The Planned Destruction of the Alt-Right

I'm not sure where this originates from but it's very interesting:

- The Left won the culture war in the 1960s
- The Left uses mass media narratives to suppress the Right because outright
genocide is still frowned upon
- When narratives fail, the Left always escalates: first soft, then hard
- Social media, an in particular, blocking/banning/filtering, has resulted in
echo chambers that intoxicate the partisan, but make the unaligned mostly
unreachable by those partisans
- Sunstein's model on countering low-probability, high-impact externalities
has lead him directly into precrime territory to diffuse potential violators
of his models
- Sunstein works with the NSA to infiltrate these groups based on undermining
the value of their social capital
- Sunstein unwittingly can only target Leftist social capital as his tactics
strengthen the social capital of Rightist communities.
1: Care to guess the next step based on these conclusions?
2: Sunstein seems stuck.
1: He doesn't know it/ In fact, he thinks the sky's the limit. It's REALLY
important for him to think that. The next step you will see in full view.
Holla Forums will be aggressively targeted. After Hillary's speech, the mass media
engines are already lining up. CTR is flooding the place with Poe's Law.
Posts like "HEY BROTHERS I KILLED A BLACK BABY!" then suddenly, mass media
reports on it. There will be lots and lots of attempst to try and steer Holla Forums
into nothing more than a dirt-tier skinhead community. CTR already have the
pipeline setup. They will create the post. Then their agents will bump it.
Then they'll leak it to their contacts in mass media. And thus, the DNC gets
their new KKK to scare the minorities with.

Other urls found in this thread:

Good, alt-kikes are all subhumans and traitors in disguise. Let them all burn while we continue to not be associated with them

no burger you are the memes

Good. Alt-right is cancer. We are national socialists.

That chatlog is fake as fuck btw


same old bullshit..

They don't need to kill the alt-right at all. If you go to any political forum around the net, Trump supporters are slavish nigger worshipers. It's the Jack Kemp people all over again.

You can find them here, too. Based nigger this, based nigger that. Conservatives are nigger lovers and the "alt-right" is just a re-branding.

It could be, doesn't mean this isn't what jews are doing, manufacturing an enemy so they have an easier time attacking something.

lol, that grace richter is kind of qt in the avatar

Why does everyone keep throwing Milo in there? He's said explicitly on multiple occasions "I'm not alt right"

Citation please. His writing shitting books and Jewing it up at Harvard and DNC events is one thing. Instructing the NSA in illegal acts is another.

Yeah, now I know you're bullshit because some other faggot said that months ago and I've never seen such a post before or after.

You and the rest of the cocksuckers just don't get it. Your Jew is lost. He did shit literally fifty years ago. Now he shits his pants like Hildog.

Someone please escort this fine gentleman to the bog.

please escalate hard. i wake up everyday hoping today is the day of the rope.

Luckily the alt-right doesn't actually exist and was a buzzword made up by paranoid kikes.

This is a slide thread and a repost. It's also larpy nonsense made up by some guy with a shitty website.



Fucking lies, what is killing the "alt right" (it is a nonsense without meaning, the proper name is "anti (((marxists)))") are faggots labeling us, frog worshippers, flamboyant homos, natsocs and larpagans.

The fact that you think Holla Forums is dumb enough to fall for this show that you aren't from around here. Also;

Fuck off to reddit

The only time you should be adopting the alt-right label is when causing mischief around leftist faggots. You have to make them see a dragon where there is actually a windmill.

I've been here before it was called Holla Forums, and if you read it again it says there will be attempts, but they won't work.

Lolberg pls go

He is quoting a chat-log.

WTF I love jews now.

How can you ruin something that doesn't exist?

This is bad because?

Opposition does not destroy a community. Faulty foundation does.

It's bad because the media is trying to associate this site with the kosher movement they are trying to create. The alt right is supposed to be the new KKK that does everything wrong and will be the new scapegoat for jews to blame on everything wrong. Which means Holla Forums is blamed too.

The "alt-right" is pro-white. That's the one defining thing about it; that and pursuing truth. It's radically different from cuckservatism for that.

Get the fuck out

I guess I'm just hallucinating TRS podcasts and forums, Radix, Spencer, AmRen, Counter Currents etc.

Oh and seeing as the TRS forums are bigger than this board you're an extension of the alt-right. Yes, you are. Deal with it.

This is Gamergate again with the "Let's kill Zoe". We've been trained at this.

Hello there my fellow channers, gas the kikes, 1488, I wondered if any of you might interested in some good old fashioned black baby killing, MAGA, praise kek, Anglin is a kike.

We could perchance come together in some kind of secret service, fuck flat earth, long live Ebola chan and perhaps stock-pile weaponry to strike against our common enemies? Deus Vult, Hail the Godemperor.

Grow out of the nihilism you dumb cunts.

