Ikea official add has a white girl making out with a nigger, but it gets better, she has a wedding ring and he doesnt. And the other has a big muscly nigger with a pregnant white girl. How can a country get so brainwashed? Im brown and i find this shit disgusting
Sweden goes all out with interacial cuckolding propaganda
Other urls found in this thread:
You said it yourself that it's propaganda. Over the last 4 years or so there has been a bombardment of miscegenation propaganda in advertising on white countries.
You can barely watch television without seeing miscegenation now every half hour or so.
Maybe Sweden isn't as cucked as we thought.
yea but this is another level, other countries are not this bad.btw even in my 3rd world shithole they are pushing it. pic related prime time show about the daughter of a slave owner who falls in love with a nigger, they title literally says,tthe white slave
Even if there was no cuckolding element (there is), these commercials are disgusting.
I'm desensitised to it. The only thing you can do right now is add the names of the people involved to a list to be hanged. Like the actress, their pet negro and the producers they're going to swing.
The only reason Sweden is like this is because they are trying to be like Americans and they overdo it. Just like a little bitch boy wigger pretending to be a hardass gangster or something. Really, (((Americanism))) is the root of the problems, and all this race cuckoldry autism comes from the USA.
Sounds like the guy is fingering the woman at the end in the first clip. She's moaning but his pants are on.
Either way, truly disgusting. Just like the latest Ikea handbook if anyone else saw that.
Blaming the Burger again! Sweden is so cucked that they automatically blame all there problems on someone else and not their cucked society.
Eat shit Eurofag. In America, 2 out of 3 interracial relationships between a white women and a black man are VERY UGLY white women and AVERAGE Black men.
they never have the white man Kama Sutra-in some ethnic…why?
cant offended the foreigners? fuck them, they get given welfare they want free women too?
funny how the comments are disabled.
I am American, dumbass. It is impossible to deny that American progressive mythos has been transposed to post-war Europe.
Eh, I haven't owned a TV in ages, and even then it was just for games console. Something always bothered me about TV culture. Now I even get bored quickly of movies.
there are plenty of white couples on tv
Say what you want but owners should be responsible for the pets, not the other way around.
Learn to peak English you dumb spic.
We are in the era of selection - Those who are intelligent enough to not succumb to the brainwashing will keep on having white kids, while the morons will breed with shitskins. The less there will be of whites, the smarter and more radical they will be, but their low numbers will be very disadvantageous for them. It would be probably for the best if all smart whites moved to Russia, regroup, rearm and conquer the weakened Europe. Just imagine it, if all the smart people left Sweden, how fast would it crumble with all the retarded shitskins.
she's not worthy of his bbc
It's not so much that general people are not disgusted by this sort of thing but that media, politics and everything related to it has consistently purged everyone one not radically leftist enough. Basically as things get more and more insane the less brainwashed people are of course the ones who start uttering words of dissent first and so they get purged.
Keep this process going for decades and in a place where the media and political climate has progresses as far into insanity as it has in Sweden and the only ones left are the ones so batshit fucking crazy they think it is actually great can't grasp the concept of the people getting angrier and angrier at the pure fucking marxism they have to deal with.
They honestly think something like this spite a small bunch of loser racists while the common man will applaud them for shoving it the racists because they live in a bubble were they never meet or talk to anyone not 100 % sharing their marxist opinions. For some mysterious reason, after two summers of massive rapefugee sexual assault and people still remembering a mother and her adult son being fucking halal butchered by a nigger in an Ikea store, the ad has gone over less than well with the people who have seen it. Check the approval ratings of the video.
The ordinary people I've showed this to get really fucking mad.
This. However, everyone around the world needs to realize that it isn't the fault of Germanic Americans, but the Jews that have subverted everything here.
If this shit happened in Iraq or some other shitskin country they would burn down the store
kill yourself
Not really. Even if 8 out of 10 people were to engage in bestiality the white couple having 7 kids to compensate wouldn't really be a problem. As long as there are even 50 million whites left in Europe killing all the shitskins would be a cakewalk, and that would literally not happen this century even in the worst of cases. The race issue will without a doubt be settled before 2050 because the demographics make anything else impossible, so numbers will not be an issue.
