guys can you disprove these videos by Prager U?
guys can you disprove these videos by Prager U?
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Yeah, watching a bunch of neoliberal propaganda videos sounds like a great use of my time.
b8 everywhere on this board
but can you guys tell me why are they wrong?
obvious b8 is obvious
its not even a real university lol
PragerU videos are literally propaganda.
I don't know if we can help people who can't see through shit this blatant. What we can do, however, is keep that faggot Prager from broadcasting this shit in schools like he'd like to do.
Capitalism is structurally flawed, I don't give a shit if it "works".
He's actually trying to do that?
Stop giving this conservative radio host more views. He's a full-on conservatard.
First Video:
Free market capitalism is NOT voluntary. It is about as voluntary as a concentration camp where you either work or die. Sure you can CHOOSE to not work in a free market but, that'll leave you without resources to live.
In a free market, you could always steal from people or plagerize, with little government intervention, there are no copyright laws.
The middle man gives little to no crap about what people had to do to get him the product he wants to sell unless the middle man also makes the product.
This whole video implies that hard work gets you the most money which is false because the most physically intensive jobs like manual labor are low paying jobs while businessmen are the richest in the world.
Although I do agree that we should not bail out banks, subsidies for farms can be wasteful like with milk however, it makes food cheaper making the previous transaction of $20 for 4 pounds of steak cost a lot more because everything the farmer has to do is for profit.
This video says that people that work get to keep the products of their labor which is obviously false because they usually work for people and the people they work for need profits to expand so they steal some of his surplus labor.
In a free market, it would be even harder to stop supporting a corporation because the corporation can and does create many branches to serve different parts of peoples' lives and most people don't realize that something like Quaker Oats is a part of PepsiCo that makes Pepsi
People will not punish a corporation if they are using bad practices because corporations are using bad practices today and they are not punished by the people
Free market capitalism probably works better when there is larger government. That is because the government protects many essential aspects to companies like copyright, legal contracts, and protecting private neo colonial interests.
I don't think the founding fathers envisioned massive multinational corporations trying to privatize as many things as possible like water, housing, or marriage.
So you're saying that the free market created the wealthiest nation in history when? The US only became a superpower after WW2 and since WW2 no president has decreased the size of the government.
I'm not going to do the rest because it's too tiring because of all the mistakes they made but, take this as an example on how much they managed to get wrong in less than 6 minutes.
Debunking Prager U is like like debunking Spirit Science. You have to go out of your way to find it, you have to put in effort, and there's ultimately no point because the people who believe it to begin with are retards.
I can disprove the OP.
There are no videos there just links, not even an argument or a summary.
Yes. That's the sinister purpose behind "Prager University" and why they're pretending to be a educational foundation.
fuggg :DDD
Unless it was more economically efficient to have those laws because it incentivized content creation…
Hard work is important, but if there's 5 billion people who can do your "hard work" and 20,000 people who can do a different kind of "hard work" and a big demand for both, the latter will be much better paid.
That's the problem. Those 20,000 porkies are just parasites leeching off of the hard work of the rest.
The chief advantage that would result from the establishment of Socialism is, undoubtedly, the fact that Socialism would relieve us from that sordid necessity of living for others which, in the present condition of things, presses so hardly upon almost everybody. In fact, scarcely anyone at all escapes.
Now and then, in the course of the century, a great man of science, like Darwin; a great poet, like Keats; a fine critical spirit, like M. Renan; a supreme artist, like Flaubert, has been able to isolate himself, to keep himself out of reach of the clamorous claims of others, to stand ‘under the shelter of the wall,’ as Plato puts it, and so to realise the perfection of what was in him, to his own incomparable gain, and to the incomparable and lasting gain of the whole world. These, however, are exceptions. The majority of people spoil their lives by an unhealthy and exaggerated altruism – are forced, indeed, so to spoil them. They find themselves surrounded by hideous poverty, by hideous ugliness, by hideous starvation. It is inevitable that they should be strongly moved by all this. The emotions of man are stirred more quickly than man’s intelligence; and, as I pointed out some time ago in an article on the function of criticism, it is much more easy to have sympathy with suffering than it is to have sympathy with thought. Accordingly, with admirable, though misdirected intentions, they very seriously and very sentimentally set themselves to the task of remedying the evils that they see. But their remedies do not cure the disease: they merely prolong it. Indeed, their remedies are part of the disease.
Fuck, I greentexted wrong.
I feel that second image is misleading. NAIRU is simply the result of unemployment, which will always exist. Unemployment is measured in people who are not employed looking to be employed (meaning NEETs and retired people aren't included), and those that are looking could be anywhere from a working class person who got laid off from their job and has spent 6 months looking to a millionaire CEO between companies for a few weeks. You will never have 100% employment no matter what form of economy or government because someone somewhere will quit their job and will want to find a new one without those employments overlapping. If you are working retail to help pay for college and you finally get your degree so you quit your retail job to find a better one, congratulations, you're apart of the NAIRU for the time you're unemployed.
Slight amendment, when I mean employed I mean having a source of income. If you lived a society were there were no "bosses" you'd still be working somewhere doing something and you'd have time in between those doing different somethings.
NEET means unemployed you nonce it. The word your looking for is shutin.
this is why everyone is tired of stirner memes. Don't call something a spook if it's not a spook you fucking idiot. Videos aren't spooks, they're streaming data.
its called a meme, user
you don't meme the word socialism into something it's not and spread it like a weed if you actually want to get people knowledgeable and on board with socialism.
If you want to get people to drop their preconceived notions and mental barriers based on culture, moralism, ideology, pride, duty and other baseless psychological thinking traps, then don't shit on your tools, because they'll start to rust.
I know, there's no point whatsoever. Even if you could convince a cuckservative who takes Prager "University" seriously, at the very best you'd just succeed is adding an idiot to our ranks.
anger and lack of logic deceive you
Funny thing is, you would still have your 'free exchange' in socialism/with worker coops.
In other words, do not argue intellectually, just dismiss anyone who disagrees with you as an idiot. Does that strike you as an intelligent person?
A revolution cannot be carried out by a tiny minority of intellectuals. We need to welcome even idiots, we need to explain the material factors underlying our movement to them clearly and correctly,and we need to lead them to act in their own self-interest.