Those shitholes are such blatant kike controlled opposition, yeah you are pretty much hallucinating if you think any of them are right wing at all

Do not blaspheme Kek, you filthy kike.

Yes mate, your the only real voice of the alt-right, all those other groups are just fakeys.

Holla Forums is not alt-right

yup, full blown hallucinations

He Christian, what ya doing?

damn that's edgy.

Here we go again

They were taking market share from people on the "right" and of course in the 60s they stepped out of the shadows and openly announced the long march through the institutions, but they had to wait for the older americans to die before they could declare "victory" in the 90s

Alright, why is the alt-right not real but other ideologies are.

Get your head examined

get your head checked

No awnser, so I will ask again.

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Because it's just faggots and kikes trying to infiltrate and subvert their opposition. It's not legitimate. Now leave.

the alt-right is really just a collection of narcissistic youtube and twitter celebrities trying to make a name for themselves, that's not really a political ideology

That's not an awnser to my question, plenty of faggots and kikes follow ideologies that are reall, so I will ask the question again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

TL;DR internet drama

Except several of the spokespeople actually write books and have a long history of political activism, for example spencer.

Try again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

It really isn't. Yeah, some of its writers are. And some of its outposts are, but the fundamental pool of people they are picking from are people frustrated that their weak-willed quasi-liberatarian bullshit isn't accepted by subhuman savages.

Hey look:

The alt-right exists and we're more successful than you.

Are you the same faggot from the other thread? if not go here ctrl+f alt-right, I'm not gonna waste my time again explaining why alt-cuck is a joke

Most of it's writers.

Jews look hwhite to me!

Again, not an awnser, so let me ask AGAIN!

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

These goys get it, they are trying to label us, put every single of in a box with specifs traits and behaviors and what you say is not important, what the stupid shill tard that media is showing is.

yet they reject LOGOS.

Ok, it is a legitimate movement of faggots and kikes that has nothing to do with national socialism and thus, nothing to do with Holla Forums if that makes you happy. Now get the fuck out.

Nope, those are lies, I am going to ask the question again, since you clearly respond in jest.

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

I already show the way, its up to you to look it up because we already have this discussion.

Logos is just Syro-Hellenic hocus pocus.

Pretending I am someone else, doesn't make me that person, again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Why is Idubbbz in that photo?

anyone who identifies as 'alt-right' is a useful idiot. feed them our memes, use them as cover, but don't unironically believe it's anything of value.

nigger, you're delusional.

Now I can't tell if you're a shill, troll or legitimately stupid enough to keep asking the same question over and over again when it has been answered.

You obviously suffer from special snowflake syndrome.

no λόγος is the greek word for Higher Order, foundation and reason of all things, it is truth by definition. It's the natrual law of the universe. Ancient people used Memetics too and their is an esoteric philosophical truth behind these messages. It's parable.

You awnsered me? Alright, then copy paste the awnser. Again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Like I said Syro-Hellenic hocus pocus.

The world beyond the physical is the Noumenon.

Can you fucking read nigger?

Whether you are or not this person is irrelevant, the topic have been discussed and the conclusion is Holla Forums is not (((alt-right))).

Basically you guys need to find a way to deal with the fact that the alt-right is a big deal now and you're considered a part of it and the alt right leadership has a number of upstanding homosexuals and if you have a problem with that you'll never leave your basement. Homophobia is no longer a tenant of the far right. Now get mad.

Why do you assume λόγος is beyond the physical? It is natrual law, it is the order of the physical universe. When a leader fallows this truth and the natrual order they build great nations that ensures their children will inherit a future. When you turn away form truth and by worshiping greed or false truths. Then the people's nations are destroyed, most people are too stupid to understand truth so they need a Führer to shepard them from the dangers of the world. When that King or Leader stray's from truth that is when the nation dies. That is one of the ultimate lesson of the bible.

He answered here you fucking retard:

You just misread it like a dumbass. he didn't say it's in the process of being subverted by kikes and faggots, he's saying it is a subversion by kikes and faggots.

Does controlled opposition mean anything to your dense head? Astroturfing?

It's very real in the sense that it's an enemy plant. Fuck off back to wherever you came from, useful idiot.

It's almost like we created the alt-right as a decoy for them to destroy, leaving us safe to do our work.

Dubs confirm. Gas the alt-kikes.

Your first bait worked but the next 3 were just trash.

Í see, not a single argument why it isn't really and you literally contradict yourself when you claim it is real

Then claim it's not real.

but then you claim it's real again.

Yeah mate, you really defended you position, you still didn't actually awnser my question, so I will post it again.

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

It is relevant if you want to use that to discuss me and this debate isn't about Holla Forums being alt-right or not, so I will ask the question again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Yeah right, Christians are all materialists forgot that.

Still syro-hellenic hocus pocus.

