Everything else aside:

Everything else aside:
Isn't Islam the perfect ideology?

Other urls found in this thread:



He says while the Jew-funded ISIS rapes and pillages across the Middle East.

Everything else aside:
Isn't OP a giant faggot?

the society it's raised is evidence enough of the failure of islam.

Sure just remove all the shitskins, pedophilia, drug use and moon god cult and it's pretty okay
it also stops being Islam then you goddamn fucking retard

Draw Muhammad thread time?

Yes, it is; but it has been ruined by online gurus.



Yes it is, but most of it is controlled by the kikes (Saudi, ISIS, etc) so whites should probably wait for them to get their acts together before any talks with adoption of their ideology.

Probably better off after the chinks/japs finish the research on artificial human reproduction so there's no risk of racemixing.

Yet they are insufferable shitcunts to the extent that nobody else can stand to be around them

shintoism fits more for us than this fucking sandnigger religion

Pic related

Yeah all those other religious groups in the Middle East just love living near the muslims.

Today OP was MIDF.


Konstantinopel is under muslim rule for 600 years now. All throughout the middle east christians were allowed to stay christian

What happened to muslims after reconquiesta?


the invader got kicked out
that's what happened

Ebin xd

The Middle East is a shithole with or without Muslims.

If you take Islam to its core (Qur'an and the Sunnah), then it's quite nice and fits well into modern society. Once you add in all the internet gurus and self-proclaimed Sheiks and jihad screaming Salafi, then it turns to utter shit.

These days there are more White Muslims than Arab Muslims (by a huge margin) so the winds of change can blow easily. Just have to get rid of the pearl-clutching Salafis who hate and want to kill everyone that isn't Salafi.



That's not what I'm saying. Real Islam has been tried and was extremely successful. Once the Caliphate was abolished in the early 20th Century, then it went to shit due to the rise of Salafism and the rejection of "Western Culture".

Once there's no Pope, then everyone becomes their own Pope.


Universal God. Not different than christians but okay
It is.
Most muslims hate Saudis
Yeah. Now that's an unique muslim thing if I ever saw one
All wrong
Killing other muslims is forbidden

So you have zero valid criticism? Even I could make a better case against Islam


I think Islam is very muh appropriate for the lands it came from. It's clearly designed as a social ideology, with rules like not eating pork having no religious reason, only hygienic.

The flaw is in its rule to expand endlessly. Good for viral spread, but once you leave the sandnigger genes it was designed for, Islam collapses on itself and becomes degenerate and destructive (eg Muslims throughout Indian history). It simply doesn't work without sand nigger genes, their tribalism, violence, stupidity. India's Hinduism is a lot more ethnonationalisfixally oriented in this regard, one can only be born into Hinduism, and can't technically covert out of it - Hinduism encompasses all religions and is more cultural than a religion itself. It's a religion for its nation and its nation alone. Of course, they got fucked hard by the kikes too but we may one day say a renaissance there.

The other obvious flaw with Islam is its dysgenics. I think it's unfair to say they were subverted since the religion itself has stayed true to itself, only the nations have been through intense geopolitical and financial pressure.

Oman is the best example of an effective full Islamic nation, FYI, and one of the most well functioning societies today.


Arabs are a relatively small percentage of global Islam.

Day of the rope soon, sandnigger.



Like the 1,000 North African Muslims who assaulted and raped their way through Cologne last New Year's Eve? Totally not degenerate at all…


That's because Oman is primarily an Ibadi nation. Ibadi are neither Sunni nor Shi'a, having been around longer than both, and are the closest to being actual Muslim than either of the splinter groups.

Nietzscheianism is just Sitrnerian Egoism(read: Lulz extraction) but autistic and serious.

"muh six gorillion" tier argument

never happened

Are these "muslim appreciation" threads a daily thing now?

It's nice to talk about something other than Trump now and then.

CTR slide thread


I imagine that if Islam were practiced by Whites, it would be a peaceful modern religion.
Also, if Christianity were practiced by the likes of Arabs you would hear "Glory Hallelujah" before the bomb goes off.
Whites make everything better, even Semitic sand-nigger kike-god desert religions.

Pozzed as fuck.

Islam is Arab supremacy.
Even if you become Muslim, you would still get beaten up by shitskin Muslims because you're not in the same race as Mohammed.

Plus you're forced to Arabize your culture.

Who should we look towards then?
Turkroaches? PooInTheLoos? Indonesians? West African niggers?

which would mean cultural desert since they have none

Arabs are racist. Islam is not. Islam comes from Abraham, not Muhammad.

lel cuck

Kill yourself, midf.

Bosnia, Albania and Kosovo are good places to start.



Abraham existed before Judaism. Abraham was not a Jew. Abraham's sons, Isaac and Ishmael were the proto-Jews and proto-Muslims.

