Haven't seen many good WebM threads on here lately. Post em
WebM thread
Other urls found in this thread:
anyone know the sauce of this song
fuck gooks
It’s a remix of t.A.T.u.’s All the Things She Said.
There are several witch-house-esque remixes of their songs on YT.
Also interested if anyone knows the source on the song. Source on vid would be nice too.
See for the song.
The clip is from Men Behind the Sun.
He's still at it
All I can think is that I'm seeing future dead people as nork negotiations peter out.
And I thought it was just a meme…
that man is a national treasure
You want quality.
Oh yes - we've got quality.
dats disgusting tbh
What the hell am I looking at?
Thanks for original but I cant find the remix.
Why are you guys bumping several webm threads?
I-I'm sorry! Please don't hurt me!
I won't! I'm kind.
Oh, God! Just please be gentle, OK?
bounce by the ounce guy even has a youtube channel
What song is this?
Anybody got that video of a guy starting up a weird game over and over, that eventually crashes his desktop with a cloud of static and masks?
I am being forced against my will to post this.
Holy shit I've seen this so many times and never noticed that?
this is why women should stay the fuck out of politics
10/10, would go back to church for this man
and they wonder why we call them christcucks
jesus fucking christ that shit makes me feel really weird
Anyone has that pic where Sister Lily says, "we all bleed red"?
fucking kek!
new meme?
Not sure if fedora or menorah.
All niggers belong in the fucking ground.
any ideas what he was using to do that?
most of the free sounboards are trash
leftypol BO in action
I went from 1st pic to 2nd pic as soon as it started making those ghastly noises
I like the "How'd you like that shit?" bark
oh fuck that sound adds a whole new dimension in horror… i forget to unmute the tab after "anime titties"…
T-that is a chick, right? Right?
no, friend it is not. Its a degenerate cuck
Well, he's on the right *chan then.
nope. He needs to be gassed
did he die?
Can you imagine what an ugly deformed fucker Fat Edd must have grown up to be? He was like 12 years old and already bald. Also, was he a subhuman slav?
He need some milk
this webm gets deleted from >>>/a/ anytime you post it, give it a try
also i think you get a ban
no shit or fartposting.
that isn't fartposting, fartposting is
>"i want to smell insert anime character's name here farts"
and at least post a webm if you're going to reply
No Hitler, that is a progressive socialist male from Current Year
Checked. 10/10 would buy ice cream.
>>>Holla Forums
I have an erection too, don't worry
I always think the girl at the beginning looks like a young Gina Gerson/ Doris Ivy?
has ANYONE been watching these korean pop-idol webms??
why do people post theM????????/
its way
This one wasn't me tho
Let's clear the air in this thread.
gross, kys tbh
I know right? If I see an Asian woman I expect her to be shitting on someone.
wtf i'm attracted to children now
i've thought that too. my favorite tho, is the girl with the awkward smile who is front & center at 0:31
that one was me tbh. that clip of lizzy makes my dick hard
I know ;-)
i want them both, tbh at the same time
I hope it's trolling? He's Buryat.
Kot died as a lion. He's with god now.
anyone have the vid from dr phil's show with komm susser todd in the background? i really should have saved it when i saw it here months ago, and ive been looking for it since
I think this is Russia's greatest achievement.
for the love of god, does anyone know the contact info of the girl at 49 seconds? i swear on everything holy i will wife her, bring her to burgerland, and make her an honorable woman.
But the boy drank all the milk!!
Blvck Ceiling - Legend
your mom
lol no idea srry bby
I don't know what I just watched but I was completely invested
Movie - Ci chu yu bi chu
Song - Romeo & Juliet by Dj Jerry feat. Missy Babe
fucking please
wait, these girls. they aren't alive.
nice get. heil wembs though.
What's amusing in all that dialogue is that nobody mentions the US signed a fucking TREATY with the Lakota (the Native Americans shown here), ostensibly in good faith, a treaty that (among other things) exempted the Black Hills in perpetuity. The US (initially greedy scumbag civilians) then brazenly violated that treaty after gold was found in the Black Hills. All the dialogue in the webm is bullshit, really, the Sioux were legally in the right. The theft of the Black Hills was a prelude to another 100+ years of screwing the Native Americans over whenever it was convenient.
It's just another (((Hollywood))) recreation. In the movie after that they really made the natives to be mindless savages just running head on into artillery. The Lakota are alright but them Apache are the alpha injuns.
Infinity dubs checked
have a gander
i need sauc on song
Almost made it two minutes….almost.
We where so close to getting rid of all the undesireables.
Why couldn't they just have finished the job. =(
who is this rlly though? is there more videos?
