I am in love and infatuated with an 11 year old girl i met over the internet. Im 22.
I am in love and infatuated with an 11 year old girl i met over the internet. Im 22
Internet relationships never work out, user.
she doesnt love you back. grow up
fuck you. you dont know how it feels like constantly fapping to her images making me even more infatuated to the point i want to kidnap her someday
meep meep go back to your meadow you pedo tbh no homo
This and i know from personal experience.
I feel the same about teenage Lily Cole.
…but you just have to deal with it.
We all have someone who we feel really attracted to, which we won't ever have.
grow up faggot
Quit being a fucking retard
I know a 6 year old girl I see every day at work, and every day she says she loves me, hugs me, gives me presents (drawings and stuff)< and chooses to spend the time I'm there with me rather than with her friends. Occasionally I'm sent to another location for work, and the next day when I'm back, everyone tells me she was looking for me and gets nervous when I'm not there at the usual time. Of course she then spends the next day asking me about different days and if I'll be there or not, which unfortunately I don't know. Recently I thought for sure I'd be there the next day and told her so, but had to cover for someone else and got moved. When I came back the day after, she was very upset that I had lied to her.
But the worst part is when I'm working and she's hanging around and we're talking about stuff, and she tries to do things like sit on my lap, or occasionally even kiss me (on the cheek). Every day I have to tell her she isn't allowed, but can't tell her why, and have to make excuses that basically come back to me simply rejecting her. She pesters me about it but I have to keep rejecting her until eventually she's too hurt to keep trying. She walks off and sulks but after a minute comes back and continues talking to me, but it still hurts to know that I made her feel bad, especially since I would actually love to just let her do whatever she wants, and I'm essentially disciplining her when she isn't hurting anybody.
Granted, my feels are more about a daughteru than a waifu, but I understand your pain. Unrequited affection is one thing, but reciprocal affection that you must constantly deny is even worse. Especially when it's essentially due to hysteria And even more when you know that you'll never even get anything close, that you don't even have the possibility for "another fish in the sea." I mean you could say that I could eventually have my own daughter one day, but I'm on Holla Forums, so we all know that's not gonna happen.
Pedo OP is gonna have to come to terms with the fact that at least for the foreseeable future, he cannot have a happy relationship with the people he likes. I can't avoid the situation I'm in, because it's for work, and I don't actively seek out this attention, she simply finds me when I'm on the job. But you're going on the internet, and only looking for heartbreak. Don't do it to yourself, OP.