Memes aside, this movie was good but the book got the point across better
Memes aside, this movie was good but the book got the point across better
If it wasn't of the autistic dubs meme no one would talk about this shitty movie
People who like good movies would talk about it.
Pretty sure there isn't one except blah blah blah.
Daily reminder that Brett Easton Ellis himself, author of the American Psycho novel, praised Batman v Superman as a kino masterpiece
That's cool. Brett Easton Ellis is also a fag that wants to fuck Kylo Ren.
Ellis is a shit writer. He writes about vapid characters because his writing is elementary and loathsome so he masks his ineptitude behind the mask of post-ironic commentary about Consumerism, Capitalism and the excesses of self. He's written the same fucking story for thirty years and the only people who are sucking his dicks are the faggots that think he's writing their after-party conversations.
The movie was great because Ellis didn't write the screenplay and Bale went full-tilt stone-cold fucknuts.
The point was "men are vain and evil and business is evil and blah blah blah" right?
People who like good movies don't post on this board, bro.
The book was fucking unreadable. Worse than Bilbo's goddamned 111th birthday, a page of fucking made-up Hobbit names Tolkien thought up while high on that Longbottom Leaf.
I can't watch anything with SJW, Muslim lover Ben Affleck.
Reminder that the kikes killed Zack Synder's daughter so they could get him to stop making redpilled films!
I like the part where one third of the book is him describing what people are wearing. That's not even sarcasm.
I cant even remember when I was this young. I envy you
Not even close, it showed how shallow and ugly the yuppie business world was in the 80s. This was done by all the men looking the same and all the women looking the same. No one really knows anyone, not even their names. This produces Patrick Bateman, a sociopath/psychopath who thrives in this enviornment because of his lack of emotions or understanding of them. Everything is surface, there is no "person deep down inside you".
Awesome movie imo.
I feel like that message is more applicable to modern society than ever before.
>>>Holla Forums
How is any part of that leftist at all you dick drinking dumber than dumb drooling dipshit?
It's SO TRUE that the 80s were like that that the ramifications of the loss of identity were the major problem of the 90s.
which is to say it wasn't because it's a bunch of bullshit.
He's a reddipoler false flagging as a Holla Forumsyp because he doesn't like this thread and wants to derail it.
dubs confirm
check these points