I'm not a pedo and don't sexualize her at all but over the course of watching Stranger Things the past couple nights I've fallen in love with Eleven. This has happened to me before but not for 5 or 6 years. Japanese movies and anime are much more adept at the emotional manipulation involved in successfully making you fall in love with a fictional character (pic related). This is why I avoid anime.
How do I get over the pain of her being fictional?
I'm not a pedo and don't sexualize her at all but over the course of watching Stranger Things the past couple nights...
kys tbh
start reading books or something nigger
this is something I believe will work but starting to read again is such a pain in the ass. Maybe I'm just a retard but rewiring my brain to not be extremely frustrated at reading is near impossible, getting into reading in my teens always took like 20 hours until I'd be addicted to a book, which is why serialized novels have always been to my taste because you get addicted to it and can binge the entire series. Mind you I've only done that twice in my life and it was with teen fiction novels.
the internet and digital media consumption has rewired people's attention spans/way they read. people want instant reward/access rather than having to sit through an entire book to enjoy the story in its entirety. it can be gotten over though, i'm doing a bad job of falling back into the instant-reward trap right now however
I don't watch that show. Is that supposed to be a female?
so its a little boy?
Yeah, I looked it up. I guess it's actually female. Doesn't look it, though.
Look, OP, you're not in love with this character. And I agree that you're probably not a pedo. Just a fag. Find your closest military installation where they do basic training, and go to the gay bar closest to the base. You 'll find at least a few 18 year old twink enlistees who look just like this actress to give you all the love you can take.
Thank me later homo.
she's really pretty but doesn't doing anything cute in the show tbh
she doesn't have to do anything cute in the show, because she IS cute
I thought she was cuter before I watched the show tbh w/ you sempai
i didn't know she existed before that show, tbhwy fam
I mean if you fell in love with a girl when you were 13, then she died, and 8 years later you're still in love with her, that hardly makes you a pedo. You're a pedo if you sexualize girls or want to fuck them.
But thi is not your case. The girl is pretty much alive. So, unless younare under 18, you're a pedo for being in love with a child
It still makes you a pedo dumbass
what if the little girl is sexualising herself?
yeah but what if she's really hot
then they are the pedos, and you for watching
still a pedo
There are many cases where an underage girl got jail time for sending nudes to her bf
What if she is a nigger therefor not a human???
isn't that beastiality? aka zoophilia?
Therefore its bestiality.
Underrated solution.
t. former enlisted twink
There's nothing wrong with bestiality!