Please keep skeleposting to a minimum please.
I don't give a shit if it's November edition
Another scary thread
Consider me spooked.
My nigga, what is this shit?
got em
i gots wat u nee
Post something better then.
If a thread is good and gets a lot of discussion it's okay to cycle it, but please don't make personal sticky threads for attention-whore purpose. It's annoying.
Also I'm turning off caps requirement for mods so you can shitpost anonymously.
make me a mod so i can shit post anonymously as well
i'll post pics because nobody reads text on this board
isn't the monkey in the gas mask some sort of secret nazi thing?
Okay, peep this shit.
This nigga is still out there and he's fucking every white chick in your country.
There is some scary shit in the deep sea.
(((Golden Curry is a decent approximation of authentic Japanese curry. It's not perfect but it's close.)))
(((Firstly, Japanese curry is to real curry in the same way British curry is. They're different implementations, but about equally distant from, say, a more familiar Thai or Indian one. It sounds like OP knows this now, but it's just how they do curry. Not for everyone.)))
(((Second, did you follow the instructions? It sounds like you did.)))
(((Thirdly, it's difficult to enjoy this curry separate from Japan. When you're hungry and you've spent the day walking around and drop into a curry place, it's different to just making it at home. I saw a number of them in train stations, and they're a neat alternative idea for fast food when you think about it. In Japan, you order these curries via a vending machine in the shop, which then communicates your order to the kitchen staff. The staff work behind a high counter with chairs, so you can see them work. They pass you your food when it's ready. When I went, I would have paid 7 or 8 dollars for the meal, which isn't too bad by my country's standards.)))
(((I guess what I'm saying is that making it at home perhaps fails to capture the greater magic of the experience.)))