On October 23, 2017 I was permabanned for "violating" dost even though in my entire tenure on this site I've never posted cp or scantily clad minors. I don't know what happened or who banned me but it must not ever happen again. It literally came out of nowhere and it didn't even contain my actual IP address; it was just a random series of numbers, letters and symbols and I was only able to appeal it once and it was rejected an hour later.
Fix this so it never happens again because it is not cool
Adrian Hill
no justice no peace until same happens for hex tbh
Alexander Hernandez
join the club tbh
Logan Davis
this seems oddly familiar
David Martin
you deserved everything you got faggot.
Aaron Cox
I would post what I did that got me banned but I'm not risking it, even though it isn't anywhere near fitting the criteria for dost
it was a video of an asian lady choking a baby boy with some straps and suspending him above her head and then throwing him down; pretty sick shit
Nathan Jones
being this fucking new
Connor Kelly
of course
Parker Mitchell
Pimenova is CP now. Fucking bullshit
Carson Bell
Don't need to evade it if I didn't do anything warranting a ban in the first place
It wasn't my actual IP moron
Ryder Hill
Almost like COINTEL PRO
Daniel Stewart
They dont show your actual IP, in the bans, you autistic fuck
Matthew Cooper
nothing new
Cooper Mitchell
you are a retard smh
Chase Cook
Yes they do you fucking idiot. I was banned before for talking to a cp poster and they used my actual IP
Like talking to a brick wall
Matthew Clark
translation: i'm mad enough to make a thread because i don't know how to ban evade
Anthony Price
Caleb Morgan
Nathan Gutierrez
You're ban evading right now
Jackson James
Christian Morris
you reading the same OP as me?
Evan Edwards
Elijah Lee
i thought he implied it too heavily to not have said it by saying "i'm free"
Liam Watson
Hudson Foster
Juan Diaz
Jordan Powell
vols are on a power trip
Kayden Price
Thanks nigger!
Luis Reyes
>Your ban was filed on Monday 23 October 23, 2017 and will not expire. Not literally stated but implied.
Andrew Brown
I was permab& for speaking against the vols. Thats all i did, and didnt bitch about it. I moved on
Connor Gutierrez
Well I didn't either when I first got banned for talking to a cp poster but this time really pissed me off because it was super unwarranted
Colton Robinson
That's when Lolifox went down. Fuck pedos tbh
Austin Baker
why was it down? did they switch hosts? I spammed reports to their host for a while
Levi Butler
My first ban was around March last year but I'm guessing you're referring to my screenshot
Landon Kelly
Its because of idiots like you, that we cant have nice thing. kys
Angel Carter
Yes I was.
I think so I didn't really care for their drama but it was entertaining to watch their pedo threads reach bump limit with all the antis and normalfags trying their best to 'fight back.'
Gabriel Reed
Jayden Morgan
I did more actually, like reporting their IP to the french police
Isaac Rogers
Wait so are you a pro-hebe/pedo or anti? I'm confused
Chase Reyes
Ayden Peterson
Jaxon Murphy
Dude I don't even fucking know anymore. Can I be all of the above because I don't honestly don't know what I am.
Asher Williams
Actually its retarded AF. So you dont want us here, and when we fiind a new home, you yake that away too? What the fuck do you want?
Joshua Roberts
They don't know what they want.
Camden Collins
thx brother I just checked and they aren't running that lolifox tv service anymore (I was able to get their IP though that), I think they moved
Sebastian Foster
makes sense. Then dont mess up things. Just stay in your lane
Carter Richardson
Pedos and antis will always coexist. They're polar opposites yet they're always together. Antis just want something to do while pedos just want to be left alone and accepted, and that is what attracts the antis. They're not content with simply being; they'll never be content because they are antis. If something exists then there's always an alternative to it and this is why the world is perpetually fucked. No one wants to be content with what they have, they always seek out more than they are given. This is human nature and this is why the world is what it is.
Jonathan Jones
There is no such thing I hate it when I see people use this terminology
Lincoln Taylor
pedos troll everyone, that's just how I troll them back. suck it up.