I'm gonna be a real piece of trash and (1) post requesting the source of the song in webm related
ask /mu/ silly
here u go
anyone got the webm of the picture with the old american street with that comfy piano music? the filename was usually "when you see it"
I'm sorry but what is unfunny about and why doesn't it stack up to your little girl cartoons?
Maybe you'd like it more if it had fan server with a little character called lollipop whose actually 1000 years old but looks like a little girl
I watch both anime and R&M tbh
Rick put himself in a pickle.
Would have been better without the swastika and roman salute.
All that good ass animation for nothing.
Ugly anorexic bitch
Leftypol is fucking gay
He married a white woman and a black guy.
The guy is an utter christfag.
Ban Christianity and replace religion with white nationalism.
Well that has to be the edgyest song I have hard in a while
the lyrics are something like, "Il become a rifle, and go shooting random people, im in my soul a wild "Nirat?"(Im not sure what that word means) but its not clear to you.
Im sure you can find some Guy who has a russian Keyboard to type it out and help ya out.
post webms fags
Original source?
dunno who made it but here's one of the youtube reuploads
Where is the rest of the second one?
This is our beloved Furry Anthem… Zeig Heil!
It could always be fixed for those who really give a damn
Same studio who did Sugar Lemon or whatever? And if so, could someone refresh my memory on the studio's name and what this anime is called. THANKUU :DD
You are also a legend. Thanks. I've listened to the artist before but haven't heard this one thanks again.
Hang on… why has this not been posted today?
cream lemon.
I'm not sure
Cause we are all having a great day full of high energy
yo ed really got the retard strength
And Ralph doesn't?
which remix is this?
Bowels are good for one thing only:
That was an audition tape sent in for the role of Cassie on the show Skins
Not to get all tin-foiled but it's a form of social conditioning. (((They))) want white men to see that white women don't look good next to Korean pop stars. The agenda is to dilute race and suspend breeding rights for white people over the next few generations, sooner the better.
I lost it a 2:04
Great webm
I had this song bookmarked on SoundCloud, but I think it got deleted. I'm also not totally sure about the name (it might have been "ENOUGH" instead of "ANYMORE"), but I remember it was in all caps and had no spaces between the words. I think it was a collaboration between Virus and another artist, though I can't for the life of me remember whom. I also recall that the image associated with the track on SoundCloud was of a young Draco Malfoy in black and white with his eyes crossed out.
That's all I've got. If you can find it, please link it.
Good luck.
This one?
My boy is CONSTANTLY hittin tha dab
Holy shit dude. I've been looking for that for awhile. Anybody who finds this, I'd be incredibly thankful. The game was a point and click weird infesting thing, and then they run into a room with a pulsing organic thing. They'd run into the next room, but it'd loop to the same room. Only the organic thing was swelling. After they ran out a couple of times, the UI would start getting more and more infested. To the point where there was a scary noise playing. Then, it finally crashed after awhile. Then the cloud of static and masks.
did he died?
Not sure if it's a remix but it just sounds like Hung Up by Madonna.
It's not a remix
We need to find this at once.
Flatulance brings families together.
Note to self: Don't fuck with frogs next time I do acid.
That messed with my brain.
user please give me the source of this, I'm fucking dying
Rin is forcing me to post this, against my will and better judgement.
yes, rip tyrone
well, when your only tool's a hammer…
yes, bless you user
i don't get it
Yes, this is the one I was looking for!
Would like to find the game in question, Looks awesome…
I wonder how often that boy got in trouble for playing with his kazoo?
Fucking put-in ruined it with filthy muslims and shit skins
What song is this?
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Aphex Twin- Flim
take the crazy pill user. it's a waste of time to marry them because they'll just make you go crazy then divorce you, but you ABSOLUTELY want to stick your dick in crazy. it is the best pussy. normal girls can't compete
they just can't help themselves
isn't gigi d'agostino??
can't find the song
Tsk tsk… kids.
Darude - Sandstorm: hooktube.com
meep meep that needed fixing so i tidied it up a bit tbh no homo
Spoon feed me plz
you'll have to be more specific, lazy nigger
Wait, the person who posted was too lazy to name the video. I am asking for the song, but if you gave em the video I could find the song.
i said be more specific. what fucking post are you talking about. there are 300 posts ITT. tag one
Fuck didn't realize that I didn't put the tag in. It was this one
Sorry about that I thought I clicked reply. Holy, I feel stupid now. My brain is fucked webm related.
Remember when artists had to have talent?
too lazy to convert to webm, sorry
Seriously though, these gook singers are the least talented 'celebs' in existence.
what do you expect from ants?
meep meep go fuck yourself because the Shaggs are the greatest band in history along with Jandek and Sondra Prill tbh no homo
i got you, fam
noot noot motherfucker - i never said anything bad about the shaggs, i was talking about untalented gooks who survive on their looks alone.
muh open source!
cry moar, stahlman
Sorry, sweetheart, I was being presumptuous there and I apologise. As long as the Shaggs are being posted, life is still good.
