Should I do evil/crime and then kill myself? (Nothing like killing anyone just fucking with someones' mind(s)/lives) OR Should I just kill myself, Holla Forums?
There is so much evil and getting fucked in this world me doing a bit more won't matter right?
Rape a few tweens first and if you don't get caught become the next tedd bundey
Caleb Hall
I was thinking of something along those lines. Doing something so horrendous that I would be back into a worse corner than Hitler. That would get my chickenshit ass to pull the trigger.
Lucas Morales
or you could be a travel killer and go country to country
Jayden Taylor
Imagine if everyone had this attitude.
Nicholas Watson
I don't want to kill anyone..except myself.. there is no fun in that.
We would all be dead a lot faster than the slow mental, monetary and actual rape going on now.. I would prefer that more. Fast instead of slow.
Connor Watson
do it then, fuck off and stop wasting our time
Cooper Jackson
Eh, I don't completely disagree. However, I think simply ceasing procreation would be preferable.
James Roberts
Devote the rest of your life to god
Juan Martinez
Should I stream it?
If I actually had knowledge and resources to make some sort of STD that would turn anyone with it sterile I would do it and a heart beat and spread it everywhere,
There is no god. Got to rip that bandage off now. God would not make someone like me who comes from a very christian want to destroy the world.
Nathan Ramirez
stop baiting and leave
Kevin Turner
You are resentful against the idea of being itself. It's something like that.
Ian Hall
And yet you didn't sage. You are secretly hoping I will. And I might.
I want to die and at the same time I don't want to just die as nothing. I want to be the next Hitler! Remembered as infamous a meme that never dies. gave me a good idea Ted Bundey is hella remembered!
Isaac Morris
Lol. Might not be a bad idea.
Dominic Martinez
I have already listened to all of Petersons' Lectures on (((Jewtube))).
Wyatt King
It's interesting how this dude has become the preferred guru for anons all over the world.
Anthony Hill
That was my advice but you said you didn't want to kill anybody so neck yourself now
Matthew Fisher
the way a lot of people do it is leaving every valuable possession to someone you like or think they'll do something with it THEN killing yourself
Nathaniel Sanchez
I could do all the other stuff.. Torture Abduction Experimentation etc.. Just not murder. I want them to tell their story after I am dead.
Yeah. That is how most people do it.. but they are not remembered just as a nameless statistic that appear on Image boards. Such as this.
Julian Brown
do the opposite and make world little better place
Oliver Butler
I thought about that.. but people with my current mindset and actual drive would just screw it up again. We are eventually going to die out so why bother either way. It takes Tons of time and energy to make something it takes very little effort to destroy.
Jackson Nelson
Look up the original night stalker
John Torres
one man can do only so much do your own part and you can die happy in peace
Kevin Hughes
The very fact that you had to make me search that means it isn't as famous as Hitler. Also they did murder people.
That is weak.. I can never die happy in peace. It is easy for people to remember the evil you do and it is easy to do evil.
Lincoln Robinson
Why do evil? I somehow think that you would probably fuck up the evil bit. (starting from the moment u post that question into a honeypot site)
How about u do some good instead? Like take out biggest unbacked loans you can, make something good with the money. Get a organ donor card and reck a bike into a hospital wall or something???
Now, before you do any of that, remember that suicide is not forgiven in the bible, never. No matter how hard your lif3e gets you can always just hike to siberia/alaska and maybe find out that you actually want to live. Also you know, there is like the french foreign legion.
Check out halfchans /out/ board for hiking ideas
Dylan Garcia
You said you didn't want to murder people 120 robberies and 40+ rapes is a lot, and he does have three different names
by the looks of it id say Finland, though by now it should get some snow already
Nicholas Wood
Well, JP gives you a lot of tools to understand yourself a the world a little better, so it helps with everything that involves putting your life together. It's not gonna solve anything for you, but it may help.
Connor Russell
Satanic get. Also I do not believe in God or an afterlife. But I like the way you think. The hiking is dumb though. Actually, taking out an unbacked loan and trying to pay it back would be just as bad as trying to win the lottery. And if I failed it would back me into the corner I want to get me to put hot lead in my head.
Blake James
Don't get me wrong, I'm not being the typical user who just wants to shit all over everything that has mass appeal. From what I can tell, he speaks the truth, and he packages complex philosophical and psychological ideas in an easily digestible fashion. If he truly helps people find meaning and overcome mental issues, then that's great.
