Serious question Holla Forums.
What do you think would happend if i ask a girl if i can touch her boos?
It got me thinking to this idea when i read an article that touching boobs decreases your stress up to 60%.
Serious question Holla Forums.
What do you think would happend if i ask a girl if i can touch her boos?
It got me thinking to this idea when i read an article that touching boobs decreases your stress up to 60%.
post crab people vocaroo again and i will answer question
say is this the crab thread? I checked the catalog and don't see one
It depends on the girl (both her normal demeanor and her level of intoxication), and it depends on how Chad/Tyrone/ATM you are. Sometimes they'll be all too happy to just offer them up on the spot, other times, she'll have any and all nearby white knights obliterate you. You have to be able to read them and the room around them BEFORE approaching them.
It is now
well you will never know until you try it
Honestly, i'm already imagening myself getting laughed out hard by a girl on school if i ask one.
Maybe you should focus more on school instead of titties right now, user.
Your spelling is atrocious.
english pretty obviously not his first language tbh
She'd tell you to back off of her grandma's ghost, you filthy manlet.
I couldn't observe anything from that.
op has crabs
To be honestly fair, you need to have an enormous high iq to be able to ask a girl if you can touch her boobs.
Most don't have the mental capacity and intellect, secluded from wether or not the girl lets you to.
You could ask a girl you know through a messenger app to make it less embarrassing. It should be a girl you can trust though, otherwise the answer is flawed because she could say anything since she is a random "girl" on the internet.
Go to a run down strip club and finger blast the strippers + touch her boobs.
Go for it, OP. It's not like you actually have anything to lose.
(((Golden Curry is a decent approximation of authentic Japanese curry. It's not perfect but it's close.)))
(((Firstly, Japanese curry is to real curry in the same way British curry is. They're different implementations, but about equally distant from, say, a more familiar Thai or Indian one. It sounds like OP knows this now, but it's just how they do curry. Not for everyone.)))
(((Second, did you follow the instructions? It sounds like you did.)))
(((Thirdly, it's difficult to enjoy this curry separate from Japan. When you're hungry and you've spent the day walking around and drop into a curry place, it's different to just making it at home. I saw a number of them in train stations, and they're a neat alternative idea for fast food when you think about it. In Japan, you order these curries via a vending machine in the shop, which then communicates your order to the kitchen staff. The staff work behind a high counter with chairs, so you can see them work. They pass you your food when it's ready. When I went, I would have paid 7 or 8 dollars for the meal, which isn't too bad by my country's standards.)))
(((I guess what I'm saying is that making it at home perhaps fails to capture the greater magic of the experience