None of that is an awnser to my question. Again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Fuck it, I'll give it a shot.

Because all the "Alt-Right" is is edgy counter culture faggots. Fascism, NatSoc, Anti-Semitism, White Supremacy, etc., anything conservative or right wing, is now counter culture. The thing is, none of you are actually conservative. You're ok with gays. You're ok with keeping the blacks around. None of you legitimately want to gas the kikes (Hell, most of you - or at least your leaders, aren't aware of the JQ or are even anti-anti-semite)

You're not legitimate because you don't actually hold conservative right wing beliefs, other than the edgy ones that get a rise out of people, and you only hold them because they're counter culture. You're not a Fascist. You're not a NatSoc. I mean what the fuck even are you?

Fuck it, explain to me why you ARE legitimate. What the fuck do you even believe? What are your end goals?

How exactly are you different from the alt-right? The same views, the same memes, its all the same. Pro-White and anti-semitic.

You can't destroy something that doesn't exist.

That is a lie, I never said anything like that.

Another lie, I never discussed what I belief.

I never said I was alt-right. Again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Yes it is

To bad, again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Holla Forums aren't cucks

Nice meme. I love how you have to pretend that the alt-right doesn't exist in order to deal with the fact that we're more popular and successful than your little bunker image board.

Once again, because it is a controlled opposition and not a sincere ideology or movement, even if it might have useful idiots caught in the act. This is last your response.

Many of it's players are completely sincere about their believes.

Even if it was controlled opposition, this wouldn't make it less real. Again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

And it's only going to get worse after the election.

Remember when the Daily Paul and Ron Paul forum were active? Remember when that stopped?

Why is TRS/radix/etc. controlled opposition, but this website, whose owner has connections of unknown severity to Israelis, completely exempt from such a possibility?
Your argument is incomprehensible and you're acting like a boiling crab.

We're heterosexuals.

Alright m8 I fell for your bait now cut it out

Yes it does. Reported for spamming the thread, shill.

I take your bait, since you wholeheartedly believe it, mind telling me what is (((alt-right)))? I really hope you're not gonna link me to Milo article


Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

No, you cant claim something isn't real, because it's a real thing, that's insane, again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

I think you people are shills. You show up in every thread that even tangentially mentions the alt-right and spam it with your autism. No other threads see even 1/3 the sages your kind throws around in threads about Hillary Clinton's speeches.

What is or what is alt-right isn't important, It has a presence, therefor it is real, again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

lmao, then why are you here?

The only time I hear about these sites and their eternal quest for shekels is when someone comes onto Holla Forums to whine Holla Forums doesn't acknowledge them.

Because their ideological tenets have been visibly subverted. The day 8ch's administration begins to manipulate the content posted here, we will migrate again.

Why did you change ip's?

It doesn't matter if you specifically say or believe it. It matters if the leaders to, which they have. That's the problem with a centralized, organized movement.

You saying "That's a lie" doesn't make it a lie. People have answered your question in multiple and perfectly acceptable ways, and that's all you've had to say about it. At this point you're just spamming.

Nobody has awnsered my question, again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

This is now a dubs thread.

Not what I am getting at faggot, the "alt-right" is a fabricated easy target made either by the left or for the direct benefit of the left. It's no coincidence the alt-right as normies and msm understand it is pioneered almost exclusively by faggots, muds, the legitimately insane and degenerates.

It's a parody of what the left thinks about us and thus a strawman they can point to when they want to win arguments.

Because I'm not the person you were arguing with, kike.
There have been hints at that happening, which you would know if you were here from the start.
I don't like your kind because you don't talk about strategy, or if you do it seems to consist entirely of 'never leave the basement/Holla Forums,' and I actually want to win.

If I thought that there was no chance of us getting a White country ever again, I'd happily join you as an honor guard at the grave of National Socialism, but I still believe we can win.

Is this how you gonna debate me? You dont even know what it is yet asking peoples why is not a real?


pick one

Look, I see no point in discussing anything myself, until my opponent tries to honestly debate me. Again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Define victory then. And what's wrong with Holla Forums's strategy? Why is chaos bad?

Thanks you.

What? The media portrays the alt-right as a bunch of KKK white supremacist neo-nazis. Now, is that a positive portrayal? Not really, but the only people trying to put up Milo as the leader of the alt-right are right here on Holla Forums.

Me too, again:
What is (((alt-right)))

Again: Because the leaders of the movement are obviously disingenuous about their beliefs and hold them because it's counter culture at best, or are jewish subversion attempts at worst.

(Witnessed) You're goddamn right it is

How fucking oblivious are you? The jew media has been propping up Milo and Spencer as the leaders for almost a year.

I do not know what the alt-right is, again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

1. That is your opinion.
2. That doesn't make the alt-right less real.


Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

This is a den of frog worshiping Nazis, you should expect the grammar oriented ones as well.