Where we can be thrown in prison for promoting National Socialism? Great idea!
Quand meme.
If you deport them, they win.
Yeah, when I talk about Americanism, I am talking about the culture and philosophy of the ruling class, not necessarily that of the normal man (but a lot of normal man are pozzed as fuck too from consuming that since birth).
Thanks brown fam, i don't watch commercials and it's been over 10 years since i bought anything from that cuck company.
I'll certainly light their degenerate stores on fire the second the war beguns.
what an incredibly moronic thing to say. do the world a favour and jump off a cliff.
IKEA is so fucking cucked. A fucking nigger stabbed two people dead in their own shop and they still support that bullshit!
Does Sweden even deserve to exist anymore?
Critical race theory grew out of America. This is just fact and is undeniable. The concept of "privilege" came from American Peggy McIntosh.
wew, I'm sure that would last a lifetime
Nice get. I'm part Swedish, but have had the good graces of growing up outside of Sweden. My nation is ruled by an inept treasonous royalty, a powerful Abrahamic corporation and a vast cabal of Semites, turks and other non-Europeans.
It will not be long before our major cities have Muslim mayors like Britain.
By the spirit of my Volk, and the call of the land, by Blood and Iron, we will prevail. Winter is coming.
the Swedish royalty isnt even Swedish they are French faggots
You have to take responsibility with this one, yankee. Europe has been bombarded by American media for 50 years. This helped fight off communism, but also introduced the (previously unheard-of) neurosis about racism.
Europeans used to say "nigger" commonly in their languages, without specifically using the word as an insult. After the brainwashing, all of them started adopting political correctness. Now the same is happening with transgenderism.
This makes me physically sick. Is this the future of Europe?
for DOTR purposes - find out the producer of the commercial, the ad agency, the creative director, etc.
Send them Pepes and let them know, they are known.
Indian or Middle eastern? If middle eastern are you a Muslim? If you are a Muslim why the fuck are you browsing Holla Forums?
I think we already had a thread on this some time ago but anyone remember those Ikea magazines some anons got through the mail?
Yesterday I looked through the one I got and on one page there was an interview with a rapper who's name was fucking Mohamed who was a refugee from Zambia and now works as a rapper in Malmo…
Why do Christians and Jews browse here?
Fixed that for ya.
So you are a Muslim?
Don't buy any Swedish goods.
it's not a wedding ring
it's her knuckle
but anyways, it's repulsive
confirmed for shit tier knowledge of history
also southcucks really fucked up big-time with the slavery thing tbh
It is a wedding ring.
It's actually the other way round. Swedish working class was the most Americanized in Europe in the 1950s and 60s.
For which reason the German-influenced cultural class, compromised by WW2 and nazi cooperation chose an anti-American, pro-socialist, pro 3rd world stance in the 60s and 70s, taking over the traditionally strong and efficient Swedish state institutions and administration, esp. during the Vietnam War.
I guess I should just give up or something
oy vey
Where do you live?
american here, honestly I agree. I visited germany once and it was the worst experience of my life, all the german people looked at me as this person who embodies all this consumer negrophiliac bullshit, they expect every american to be this 'hipster-urban niggerloving faggot or a cowboy with a solo cup' and they think that shit is so cool. its so sad because all the actual american culture underneath is completely ignored and replaced with this jew cancer from hollywood and new york. the germans all asked me about big cities in america like chicago and new york and they knew nothing about the midwest except that it was lame and boring unlike nigger shitholes like detroit where "all the rap stars live". I fucking hate american media so fucking much tbh
if thats your opinion i feel bad for you tbh, you've probably never travelled much beyond tourist traps on the east coast
actually, it's a ring in her index finger
look at 0:10
but it really doesn't matter, that shit is enough gross without cheating
Reminder that this is being posted to demoralize Swedes further, the jew in Sweden is scared
On one side they have the muds they are pushing to import, on the other they have the increasingly ANGRY swedes
Old reds and blues alike are getting ANGRY
The general mood in the youth is ANGER
To the degenerate Jew worshipping (((evangelical))) self proclaimed Judeo-Christian Zionist hillbilly inbred (((patriotic))) shitholes of the south?
