An explanation of prejudice

consider a hypothetical:
40% of those living in the city are christian.
60% of those living in the country are christian.

if you were to go to the city, what is the probability that any given individual is christian?
if you were to go to the country, what is the probability that any given individual is christian?

such an assumption one would make given the circumstance is accurate.
is true, but is exploited. it is meant to deflect criticism.

now, transpose this with something such as criminal stats or stereotypes.
whoever coined this is correct: a top notch memester.

now the word:
contrary to (((sources))), prejudice is just to judge beforehand.
that is to make an assumption.
assumptions are necessary. it is possible that the world we observe is just an illusion, a la "the matrix". it is also possible that it is not. if we were to assume that it is, we would not be capable of functioning, as we would assume that everything we see is false. therefor, as we wish to be functional, we assume the contrary.
we make assumptions all the time. we assume that the bus will come to the bus stop on time, as it usually does, and we behave accordingly. such is the shitlording of prejudice.
whoever coined this is a shit-tier normie wise-ass.

if demographic X (you know who i mean) rapes, kills, and steals often, or behaves inappropriately in other ways, other people behave in a natural way, which is to be averse to interacting with, and trusting, such people.
today, this is considered prejudiced or racist, but this is simply a natural behavioral reaction.

i don't strip the agency from the individual, but i am aware of the result of the agency of the populations that have any given quality. we all are, even subconsciously. if our general population is to believe that prejudice is wrong, when it is just a matter of fact (much like fascism) it is indicative of the conditioning being real.

i hope this will help you to persuade normies of certain things.

perhaps this thread can be to discuss similar topics.
if the people do not believe in the truth, our society will be dysfunctional.
such a case would not be suitable for us.

Thank you for posting this.

8/pol/ is pretty much cancer now by even conservative evaluations.


Everyone on this board already knows these things. You must be new here, OP. Welcome to Holla Forums.

the point is, why does the majority of the population not believe this?
how is this not spreading?
it's simple. a child could understand this.

i cannot accept that the general population is so fucking retarded that they cannot understand this.

maybe it's because people can't explain it properly?
how the fuck is this not propagating?

perhaps this can be capped, slap Holla Forums on it, show the people what we actually believe, keks aside. this could create a positive association with the other points we make. it could be effective…

i can't think of a reason why this wouldn't be a good idea.
perhaps the population should be retarded for some reason? implications, implications…

You are new here, if you lurked more the scales would have already fallen. I wont shitlord your post so listen up as I lay down the cliff notes of what is going on and has been proven over and over to be true. no, we are not joking when we talk about half the shit we are saying, yes we are joking when we talk about half the shit we are saying.

Propaganda by Jews. Not joking, it is true as the sun rises every day. They hate us (white males) and desire either our outright extermination or wholesale enslavement. They believe they are better than us and work as a cohesive unit to propagate their in-group triabalistic race. They have preyed upon our noble qualities to subvert our nation, culture and wider civilization.

They have indoctrinated everyone you have ever met, everyone you have ever seen into viewing certain things a twisted way to ensure both their own power is secured, and their enemies (us) are undermined and subjugated by words and illusion.

They used their propaganda to reinforce an 'outgroup' rejection scheme against intelligence and understanding. The conditioning done by the media, government enforcement and societal rejection has worked well in insuring that anyone whom hears 'problematic' thoughts off offhandedly reject them so they are themselves not associated with the thought for fear of social and economic rejection. Humans being social animals, and whites most of all, this is a very real fear and instincts tell us such rejection is dangerous (which it is) so they fear it. Since they fear the risk of it they in turn enforce it themselves so they can front run the threat of association. By rejection of the thought meme of truth you speak of they reinforce their place in society.

Most people don't think half as much as a child. And the majority of those left that do think, only do so sporadically and when needed. Sorry man. That is the truth. You sound like you yourself do, probably the majority of the time, so you are part of the upper one or two percentile of intelligent people. Like most of us here. We here tended to become jaded and embraced retardation to help with coping to the fact that we are forever outside of normal life, even if we can emulate their ways. Keep that in mind, there is a reason we are more childlike here (and proud of it) than you would find it more 'normal fag' space.

They are. Until a fundamental societal change happens, they will continue to be such. But good news, looks like that sea change is already happening. So you may not have long to wait before the outright rejection of ignorance of that type will be the norm rather than exception. But keep in mind, even with a new direction, normal faggots will still have their issues, and that will cement in new and strange ways of ingroup thought ignorance. But at least maybe the jews will not be the ones influencing that.

Nope. you still hold to the illusion that intelligence and thoughtful discussion mean shit. It works for people of higher intelligence than the mean, more so as you go up the scale. But for society as a whole, you have to drop debates based on reality wholesale. You need to fight for a mental meme based upon emotion and instinctual responses, sporadic truths added in help guide the thought and reinforce it. But the basis of normal thought pattern is emotion. Likely that is alien to you, so keep it in mind. All people around you are like this, and will actually kneejerk away from pure facts, it causes them to question their own superiority in life and thought, which makes them uncomfortable, which causes them to fall back into societal norms.