Establishment of a white ethnostate on the North American continent (Europe has its own issues, but I'm an American so victory here comes first for me.) Chaos is not bad, at least not at this point in time, but we haven't even been causing chaos.
Right after Hillary gave her speech on the alt-right, we should have torn the internet apart, but instead we sat here arguing about whether we should call ourselves alt-right, as if that matters at all.

There you have it, alt-right is not real because you dont even have a fucking clue what it is

I see, you refuse to awnser my question, again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Do you know my mom? If you don't, is she less real? Again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

No, it's not my opinion. You don't know what the alt-right is ( ) so as someone who does, I can tell you for certain that it is fact.

Get gassed.

A couple individual Jews have, maybe. But they haven't gotten anywhere. Spencer's a little closer, you're right, but the lugenpresse has been portraying the alt-right as internet trolling come to politics. Holla Forums's idea that the alt-right will be subverted almost seems like a self fulfilling prophecy.


Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Double dubs in timestamp confirm.


Give it a rest, shill. No amount of mental gymnastic can save you now

You don't seem to understand what the user meant by real. It does not exist as an authentic movement. You can stop calling the conductor now.

I'm saving because this is a terribly formatted thread linking to a shitty alt right thought piece being spammed by some autist/shill.

What value do you see in the so-called alt right? First of all, the label. There's the European New Right, and the American New Right. What was so conveniently branded alt right would naturally have taken the label New Right. Why should we be the alternative to anything when we are the true right?

Secondly, why do we need a label?

Lastly, what have the "alt right" done for the cause? Our memetic prowess has proven a far more effective ground force than their kvetching. The rest of the victories of the modern right are all under the banner of the ENR.

Already did my work for the White race before lunch. Tomorrow, two coons and their sheeboom momma.

Listen fashy lolberg we are not alt-right , we dont even believe in right-left crap. go kill yourself in your gay forum

What mental gymnastic, I simple ask the same question, until someone actually awnsers it.

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

You have used 'we' multiple times in this thread you shill. You're arguing in bad faith, like almost everyone who takes your position seems to be.

Exactly let me just look at the front of this site hmm. .what other boards do we have here.

Wanna explain all the trap posting in Britpol? Its ok though. I'm just pointing out that there really is no difference between us.

Labels shouldn't matter. It's childish to get hung up on them so much, like with the "GamerGate' bullshit. Some celeb labels it and somehow that becomes some organization? Just pursue truth no matter what. Try to get the facts with everything and let others know about it. If gays, blacks, or whoever realize there's an international clique running things, instigating unnecessary wars, spreading lies about race and gender, etc. and understand that the races are better off separate, it shouldn't matter what anyone tries to label us all to pin something on us. The point is we're focused on truth and ending the madness.

What the fuck are you smoking? The media has been covering Milo for years as some kind of leader of the alt-right. Only times I have seen milo get promoted here was during the middle of summer or directly after a bump of new active users.

Also Milo is known to post and lurk, I'm sure he spends some of his time self promoting.

Wait, authentic, but that is not the same thing as real, so will you admit saying it was not real is an error?



Brit/pol/ is its own separate entity. There's almost no unity between it and the rest of the board.

He look, it's someone posting death black babies, I wonder who is behind this post?

Never claimed any of this, again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.


Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.


Also speaking of /cuteboys/, I brought this gem back.

Do a google news search for "Milo" and "Alt-Right"…

Real as in the opposite of fake. Or yes, it was an error, you're now free to kill yourself without leaving anything behind. We'll honor your memory.

I argue in good faith because I believe the alt-right is honestly good for us and good for victory. You argue in bad faith and insult everyone else in this thread.

Quit spazzing out all over Holla Forums, you've lost

Fashy lolberg logic

Alright, so you admit the alt-right is real then?

So you want to fall into the little pidgeonhole that was made for you by your enemies. Good for you, do that and leave.

Lost what, I still haven't seen my question awnsered.

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

It's as real as any other controlled opposition. It's as fake as any other controlled opposition.

One of your alt-kike supporters admitted that he can't even define what the Alt-Right is, so why should I take you seriously? And I insult because you spam instead of presenting arguments, you nigger-kike.

I see (((bloomberg))) wrote one article calling him the 'face' of the alt-right. There's also multiple articles of him disavowing that position. Meanwhile if I google "Holla Forums alt right" I get a bunch of results calling us a bastion of the alt-right.

Dubs confirm alt-right for cloaked faggotry.

Because it was artifically crafted by kikes,it should be obvious by know that "alt-right" is a shill term which will be used to discredit various ideas by associating them with elements that the general public finds unsavory in order to dilute the message and push kosher interests.

/new/sman here.

You faggots need to stop being so autistic about the alt-right.
It's a useful tool to spread our views. If it ceases to be that, we'll crash it.

