Was he not the physical incarnation of Holla Forums?
Was he not the physical incarnation of Holla Forums?
maybe original Holla Forums. imageboards are inundated with "muh degeneracy" faggots now
Yeah, I should have mentioned that. Not the social media Holla Forums we have now, but back when we were a force to be reckoned with in the beginning.
then captchas and phone verification came along
We can take it back. Just believe.
Start posting the old memes again. It can happen…
captchas have become too advanced to script easily
most public proxies are blacklisted
phone verification costs money
meme all you want, it's no longer worth the effort
That being the case, your post is irrelevant and should never have been posted in the first place. This is disney.com now, most of these normies don't even know who the f*** (don't want to get b& for swearing) that is.
I guess I'm the last damn kid still kickin, that still believes…
I don't think so man. We were a secret society back in the day. It's become far too popular to be as dangerous as it used to be.
it's still fairly obscure, and I don't mean cuckchan Holla Forums
even with all the jews lurking we have the potential to wreak some havoc
problem is no one has any initiative anymore
Honestly, I wish cuckchan had the clarity to see Drumpf should be taken down. But they act like they support him to fit in, goddamn kids.
at least he tried to remove kebab, for what it's worth. no one else was lining up to take that on.
I do still have some faith in this place
Tiny Tim was the human form of Holla Forums.
Why do you say that?
You are the problem. GTFO.
That pic makes me feel like
Doe it you?
white power "ok" symbol and drinking MILK! you whit power supporter!! (satire)
mindless spamming isn't anywhere near as easy as it used to be. the more creative ideas are the ones that get results, like the it's okay to be white shitstorm
No, Dysnigger is the problem. Nobody here knows what you can and can't get banned for anymore.
Because he was a diaperfag.
That's all they mean when they say Holla Forums isn't the same.
Cancerous crybabies, leave!
You want other anons to spoonfeed you.
You are the cancer. There are numerous raid request threads here that are instantly met with "NYPA". Lazy fags that just want to jerk off to traps and kids.
I now know why pedos are so hated. Mental fucking illness. Underdeveloped brain. Can't even troll maturely.
FYI, Holla Forums has always been shit. At least for people who aren't pedos. It's a containment board (as you have heard numerous times already but your autism can't retain)
The glorious past is a meme, pedo. Fucking complaining millennials. Go to tumblr now.
That's because Jim and Ron told Dysnomia he had to immediately get more vols (which he should have known and planned for months ago), so he immediately got more vols. Now we have teenage vols with no conception of chan culture who are not only SJWs, but are banhappy af! It's partially the new vols, but mostly the huge influx of halfchan rejects that have made this place completely unbearable as of late. The pedo thing is mostly spam to piss off Jim, drive away normies, and keep the pedo / anti-pedo war going (which is the only thing that keeps this board alive at times) Now, Twatterheads, namefags, tripfags, SJWs and underage b& have taken over the entire site. I pop in from time to time because it fills my heart with joy to watch things burn.
Have you done you homework for tomorrow?
I'd like to shake the hand of the troll/trolls behind that. Fantastic way to point out how Goddamn racist liberal colleges and the media are towards white people.
Source plz
I'm always up for raids and tomfoolery. Stop being so mad.
That's the word I was looking for. Oops.
hes the epitome of edgy
from wiki:
he was literally an artist that deliberately tried to provoke a reaction from people by pushing boundries
dictionary definition of edgy:
another quote from the wiki:
what a pretentious fucking hipster. oh your particular version of singing and dancing (ie faggotry) isnt cool enough for you so you have to be a giant edgelord to make singing and dancing "dangerous". im sorry but if you are prancing around on a stage singing and dancing in front of an audience you are a fucking faggot no matter how much heroin youve taken or literal shit you eat.
reminds me of the time i had a conversation with a couple of degenerate hippy friends of mine (when i used to be a degenerate (but at least i had a sense of irony)). I asked them if they were going "disco dancing" that evening or something similar in reference to an illegal rave. they were insulted, and absolutely couldnt believe for one second that a rave was in fact a disco. pretty funny for people with such a pretense of credibility attached to their degenerate rave culture that they were ignorant to the fact that rave culture - including the music - originated in gay clubs. just because you go there to smoke crack and look cool doesnt mean your party with flashing lights, loud music and people dancing isnt a disco. if anything it makes it more so.
if you associate Holla Forums with edgy you have kind of missed the point, although to a newfag only skimming the surface i could understand how they could arrive at that conclusion.
