Hi guys, it's been a few years. Anything new here? Did I miss anything good the past 5 years? I just got internet and now I'm paying some bills. I've also been feeding feral cats and also got some fillings put in my mouth now that I've got insurance, also got a new phone that's kinda cool I guess….I also got a cool new keyboard today. I'm just a neckbeard…ask me anything…or don't it's up to you…
Hi guys, it's been a few years. Anything new here? Did I miss anything good the past 5 years...
who are you and why should i care nigger?
A lot changed since you were gone
Holla Forums is a pony board now. Stands for Holla Forumsrony
You shouldn't really care…me? I'm a nobody …
Forgot to direct my post to you
Holla Forums stands for Holla Forumsedophile xDXDXD
post benis tbh
Did 8ch even exist 5 years ago?
If you weren't here for the 4chan exodus onward, you missed literally everything worth discussing from here.
Maybe for you it does. I just ignore those people. People like to abuse freedom so they like to post shit that pushes it that's why people post that stuff
no. october 22, 2013. four years
Well it feels like 5 years….
where did the time go
I will just give me your email and ill connect your email to 8ch so your notified when you get it
All I had are my keyboard pics to post…
Your prolly right
Linux still the master race on 8ch?
Bls dnt rmind me
I never go to /sudo/…
Don't correct it….
No one wants to know about a neckbeard?
Are yuo some kind of e-celeb?
I already said I'm nobody, I'm just an abnormal neckbeard who has come back to his home
at least the pony shit is no longer a problem and the midget posting is only mildly annoying
plus we have >>>/abdl/ now, the best board on the site after >>>/leftpol/
Why did the other user recognize you by your keyboard then?
Are those still dubs?
What user? Slot of people prolly got that keyboard… Its cheap
this user
He prolly was just talking out his ass, trust me I'm just a nobody
too bad, i hoped you're one of these people that became chan legends because they murdered somebody and then posted pics on Holla Forums and now you're back from jail or from /innawoods/
Nope, no murder. Just here to chat it up since I haven't been here for a while
Holla Forums is still full Chan to me. Only a 4chan fag calls 8ch half Chan.
What is nerve center? I don't wanna click it
And cancer?
what the fuck
IS this shit
Go away I was just about to watch a movie then go to bed
You know you are old when you can login to a YTMND account registered in 2002. We are dying guys. Is THIS how we are going to spend the rest of our lives?
Dying? I wouldn't really say that, muh neckbeard senses tell me some of us will prolly always come back here unless the owner kills the site. If that happened in sure some mods and people who know people will just make another site like this one and everyone will just mutate and it will prolly be different but yet at the same time it will feel the same…
If the site is killed we won't die. I also see far off into the future and I see a Chan board that has so many anons on it and no one is fighting with no one and everyone is haven a good time with lots of good post, and everyone who goes on Reddit or came from Reddit contracted an alien virus that kills them all and their servers crash and they can't fix them so they just take the site off line, and this Chan board I see uses quantum encryption for absolute privacy… the only other thing I can see is that Chan board is called Holla Forums
I'm still lurking my thread if anyone wanna chat…. Do you guys like my keyboard? I do…….
im a soon to be fellon, horse fucker from texas. Im also a brony and an anti pedo. YES pedos, fuck off.
Umm ok…