Grayson Kelly
He doesn't help. Well he doesn't help me. I have listen to pretty much all his lectures and he has only made me want to fuck shit up more.
Liam Baker
Damn, didn't notice that. I gues that seals the deal then. I'd go with option 2, but whatever tickles your fancy.
Liam Hughes
It seems you want an excuse to "fuck shit up". You seem very bitter and angry, and I can certainly relate, but wanting to commit violent acts simply for the sake of causing suffering is illogical. It also could have something to do with a legitimate mental illness.
If you genuinely feel this way and you're not just being edgy, then you should should try to understand what is truly at the root of your anger–and no, I don't mean the fact that life is suffering and people suck.
Justin Davis
is not the path for fulfillment tbh
Ian Flores
there was snow but it melted away
Adrian Bell
I don't have a great relationship with my parents.. in fact I pretty much hate my mom. They really suck at being parents. I am jealous of my younger sister cause she is doing better in life than I did. My younger cousin molested me and basically made me a sex addict. Internet didn't make it any better. I am a virgin and can't actually get laid. And I spent 9 years pinning after a girl. We "dated" for those 9 years but it turned out she was Asocial, Asexual and wasn't even actually attracted to me.
So yes I am pretty pissed and I wanna fuck shit up for no good reason.
Ayden Lee
how did that happen
Nolan Sullivan
I have so many questions…
Why aren't you happy for her? This → 9 years? It took you 9 fucking years to realize this, user?
Dominic Scott
It is fucked up cause I actually enjoyed it. All that really happened was that she got out of her bed, got under my cover, went down, pulled my dick out sucked on it till I got decently hard. Then she just came back up and laid on top of me and started to shake and pant.
I guess she was just felling my hard on through her panties and getting off from that and I just let her do it cause I really didn't know what was going on at the time but it felt pretty good to me.
I am happy for my sister. But while she is doing better in life she has a lot of health problems. She has Arthritis, anemia and myopia. And she is only 14.
Joseph Price
Thanks for the boner. So, you think you're a sex addict (who doesn't have sex) because of this? Why, exactly?
This shouldn't cause any bitterness or resentment.
Andrew Jenkins
It gives me a boner every time I think about it too tbh. I think this is why I am a sex addict cause I crave that feeling again. I want to be used by her again or someone like her. The damnest thing is that I can't find anyone like that and my cousin has grown up and moved away and moved on.
I do no resent her.. I am just jealous because she has the same shitty parents.. and has a bunch of health problems I don't have but is still somehow better than me. Arthritis and yet she can play Saxophone. I always wanted to get into music but never could. My hand-writing is crap but her's is actually decent and normal.
Anemia but she does sports and is actually pretty fit for a burger. I am a fat ass burger.
Myopia is just shitty in general. I need glasses but my eyes are not as bad as her's cause.. again. Myopia. Hey eyes are going to keep getting worse too. And for her it is actually advanced..
And her grades are really good. I am both proud and jealous of her.
Caleb Cooper
I can see how this would be frustrating. The best remedy is to find another girl. I know, it's easier said than done, but so is everything. Become a FIT ass burger. Again, easier said than done, but if morbidly obese people can lose hundreds of fucking pounds, you can lose, what… 50? 100?
Owen Anderson
I was 275lbs But then I got a job.. and I lost 30lbs So now I am 245lbs I want to be 180lbs So about 65lbs
Carson Wright
Also I wasted all my middle school and high school years with the Asocial Asexual girl.. and dating is way harder as an adult.. All the women I asked were taken or uninterested..
Jonathan Sullivan
Ok, 65 pounds is very doable. The fattest I ever got was ~200, and I became obsessive about my diet, severely restricted calories and junk, ran my ass off, lifted a bit, and ended up losing around 40 pounds. You know it's hard work, so you know what you need to do.
It makes it much more difficult if you're fat as fuck. I could barely look at myself in the mirror when I was 200, and during that time, I just resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't going to get laid until I became relatively comfortable with my body.
Oliver Martin
Hmm.. you may have just prevented a lot of people from getting hurt good sir. At least for a bit.. I have said this for a lot of things in the past.. did them and nothing really got better. But I am always up for the least destructive path if I can manage it.
Liam Moore
I'm glad I could help, man.
You CAN manage it; it's just a matter of whether or not you WILL.
Good luck, user. I'm off to bed. G'night.
Evan Rodriguez
Levi Reed
Yes. Go rape a whore, you can even not get caught with some planning. Get her after she's out of the club drunk, use a condom and then make sure to turn bleach into her vagina.
