I have $1000 in the bank right now and I'm still living with my parents and have no financial obligations.
What should I invest my money into?
I have $1000 in the bank right now and I'm still living with my parents and have no financial obligations.
What should I invest my money into?
Other urls found in this thread:
invest in a lemonade stand and start sellin' lemonade, lad
this. Buy a lawn mower and ask to mow people's lawns. Buy a domain and start making and selling candles. Buy a $400 piece-of-crap car, repair it, and sell it for a thousand. Passive investment is for the rich.
buy a gun, and kill yourself
Alt Coins.
Specific examples?
Monero, DASH, NEO, MaidSafe, Storj
Better hurry, or wait a few more days for a pullback.
Buy shit at garage sales. Flip it at profit on ebay or amazon.
start a business
buy a place to live
get a gf
take online classes
die like the rest of us
getting a gf guarantees no money.
roasties are all about drama and gibs
taxi money so you can go to interviews and die as a miserable wagey.
How do I get into cryptos? Is there a good blogpost ?
meep meep whatever you do, don't spend all your income on milkduds and video games tbh no homo
Save the money so you can move out you fucking NEET
I pirate all my games and don't eat junkfood, so I'm good on that shit.
I might get into Monero. What are your thoughts on ARK, user? It's pretty cheap right now, but it's fluctuating between $2 and $4. If I can buy $500 worth of ARK while it's only $2, then I get another $500 profit if it rises back up to 4.
I have a job, user. That's where I got the $1000 from.
I live in a redneck ghost town so there's a shit ton of opportunity in the "downtown" area that's nothing but piss stains and "for lease" signs everywhere. Starting a business is pretty hard when you're not an active consumer though because you're not participating in too many markets, therefore you're not entirely sure about the demand or value of what you're selling.
Remedial English classes would be a very good place to start.
Fuck off m8, my English is beautiful. Kill yourself.
buy 1000 dildos and mail them to the white house
moving out of your parent's house
Gym membership
Nice clothes and shoes, just one set is fine for now
Hygiene items
Some mode of transportation. Bus pass, bike, anything
Alright, now get all those things and get a job you fucking loser
Also, education. Community college or trade skill apprenticeship.
Fuck off, I'm not from reddit. It's totally normal to put a space between paragraphs. If anything, you're a newfag for giving a fuck.
ride the crypto wave and pull out before everyone realises only btc has value.
Execute the reddit normalniggers
What do I invest into?
Oil drilling obviously
vanguard mutual funds
that is all. you have 1000 dollars and no chance at making money investing that on your own. or open a 401k
virtual reality pony porn
crypto you dipshit. i love little girls and i have 46btc worth of cryptos invested since last year. fight me. oh you have to go back to work after your boss gave you a 3 day weekend out of the 5 in the whole year if he was not kike enough.
A job
Why the fuck was my image deleted
yey, my deleted is being used.
mods are swell peeps, that's why
buy OC so you can LARP better
Do it you lazy faggot. You don't need a business license and all that shit until you're making enough for it to change your taxes
Because Dysnomia is a cunt.
This, tbh.
and how it will change EVERYTHING, not just our conceptions about money.
Start educating yourselves Holla Forumsros. We're still at the very beginning stages of discovering all the ways humanity as a whole could profit from this still somewhat new disruptive technology. We have it within our power to change the world in meaningful ways in a decentralized manner; or we can just leave it all up to archaic centralized control structures like we always have before. It's no wonder the elite think of us as cattle, mere chattel. Slaves…
4 and a half years ago I put a thousand dollars into blockchain technologies. I spent and still spend about 3 hours a day moving my investments around, fairly conservatively too. I am now sitting on almost a quarter million dollars in assets.
You can do it to. The crypto bull-run is far from over.
No one else will.
Video games and fleshlight
exact same boat as OP, but I also have 8000 DGB
thinking about buying a shotgun and some anime figures
I think I read your post loud and clear.
You think only BTC has value because you have no clue what blockchain technology actually is.
No problem. Most will never get the concept and will get left in the dust. Choke on mine.
I am finding the less money i have, the less I am using, and the more happy and content I am.
But then - I am retarded.
Here. Have some more.
No way to prove its real or otherwise gtfo