Surprised the like/dislikes haven't been disabled.
like in the Det Nya Landet-video
Extremely efficient public administration, founded by
Democracy is an add-on in Swedish history.
Democratically elected ministers are not allowed to interfere in daily matters of running the country.
Swedes simply don't get the principle of democracy. They don't have
like democratic countries: voting papers are party specific, supplied to the voting stations by the individual parties, *not* by the administration, and is picked up by the voter *outside* the voting booth, in full view of anyone in the room, like it used to be the case in communist Easten Europe. Also, Swedes will defend this to the death, refusing to see a problem.
Sweden was born as a
and it still is. To such a state, the ethnicity of its inhabitants is for the administration to decide, not for the poor grunts.
Tactical bowl cut on recon mission in the front row.
This is why.
He's making amends.
So that implies she is someone's wife and he is not her husband.
Some married men don't bother with rings…
Only those who intend to cheat
hispanic mixed shitskin
their whole recent catalogue is filled with this stuff aswell
and christian
Nice catch.
No. I'm also not a Christian, a Jew or anything Abrahamic. I am also not Atheist. I simply am, if anything, I adhere to a faith in truth.
I consider something, and then I contemplate that consideration. I don't assume my considerations and contemplation's are absolute truth, and I do not adhere to the consensus of fact as though it is a religious text.
The world could be flat, round, a square, a triangle. I wouldn't know one to be absolutely true from the other. But all logic, and contemplation has brought me to the assumption that the world I live upon is round. That is my personal truth, but not absolute truth. Absolute truth comes with absolute enlightenment. It is beyond us until it naturally arises through excellence and hard work.
If someone were to reach this state, and stake claims, I would consider and contemplate them, but I still wouldn't assume those claims are absolute truth.
Jesus may have reached that state, but that doesn't change that he merely made claims, and your book demands we do not contemplate and consider, only to believe. Therefore, the books of Abraham are antithesis to how I operate, and I do not entertain thoughts upon them for very long. Just as I do not pay much attention to Dr. Seuss books.
Hope that answers your question.
OP, you realize you are going to hang?
that reminds me I have to go to Ikea, I want to start a diy project.
Someone did a home improvement thread and the best video was about this pretty grill making a night stand. My friend would love that.
back to halfpol
Don't be a hypocrite. Only brown people who use Holla Forums get to live because they're part of teh secret club? Kind of reminds me of a certain tribe.
Nigger get the fuck out or stay at your own peril.
Swedes can be mad all they want, but when will they finally take politics into their own hands and stop the nigger hordes?
Being mad on the internet is worthless.
You have to be willing to stand for your values IRL.
No it isn't you fucking goon
note the mixed children
In a way I think the Swedes are still vikings.
However instead of pillaging other nations, they purge wrongthinkers.
It's the same violence, only expressed in a more cucked fasion today.
But OP is the nigger.
He gon be an astronought n'sheet.
I guess it appeals to millenial fags.
Look at that fucking kids eyes in the 2nd pic. I feel uneasy.
my fav is
"Swedishness is universal"
that's dylann roof's cousin.
Shut up, moron, you don't know what you're talking about.
In the sense that Swedes sold blonde slave girls to Muslims in Khazaria, their own or kidnapped Slavic or Finnic ones.
you are retarded OP. IKEA is a private company, not even swedish anymore (its "based" in lichtenstein, for tax reasons), so how is it swedens fault? you really think this commercial was made by the swedish gov?
That's it, i ain''t buying shit from IKEA no more.
I'm carpenting my own fucking furniture from now on. Or go thriftshopping.
Friendly reminder that the current Leftist SJW cuckoldry that's plaguing white countries is an export of the good ole US of A.
You're the ones who allowed mentally ill Leftist Academia.
Why don't you want me Holla Forums ?
Vomited a little.