Example: Don't complain about alt-right being so faggy from the outside. Do it from the inside.
Criticize the degenerates inside the movement, not the entire shitshow.

Define the alt-right, instead of letting some kikes to define you.

You're lucky I don't have my animu smug folder

ID f224e7 is shill that just got BTFO by me. If he still spazzing, just ask him what is (((alt-right))) is and laugh at his mental gymnastic


My arguments are straightforward, we need to move beyond Holla Forums/pol/, at least to other websites, but also to real world activism. If you weren't a CTR shill you'd remember that armed protest outside the Fed we did, we need to be doing stuff like that instead of purity spiraling like a bunch of leftists doped up on estrogen.

The person I was talking to was arguing that we should take the threat of Milo seriously because of what the media are saying, I'm pointing out they aren't even saying what he claims.

That's a new one for me.


Being autistic user?

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Fuck off you faggot , we are not part of the movement , we know about their strategy and we will not fall for it

Never said I was alt-right, again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Why are you still here when you've failed so miserably?

1. That defintion is your opinion.
2. That doesn't actually mean it's not real.


Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

I would just hide you user:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

People get banned for punching to the right meaning any criticism of the alt-right,western civ,e-celebs isn't allowed.
now go back to your safespace

Waiting for someone to awnser my question, or admit they are wrong. Again:

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Yet you seem to be invested in it.


What is (((alt-right)))?

Right wing redpilled ideology was spreading just fine before the creation of the subversive and disingenuous alt right. They're not necessary in the slightest. In fact, I would say their watering down PR cuckoldry has hampered it far more than helped it.

I suggest suck starting a shotgun.

Good fucking Christ. It was /n/. Not /new/. You guys are fucking horrible at this shit. Skimming knowyourmeme and ED isn't going to cut it.

You sure you're not the autistic one?

this thread is 88% faggots

Right, the old you are gay, because you have an opinion about homo's trick.


Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

8/pol/ is a few thousand people, we are not single handedly responsible for what has happened in the past 2 years.

The alt-right isn't an ideology or religion, it's a loosely aligned coalition of mostly anonymous internet personalities supporting far right ideas, from relatively kosher nationalism to full on NatSoc.

I don't know.

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Was that before or after you came in? ;^)

I see, so you are saying that the alt-right is physically real?

Planned destruction of the jew pleb corraller, oy vey.

Because it doesn't have any ideologies


Make up your mind.

To bad I also used the word worldview, which actually would describe your definition.


Learn how IDs work before you try to correct the record again.

How about religions and worldviews?

Holy fuck, I was pointed out how you two faggots contradicted yourselves.

not even that

Right, the old: "you are gay, because you have an opinion about homo's" trick.

Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Eh, it isn't even a worldview, because there is such a spread on what is supported. It's just a big tent term for the new right that has appeared on the internet.


Of course you were, shill.

Trips of truth

The alt-right is nothing but a cheap clone designed to stop the radicalization of the right. Because when the movement gets radicalized, it becomes dangerous. Beware of all of those who talk about purity spirals and label views "too extreme". Nothing is "too extreme", provided you package it correctly, as the left has demonstrated with its defense of pedophilia and savage sandnigs.

Never betray the sword.

That's a worldview, something broad which can include several religions and ideologies.

You are a special level of retarded, aren't you?


Yes you fucking retard. I'm not the only one that's said that in this thread.

You're a special kind of kike.

Because it doesn't exist

Extreme is a moral term, something is extreme regardless if you package it right.

Also, mass-suicide would still be extreme even if you packaged it very well, since it would kill those following it.


Their puny efforts amuse me.

They can't stop our keks. The more extreme they try to make us, the worse it will be for them when we win.

Alright, why isn't the alt-right authentic?


Rubber and glue, fellow alt-kiker.

You fuckers are not from here , you dont fool anyone . We are not alt-right , will never be now go suck a dick >>>/trs/

It's controlled opposition you fucking mongoloid.

I've been here since the first exodus. Go fuck yourself.



Why are other ideologies, religions and worldviews real, but the alt-right isnt.

Not really. It just requires changing the morals, which is part of what I meant by packaging.

(57) already

Morals are unchanging.

it reminds me how some shill tried to make Holla Forums spam gore child porn everywhere on 8ch before hilary speech


Do that again, and you are hid.

just filter him

Because if it was genuine, it wouldn't be pro-gay, would be anti-degeneracy, anti-Jew, etc. But it's not, as evidenced by statements from it's leaders.

trust me goys im from first exodus

No. See the past 80 years of western society.

This is where you are completely wrong. Do not fall into the ridiculous trap of considering that every individual within different groups are equivalent. We are the sole reason to why this pathetic (((alt-right))) movement even exists to begin with. Even ten million alt-righters, whatever it is and whoever they are, wouldn't achieve as much as a thousand of us, that much is clear.

