Has anyone here every gotten a surprise drug test shortly AFTER orientation? Does this ever happen? I mean, like AT the office.
Will post ancient hentai in exchange for answers. (seriously, I saved this shit like a decade ago)
Has anyone here every gotten a surprise drug test shortly AFTER orientation? Does this ever happen? I mean, like AT the office.
Will post ancient hentai in exchange for answers. (seriously, I saved this shit like a decade ago)
I'm posting it in order, btw.
Yeah, actually. I was working at a call center (and a nigger brought actual crack with him and smoked it in the bathroom). They tested everyone, at work, over the next 3 days. I think they fired, like, half of us.
But that was a direct result of the guy bringing in drugs, right? Like it's not standard procedure to just test people after hiring them and spending the money to have them go though orientation. Has anybody ever heard of something like that happening?
I never have, personally, but I've known people who have. It depends on the job. If it's a white collar job (I'm guessing that's not the case here), then the chances are slim to none. If it's a low-skill job that tends to attract degenerates, then the chances are much higher.
It is actually a white collar job. With a degree requiring a masters. You're saying that makes it LESS likely?
what do you have your masters in
also just get a whizzinator you casual
i know many people who have used this
just use the synthetic urine that passes tests they send with it (use handwarmers to heat it up), or a clean friends piss. if you don't have time to prepare then i guess this option wont be beneficial
Yes, it's less likely. Think about it, if you're responsible enough to get a masters and have marketable skills that they can use, they're not going to be as likely to randomly drug test you as some employer who's hiring low-skilled dropouts who often have drug and alcohol problems. Security jobs and jobs that involve operating heavy machinery are the ones you'd need to worry about.
I'm clean right now. I don't smoke a lot and I've just been waiting for the drug test. It just hasn't come for some reason. I just want to know if I'm in the free and clear after orientation. I assumed ever job required a drug test. That's right, right?
Honestly no. Since I've started my career I've never has to take a piss test after I landed the job. Before yes, after no. White collar though.
But HOW unlikely? Like 1% odds or simply unheard of/basically impossible?
The reason I'm asking is a buddy of mine will be in town and we really wanted to get high together. I'd hate to not do it just because I'm being paranoid.
I'm white collar, too, but haven't taken one period.
Lol sorry, I haven't crunched the numbers. I don't fucking know, man. If you're really that concerned about it, then I suppose you'd have to weigh your options. Even if it's, say, a 5% chance, would smoking weed for a day be worth losing a job that you worked your ads off to get be worth it?
No, of course 5% wouldn't be worth it. But if it's next to impossible it would be. And this isn't 'just smoking weed'. I haven't seen this guy in years and likely won't see him again. We used to get high all the time together. It would just kind of suck to not have a good time with an old friend because I'm paranoid about something that has less than lottery odds of happening.
What job? That'll give me a better idea
If I told you that, there's a chance someone could figure out where I work. I'll say this, it's a STEM office job. If I came to work wasted out of my mind, nobody's life would be at risk.
Ok, then I'd say the chances are extremely slim to none.
Also, it's weed, not heroin ffs
Cool, thanks.
If anybody has ever heard about anything like this happening, let me know.
Doesn't matter. I would still be fired. That's just how drug testing works. You have anything in your system, you get fired.
stop doing drugs you child
but yes surprise drug tests aren't a thing im pretty sure
This child got a master's degree and a high paying job while smoking weed and doing a shit ton of other softcore drugs since middle school. How's your professional life? Also, thanks for your input.
Go ask 4chan /g/. There's a lot of post-grads working Fisher Price: My First Tech Position.
how hard is it to get into grad school with mediocre/average GPA but really good sample papers/essays?
Some extra stuff.
Okay guys, that's it. I'm just gonna smoke. I'll be monitoring this thread for the next few hours. If anyone has any stories of people walking into their white collar office with urine jars please let me know. Thanks, enjoy the 10+ year old porn.
OP, for just about any fucking job, at some point or another they are going to want to see if you are clean. From what you have said, I imagine that the test came at an odd time because your work place does not expect to actually catch anyone with anything in their system, so they see the test as more a part of the orientation process, and not a part of the application process. It was a bureaucratic necessity, and nothing else.
You should feel honored that they did not ask for piss five minutes into the first day.
If it calms your autism, I will say that my dad has been on weed ever since college and works white collar, and I do not think he has ever lost a job due to a drug test, but that might just be because he is not a fucking idiot.
It should not be a problem if it is at least higher than a 3.0, but It depends on what kind of a major you are looking for, and where. Chances are you can find a program as long as your GPA is not a god damn holocaust, and do well at the standardized tests the college needs.
Before you even apply, ask around and see if graduate school is even worth it for you personally I know there are a lot of fields where the pay raise is not worth the cost or the effort.