Jews and their good goy pets. This entire empire you live in has for decades longer than your parents have been alive has been pushing to subjugate and enslave you in body and mind.

Just lurk moar kid. We got this. We been arguing and fight this shit for over a decade now as a nebulous group. And we have it down pretty pat. Just need to listen and learn. We as a group are not geared to teach you like this is a lecture. We are setup as a mentoring situation, your mentors are thousands upon thousands of shills, shitposters, genius's, retards, idiots, faggots and every other possible combination of humanity you can imagine. We are everyone kid. But we are also no one. We are user. From this site to the next, we thru chaos, have found truth. We are ready to guide you, but you must be ready to be led. Soon, you will be one of us, and then, you shall lead us into the future.

top quality post. thank you.
everything you say is correct, except that i have been here for quite a while (a couple years, and a bit over a year as a regular).
i'm still rather different from the average user here, though: rather autistic.

feels lonely being marginalized by this hideously corrupted zeitgeist doesn't it.
someone close to me told me that when i explained all of this to her. it shocked me, and i teared up a bit.

I believe this is a matter of approach, and shitlibs abusing an obvious logical fallacy to appeal to emotion.

If you take, let's call it, deductive approach, you will indeed come to a conclusion that not all x are y. As long as there is a single x who is not y, you cannot make an axiom that all x are y.

If you take inductive approach, you will come to a conclusion that MOST x ARE MOST LIKELY to be y. So by suspecting x of being y, you are not claiming that (all x are y), thus making their counter-argument (not all x are y) a logical fallacy because they are not addressing your point.

On the other hand, by judging (not suspecting) that x is an y solely based on inductive data (and no other evidence), would actually prove them right, as it would be erroneous.

This is correct. It's also how I came to embrace racism.

i've explained something of the like to people using risk pieces.

take 5 piles of pieces.
each pile has 5 black pieces.
each pile has 3 yellow pieces except one pile that has 2 yellow pieces and one blue piece.
which is the blue pile?

or i would explain how controlled groups who have a particular percent of a quality, but one group having a higher percent of that quality being known as that quality group, as it is distinguishable from the rest.

our people don't know how to think.
i have been arguing for logic in our kids' school curriculum to replace history for years now.

Wow…really makes you think

how does it feel to know that Holla Forums is right.

I was thinking about that today funny enough, although I thinking how I would justify the hatred of x because they did y, although not all of x did y.

perhaps pondering the potential of x doing y?
but i personally would only make precise incisions when dealing with cancer.

my political view is more global anarchist diversity with healthy relationships between ethno-nations or some scope of that sort. homogeneity is peaceful.

Why history and not something less important?

history is something that can be injected in any field: even mathematics.
the times of philosophers or academics of any field can be brought up.

also, history is something that MUST be guarded very strongly by academics, and a strong eye must be focused on their activity. it must be concentrated and purified and argued to death by a competent academic tradition.

it can also be taught through other avenues by word of mouth, media, and such, but on the basis of findings made by those academics.

perhaps english or something?

It's pretty much game theory. Has anyone ever done a game-theoretical analysis of "diversity?"

mein gott.
that would be a monumental task.
the conditions we're beset with today was pretty much a giant fuck you just take it without any consideration of the consequences.

Good point. However, modern education needs some serious overhaul in all areas.

Probably not because it would result in the conclusion that diversity is the end game of individualistic, "free market" capitalism and not "lebdisdm" as some people claim.

Yep, I just realized post does a good job at explaining the logic I was trying to formulate.

I know what you mean, but I think it is a good thing.
It brings together those who are intelligent enough to see through the shit, moral enough to look for the truth even when it hurts, and strong enough to take whatever the deluded, brainwashed normies throw at them.
/pol is initation and only the strong are going to make it.
And always remember, you are NEVER alone user, you carry your ancestors in your blood, in your DNA.
Talk to them, venerate them, emulate the various archetypes, become like them, ask them for guidance, see them as your greatest allies , they will give you strength, inspiration and courage.

Underrated post.

Regarding thinking, you have people who are not capable of thinking (low intelligence or psychopathic neural patterns), people who don't want to think (because thinking is difficult, time consuming, and often leads to pessimistic conclusions and bad mood, pretty much the opposite of what we are conditioned to by our biological reward system), and people who are mislead by the wrong thinking patterns (intentionally or not) since all the information at our disposal is like a huge labyrinth that's very easy to get lost in.

That makes a very low percent of humanity actually capable of reaching the truth.

So basically, you need high intelligence, right neural wiring, inner drive/will and strong character, and most importantly, very good intuition (this part is probably most important as it helps you find a way out of the labyrinth)