Old news: Lolberturdians spend more time fighting da ebil nutzis than commies, as always

Welcome to Liberland: Europe's tiny new country where taxes are optional and you're allowed to move in as long as you're not a Nazi

“Liberland needs people who:

-Have respect for other people and respect the opinions of others, regardless of race, ethnicity, orientation or religion

Nationalist lolberturdianism indeed.

Other urls found in this thread:




National libertarianism exists, under the guise of civic nationalism

So it is civic nationalism now. Are you not ashamed to be such a fucking worm, doing anything to survive? You are just like the kikes at Mises deleting old articles condemning "racism".


§XIII.4. No law shall introduce any quotas, whether based on gender, religion, race or other personal background, for any positions within any body of the Public Administration; all Persons applying for employment with the Public Administration shall be selected solely based on their merit and no other criteria shall be used; standards of all examinations conducted by any body of the Public Administration prior to offering employment shall equally apply to all Persons regardless of gender, religion, race or other personal background.
Cucked race blind bullshit.

May the Ustase wipe them off Croatian soil.

Wasn't this project heavily pushed by kikes and their NGO's?

So it's vanilla neocohenism then? Just an attempt by kikes to alter the meaning of the word to fit their agenda.

The only nationalism is ethnic/racial nationalism.

Another gem of lolberturdianism
§XIII.3. No law shall promote any gender; nor shall any law distinguish between genders unless such distinction is necessary owing to physiological differences between the sexes; all Persons shall be assigned their natural gender on birth; all Individuals shall have the right to change the gender assigned to them on birth without any excessive administrative burdens in a manner prescribed by law.

I wonder if they are going to do a Holla Forums and say it isnt REAL LIBERTARIANISM.

Nah, more like /k/iddies and retards like them. Then they decide it isnt real libertarianism and ignore it.

It's a joke you fucking retard

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting and is the mark of a sperg.

So there you have it folks. Just so you know another lolberturdian experiment has failed and been ignored.

Am I on fucking KC?

No, but ironic shitposting is just shitposting. A joke is something made to be caught.

sorry, I forgot, you have assburgers and get triggered by non serious posting


Libertarian Party Cringe Compilation.
Must see.



tbh kid, I have never used KC. Too many passport germans (poles and slavs).

pick one

Well, I just want to provide a real life example of lolbergs in action to inform you guys and see how they react. Since they ignore it, we can assume this is to them as Venezuela is to Holla Forums

I have always wondered what stops a group of (((people))) from cornering a market and or area, then introducing a microeconomy.
Hell, they don't even need to corner an area, just be completely self-sufficient.
Pay your workers in a currency they can spend in shops you own.
Expand and expand.
Until you have today.

Spread of LOLBERTERDIANISM confirmed as CIA plot

Are you telling us that Mr. Rothbard and Ms. Rosenbaum are lying?

Why do lolbergs pretend to be the heralds of American Constitutionalism when their ideology is 100% Jewish and foreign?

For the same reason Christians do, despite USA being founded on Masonic principles.