
Polacks coming to our board means
A) If they're calm, they actually see some legitimacy to our leftist beliefs and want respectful debate. A good thing.
B) If they're shitposting here they are going out of their way because they're scared. It's the same sort of "we must physically remove communists" mentality they have as seeing us as a real threat. A good thing.


Wait, is Trump actually wearing that RAF hat or was that a shop?

trumpfags are the new ponyfags

It's a shop, I found this on some random leftist shitposting site.

There's so metal gear Trump pics too. It's funny because those themes of those games are against the very core of the alt-rights beliefs.

nah we just came here to call you guys a bunch of fags

stop thinking you're important on Holla Forums because you're really not

Leftist don't waste their time with meaningless shit flinging, imbecile.

A bunch of your like got beat the fuck up by liberals with sticks, how does that feel :)?

I'm looking for respectful debate, but I see no legitimacy here.

but youre wasting time on meaningless websites like this

how exactly are you better again?

For Sacramento, once again you leftists prove to be faggots. Pick up a gun and make a statement not run around with a stick and hit people with them, only to get stabbed with neonazi steel. You guys are all talk, no action, for claiming to be a bunch of communists.

Somewhat related.
They used that song because it was on the latest Metal Gear game.

Did they actually play the game before they made this video? One of the major themes was that we are more then the genes were born with. The entire series is a critique of the kind genetic determinism that the alt-right advocates for.

Are you the guy who ask for scholarly articles refuting pseudo-science, and then when granted that you stop responding?

This one hit close to home for me, though.

This logical contradiction is partly what defines the alt-right to begin with. On some level, they know what they are saying isn't just cruel, it's utterly nonsensical. They just don't care, because it makes them feel good.

I know but it's so utterly ridiculous. I mean how can anyone use a song created in memory of two immigrant anarchist featured in a game with themes critiquing genetic determinism for a fascist anti-immigration video. I've never seen a contradiction like that before. I mean come on. How can anyone be this ignorant?


It's what happens when you burn books instead of reading them.

Read Zizek

Don't worry guys. Fascism will only be a serious threat if they get support from organized labor, which will never happen. The most reactionary parts of the US are "right to work" states. Europe, however, is a different situation.

If I were a fascist, I would happy as fuck with neoliberalism as it is. It keeps the white nations rich at the expense of poor non-white nations. I don't understand why these people are freaking out.

This is pol

I've played the role of the quiet observer for the most part, rarely do I post, and when I do, it's not bait.. you wouldn't be able to tell I'm from Holla Forums, specially since I don't post under this flag.

Also, thanks for introducing me to Zizek and Stirner.

Specially stirner, oh you have no Idea what you have unleashed upon this world.

Because fascists are inverse SJW. They don't base their opinions of real world politics on observations and evidence, they just assume they're being persecuted. They want to be.

The only reason the ebul brown migrants are in Europe is to be wage slaves so they can maintain a high standard of living.

As a self-proclaimed Holla Forumsack, what do you like about Stirner and Zizek? They seem like people Holla Forums would hate.

Doesn't the current neo-liberal paradigm call for flooding countries with immigrants to drive down the price of labor and spark racial tensions from reactionaries? Last I checked fashies are definitely not OK with immigrants by and large

I'm both A) and B) tbh

Thanks dude. That A option wasn't supposed to offend Polacks so it's cool you're taking it well.

The migrants are a tiny part of the population and are only there to work.

From an idpol perspective, the whites are reasserting dominance over nonwhites.


When will this meme stop

Why are you calling people autistic when the social circumstances of your beliefs force you to admit you're ostensibly autistic by action.

Fucking hell you people need to just admit already that you're tsundere for Holla Forums - if not outright Holla Forumsyp false flags. We really shouldn't have any tolerance for them


please do not be respectful to sanae-chan

We get the point, it's merely a stupid perspective.

Are you from Philadelphia? I am so sorry.

Sure you do, sure you do…

What is your enlightened non-contradictory perspective?

You don't understand how leftism works you imbecile. Read a book.

Samefagging this hard.


People genuinely seeking more info about leftism: OK, even if from Holla Forums.
Holla Forumsyps talking about anuddah shoah, da joos, or whatever bullshit "arguments" against socialism they like to repeat ad nauseam: not OK, should not be tolerated.

Yeah, the "we are getting raided and we have to start destroying everyone!" mentality is gay.

Zizek is incredibly funny and also insightful, his views on the big other of lacanian psychology are fascinating. As a critic, I think bot the left and the right have a lot to take in from him.

and Stirner…

The spooks are real mang. you really get a perspective on what is it that you really value when you realize that you don't need to serve ideas, that ideas should serve you.

I'm just lurking. Really what I'm here for is to learn about leftist politics without the progressivism spewed all over it. I assume that is the main purpose of leftypol.

Really though you guyd just keep having threads about us so I never get to see the interesting discussion. More often I find that when leftypol makes threads on Holla Forums I can communicate with them much easier and they often welcome me over (as long as I don't shitpost). Just the other day somebody made a thread telling people on Holla Forums to stop spamming this boards because they were in favor of Brexit as well (although for differing reasons), and after a short discussion with one of the posters from here I got curious and have begun to lurk here.

Also, a lot of the people spamming here aren't really Holla Forumsacks, they're from Holla Forums or just career shitposters. Every board gets them.

No Holla Forums comes here and makes shit like the "Axis General" and related nonsense weekly. We have lot's of discussion. I think threads about Holla Forums are retarded and we should stop talking about you, but we have a lot of leftist discussion.

Well regardless, I think that those people from Holla Forums are just as cancerous as spammers and shitposters on any other discussion-oriented board.

I look forward to learning what leftist ideology can look like without progressivism.

You see, you say that. Yet you're the ones regulary visiting Holla Forums only to shit post. No debate nothing, just "le raycis look at me xDDDDD" and then you come back here make a thread and are proud that your thread on Holla Forums got 3 or 4 replies.

I was actually one Holla Forumsack who did question communism, anarchism and regular motives of leftists. What do I got is a bunch of whiny, aggressive people everyone with their own "very special" brand of communism, anarchism or whatever.

You know what was the worse on that "debate" they completely ignored me and went on how "anarcho something something" is so much better than "anarcho something something" because obviously the other one is just fascism in disguise.

So I highly doubt you will get anyone from Holla Forums to actually change their mind about their worldviews and I doubt it even more that Holla Forums sees you as some kind of threat. You're more like a bunch of old grandpas talking what kind of porcelain is better suited for which things.

Do you have anything to support your claims that the shitposters come from here?

I didn't sceencap it, yet this thread alone proves to me that leftypol as always tries to provocate.

Well it depends what kind of debate, I mean nobody stop you from questioning fascim or nationalsocialism. You will have your debate usually.

But making a thread about how superior communism is, in a obviously rightwing group is usually not taken seriously but honestly I don't blame them, after all you kinda ask for it if you do something like that in Holla Forums.

Oh look what I found, just opened up the catalog.

Did you read the thread ? Most posters just told OP to fuck off.
But why do i bother you're just probably arguing in bad faith. Perhaps you're even the one who made the thread in the first place.

Read Adorno's critique of modernity and commentary on Spengler and Gramsci's philosophy of history. It's a balanced take on progress.