I don't get the hatred against 'niggers' and 'jews'. One group can best be explained as a sort of bad parenting by early America, and the other is loosely tied together by religious code and isn't a nation of its own.
But the Chinese. There's almost a whole continent of coalesced human indecency stewing for over 4000 years right there. Any crime you can pin to a group has been done ten times worse by a chink, and was done with a smile.
Grayson Martin
Jaxson Thomas
And note I pin this only to mainlanders. Taiwan and Hong Kong seem okay (mostly Taiwan).
Liam Gutierrez
It's an imageboard. We worship their cartoons and hate them equally. Fuck you nigger chink.
Zachary Myers
this is now a chink love thread
Zachary Walker
Literally just 'Obey your superiors unquestioningly' and that's it. Frankly the only thing keeping China on the map is their ridiculous birthrate. Considering the living conditions of the majority of the Chinese, they need to out-birth just to survive. So rather than having the worst of America cheat you, you'll have the worst of fucking China cheat you. Got it. Their bad parts of cities are not even having real food and plenty of organ harvesting/kidnapping. I'd take a bullet over incredible levels of suffering any day. Again, fake food. Maybe in the US whatever true Chinese restaurants have a half chance of being decent and non-carcinogenic plastics but I sure as hell am never setting foot in China to figure out what's edible there.
Landon Kelly
About 2 out of every 7 people on Earth are a chink. You're probably interacting with full-blown chinks every day on the internet without even realizing. It's the Asian Invasion friendo
Connor Hughes
Did you play PUBG and get killed by an Asian who was better than you or something? Salty faggot OP.
Samuel Brooks
Isaiah King
lol you have just proved you have no idea what you are talking about. it was 90% certain after your first response to the philosophy bit, and then after that you literally just Holla Forumstard'd out. maybe you're confused about actual rates of poverty in US, or the reality that China's GDP will surpass the U.S.'s soon and are bitter…but either way you look at it, chinks are in no way inferior to burgers
Leo Wright
didn't read lol
Juan Hill
The only issue I have with chinks is that their morals are fucking insane I'm better than you at something? You deserve public humiliation for being below me! Chink society is fucking bananas.
Matthew Thomas
Anyone who's been exposed to what China is actually like hates China. That entire country needs to be removed somehow. We don't need billions of sociopathic bug people to produce cheap garbage for westerners to consume. China has probably done more damage to western society and the planet in general than kikes and niggers combined. The only decent Asiatic people's had to escape the Chinese by hiding on islands or living where it's below freezing for half the year. And then you had the fucking pajeets next door who a very close second and would probably be worse if they gave into communism like the dumbfuck Chinese did. Literally every Chinese person who was worth anything was either killed by Mao or escaped somewhere else.
Japanese and Koreans are great. Don't confuse other Asians with the fucking Chinese. Everyone who isn't Chinese should hate China.
Liam Butler
boring thread is boring
Lincoln Torres
Chase Watson
Because chinks make anime and robots you fucking idiot.
Alexander Edwards
Nips make anime. Gooks make robots. Chinks made Walmart possible.
Zachary Wilson
Yeah no, he's right, mainland china is a shit place to live full of shitty people who literally shit on the streets.
Austin Green
Yeah, chinks are ugly, soulless subhumans.
They breed like fucking termites too. Comparable to niggers and Arabs.
Logan Stewart
surprising !
Samuel Cook
I sure hope you're talking about Best Korea, and not the dystopia that literally had a feminist cult raise a baby to eventually become president so they could secretly puppeteer her behind the scenes while she instituted massive authoritarian measures that decimated free speech and access to information, such as making you sign in with government ID on every website, and censoring the internet enough to give China a run for its money, only instead of censoring massacres, they censor anything that offends their feminist sensibilities, and make viewing pornography face a harsher penalty than rape. This shit is straight out of a comic book, only if Ben Garrison wrote for DC Comics.
Daniel Mitchell
Gotta get rid of them niggers first, my goy
Angel Campbell
dont get me wrong south korea should be nuked but norks literally are living in destitution. its hard to find any reliable information on it because of jewish censorship of information from the dprk but while some of their cities are nice and they dress decently you can abstract their food shortages by the average height of the population being 5'4" or something like that
Landon Sullivan
They're just shorter because their dicks are so big that it drags down their entire frames and compresses their bodies into more compact and efficient forms.