Aw, no hard feelings, honey.
what's a good video editing software for linux that i can use to convert & shrink some of these massive files?
Sorry, its actually
Aphex Twin- Avril 14th
Dayum Itz got some moves. Well all jews are part nigger anyway.
kek. that is one coked-up kike
what is dat?
The goyim can't dance like this
True that.
what is the song on the third vid ?
I know it's pretty famous but I managed to forgot how it's called
It's called "Fuck me, I'm a retard"
i can see why this guy is suing someone for being better than him
you're not very friendly
I am offended
That countach
Is there a name for this type of chant or singing?
If this is real, we need the Norks to drop the fucking bomb.
That's fire, moron.
S3RL remix with another song?! holy shit!
How do you do this process??
Why is everything Korean so contrived? What the fuck is it these fish people?
Maybe Maddox should a get a job. Is he even trying? He's supposed to be a comedian right?
These kids that are too self-entitled to just mute.
Is there more? I take half an hour to jizz and i'd like a longer version.
CNN isn't that fake tbh
the might misrepresent the facts, but they rarely outright lie.
some of the obscure sites that Holla Forumsacks like to link to that nobody has ever seen before are full of lies
No it fucking doesn't. This idiot is thinking of peperoni, so he is also pulling shit out of his ass, just as much as americans are.
My inner italian is screaming with the force of a thousand spicy meatballs (which btw we don't even make. best meatballs are with parsley. Try that shit niggers).
o shit i just had the exact idea to do something like that
severely underrated webm
They are Yakut
Who was in the wrong here?
Sause, please
Throat singing.
Isn't there a SNES game about this random bat with a cape that has the main ost just like the start of this song?
Rick & Morty is an anime.
Most English speakers mean Japanese animation when they say anime, but it's true that アニメ means any animation.
Can't remember the main theme. But the character you are describing sounds like Aero the Acro-Bat
Yeah, that's the game!
who dis?
In case you haven't seen or heard this one, yet - here it is again, for your entertainment/perverted pleasure.
driving through a bushfire like an idiot
they probably all died
Just something from the great meme war Ive had archived.
While I'm sure Lana means well, I get the feeling like she just tries to impress her husband by miming a lot of "alt-right" opinions.
isnt it one of those game by "Kanoguti" ?
I wonder what these guys would have been like if they grew into adults
they didnt
Why is the last one greentext?
Yeah why is it green text?
meep meep gross tbh no homo
Hacksaw ridge
do nords really do this?
Not nords, russians.
oh nvm russians are not even white
is this a real thing
Are you retarded?
Why'd you compress my .mp4 back into a webm? It was originally a .swf and I converted it to an .mp4 and uploaded it on here 2 years ago.
hehehe chleb
what was the second reason
god it looks terrible
why do they try to recreate and ruin everything?
Because (((Hollywood))) has no OC anymore. All (((they))) can think is to keep pushing the narrative
No one, it was brutal people, in brutal times, doing brutal things
I've been watching this shit for non-stop 30min. I think i'm fucking high. 10/10
t. liberal cuck
you are still worse than anyone from pol
i love the second meme i wish i knew where it was from do you have a source?
And zero fucks was given, normie
anyone have the webm where the guy makes '80s wave and syncs it with sailor moon while bobbing the camera?
i require sauce
Reminder that Ed Edd and Eddy is actually set in the limbo and all the kids are dead
Who the fuck is this supposed to convince? Somebody should edit the video so the last person to speak into it says allahu ackbar and when it opens it cuts to footage of an explosion.
heh. that yellow is ugly as hell
kill yourself
not the one I'm looking for but here's something for trying
just be Jewish xD
BBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff…oh yes my dear….sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff….quite pungent indeed…is that….dare I say….sssssssnniff…eggs I smell?……sniff sniff….hmmm…yes…quite so my darling….sniff….quite pungent eggs yes very much so …..ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff….ah yes…and also….a hint of….sniff….cheese…..quite wet my dear….sniff…but of yes…this will do nicely….sniff…..please my dear….another if you please….nice a big now…. BBBBBBRRRRRRRAAAAAAAPPPPPPPFFFFFFFFLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPFFFFFF Oh yes…very good!….very sloppy and wet my dear….hmmmmm…is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?…hmmmm…..let me…..let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling…….hmmmmm….hmm..yes….that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear….ah yes….let me guess…curry for dinner?….oh quite right I am….aren't I?….ok….time for sniff…..sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff…..hmmm…hhhmmmmm I see…yes….yes indeed as well curry……hmmm….that fragrance is quite noticeable….yes…..onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?…..hmmmmm….yes quite….. BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes….
someone find out whos car that is
I absolutely need the source of this.