Looks uncomfy as fuck
You're missing the point. We don't hate you. We want you to go back
Well, at least you're doing it right.
Why does your right tit have an anus poking out the top?
You can be my pet sexslave after a oophorectomy, I'd take care of you, but I'm not letting another darker spawn into this world, there are enought already.
0/10, You gotta go back.
because your nipples are disgusting
I don't want you 'cause you ain't mein waifu.
Yes I do. You're the retard putting his foot in his mouth with muh capitalism vs socialism nonsense.
Whoever did this deserves the death penalty.
I wonder who is behind this ad…
The USA is a Jewish nation. A nation is defined by its elites and institutions. In the USA these are all thoroughly Jewish.
Globalists are globalists, they're already trying to flee to China and set up America for their crimes. DOTR won't just be in murrica.
It's so blatant. Do they even put out any normal Swedish people in their ads?
Literally snowniggers
Why so tight?
Kikes did to you exactly what they did to brits before. They infilrated, played you like a fiddle, sapped all your might and economic superiority you got by working your asses off, manipulated your culture to the point both are practically indistinguishable from one another, ruined future generations and now that they can't siphon anymore shekels and they've created extreme hatred towards your people because you let them do what they wanted, they throw you into the gutter like a used whore. If burgers were smart enough they'd have seen the writing on the wall after what happened to Britain.
gross asian
I never mentioned socialism or capitalism. Obviously that was the closest your dim mind could get to what I was talking about.
Wait a minute goys…
is this a gay marriage?
Honestly the likes/dislike ratio gives me hope.
I honestly think that the tide is fucking turning and that we're going to win.
Praise Kek.
Not gonna lie, at least you posted correctly.
post full tits
3DPD go home
this show is pure poz, I checked it out after reading the book (it was redpilled in parts but boring) and was amazed on how they changed everything to be this edgy dyke diversity fag fest.
I refuse to believe anyone that jumps on the pomo train is not a commie or fellow traveller.
You literally did in your first post:
Forr which reason the German-influenced cultural class, compromised by WW2 and nazi cooperation chose an anti-American, pro-socialist, pro 3rd world stance in the 60s and 70s
Forgot my greentext
And your original post just proves my point that Sweden has been taking cultural view from America for a long time.
Not even female.
Transvestites goto /bog/
I will boycott Ikea for this. You should too.
These ads are blatantly promoting race-mixing and therefore white genocide.
Their sofas always look like they've been sat on by fatties for 30 years then got dragged out of a dumpster.
That's the last time I bought anything there.
And Adultery. Why do Scandinavians love cuckolding so much? WTF?
i'm confused are you a tranny or some kind of untermensch
Because… you are not my species.
America is falling. Everyone else must fall harder.
These people are so decadent, they could be easily destroyed by a band of brutal savages, who will relish in the lamentations of their women and children.
lulwut, this is our average commercial you retarded Yuropeon.
Because it should take more than a pair of tits to convince a man to want you, you dumb slut.
Because I don't trust a woman that whores herself out to get what she wants.
I won't fall for it, succubi
This journey of autisim this adventure of asperger. Kek . Sums up Sweden.
Nah, the average ones are like these.
The one on the right is a kikess
laura pupon's only career move after dat sebbenty shoe is showing tits and licking bitch
I really don't think that's a ring. It's too far up the finger — it's at the knuckle. At first I thought it said "Det Händer" at the end.
hello, schlomo
Please spoiler that shit
That lesbian redhead.
sweden no
We joke about this shit now… But imagine in 50 years when all of the Swedish stock are bred out of existence.
We may be one of the last generations to have even seen what a Swede ought to have looked like. Our grandchildren will know only mudslime Swedes…
…Unless we fuckkill every last one of them :)
/r/ing the image that showed how something like 65% of americans responded that positively that migrants enrich the host culture whereas the majority of European countries disagreed very strongly, even some "cuck-meme" euro countries did better
Not surprising since media is Sweden is controlled by (((them))), like everywhere.
Because I am not spic myself and micegenation is bad. Good luck gettimg a husband. Youll need it.