Holla Forums doesnt say controversial things to provoke a reaction (unless they are trolling). Holla Forums says controversial shit when it needs to be said, we are the red pill, we are the cure for the disease that is the slumber that has been inflicted on the masses. gg allins impetus for his controversy is his art, its a way for people to engage with it and for him to promote it. Holla Forumss impetus serves nothing because it is born of randomness and cant be attributed to anyone because of anonymity.
all this "Holla Forums is our secret club" bs. Holla Forums is hardly esoteric. id say that most people with any internet sense at least know about 4chan. the reason people don't come here has a lot to do with people thinking that if you post here you are going to get vanned, but it also has alot to do with that people just dont like what is posted here because it upsets their worldview but also that women with their intrinsically solipsistic nature cant make this place about themselves like they can facebook. because women dont have that power here, normy men arent inclined to waste effort here because their lives revolve around vagina. thats why this place is prone to being populated by otaku / neet / autistic spectrum types, people whos lives dont revolve around vagina.
degeneracy is the cancer of society. Holla Forums/b/ strives to be cancer free, thats why degeneracy doesnt fly here.
if you think being degenerate is red pilled and part of chan culture then you are in the second matrix.
degeneracy is the spell that is used to keep people asleep. ironic that you guys think you are not being normy by being degenerate when being degenerate is pretty typical thing for your average chad and stacey to do.
what do you think they like to do at weekends? get fuckign wasted and have extra marital sex? in reality, being degenerate is a big part of the popularity contest of being a normy.
the second matrix is where you apparently "wake up" but you have only woken up into another layer of the matrix and get told things like "smoking weed is actually good for you and the bad government stop you from doing it to suppress the weeds super powers". when in reality the jews have tricked you into doing drugs to dumb you down and so you are more easily controlled. this is the level most hippies are at, including some of the posters in this thread
which is probably why you guys are championing this degenerate hippy as being a personification of Holla Forums
its worth reminding people that hippies are just normal fags in the second matrix
their egos are inflated in such a way that they want to be seen to be better or more socially conscious (ie SJWS) than most people to serve their own interests, but ironically this makes them easier to control and serves the interests of the control system
society is progressively more and more progressive, ie leftist. this is contrived because degenerate leftist are easier to control. hippies like to think they are subversive when in actuality their leftist views are actually the norm. most things that begin as being heretical end up getting assimilated by society. the rebellious nature of youth is co-opted to serve the control system.
all these flavours of rebellion, the punks, the rockers, the rappers, the goths, etc, etc all different versions of degenerate leftist hippies. are just pre packaged forms of rebellion constructed by jews that are then sold to people. "if you want to be a rebellious punk you have to out and buy x album". "if you want to be a mettler you have to go out and wear x clothing". all the rebellious youth get compartmentalised into their little boxes that they identify with so that they are more easily controlled.
gg allin was just a high tier pretentious hippy
whats with this embed being removed shit anyway?
kill yourself
Seems like a perfect match to me.
kill yourself
Nazis Holla Forumstards
Data Miners
Summer Redditors
Punk and industrial are the best genres of music.
non argument
degenerate suffering from cognitive dissonance detected
unless you are being ironic or are an angsty teen you literally have retarded emotional development
inb4 you get all hipster and say your particular favourite band is more underground than linkin park
Linkin Park isn't industrial or punk, you massive brainlet.
