New rules set by dysnigger aka fatty.
Freech Thread
you are relentless tbh
Was that four days of "no midgets" because I saw plenty of midgets.
I want to hug all these lolis tbh.
Only volunteers are getting new rules. Which for once I agree with dysnomia on something.
I'm 54kg. I posted myself an a scale here once, actually.
Check 6 hours into log. He banned and deleted all my jewtube videos ;-;(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
stfu fatty
God why is he so GAY
bullshit. the only 54kg niggers that can operate a computer is a child, a really smart chimp, and hotwheels, and i dont believe your either
i am 130 lbs, maybe you're just a fat nigger tbh
130 lbs is a normal weight though
when you are pre-teen sure
Actually I come across this problem often. I disabled youtube embedding for users some time ago so Tor users wouldn't abuse it, but it's honestly a good feature and needs to stay.
This can easily be abused by someone uploading CP somewhere and using a stream to embed it. CM should disable Tor users from embedding.
You're the type of cartoon pedophile who gives the media a reason to go after every single person who ever dares to look at someone under 18 and think of them sexually.
You're not only a disgrace to society, you're the type of person who makes all the hysteria and propaganda possible, just by being yourself.
Congratulations, man. I never thought I would hate a pedophile with such passion as normal fags do, but you definitely deserve it, you're just a piece of shit who just doesn't seem to "get it".
You're a sick individual, and there's just no way around it. Your obsession is so unhealthy it manages to affect people who have absolutely nothing to do with your perversions, it's definitely amazing what you managed to accomplish here, which makes me wonder whether you're actually a mentally unstable individual or just someone who has been hired to act as a deranged sociopath with no concern over how his actions affect other people.
You're definitely the worst person I've ever seen online.
xski did some work though. he managed to delete 60+ jewtube videos.
cpfags are lazy tbh
relax with the loli deleting tbh
i am 6'1 so it is underweight for me, but yes that is why i think the user i am responding to is a fat nig
Nice pasta got any more?
that guy was complaining about 54 kg tho
Not joking though. I was probably that weight when I was like ~12 years old. He must be a genuine midget, even shorter than Hex!
code monkey?
codemonkey aka jims son aka lurk moar nigger
Spamming is how you resolve things. I like that. Simple and easy.
inb4 t. Hex
sorry that im unaware who some autist is
go back to the pgt
You're fishing for Seabass with a maggot.
kys retard
Feels good to be free tbh
2nd image is too much for this site tbh
Yo shut the fuck thick niggas
who is girl #1? I see her a lot with the others
I had 54 sets of Ultra that I was going to dump but thankfully it all got resolved.
I am glad that I, a human being under the age of 18, who is fully clothed and in no way provocatively posed, am allowed back here.
Let's give thanks and praise to the mighty dysnomia, for his mercy and grace!
Am i free now?
wtf im not a nigger
im not fat
dysnomia is though
Uhh so what's considered lewd?
hi ox