Tear us apart with infighting just as we're hitting the climax of the election season. It's clever, but I'm shocked so many on Holla Forums are falling for it.

Really, then please explain why several people in the alt-right are anti-gay, anti degeneracy and anti-jew.

Really, why do people abandoning morals, prove morality is changing?

this shill is officially on suicide watch

Wotan, Holla Forums is dying.

Is babby upset that his alt-kike movement is getting poopooed on?


Why not awnser my questions.

No, why would I?

You fuckers still dont understand that right-left is a false dichotomy , kill yourself fashy lolberg

Because you seem to be malfunctioning hardcore. You're asking the same question over and over while others in this thread answered it.

A question for the altists in this thread: why are you so adamant about defending a label that will go the way of the Ron Paul Revolution, Campaign for Liberty, the Bernouts, and whatever the Obongo niggers called themselves, in less than two months - regardless of whether Trump wins or loses?

Because they didn't "abandon" morality. They "changed" it to mean something else. Morality used to mean not betraying your people, upholding promises and vows, and not being a degenerate. Now it means something completely different.

People still have morals. They just happen to be the wrong ones.

Yes, one user finally awnsered my question, saying he really means that the alt-right is non-authentic and not non-real, others have not.

Show me some people that specifically claim to be alt right that ARE anti Jew, anti gay, and anti degeneracy. And I don't mean labelled that by the media or otherwise, I mean claim to be so themselves. Because I've never seen one.

Are you preadolescence by any chance? Can you not see the writing on the wall?

It actively shifts the accepted discussion back from where it has been shifted by a few thousand shitposters. It wrangles the narrative back towards the middle of the left right dichotomy undoing what has been done to shed light on the false nature of that dichotomy in it of its self.

No, abandoning morals, isn't changing it, just like abandoning food for rocks, isn't changing food, because rocks are not food.

What did 8/pol/ do. I'm honestly serious, we don't really even create OC anymore. The 'alt right' was responsible for the Twitter blitzkrieg, and every actual media interview, for better or worse, was conducted with alt-right personalities.

I do understand that, but it seems worthwhile to acknowledge that the Left, in the broadest sense, is sitting right over there, watching and laughing while you sperg out.

Andrew Anglin Daily Stormer.


But that is your opinion, isn't it, you think their moving everything to the left.

You still dont get it then faggot, this board is not a headquarter , what you think is worthwile is not for us . kill yourself

I've literally never heard of a single one of these.

Hahaha faggots

Checked and self checked.

To be fair, V-DARE is kinda cool.

So you don't actually want answers you just want to shitpost, why didn't you just say so?

I'm tired of the Alt-Right nonsense.

The Alt-Right existed before Hillary named it, but it was always obscure. It was always something kept away from the mainstream. No one cared about it.

Hillary named it because she wants controlled opposition. She wants the imageboard community to name itself after this meme, so that they carry whatever the media says about them around their necks like a millstone.

Imageboard culture is very nebulous, ideologically flexible. Just on this imageboard you get National Socialists, Christians, and there is an intense feud against the leftist Holla Forums which is full of anarchists and commies. Then you have GamerGate which is by and large the independent, disenfranchised left.

Everyone also cross-posts amongst boards, so there is a cross-pollenation of ideas and ideologies. The point being that imageboards are very nebulous and hard to pin down. That is our strength, because it means that (((They))) cannot name our ideology and then use the (((Media))) to make us carry it around like a millstone.

GamerGate learned this the hard way. Once the hashtag was accepted, it became a millstone for them. The media would say they ate babies and they simply had to deal with it.

This is why only useful idiots call themselves Alt-Right. Even if those idiots come from imageboards, they are forgetting the lessons of how politics and the media works. By having no name, by having no identity that (((They))) can attack, we are their greatest adversaries.

I don't care about the terminology, it's you and your faction who is sperging out and refusing to be associated with some valuable people because of a term that, according to you, is purely an attempt by the media to do… something.
It would be like a Waffen SS soldier on the eastern front hearing the Russians call him a Nazi, and then he puts down his rifle to yell at them that that is a Jewish slur and he's actually a national socialist who believes in blah blah blah. Is it true? Yes. Does it matter to anyone, not one little bit.

Your saying the Daily Stormer is moving the alt-right to the left?

Because that too is just an opinion. =^)

Again, you claim they abandoned morals. Define "morals" for me, because you and I apparently have different definitions.

Holla Forums is dying.

Like who? Colin Lidell? Jared Taysachs?

A complete unchanging ethical vision of how the world should work.

The Daily Stormer.

Like the TRS people, or Greg Johnson, even Hannibal Bateman with radix.

This user gets it. Don't adopt labels.


Kek, the race mixing pedophile who's room is plastered with anime and MLP, from the subverted controlled opposition Daily Stormer? No, try again, because he's the perfect example of how the Alt Right is controlled opposition.