And if you get caught, don't kill yourself, let society pay for you hotel room.
Dominic Hill
Make sure to false-flag on your way out. Pretend you're a crazed communist or something.
Lucas Gray
no don't kill yourself
Caleb Nelson
Well OP you could an hero, idgaf.
Or you can literally do anything else. Cant get laid? Have you tried talking to girls? Here is a quick and dirty PUA method.
Walk up to any cute girl you see and say, THESE EXACT WORDS "You're cute. What's your name?" If she is still talking to you at this point you are already halfway into her pants. Introduce yourself, then say this..
"Well, (say her name as she gave it to you) what is it you are doing today?" At this point you are going to play a game called "keep her talking". The goal is to keep her talking. Ask her anything, just keep her talking. If you can't think of anything to say try complimenting her and ask her about the compliment. Like if she has a visible tattoo say. "That's a nice tattoo. Why did you get it?" or if she is wearing a band shirt say "That shirt is really cool. Are you a big fan of them?" The goal here is to keep her talking for around 5 minutes. DON'T check your watch to time it, just use your best judgement.
After about 5 minutes if she is still talking to you you are golden. Then say this.."Well (use her name as she gave it to you) you are really cute and you seem really cool. Let's go back to my place and hang out." Don't ask her, tell her what she is doing. Use anything you learned from her as the reason if she says no like if she said she liked video games say "We'll play video games and drink beer." I dont know why but it works better if you say you are going to do two things. If you can't convince her don't take her number, give her yours and walk away. Its not worth the effort. just say, "I want to hang out now, but if you don't want to that's cool. You can have my number ad maybe we can hang out if I'm not busy." Fear of loss is a great motivator.
Finally, if she has complimented you at all and you want to you can cut right to the chase and say, "I think you are cute and I really, really want to fuck you."
All this will not work 90% of the time. Meaning if this interaction took you 7 minutes you can get laid in a little over an hour's worth of work.
Charles Howard
post moar. I will try these for the lulz.
Jordan Martin
Go find a girl on the /baph/ personal army thread and murderfuck her, and then hang yourself on live stream. Holla Forums an real hero.
Jacob King
I mean this stuff is really "first time out" PUA shit. I mean if you need some more things to work with here are a few extra things to do.
1)Plan to fail at least 9 times out of 10. You aren't doing it wrong, just those are the real world numbers. 2)Never ask if she has a boyfriend. More advanced methods use this question. But for now just avoid it completely. Just think, "If she is going to cheat it might as well be with you." 3) Anytime you can try to get get her to come to you. This can be hard to do with such basic moves but if you can think of a simple reason do it. A simple "excuse me can you come here for a moment" makes you more attractive and puts in her mind that she want to do what you say. 4) Ask her expertise if you can. In line at deli ask,"Do you know what's good here?". Doing christmas shopping, "Hey, do you think my mother/sister would like this?" then thank them for their knowledge saying "you really saved me some time/effort/embarrassment" Asking her for a small favor of any kind makes her like you more. 5) try to mimic in small ways if you can. Is she mouthing the words to a song you being played? you do it to. is she tapping her feet? jiggling her keys? you do it to. Just remember you're not playing mirror, so just choose one thing you notice her doing. It makes her think, "wow this guy is just like me." 6) and this is the most important thing to know. It's your duty to talk to any girl anytime you see fit. Standing in line at a deli, grocery shopping, the girl behind the counter at the convenience store. You can and should try to pick up any girl anytime.
It really isn't that hard when you get used to the ideas.
Asher Richardson
I've always thought that self-immolation would be the way to go out. In a public place, so urban setting is probably the best location for that sort of thing. Making a display of it. Make humans think. That classic burning man. That's live art for you.
Easton Brooks
It would be a lot more dignified than having to try to pick up sluts like the others are suggesting
Luke Ramirez
Wonder if I'll ever get experience existence in a smaller species. Akin to human life 1,000/5,000/10,000/100,000/1,000,000 years ago.
Maybe I'll move to Iceland.
Leo Diaz
(samefag as fire man) not to hijack your suicide thread.
Levi Gray
It would be a purely psychological experience for people. It's not like mass shooters who just fuck up other people, and lots of times don't even take themselves out. When you make a display of acting out, but aren't directly influencing people, they are much more open to investigation, thus, open to influence. Plus the smell of fuel and burning flesh would etch that memory into people's heads forever.