You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded


To be honest, you DO talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded.
Check my dubs.

t. nigger

sounds like your shit's all retarded too, fam

ab leesd e's nod a druppy guppy

Anybody else think this movie describes current politics in America really well? At least the celebrity president in Idiocracy was smart relative to other people.

Move the fuck out of Commiefornia



But it's true. Left or right doesn't matter, americucks are getting dumber everyday.

It's a worldwide phenomenon, actually.
The average IQ has globally dropped about 16 points in the past hundred years.

Gee I wonder (((why)))

that's literally impossible, because the whole IQ system is designed so that the average is always 100

Obviously with all the shitskins reproducing like rabbits.
Imagine my shock.

Maybe they don't update the reference?

of course he did, it's in the best interests of capital

You can always tell the rabid corporate cocksucking trumpcucks; they get so mad at the truth and can only accuse others of being "reddit", whatever that means.

dus dad maeg u mag drupquks?
drup drup druppy guppy drupper pupper

Why is it that the people who say "Idiocracy is dumb & wrong, our country is NOT turning out like that!" are usually the ones who are dumb as shit & would be happy in their slavery in the film's setting? Look around you, everything is falling apart.

drumpfsperg is still here? dang.

idll b ok ur subly of drupdik has 4 yeers 2 plumber ur bunghole, no neeb 2 b mag

Dude, pop culture, lmao, aren't I an expert on politics, holy shit I'm so smart.
Fucking plebs don't even realize Voldemort is in charge and is buddies with Darth Vader.
Fuck I'm clever, just like Sheldon.

No, drumpfsperg died when Trump got inaugurated. That guy is drupsperg, drumpfsperg's retarded little brother.

Seriously though, props to the guy who played drumpfsperg. He played the part perfectly. He was the perfect antagonist for Holla Forums. He was convincing and picked the perfect way and time to kill off the character. The only downside is the army of obvious, low quality imposters he left in his wake, but you can't blame him for the retarded things other people do.

Unaware of what year it was, Joe wandered the streets desperate for help. But the English language had deteriorated into a hybrid of hillbilly, valleygirl, inner-city slang and various grunts. Joe was able to understand them, but when he spoke in an ordinary voice he sounded pompous and faggy to them.

Why does that remind me of Black Adder?

What a time to be alive

O no btfo

I'm mad at you. Please stop posting things that make me mad, or else I will contact law authorities for your harassment.

Eitherhow, have a nice day, friend.

Why would you make a post about your fondnes for fellating jews? Keep your sick fetishes to yourself, thank you very much.

i don't get it, how is putting retarded stickers on your car powering it?


that doesn't even make sense

They make cars that run on water? Finally? How much do they cost?

Damn straight, gun owners do get lots of pussy.

Intelligent whites are reproducing at a far lower rate than every other race. This is as true today as it was when Idiocracy was made. It's expensive to raise even one kid properly, let alone a whole shitload. So the "smart" whites are just not having kids at all, or waiting until their 30s+ to have kids.

But if you reproduce like rabbits, accept the lowest government subsistence as enough to raise tons of kids, and have a culture that encourages multiple "baby daddies", then you're on the dark path to national retardation.

pretend "Trevor" isn't a filthy kike for the sake of argument

You just have to take a few small pozloadsloans in your neghole and that's it.
Drumpstormers will never be happy again if you do this.

Hey man don't worry about it. My wife's tarded and she's a pilot now.

The joke was that people were talking like that when the movie came out, 11 years ago.


They would if it weren't for big oil.

what are you, jewish?

Daily reminder that civic nationalism is a step to natsoc, not the final stop. I wonder (((who))) keeps insisting otherwise. :^)


Well she needs to be euthanized so her genetics don't spread


the reason people keep updating the IQ test is because each generation keeps getting higher scores than the previous generation

Gymnastics really fucks girls' shit up huh


I hope you never stop posting, you keep setting up these comical situations where you broadcast your purposely ugly/masculine waifu just for her to get shit on, it's levels of satire that have made my boring day.
