Let's see if we can find any Holla Forums
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Pale Nice Assed Skinny White Girls
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Why do they have to be white?
Anti-Thicc and have to be pale
Bumping because I want to bump these pussys and buttholes with a big fat cock. Whenever I get one..
opps unsage
here ya go fam
So you like men, good to know
What could be more fun than bumping nice white asses on a boat.
you're mom lol
Sure would be fun to hog that white butthole huh
Make her young again
you are american?
why are adults getting deleted?
Just saw the word "asses" and figured you'd want some of the best. Besides, she's fit thicc so technically skinny
pick one and only one
If you want nice, beautiful asses, you'd logically pick thicc but since you people can't decide on nice or just existing ass, you say skinny
i'm white. "nice, beautiful asses" are small and trim
Existing asses
Nice asses pics related
you're delusional if those are considered "nice"
you have to be white to understand. i won't hold it against you
No, you have to have zero standards for the definition of nice; those are practically non-existent
YES! so you do understand, shitskin. small asses are superior
time to grow up dude. i'm white, i prefer small and trim asses like you, but i have plenty of friends who are whiter than you, i'm talking rural maine hunter/fishermen of german descent, who prefer busty women and thick asses.
they'll grow out of their big ass/tit fetish when they grow up. trust me
t. oldfag
Didn't once call you out of your name but whatever. Your definition of nice is misconstrued with the quality of being caucasian. I can guarantee most other caucasian guys will choose the asses I've posted over yours any day
they're in their early and mid 30s you moron.
Times are changing fellas. millennials these days prefer thick to thin
things are the same as they always have been.
probably more accurate to say thin girls are almost nonexistent, so they've had to learn to like thick girls
where do you live? in any major city in the US you will see hoards of beautiful, thin, fit, petite, toned af women of all ethnic and social backgrounds.
"Thickness" is more sought after now than it it was a decade ago; if that wasn't the case, most of these IG models wouldn't look the way they do. Thickness signifies fertility more than pheromones alone and is appealing because of this fact. Men want to spread their seed, women want to receive said seed
checked for models wanting to appeal to niggers
it never gets old tbh
nice trips but that's complete horseshit. the standard of beauty only 50 years ago was marilyn monroe who would be considered a cow even for dove models these days. being a bit on the plump side was an indication of high social standing pretty much everywhere in the world up until recently. fucking google it, it's not really debated among sociologists or whoever the fuck studies this shit.
and i should add the being of high social standing (which usually meant being a bit plump, not fat, but a bit on the thick side) was seen as beautiful. today the modeling industry has changed that somewhat - but that's debatable.
if it is such a bad thing, why did the question "Does this make my butt look big?" take on a different meaning or has completely been done away with in some cases? Busty is the new wave just like hairy pussies and curled moustaches were back in the day
oh look, people are having an actual conversation on Holla Forums about something that's actually kind of interesting without posting retarded memes and saying nigger kike every four words. oh the shock you must be enduring.
i'm not saying one thing is bad or good. i'm just saying that - if anything - the beauty standards have changed somewhat to valuing skinny/toned/petite over thick - but again i think it's debatable. overall i would say men just like what their biologies tell them to like.
do i think there's something to be said about black dudes preferring or at least being more tolerant of thick bitches, of course. do i think there's something to asian dudes having smaller dicks and generally being smaller framed and therefore liking smaller, skinnier women? most likely.
is there something to white men preferring women a bit on the slimmer side. probably, but it's not so black and white probably. it's a fact that in military operations in east asia, the women at the brothels knew that the heavy set women would do better with the black GIs, and the skinnier women marketed themselves toward the white GIs.
thanks for contributing. maybe go sit in the corner with your blankie and watch cartoons or something, k sport?
/thread, tbh
I like the one in the picture but he is way over dressed. He also needs to eat just a little more.
Tbh, I don't have a preference at all heavyset, thick, skinny doesn't really matter to me but what does matter is her face and her feet (not at all a footfag those things belong on the ground at all times). If a woman has a nice or even gorgeous face and takes care of her feet, she is fuckable to me and the opposite holds true as well: if she's ugly and has ugly feet then she isn't fuckable. I like what I like and no ethnic background/past will change MY personal views of women. I also prefer white women mainly redheads with freckles to black women but I'm not saying I don't want to fuck a caramel or light skinned chick for the hell of it from time to time.
What I'm saying is: don't let your skin colour determine what YOU find attractive. If you secretly crave a fat ass once in a while, don't let your "morals" or preferences decide if you should fuck it or not. I've had my fair share of slender women as well as thick women and everything in-between and my honest to god preference is WOMEN.
completely agree, user. i like petite white and asian chicks but once in a while a fat assed latina or sexy little african squeeze shows up and my dick just knows what it wants. any of these kids here saying they have only one type are virgins or just limp dicked losers.
Only degenerates are susceptible to race-mixing propaganda.
Those tits seem not natural. Also she needs a Big Mac.
If I was mod I will delete this tread tbh
Love bumping feather butts
Little butt needs stretched huh
Sauce on second one plox
leftypol calls everyone they dont like 'porkies' but their board owner is ironically very porcine.
100% adult
Jade / Star Jade / Zoey Kush / Zoe Rush
This girl needs a spanking.
No no, Thank you user
The third one is smooooth
Why does that Skeleton have boobs?
Oh come on user, She is not that bad at all
Sauce? For research purposes.
she looks like a bag of antlers
Cant belive op samefagged for an entire day with 3dpds. What a fag
fuck white people tbh
Filthy nigger.
Literally the entire world hates your kind.
Gonna need sauce on #5
(((white girls))) are the most beautiful things on this planet because they are liberated
that beach is full of trash
anyone who bumps this tread should kill themselves
Those digits have something natural and organic.
Bumping this sheet
Good to see someone with very similar tastes.
1st is perfect ass
here's her face
One of few threads where 'Go to bottom' has more than one meaning.
Moar of her please tbh
the white boy butts in this thread are based