Go watch Kong: Skull Island user, it's totally fun and not pozzed as fuck...

Well… Your argument is horrible and also I hate you user, but it's at the dollar theater and I have nothing better to spend these two dollars on, so I guess I'll watch it.

-Brie Larsen is a blight to look at. She has no emotional range, her smiling face is hideous, and she has "troi titty syndrome" in that she looks flat in one scene and busty in the next.
-"I'm an anti-war photographer."
-"You shouldn't have come here" = anti colonialism message.
-"The natives don't really age, they don't have conflict or personal property, they're passed all that." Fuck off, commie. Their lives sound boring and pointless.
-The military is the bad guy.
-Black scientist guy's a terrible actor.
-Actually to be honest, other than Samuel L. Jackson for some reason all the black actors in this are terrible. The comic relief soldiers are awful.
-Oh, it's a white male soldier sacrifices himself scene, and you made it extra pointless by having his sacrifice be meaningless.
-The dialog is awful.
-The scenes move along at a choppy pace in the beginning, the character introductions are terrible. A lot of the special effects have this same problem.

And this after someone got me to waste two thours watching Bling Ring? That's two strikes, Holla Forums. I'll have to stop listening to your suggestions at all if someone were to try to start viral marketing some Sony movie.

Watch John Carter if you liked Mummy. It's fun.

I liked John Carter. I wish they had made more of them, or more movies like them.

You're the faggot who watched skull island to begin with and thought it ever looked good. Bling ring is great, shut your face comparing it to a literal shit flinging fest

oops I stopped reading, wonder why ;^)

Because you're no longer interested in bugchasing since you've been pozzed?

heh, typical poleddit, can't even grasp what i'm saying.

I've seen it. They made Dejah Thoris flat and covered her breasts, thumbs down.

Wasn't my money. My elderly mother drives up to see me a couple times a week. Always pleads to go see a movie. I actually went and watched Unforgettable with her a week ago. God that movie was shit.

I never thought it looked good. Bling Ring was awful. It wasn't funny or clever, the narrative structure was boring, it barely felt like anything happened.

Low attention-span paired with being reminded of the time you got the gift.

Yeah Holla Forums doesn't understand humor or sarcasm.
It's kind of sad really.

You watch for the plot like a dumb fucking dipshit and your critique harkens to roastie tier brainlet sydrome. Stop watching films


Nigger you couldn't get through the fucking bling ring in one sitting you watched half of it and then finished later. You cacan't hold your own for 90min. And it went over your head, the entire film. I'm not surprised in the least.

No wonder your shit's fucked up and your taste is utterly terrible
Stick with chick flicks, buddy

Ok bucko go watch Refn again

You want a rec anytime I'm here just ask but know your appreciation of a film not a flick like skull island depends entirely on you and your mental capacity since you obviously have no actual taste and can't watch and find kino on your own and have to ask

Learn to write kiddo, and then talk about movies

I rather stick to good, substantious directors

Not even good bait friend. Ill still give you a good rec if you give me a genre

Autistic wordsalad gibberish. You're the only person I've ever heard use the term "brainlet" also just because it triggers you, Emma Watson is ugly, flat and has a giant forehead. Fivehead. SIXhead. Suck it.

You're replying to a different poster on the basis they're me, someone else is criticizing your bizarre posts. I am OP, and the person who couldn't stand Bling Ring. Yes, it took forever to watch because I was sole on the movie as a comedy. There were no real jokes, and you can't claim it "went over my head" as it's based on a true story. Nothing interesting happens in the film. Vapid california shitstains rob a few celebrities houses and then go to jail for it. There isn't a single line of insightful dialog, many of the scenes barely feel like they were edited. I wouldn't be surprised if much of the dialog was ad-libbed. You just have shit taste, no amount of autistic screeching will change that.

Also, SEVENhead.

Kek kys OP

If you fell for this retarded argument then it's entirely your fault OP. You can't separate the artist from his work with SJWs/liberals because they don't separate themselves from their work.

John Carter was fun as hell. Should've made a sequel.

And yet you've found it necessary to comment.