If you don't like these bands, you have a shit taste in music, user.
dear god i hope you guys are being ironic or are less than 25 years old
protip: rock music (punk, metal, post-hardcore-flippity-flop-neo-thrash-hardcore-whiz-pop-grunge etc) is for kids
reminds me of a time that there was some discussion at my work over what radio channel to listen to
one of my colleagues wanted to listen to a particular radio station, it was either kiss 101 or radio 1 (uk fag reporting in). i told him the target demographic of kiss 101 is 15-24 (en.wikipedia.org
all the pop garbage played on kiss 101, Rhiannon, ed sheran, or what ever bullshit popular shit they play these days is aimed at kids. even all the music that ostensibly has a mature subject content is aimed at kids in order to brainwash them into being degenerates eg go to the clubs, spend money, drink alcohol, have sex. its like smoking, kids smoke because they think adults do it, when ironically smoking makes you look immature because its what kids do to make themselves look like adults.
but what you pretentious hippy second matrix dwelling music elitists dont realise is that your music is pop music. The Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia 12,236,544 views on youtube. 12m youtube views is a pretty popular video.
all your sub genres are rock music, rock music is pop music
>Alternative rock art rock beat experimental rock garage rock glam rock hard rock heartland rock heavy metal indie rock new wave post-punk post-rock progressive rock psychedelic rock punk rock roots rock soft rock surf
the irony that you elitist pretentious faggots feel that your particular brand of pop music is somehow a sophisticated niche taste when its all just as formulaic as any Rhiannon song.
verse chorus verse
3 chord progression
4/4 timing
in many respects its actually simpler than pop music, exemplified by the use power chords and distortion etc
do you realise that the sex pistols - pioneers of the punk rock genre - were a manufactured boy band of scene kids put together by steve mcclaren to sell his fashion clothes?
>the Sex Pistols, they have been called one of the most influential acts in the history of popular music
your whole "sub culture" is just programming put out by business people in order for you to buy their stuff
any band that has a recording contract with a record label has literally sold out, which im guessing includes pretty much everyone on your list
the reason why it speaks to you is because it so formulaic and simple, it appeals to undeveloped sensibilities, it is designed to coopt the rebellious spirit and bring it into the mainstream where it can be harvested for profit, all the while you get to be pretentious under the delusion that you are actually being subversive, and be little egotistical elitists about your particular (commercial) brand of pre package rebellion that actually serves the establishment. consider that 4/4 time is the timing of an army march, its what people who all wear the same uniform (military uniform / mohawk and ripped jeans) line up to and follow along like zombies.
there is music out there for developed tastes, such as classical. compared to classical your music taste is like comparing "clifford the big red dog" to "the lord of the rings". although no one ever held up a copy of some "underground" kids book, got a smug sense of superiority of having been the only person who had read it, or decided to pierce their nose and dye their hair because thats what people who read "norbort the small green cat" do. and how dare you compare "clifford the big red dog" to "norbert the small green cat". "norbert the small green cat" is totally underground and cool because its " feline fiction" not like mainstream "canine fiction" "clifford the big red dog"
anyone who is still submissive to the punk rock cult past the age of 30 (if not earlier) is a pathetic, delusional and / or literally (emotionally and socially) retarded
there is certainly a comparison to be drawn here with tattoo threads. people with tattoos all think that they are edgy and cool for getting them, when in fact they are just following a fad, a fad that because of its permanence begs a persons continuing acquiescence lest they have to admit they were a retard for getting a tattoo. i dont think it a coincidence that a lot of people into punk / metal "culture" have tattoos. perhaps tattoos are a way to perpetuate a persons loyalty to the punk rock fad
how many levels of hipster are we on here
i call out people for being hipsters
your come back is that of 5 year old playground logic
pic related, youre on the bottom two levels
bamp for red pill for these hipster degenerates
I agree with most of your list, but I'd change a few
Pic related
i guess ignorance is a necessity for degeneracy to propagate
i point out how someone has retarded undeveloped sensibilities - that of a child
your "counter argument" uses the logic of a 5 year old ie sticking your fingers in your ears and saying
pretty much adding evidence to my case that you have to have the mindset of a child to be "into" punk / metal ie pop music
YKDF here
Stop comparing kids to those literal retards
Kids don't do that unless they're shitposting with their mouth (intentionally).
It's a meme
Sorry to make you mad, I just didn't want to read a couple paragraphs worth of you jerking your ego off. There's way more interesting things to read than that.
What kind of music do enlightened individuals such as your self listen to?
