Fresh as fresh gets, boys.
ITT: Fresh OC (your oc)
Other urls found in this thread:
Solemn question - how on Earth are you still a moderator here? You're comically incompetent at it, you're proximately ecumenically detested, and though I doubt you're capable of realizing it you do not, in fact, ken better than the community you moderate as to what that community wants. Come on, just visually examine how you're being saged in this thread - that's not people expressing that they dissent with what you're verbalizing, that's people expressing that they dissent with you as a person. That's a whole bunch of people who didn't even care about your Judaism, they just wanted to send you an expeditious "go fuck yourself".
I understand that some people live such pitiably unrewarding lives that the minor imitation power they get from moderating a mediocre board makes things worthwhile to them, but at this point, isn't it disconcerting? Is the diminutive little high you get from effacing any posts critical of you and your conceptions authentically worth the ignominiousness that you ought to be feeling in kenning that the most popular thing that you could possibly do at this point would be to end yourself? What's the cogency?
So, yeah. Go ahead and efface this post now, and the countless other posts that will no doubt appear pointing out what a half-witted conception this "don’t hurt my fee fees" nonsensicality is that you've arbitrarily decided to coerce on the board is. Turn this into the same desolate necropolis we had last time, with your 4chan-esque "racist post are the anti-Christ" buried under hundreds of (((deleted)))s. Won't transmute the fact that you're a horrible moderator worth nothing.
might wanna run that thru a spellcheck OP
fuck me. I deleted the Ps file
high quality stuff
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not expecting this to be popular tbh
also, not expecting this to take off here on Holla Forums but this was an interesting shower thought i had a couple weeks ago
"Symbol of fascism"
I still don't understand why they chose to take the torches
Because TRS, Richard Spencer, Mike Enoch, Sargon of Akkad, and the whole "Alt-Right" Kekistan heresy is a controlled opposition.
the fasces - which is the root word of the term 'fascist' - is a bundle of sticks (aka a faggot) that when put together are much stronger than the individual sticks that compose it.
i wasn't really referring to the tiki torches but that's an interesting connection nonetheless.
it's always a conspiracy to some of you faggots
Anyone who doesn't already know this needs to lurk more. Damn Reddite scum.
It's no wacko crazy talk you dummy. Peruse through >>>/trs/ and see for yourself.
nigger stfu. do you not realize that 90% of Holla Forums both here and on half chan are fucking teenagers now? fuck right off roodypoo
Who gives a fuck about that cancerous, Jew'd up Reddit colony?
no one. my comment didn't suggest anything about anyone caring about anything about 4chan. i'm just saying that kids here are retarded and don't know shit.
and the jews control reddit now? these fucking jews are pretty god damn slick. sign me up.
moreover, i f you actually were an old fag you'd know that the Holla Forums tard infiltration of Holla Forums mixed with trap and gore threads circa 2012 is what killed it in the first place. old fags aren't nazis, sorry to break it to you, candy ass
The Eternal Jew has had a tight frip on Reddite since the beginning as far as I'm concerned. They're known for their Jewish censorship policies.
sure thing, boss. you people might as well consider yourselves religious. the jew has become your satan and hitler has become your jesus. it's pathetic tbqh, and that's why your trashy movement and even trashier ideologies don't hold up anywhere except on Holla Forums circle jerk threads.
yes, dave from chicago here tbqh
I bet frumpfy did this.
That's your opinion of what happened. If I weren't wise to the fact that you Lefties see Holla Forums in the damn shadows, I'd still accuse you of being a lying faggot.
And your Libcucked Globalism is supposed to be better?
motherfucker. you are so simple. i am center right. just because i am not a genocidal lunatic doesn't make me a lefty pol infiltrator.
honestly you don't know the first thing about actual globalization, nor international economics, finance, international relations, US foreign policy, national security etc nor the embedded interests therein. talking with you, not to mention trying to convert you to a logical mindset would be a complete fucking waste of time. yet here i am. cheers.
So you're a lukewarm status quo cuck? I'd give some respect if you were a Commie because at least they know our system is shit. But you? An apathetic Centrist cuck? Nah.
how will i go on knowing i don't have the respect of the likes of a fellow shitposter on Holla Forums! ugh, my heart! )_;
Deflecting from the fact that you want to fondle Lindsey Graham's turkey jowls while sticking to your Cuckservative guns? Sad!
can you go one post without saying cuck? this is why people don't respect you morons.
Better hurry along and prep that bull of yours! Don't want to offend the delegates, do you? And don't forget to take your Wife's Son out to see the county fair.
nigger i don't know wtf you're talking about. you need to get out of your own god damned head.
Hmmm, really made me think. Anywho, stop being a lukewarm Centrist faggot and maybe you won't get called a cuckold.
lol here we go. have a good night, user *:
You too. Hope you felt the fires of the old Holla Forums with that torrent of insults.