Can you find a single example of an attractive black woman? Even a mixed one?
Can you find a single example of an attractive black woman? Even a mixed one?
Monkeys arent attractive
Angela Bassett in Strange Days is hawt
Every time
There's loads. Millions. Go look at your favourite porn site for fuck's sake.
What's with tryhard racists? Why do you try so hard, and how do you consistently look retarded
She is not mixed.
I have black family members and friends who look like that.
Of course, it's easy to be a racialist when you just tell yourself what race someone is.
Some people think Zhenya is cute.
you made it sound hard?! it was like 30 seconds on Bing…
seriously dude not hard…
1st pic is 10/10
They're all racemixed, nigger
Racemixed =/= black, OP is a dumbass tbh.
The vast majority of blacks in America have some degree of white blood because of all the rape, are you trying to say Detroit is actually not 80%+ black?
What white features?
some of them are "purely" black but its irrelevant. humanity is a vast colony of ancestry mixing with other ethnic groups. it is literally the strongest way for us to breed powerful offspring.We are a beautiful organism and an apex predator. some of us have dark skin or slanted eyes but if you are criticizing someone off the basis of ancestral purity then you are an idiot some of those ladies are coal black and thats close enough for me to say they are "black" without being "mixed" whatever that could possibly mean after 65 million years of us fucking everything with a face…
She is easily searchable so look it up
No such thing as straight haired black.
It's almost embarrassing how hard you're insisting against something that's demonstrably true.
There are many reasons a black person could have straight hair. Contrary to your inane statement, they can be born with it.
Yes, but it's because they have white/Asian genes. I'm not saying anything bad about blacks, just saying how it is.
dravidians arent actually descended from the african gene pool so im not sure they'd count…
Here you go
what? why would you even bring that up, he clearly means African descendants. but he is clearly retarted anyway…
why must she insist that i empty my scrotum of jizz every time i see her!!!
This one might beat her
honestly, this is the sort of thing that would frighten young children who had never seen a negro before…
Beyoncy is OK I guess now shes had major surgery.
niggers are niggers and they are ugly.
Most of the niggers posted in this thread are actually Ethiopians and Ethipians arent not really niggers because they are close related to Caucasians.
Her personality alone is enough to discount her from the definition of 'attractive'.
No. Straight up nigger is always disgusting. The only ones with even the least shred of appeal are mutts that have illicit genes from Whitey. Black men themselves will tell you this, and this is the basic reason all the shitskins are after our women.
Emanuela de Paula
Apparently, she's Russian.
So, Russians can't be black???
What in the fuck are you talking about user?
You went full retard on that one
Россияне can, but Русские can't
#3 I would pound that ass
They are so gross. High caste Indians are OK though tbh
And by high caste I mean this. Not dravidian mongrels that have bought their way into the higher caste.
I just want to breed a whole new generation of republican minority voters with her womb.
That's fucking disgusting
You tried, Holla Forums. But you failed.
only some mulattos
Gorgeous black girls are great for more than 1 reason.
1. Just look at these ladies. Christ.
2. The intense, infantile shit storm it creates when I find them attractive. Only white women should date blacks, right shills?
Nice try homo
Your bait is gay
ugly tbh
would not fuck
Still waiting on how she has
where is the porn
the kids still won't see themselves as white
if you spent more time uplifting niggers instead of oppressing them and trying to drive them away you wouldnt care either, but now its going to happen and were all going to suffer for it
The love of my life, my ex.
we went through a lot to get together and we had to cut it off because of me moving but once I go back, I'm going straight to her house
found this video a couple months back and made a gif of the beginning (also one of the best parts)
Those sheboons are god damn disgusting imho fam
The original Beyonce had a great personality. Pics related.
I'm not racist but i can not be with a black woman. I can't get over the feel of the hair. The look of the hair is hot as hell. but the feel is a turn off. Even the carpet. doesn't matter if its straightned, natural or buzz cut. Its too course for my taste.
Closest I could find.
Nigger hair is structurally very close to non-asian pubes.
gtfo nigger. back to you are crack hood. the interwebs is no place for a golliwog. shoo.
Pls dont be racist
Racism is not good ok?
fucking retard
aint dat one o demz pokaymen?
Thanks 4chan from 10 years ago.
Hey I hope this same content is here like 10 years from now. Posted over and over again – seriously like there aren't new women sucking cock?
Its shit like that which makes people want to scroll through facebook instead.
Why don't you guys just steal interesting shit from peoples facebook for people to scroll through?
Srsly wat the fuk
Every time a bell rings, a cherub sucks her first cock
Aishwarya Rai is dravidian. Look up Bunts see which part of India they are from and their origins. Yes she is high caste and dravidian
Kat is not black, she's Okinawan
For further evidence see with and without makeup. Only thing "Aryan" about her are the eyes
meghan markle
just poltard things
t. Tyrone
True, but they seem to focus on white women pretty hard