I feel so ill. I don't know if it's depression but I feel nauseous all day. What the fuck do I do about this?
I feel so ill. I don't know if it's depression but I feel nauseous all day. What the fuck do I do about this?
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physically ill? see a doctor. depression should be a pretty obvious sensuous feeling
get a regular sleep schedule
wake up early
eat more protein
get a job
t. commie
You could just kill yourself and end the suffering
as in this has been going on not just today but weeks now. I'm pretty sure I'm physically healthy because my doctor keeps telling me to fuck off.
I'm definitely depressed but I don't know about this neausea thing, that's only been there two or three weeks but these two or three weeks I've been having a mental breakdown, so I'm 75% sure the nausea is my mental health
I'm a university student
honestly I'm in a constant state of terror some nights over this, when I kill myself it's going to fucking explode. Not as in mass-shooting killing other people but it definitely won't be dignified.
get a regular sleep schedule
wake up early
eat more protein
go study
don't do any of these tbh
What tests has he ordered, and what were the results?
what does eating more protein help with? Was rewatching some MDE videos earlier and got the urge to start lifting again, it kinda seems pointless because I have the frame of a small girl though. I run a lot though.
no tests ordered, just checked my blood pressure and heartbeat tbh. I didn't tell him about the nausea because I have 2 or 3 other things I want him to take seriously and felt like not mentioning another issue out of nowhere.
I got a blood test like 5 or 6 weeks ago (blood sugar, cholesterol, B12, thyroid) but haven't had the motivation to phone him one of these mornings to get the results back. Sometimes my TSH is above normal and I had pernicious anemia last year and had a round of B12 injections, my cholesterol has always been within normal but on the high end so I worry about that one, hence the running.
what do you guys think of volunteering? like at a hospital or something. I'd like to have a purpose outside of doing meaningless studying, but at the same time doing anything except the bare minimum makes me miserable because I have no social skills and stick out.
if your study is meaningless find something to study that is meaningful
Go back to the doctor and tell him about all of your symptoms. Including your apparent retardation.
don't do this your doctor will lie to you anyway tbh
accept death
I'm studying physics and chemistry. The chemistry I think is particularly meaningless. Is anything you can study at university particularly meaningful? At least in my final year there's a big research project opportunity which is why I picked it. The only things I'm interested are bad ideas.
please don't bully me more than necessary. We're all in the same boat to some degree even if I'm worse off.
Get your dick sucked by leftypol BO. Unless, that is what made you ill in the first place.
Just watch Rick and Morty. The exponential IQ increase will make you feel better
if you tell your doctor you are suicidal they have to send you to the psych ward.
I stop eating 10 hours after my first food or drink other than water. You feel groggy after that window. Body is winding down to sleep time
egoist mongoose has claimed this thread
natural and organic depression can have good utility if you know how to esoterically harness it into self-sustaining energy