trumpss outreach is working and they're losing their shit lmao
trumpss outreach is working and they're losing their shit lmao
post yfw Trump will win thanks to niggers votes
Wow are they really that racist?
If the black vote is 20%+ can we use it to get Liberals to realize just how fucking racist they are and join us?
the denial is strong
Nigger you should look on /r/Political_ Discussion
All of those Hill shills are afraid as fuck they're gonna get cucked by The Don
It cracks me up every time.
Trump's default business strategy is to find a weak or neglected area in the market and then push himself into that area like a wedge and then expand out, creating a niche for himself by drawing in otherwise neglected customers. He's doing the exact same thing in the election and the leftists are powerless to stop him because they're too busy falling over themselves calling Trump stupid in an attempt to signal that they're smart, virtuous people.
have you noticed now that the tables have turned and hillary is being blamed for the birther thing its all of a sudden "who cares about the birther thing" even the media is doing it
They should thank Trump. He's the one who prompted Obama to finally release his longform birth certificate which finally put to rest the questions that Clinton raised.
blown the fuck out
I can't help but feel that poster is a Holla Forumsitician.
Trump should get the vote of every poor nigger in America.
Clinton = more refugees / immigrants = more pressure on low income (aka black) neighborhoods = immigrants often highly motivated = more pressure on low income jobs = niggers are left behind again.
Trump = no refugees, kick out illegal immigrants = less pressure on low income (aka black) neighborhoods = no/less immigrants, less highly motivated competition = less pressure on low income jobs = niggers can could in theory develop.
Well, it's our Kek given duty to meme it so they understand it, isn't it?
Forget Jesus resurrecting, here's the real deal when it comes to miracles.
Bix nood smh Trump a mutafuka reel G boi, tbh fam
Weren't they Kangs? Perhaps Keku can speak their language.
Niggers hate spics. You'd think they'd be all on board for Trump.
Also, I remember seeing the libcucks react this same exact way when niggers voted Clinton over Bernie.
I wouldn't last long there.
They're torn between hatred of spics and love of welfare handouts.
Just tell the nogs that immigrants are coming here to take their welfare check.
That false flag is a bit obvious.
Its really obvious but I bet a lot of people fall for it.
Which makes it pretty clever.
I don't know. Liberals are pretty racist. You should have saw plebbit when bernie lost the black vote. But if that was an user, good. They should do more of it.
Same, I need to call someone a nigger or a kike at least once a day or I'll go nuts.
yea boii
how much of the black vote does Clinton need again?
The left D&Cs itself at this point. We could just sit on the sidelines watching it all burn. Not as fun though.
the amount of salt generated when trump said "what do you have to lose?" was already pretty good. if he actually manages to even pull 10% of the nigger vote there will be asshurt on levels to rival when bernouts watched their magic kike back shillary
Checking those elite digits. That type of image should be pushed on nigger twitter.
Man, USA is fucked. I think Trump support is basically a fluke. These people are the same as they were when they voted for Bush or Obongo. Nothing has changed.
top tier fucking taste my friend
would waifu/10
Biggot: someone who airs their opinion without concern for someone else their feelings.
Reddit is a the definition of a hugbox and while it is certainly entertaining to debate these mental illness retards within the confines of the rules and see them jump through mental hoops to justify their retarded logic. I can not stomach that place for longer then a few hours anymore.
The mods on reddit don't even stop there. They shadowban you simply for having a opinion that differs from them and is right winged. They ban you full stop for disproving leftist ideology with evidence.
I can read extremist communist rhetoric from Holla Forums all day, still sickens me, but i can still debate them without going full 1488 on matters they may not agree with.
I thought his wife was mexican
this one's a work of art
That's not his wife. That's Jeb with Amy Sellers for some autism charity project. it was around 2006; you can see how happy Jeb still was.
Don't worry so hard, my friend. The truth is not relevant to the masses. What is important is actions.
Whether they understand that racism is good or not is irrelevant, as long as they take actions without being controlled by leftists calling them racist.
Shadowbanning is the lowest, most despicable thing you can do to someone.
No, the other guy was right. These people are basically the same. There is no greater nigger lover in the US than the conservative. It rips their whole mind and soul apart for the nigger to not understand how deeply he cares for him and how supply-side economics will uplift his nigger life.
Liberals genuinely believe the conservative is lying – but they aren't. The conservative is a true believer, the ultimate cultural marxist fifth column.
The real joke is going to be on the people who genuinely think Trump is a racist.
doesn't exactly qualify as news does it
why does it keep happening
who are you and what are you doing on Holla Forums
Memes transcend time and space
DAYM SON! that ebonics is Holla Forums levels of racists. is this a libcuck for real, or just some masterfull D&C?
the satire is so strong
the poor guy stood no chance, he didn't even understand what was happening to him
Nah, it's real. Liberals are racist as fuck which is why they're liberals. Instead of tossing niggers into the ditch like us, liberals try to save them from themselves. Once their golems goes off the plantation they make the connection that not all is right between the ears of the non-whites. There was so much liberal racist shit being posted on that bernie reddit page right after he lost california.
everybody's racist. babies are racist.
libshits just practice paternal racism.
Trump is demand side economics you filthy moron.
Definitely somebody trolling, they like to do this every time blacks betray the democrats.
Pretty sure that was Holla Forums trolls too, IIRC there were raid threads on cuckchan. This is dr3 tier. Why is it so hard to believe that both sides truly aren't racist?
it was
doesn't mean we shouldn't be doing more of it
There wasn't a lot of trolling from us on reddit. We planned to but the sub was already full of anger about their pet niggers pissing on their rug by the time we got there, and looking into the posters, most were hardcore bernouts. I've got to admit, I was surprised. Makes me think there's hope for them yet.
I'm pretty sure it was cuckchan or just reddit trolls, not us.
On a side note Kek seems to have blessed this thread.
I personally looked into several of the posters going back hundreds of comments. They were mostly real.
You seem 'pretty sure' of alotta shit.