Yes. Daily Stormer has been controlled opposition for a while now, and it's been known for a long time. From fucky shit going on with their mods, pushing degenerate skin head tier neo-nazi shit, being bought out, FBI plants, etc. etc.

The alt-right is not doing anything consequential. They don't matter. Until they have the balls to take to the streets, and tell people what they stand for and proselytis

Mine is "A guide for how people shall behave."

We are talking past each other.

Delete your internet.

The only fuckers shilling for the alt-right in this thread are probably anglin shills and greg shills trying to get some shekels for their masters (21) (72)


The Daily Stormer can't really be lumped in with the rest of the Altistic-Right, and most of them don't consider it part of their special snowflake movement.

Okay, so what do you do when the media or some normie calls you alt-right, because you know they will if you ever actually draw their attention. Do you freak out about how you're not alt-right? Does that really sound like a good debate strategy?

This seems like one of the fundamental mixups between the "pro" alt-right and anti alt right on 8/pol/. I'm coming at this from a perspective of how do we attack the left with this, you're coming at it exclusively from the perspective that it is a threat to your Mongolian finger painting board.

I see, but he fits all the terms you mentioned, anti-defenerate, anti-jew, anti-gay, oh right, he doesn't really fit it, because….

That is a semitic way of looking at morality, morality is not laws and rituals.


That is weird, because Anglins site, labels itself alit-right and is the biggest site within the alt-right.

>>>/cuteboys/ exists here, not on counter-currents. That seems like kind of a bad fact if you want to argue that Holla Forums is the last bastion of anti degeneracy.

The first thing anyone sees when they go to DS is "The world's #1 alt-right website."

Fucking hit send by accident.
Look at Europe. There's political parties rising, Gen Identitaires are marching in the streets, there's anti immigration protests everywhere. Compare this with the alt-right. Their greatest accomplishment so far has been to have Clinton mention them, and they all circlejerked about it. They're riding on the coattails of Trump pretending to have a purpose. After this election the alt-right will disappear, whether or not Trump wins.

You discard it. Make it into a joke, because that is what the Alt-Right ultimately is.

Then, if the person is actually curious and not just some smug liberal, you tell them what you actually believe and why.

The Daily Stomer has been organising meet-ups.

So you'll just play dumb? Do you think they'll believe for a second, if you're either using edgy memes or making strong racial arguments, that you didn't get them from the internet and that you're totally unaware of what's going on?

Slightly more complex than that IMHO, they're shilling for labeling our movement/ideas.

Its the one best it tune with how it is commonly used, hence why I define it that way. I'm not going to redefine something just to fit my worldview. It impedes my ability to spread ideas.

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough. maybe if you werent a sub nigger IQ you could put your beliefes in a coherent and simple way without needing to resort to labels ignorant mongrel

I am tired of all these edgy kikes, kvetching because things aren't exactly like they want them.

What is "it."

You are very bad at expressing your thoughts coherently.

i swear 4-5 of these posters are all arguing in the same physical room as they respond back and forth. Shills are here

If the alt-right had any power or meaning or importance you wouldn't be spending your time trying to shill on Holla Forums about it.

Pretty much. Which normal person has even heard of that term? Or, you can brush it off and say, "OK, whatever. Think what you want." The thing is is that the leftists will never know who is who outside of the Internet; in reality, people with these "alt-right" beliefs can blend in. Just fuck with the left and make them go crazy. Don't let them label you; be like water.

Holy shit you are dumb, read your post again subnigger, How the fuck using a Umbrella term could be of any use in an actual conversation to express your beliefes in a pragmatic and coherent way. think about it before replying this time

They're autists from the TRS forum.

That's obviously Anglin's attempt to turn a cancerous movement into something positive, but it will ultimately be in vain.

Ask Ramzsaul, GRIDS Greg, Dicky Spencer, or any of the other Aut-Right figureheads and they'll tell you they don't consider DS part of it.

so since there is a consensus on the alt right here, that of hostility towards it? What is the next step? Why not simply remove milo and alt right things from here?

You posted this before. You were founded as the owner of cult state. FUCK OFFFF YOU FAGGOT.

So am I. Unfortunately language is not something we can control yet.

A lot of the TRS shills probably live in the same group home for autists.

It's not about expressing your beliefs, it's about the rhetoric. I don't know how many times you've actually argued with a leftist IRL, it's not about facts, it's about making them look stupid and irrational to observers.
I'm still not sure what "it" is, I guess you mean what I actually believe?

TBF this guy has a pretty good strategy worked out, I like it.

Ignore it or laugh about it. And make sure you push away any attempts to label your ideas. It makes it easier to attack you both online and IRL.

… and this is why we don't jump on bandwagons like GG, Alt-right, or anything like that.