>all of them failed states with


You're not going to be happy with anything, so why bother? Just hide the thread and let the grown-ups talk.

In case you didn't know op, last time i reported this same kind of thread and your coworker to the fbi for isis recruitment, and I'll do it again once we get to page ten or so.

It has good virtues, you don't need to subscribe to an ideology in whole to live a virtuous life.

Take from it what you want, leave everything you don't. The rest of it is complete garbage. Every bit of it that's inherently Islamic is shit. They didn't come up with the virtues themselves but they sure did stir in a lot of bullshit. Read their text if you don't believe me, you'll see why so many people put it in the toilet.

Suck my dick, goat fucker, i know you and your prophet would love that shit.

Why aren't you saging this thread?

It must suck not to be able to discuss something without resorting to profanity.

Islam is a package deal

If you get called out for shitposting unironically your post probably fucking sucks my dude.

Get out.


I don't care, at least I'm not a slave to a genocidal death cult that worships a child rapist psychopath.

You forgot to sage.

The OP is shitty pro-Islam propaganda
OP should have put more effort in it if he wanted an actual discussion

Yes you are, you just have yet to realize it.

I don't forget to sage. I never sage, no matter what.

Kill yourself semitic dog

Arabs are some of the biggest drug addicts you'll ever meet. In fact I have never met an Arab that wasn't a criminal.

I prefer to discuss and dissect propaganda rather than clutch at my pearls and run screaming from it like a child.

Why does this place have to turn into cuckchan?

Why all the conspiritard threads?
Why the pro-muslim threads?
Why the focus on BLACKED-like topics?

It is all collapsing yet again. This place is quickly going to absolute shit.

Arabs are a relatively small portion of global Islam. About 13-15% of Muslims are Arab.



No, you are wrong because you are wrong; not because I say so.

Yeah, no shit. I feel like a total asshole when I do that.




You could convert a billion niggers to a "White Supremacy cult", and it'll still be a religion for whites.

Wtf i love Islam now

Holy shit, someone got my stuff from some time back


It's not just shills. It's also gullible retards falling for it.


Except Islam is not "Arab Supremacy". Tribal supremacy is forbidden in Islam.

Arabs may have the belief in their own supremacy, but Saudi Arabia is Salafi, followers of the teachings of al-Wahhab, and a very tiny part of Islam.

Mohammad was a fraud who took existing religious texts and adapted them to his own ideology. He then used this ideology to wage war to get more earthly power.

Also, how does Islam call out the jew? Islam allows jews and christians to coexist as long as they pay a tax. Only reason why the Arabs now hate jews is because they occupy palestine.

Who are you quoting?

in other words they are cucks


no need to namefag now

t. Arabpro

Your child raping friends.

and if they don't?


Roman Empire 101

They get culturally enriched.

A cuck is someone who lets their wife sleep with other men. Adultery is also forbidden in Islam.

I have a picture of SAGE

then it's not a tax but extortion


The penalty in Islam for not paying jizya (foreign tax) is much lighter than not paying zakat (Muslim income tax).

Muslims must pay zakat no matter what. Jews/Christians can be exempted from jizya for a number of reasons.

During the 3rd reich women were heralded for bringing the next generation of germans who would be strong. women were not property
mohamed sure was pure. reminder that US backed iraqi bases normally have several young boys running around to use as fucktoys. the quaran permits this
christianity isnt lead by a cuck either unless youre a catholic. why dont you follow the religion of your forefathers, user?
only because they live in a homogeneous society. when islam expands and is normalized in "diverse" countries this will break down.
yeah not killing people because they pay the jizya sure is merciful
3rd reich
boyfucking and pedophilia, according to pornhub stats the countries that search for gay porn the most per capita are muslim dominated ones
racial pride of the reich
nationalist pride of the reich

muslims are childfucking faggots
sage because better threads deserve to be above this pile of shill shit

No, Ahmed. It's not.

You forgot your sage.

You motherfuckers need Kek.

You forgot to bump.

Allahu Kekbar

sure, perfect

Suck my dick, goat fucker.

Suck my dick, goat fucker.

Islam is the natural enemy of anime. Their heathen religion abhors 2D representations of humans (and indeed all living things), and for that we have a duty to combat them at every opportunity.



go live in the Islamic state seriously go do it. See how enjoyable a religious theocracy is for yourself


stop replying and sage you fucking retards

Allah promises His best warriors to be with their waifus for eternity in the Heavens though user.
Islam is the best religion for weebs.

Sage is a reply, you idiot.

