I just point to the blonde and redheaded pharaohs.
This is a new one, thanks to media propaganda doubling down on the idea that Europe has always been "diverse". New TV shows about European folk tales cast niggers as the protags, new Romeo and Juliet show has Romeo as black and Juliet as a blonde white (surprise surprise). I visited family for Memorial Day yesterday, and my cousins and I were all ripping on how stupid it is to have niggers in old time England. I love that side of my family.
I've been seeing this one more lately. It's just as stupid as we wuz europeans but Asians respond with "fukku u niggeru"

This is just what South Koreans want you to believe.

1776 is the only historical musical that matters.

Memes aside, it's great

Thing 2011 was a prequel, not a remake. I fail to understand how people continue to make this mistake. The end of the 2011 movie is the exact beginning of the '82 version.

probably not that many people made it all the way to the end

I'm sure most of the people who say this have never seen The Thing from Another World and just assume it's not because "LOL 50s sci fi movies like on MST3k XD." Carpenter's Thing may have had better atmosphere and a scarier monster, but Hawk's thing had a far better plot, significantly more fleshed out characters, and all around better directing.

Go meme somewhere else retard. Carpenter's film is far more accurate to the novella than that 50s vegetable monster flick. Carpenter's flick is also not a remake.

Who cares? Hawk's film is still better.

Nah, >>>/reddit/ is that way

Because it's irrelevant. It's a remake in all but technicality, like The Force Awakens or Jurrassic World, but even moreso, because being a prequel it barely has to acknowlege the first movie. It was even just called The Thing. It's a remake.

Its very similar fam idk what you are talking about. Also another is Funny Games

What, no room for Moors? Also, I'm pretty sure African empires made trade deals with Rome which would include slaves, workers and emissaries.
yfw Mali emperor literally wasted all his and his people's money in BLING and t h i c c bitches and is probably the ancestor of current blacks with most of the other spectrum getting killed because they wouldn't slave in the colonies.

This meme is dangerous

So the founding fathers were happy to have blacks as US citizens? Doesn't that BtFO most of Holla Forums?

i can already see another remake with dyed hairs and muslim transexuals



what did they mean by this?

because I'm the OP, ghost of Tarkovsky and I was thinking of other examples

Clooney's Solaris was pointless. It added nothing or provided a different view on the existence of the human being than the original movie.

The original was pointless too as it completely mangled and misinterpreted the entire point of the novel.

It was pretty immersive directionwise


The novel was just a run of the mill sci-fi book, but the film turned the story into a powerful statement about human nature. Tarkovsky was able to make a first rate film out of a fourth rate novel, like what Ford did with Grapes of Wrath.

Moulignons and Fapulets