Nigger , the fuck would you know about rethoric , umbrella terms are precisely used to control the context and obfuscate the debate. You have proven time and time again to have no business debating or talking about politics.

If you have 2 digits IQ and didnt even went to college all you do when you reply in a political board is look like a chimp.

we really need more people like you keeping an eye on these fags
god bless

That explains everything, what the fuck. Why? What on earth do you think that place is ever going to accomplish.

You aren't even being coherent, and your grammar is nigger tier, calm down and try to respond normally.

Kek, I already was doing it. I never like kikes, or niggers, and I also dont like degenerate homo's like milo. I never once posted in support of all of that. Never will.

But a portion of us will say something like "muh PR" and I was kinda agreeing with it. Milo has created some salt, some value for us, but of course with kikes you have to be careful, and be ready to kill all and any support of them almost immediately…at the first sign of kikening.

Perhaps that is what should be done here as well.

how old are you?

I don't even know what ironmarch is you turbofaggot. I don't associate with anything other than Holla Forums.

I opened that pdf and iron march was linked on the first 2 pages.

How gives a fuck? Scroll past it, it is a good read with good solid rhetoric.

Seriously read it. The book is Hammer of the Patriot. Find your own pdf if that isn't good enough for you.




Sorry, first 3, still though. Ironmarch is exactly what the anti alt-right people here support, and what they want Holla Forums to become. It's a couple hundred people circle jerking about how they'll start the next race war and how everyone else on the right are a bunch of pussies.

can this be a pasta?

You shouldn't try to become a part of the alt-kike. Be a Holla Forumslack. It doesn't have to be a label (aka weakness) that you attach your identity to (and thus others' perception of you, thus giving media control over your image).

The problem people have with the alt-right is that it is clearly already subverted. If we attach all of our momentum to a subverted and watered-down movement it allows our momentum to be squelched with the subverted movement (which will be easy because it is controlled). Most of the alt-right is ideologically weak to begin with, and tends to be filled with imitators who latch onto identities who will blow away with the next fad.

That being said we should honestly be working to subvert the alt-right into Holla Forums-lite.


I dont understand how this is even an issue, while the alt right is getting demolished. I have been reading lore on races, on jews and a bunch of other stuff, all fine on my own. Without the help from the alt right, just from other anons. Only occasionally seeing things like trigglypuff. But I didnt care even a little bit about all of this.

So, soon a hoard of retards will come in, will shout at us that we are alt right and then try to dismantle this place? Jesus fuck. The server better be secure, and the mods better be ready for bannings.

Ya I don't care much about the alt-right either, and largely don't pay any attention to it. As I said above, I am only a Holla Forumslack, but on the other hand, the alt-right is breeding grounds for people who are at least open to Holla Forumslack ideals. I just think it would be foolish not to use this opportunity to create more of our own. But by no means should we ever "join" the alt-kike.

Yeah, I agree with basically everything you said, maybe I'm a little more optimistic on the current state of the alt-right. I think Holla Forums could pretty easily ensure that the alt-right is just that. Not if we're too busy being high and mighty on our Chinese cartoon board though.
Again, my argument about labels is that of course the media is gonna find something to call us, we shouldn't let the media's actions influence ours. That allegory of the Waffen SS man seems very fitting, I'd like an anti-alt-righter to explain what I have wrong there.

No, that isn't going to happen at all, stop being easily frightened by fear mongers.

There may be some sentiments of romanticism, towards isms, towards the classical approach of ideology, labels and whatnot. Probably from newer fags.

But the older core users have this approach of "we dont care, go away" and honestly, I think this is a better approach. We were nihilisticish from the start, even though we are leaning extremely far right. But we probably never recognized the value of symbols, of flags, of trademarks to our whole.

There is no unity, and that perhaps is our greatest strength, to be as water, and to form like a waterfall, a fist when the time requires it.

We are too valuable to risk it, and besides, why change it now? This formula works. Having a recognizable, but external retard hub for the mid tier red pilled is better. Its not like those guys even compare to us.

And even then it would be leagues better than the fucking Alt-Cuck.

You can take your PR-concern into your mass grave.

The Alt-Right has specifically stated that it must not be allowed to become White Nationalist.

Fucking liar.

As opposed to degenerate trannies, traps, homos and the degenerate, porn addicted incels that fap to them. Say what you will about Skinheads but when the shit hits the fan and niggers decide it would be better to chimp out in your areas instead of their own, you "fashy" hipster faggots will be looking for skinheads and other white men with normal T-levels to save you and your "MTF tradwives". Considering how many of you would get your asses kicked by SJW "goony beard-men" and totally demolished by the average SJW landwhale, I can't imagine the lot of you holding your own against dindu/beaner gangbangers. "BUT WE HAVE GUNS!" – No you don't. Even if you did have weapons, you're too busy beating off to trap anime to be effective with them.