All me tbh
ad hominem
not sure if troll or retarded
to make another comparison with tattoos
tattoos in their tribal tradition would be given to a person by other members of their tribe. they would be a symbol of belonging to that tribe - belonging in dual sense, belonging as in a sense of community, but also that the person is subservient to that tribe. this would be positive if you were born of that tribe, but an individual captured from a rival tribe could be marked / branded to demonstrate their ownership by their new masters.
think about what a tattoo is in essence, it is putting the symbols of a particular culture on someones skin, using it as a canvas, that persons skin becomes a vessel for that information. its populated by memes and carries them as a burden, that person becomes subservient to those ideas.
music again is fundamentally tribal, its a way of conveying information. the special quality of music though is that it is rhythmic. it can be used to induce a trance like state in a group of peoples. useful for a tribe if you all want to share an experience. it also has a couple of other interesting properties, it can be "catchy" if certain keys and phrases are used, it can easily affect someone emotionally or even mentally. it also can get stuck inside an audio loop in your memory. this can programme your thoughts on an unconscious level again this can be useful for creating a consensus reality within a tribe, which would benefit its survival.
neither tattoos or music are bad when used in its original tribal sense, where it becomes problematic is when happy merchant uses it to programme the masses. they coopt the tools of the tribe to indoctrinate you into the global tribe, when you listen to music you are being programmed by another person memes. when you were sharing your tribes memes this wasnt problematic, it was actually of benefit to you, but when you are being programmed by other peoples memes you are taking on messages from people with agenda that isnt necessarily beneficial to you.
the mechanism for this can be quite overt when listening to popular music with lyrics when you are reasonably red pilled. if i listened to a to 40 radio station all i hear through my red pill uncoding is "be a good cuck", "get intoxicated", "spend money", "extra marital sex is okay".
for something like EDM i think it can be a little more covert but the mechanisms are still present in music with lyrics. if you ever witnessed a techno rave, people all line up, wearing pretty much the same clothes (ironically they all ended up wearing the same stuff whilst trying to look non-mainstream), they are all taking the drugs that the guy at the door handed out, they are all listening to the drone of a 4/4 bass line (4/4 being the time signature of army march) and everyone is conforming (ironically - although they are all under the pretense that they are non conformists) to the culture that surrounds the music "scene". everyone ends up being just a conduit for memes that come from a source unbeknownst to them.
i guess honorable mention would have to go to classical. this type of music has been proven to stimulate brain activity sciencedaily.com
if you were going to listen to any lyrical music from a popular genre including rap / rock etc. i would be very careful about the lyrical content. listening to music with a blue pilled message is inexcusable, but it would be just as easy to end up listening to music with a second matrix message.
i guess ideally not listening to any music that hasnt been produced by anybody who isnt in your immediate tribe, ie your family or close friends is likely to be bad for you. if you want to get access to information why not read about it rather than going to a media type that is a brain programming technique.
if all you really want is sound to fill the air then i would maybe recommend listening to anything you like, just dont engage with any of the pretense associated with music. but then if that is all you are doing - filling the air with noise - then that is hardly a good thing. i think society has been deliberately conned into filling silence with noise - silence isnt a bad thing - theres no such thing as an awkward silence unless you make it awkward. this has been done to overload the senses and to not give them a reprieve from the bombardment of media to make people numb assimilators of media. people arent taught to stop and enjoy silence and to contemplate them selves or their surroundings without engaging with the mit welt ie the consensus reality. people are taught to shun silence, and to instinctively fill that emptiness with something
Thirty spokes share the wheel's hub;
It is the center hole that makes it useful.
Shape clay into a vessel;
It is the space within that makes it useful.
Cut doors and windows for a room;
It is the holes which make it useful.
Therefore profit comes from what is there;
Usefulness from what is not there.
if i listened to a top 40 radio station
i guess its worth now mentioning shit like festivals
typical music loving hippy festival goer: -
standard hippy hypocrisy
Don't start talking about the brain or using studies about it until you are familiar with its anatomy and its atomic structure.
Solid advice bro.
Insufferable, aren't they?
You need to listen to hardstyle from 2005 and up.
I'd be more than happy to go on a raid like back in the good ol' days
Sorry man, but I can't do techno/electronic. So fucking repetitive
ad hominem
You aren't listening for the right thing. A lot of it is melodic and uses strange electronic instruments not found anywhere else.
I'll give it it's uniqueness, but it just ain't my thang
Although I will admit to enjoying a small bit of bass heavy music like a dubstep if it is played on the proper system
Thread still alive?