Consider the following
The greatest era in the "Islamic" world was one where they paid lip service to actual Islamic law

When women were relatively free, when people could believe whatever they wanted, when literature science and the arts flourished, and men fucking each other in the ass didn't raise an eyebrow (yes, the middle east was better off when degeneracy flourished)

The more the Arab world (and really the whole Dar al-Islam) began following the Quran to the letter, the more it went downhill.
The pious Muslims of today would have razed Baghdad and Alexandria to the ground themselves

Let him read the description of Houris himself.


just stop





They were atheists: Why WOULD one follow the religion of their forefathers? What inherent value is there in that?

You're getting so dumb i can't even answer this anymore. What happens when you refuse to pay taxes anywhere else?



I obviously triggered something in you and your brain shut off. I'll ignore you from now on to not violate your safe space


Not really, no.

Do not confuse "Qur'an to the letter" with the teachings of Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab, which is what the Arabians do these days.

al-Wahhab was a scholar, an ultra-orthodox scholar, that is disregarded by the vast majority of Muslims today. Wahhabism is the national religion of Saudi Arabia, but does not represent Islam except as a tiny branch of Hanbali Sunnism.

they kill you in the west when you don't pay taxes?
never knew that

Baghdad was the era when the Sunnis draft up their ideological letters.
When it got sacked by the Mongols, they declared the "end of history" there and right then.

fuck wrong one

In my country they just had a faggot parade.
I'm ready for the muslims now, bring them, let them cleanse this degenerate shithole


Computer editing is not considered to be an instrument by Muslims, m8. So all those shitty rap artists and beatboxers would be permitted under Islam. Sounds like a very good deal, trading classical music and the national anthem in exchange for retards using computers to hide the fact that their singing is complete and utter garbage.


W e w l a d

At least faggots can't breed.

I've seen some people interpret Houri as being their pony waifus. The end result of the whole mess is that nobody actually knows.

Anyone who says they know what the afterlife will be like is either a liar or trying to sell you something.

keked hard at this one

It is a fundamentalist "religare" devoid of spirituality and morality. It only demands you follow the rules and help impose them on others but makes no demands of what you hold in your heart.

Islam is a shining example of the worst qualities of "religare".

those are just cherubims m8

electro genre is the best thing to execute someone with though
sorry Nazis but classical death-songs are so 19th century.

Technically, all digital sound is non-instrumental. So, if you put up and MP3 of a Beethoven sonata, you're not listening to actual instruments, but the digital representation of them.

Ergo, music is not haraam at all.

Intention is of supreme importance in Islam. What you hold in your heart matters way more than what you do.

Praying for the sake of keeping up appearances angers Allah.

what the fuck is this shit?
God creates women to accompany men, ergo the accompaniers of men in heaven will be women, not horses or other degenerate things.


been a while since we had a good MIDF thread

I'm just sayin' the things I've read here and there. There is a Muslim faction of bronies who believe Houri to be pony.

There's a lot of crazy in the world.

Music that is made by instruments that is converted to non-instrumental form, your explanation is thus a meaningless tangent.

and how will this "anger" manifest itself

In your defense though, the historical caliphates would hardly be considered "Islamic" by today's standards

The decline set in before the 18th century, even outside the Arab world (See India, Persia, North Africa, etc.)
The Mughals, Timurids, Songhai, Mataram, Ottomans, etc. hardly compare to the achievements of the original caliphates
(Though obviously both the Mughals and Ottomans had some glory days)

It wasn't unexpected. It's not about Trump, so it has to be removed ASAP; but at least there's been some good discussion.

See you in the next one!

*tips fedora*

he be saying synthesizer is halal af nigga

Holla Forums is an irreligious board and you have your own to discuss sky daddy issues

That could be considered an instrument just like an electric guitar is considered one. Plus I am pretty damn sure there are plenty of synthesizers with analog output, meaning that, considering we are talking about goatfuckers, instead of trying to find out whether it is digital or analog they would just cut your head off just to be sure.

You forgot:

durka durka allahu snackbar

well not 100% correct but…

the ban is only on stringed instrument.
The debate is on whether things like pianoforte allowed or not, no one is banning synthesizers.


No it does not. It is the same with all these "religare" fundamentalist cults that how you behave is of most importance because "religare" is never about belief, morality and spirituality but about control.

And fucking little boys up the ass does not. Your "religare" an immoral anti human shit m8.

Perhaps Wahabbism is, but all the myriad sufi "cults" are (too much) into intents and things.

Afghani degeneracy is their own (inherited from Greeks) and was nearly fixed up by Taliban before Osama was paid by the kikes to destroy it all.

can't be just low iq mongrels being low iq mongrels further encouraged by semitic religion

Your dumb sandnigger ideology is shit and you and your sandnigger people are shit because of irreversible inbreeding. Literal human garbage.

It is.

For sheep.


The problem is that muhammed is not the profet of God, so Islam is untrue. Some points may be right, but the foundation is wrong, so find something else.