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What the fuck. Get out of here, you cuck.
first post always a shill.
that's too bad that you don't like my greentext. bumping your sage.
He's not wrong.
I don't know, op. Even if it was some sort of zombie like virus, the epidemics we see in the movies are very unlikely, because there's not enough food for the disease to survive. If anything bad happened, a few days wait should solve the problem.
Also, this is probably just drug related.
but keep your guns clean and warm, just in case
Probably not zombies but that would be pretty cool. Anyone living in the city would probably be totally fucked, but for us anons in the countryside and small/medium towns where everyone has guns, it would be a cozy happening. With the winter coming though, and it's looking to be a harsh one, the zombies better get a move on or learn how to wear coats.
Naked biting man here, I was just having a bad day, I am not really a zombie.
He's right though, what the fuck with the double spacing? It's fucking retarded
hey there shill #2, supporting shill#1
Reminds me of when people said this shit after the Homeless guy incident in 2012.
Remember the Zombie Apocalypse that happened after that?
I wanted to give a good amount of spacing because I hate it when other people post a massive wall of unspaced text. I admit it got out of hand.
Let's be cautious for now. Here's what should be done.
What could possibly go wrong?
I take it you never read a single book in your life.
No, I'm a retard.
shut the fuck up
zombies appear as drunk and drugged people. (scary bloody face or new fresh zombie) doesn't matter
maybe she was infected
because that would be too easy to just tell people
I'm thinking that maybe these things are just the zombie virus being contained. for now
more related happenings
http: //www. .html
https ://www.
https:/ /en.
keep in mind, there was a nearly identical attack to the miami zombie.
Remember that zombies appear as drunk and drugged people. violent, shambling, behaving irrationally.
it's always blamed on "bath salts" alchohol or some other drugs. these isolated incidences could be the surfacing of a very bad disease.
lol you got lost and you need to go
you are a huge cunt if you think I give a shit about what you think about my thread.
and I'm not sorry for being an involved OP. what type of OP just makes a thread and leaves and never comes back? your fat mother?
Pls god, I want zombies. Fuck this gay earth.
what do you mean, and what did they mean?
well that's one thing. we're talking about an infectious disease here.
interesting, wonder if this is start of something big and not just an isolated 'bath salt' incident.
that's why I posted it here. you never know when it's going to be the big one.
it might even be related to all the others
woah, it was bumplocked, lmao. this isn't exactly Holla Forums material, maybe /x/, idk, but seriously, this is more important than 1000 trump threads, don't you agree?
it's like they didn't want anyone reading this