Angel Hughes
Christian Allen
Alexander Mitchell
Logan Gonzalez
Kayden Thomas
Connor Gray
Nolan Gonzalez
Angel Harris
Michael Sullivan
Hudson Jackson
Aaron Ramirez
Cameron Long
Carter King
Jackson Ramirez
Connor Miller
youre the next one on my list klown
Gavin Diaz
Ethan Robinson
Dominic Peterson
Adrian Perez
Matthew Ross
Ayden Kelly
Jeremiah Cooper
meep meep chicks cant blink tbh no homo
Liam Thomas
Lincoln Roberts
Cameron James
Angel Campbell
John Miller
Justin White
Isaiah Richardson
Asher Sanchez
Koreans are all feminist jews that live in a society that makes Orwell's worst nightmares look like anarchist wet dreams.
Japanese are the only asians that come close to being human, and that's only because we mutated them so hard with radiation that they all became autistic. They're still feminist as fuck, but at least their men are autistic enough to opt out of the system and focus on making anime and developing waifubots instead of serving their sideways pussy overlords.
Noah Foster
Nathan Campbell
She kinda looks like a young Jackie Chan.
Camden Jackson
Chase Ramirez
Parker Parker
Carter Sanders
Daniel Young
Blake Morales
Cooper Young
Hudson James
Jack Ross
Cameron Edwards
Ethan Rodriguez
This nigga is posting at the speed of light
Grayson Phillips
Jaxson Rivera
Adam Mitchell
Austin Wood
Isaiah Perry
Gavin Wood
Jason Parker
Bentley Cooper
Owen Jackson
Jeremiah Bailey
Caleb Thompson
they didn't have long land border unlike china also got lucky with typhoons that destroyed mongol fleets TWICE
Colton Hernandez
Grayson Myers
Levi King
Julian Morales
Thomas Garcia
Jeremiah Kelly
David Moore
Tyler Howard
Charles Rivera
Logan Perez
Jonathan Rogers
Jose Wilson
Jayden Diaz
Chinese people lack creativity since they always follow a sifu because muh Confucianism. They also tend to be very short sighted, both in their actions and in their eyesight.
Kayden Morgan
This is communism, all the proper Chinks left the country. So all the Chinks you see in your country are not these people.
Xavier Hill
Jordan Nguyen
Joseph Martin
Austin Ramirez
Jace James
Kevin Howard
Wyatt Lewis
Cameron Hughes
Adrian Garcia
Ryan Watson
Juan Ross
Luis Allen
i don't get it either, sure it can be funny to be ironically racist, but to truly hate people simply based on their skin color alone that they had no choice over is BS. In this day and age, True Racism is for people with a Superiority complex or people who just see something the percieved "cool" person of the group says and simply copy what the "cool person" says untill it becomes ingrained in the person who is doing the copying's mind, it is tool behaiviour to be a racist
"Judge not for the color of thy skin, but for the content of thine character"
- Jesus and that black guy who said "i have a dream"
Joshua Hernandez
KTM are shit bikes.
Owen Taylor
Bikes are shit in general
Andrew Martin
but the aesthetic is dreamy
William Kelly
Not necessarily true, plenty of conservative Chinese people outside of China (but still in Asia) to quite a large degree still do this due to their desire to "stick to their roots" in the Chinese diaspora. Examples:
The Chinese people are the Xerox of the human race.
Nathaniel Roberts
I'm a little bit disturbed that you would have all these k-pop images saved, bich nga. Are you disturbed?
Nicholas Nguyen
yes he is disturbed
Oliver Reed
Kikes GTFO
Levi Torres
God's chosen people > "the master race" Fact
Sebastian Myers
Cameron Howard
You clearly didn't even read the beginning of the thread, which was full of stories about how pre-communist China was always shit. Communism is just an excuse modern Chink apologists use, as if we don't know anything about their history, or can't openly see that China isn't even close to being communist, but just uses the name to try to justify their totalitarianism.
Logan Rodriguez
Asher Sanchez
Bentley Lopez
There's a lot of shoah sliding in here and not enough ching chong chucking.
Easton Gray
Why not both?
Lincoln Moore
Slide post detected. Get the fuck out, goon.
Jaxson Cooper
Chinks are just asian jews anyway. It's the same thing. Now I know the response will be that Koreans are asian jews, but of course these people are forgetting that Koreans are just another form of Chinese anyway. The only form of Chinese that are tolerable are Japanese.
Nathaniel James
Dominic Morales
Nigga you're the one derailing now. Either get back to ching chong chucking or don't.