How can we reclaim it from the pedo community?
How can we reclaim it from the pedo community?
nobody owns tbh tbh
hex (pedo) coined it
that would be hilarious if someone did that for lulz
xD hole shit good prank
you would know immediately it was Holla Forums that did it ;)
It would be funny to see the reaction tbh
human beings under the age of 18 tbh
Catlady, fuck off. You have no meems. You can reclaim nothing. Fuck off and die already.
chicken nugget
It is inherently anti pedo though. I'm taking it back from the pedo community tbh.
tbh belongs to the pedo community because only the pedo community is honest with themselves in how sexy kids are tbh
fake news
But the pedo community are forced into a life of deception and are expert liars as a result of that so they aren't really honest tbh
pedo's aren't special, user
so much child abuse on jewtube
it fucking sickens me tbh
They are forced into lying and the good ones don't get caught. All pedos are naturally deceptive tbh
t. cp spammer
Mods Moravian nods
So all pedos are jews?
this tbh
Whelp, now I KNOW it's true.
im posting it all over campus tonight tbh
If this is on the internet, it must be true, so I believe it….
tfw the actor for Wallace died this year
That's sad.
Does that mean Grommit gets to live with the chicken?
the "tbh" word is a secret word used by pedos to identify themselves and other pedos, so don't use it if you aren't a pedo tbh
We have to go back to our roots.
is imo / imho pedo?
meep meep you can't tbh no homo
nah fam, tbh isnt either tho
tbh means you're coming out as a pedo
This is ridiculous. The moment you stop perpetuating that 'tbh' belongs to any community, that's when you'll have 'reclaimed' it. This is like how people get offended by the word 'nigger, oblivious of the fact that they themselves are perpetuating the derogative connotation of that word.
Hex is Literally Hitler from lolifox /lg/
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbh is an esoteric sequence of letters that has been used by the (((elites))) for millenia to enslave the masses….now its in our hands
tbhposting is based