Hey faggot turn around, I'm the guy with red hair.
Hey faggot turn around, I'm the guy with red hair
that doesnt look like 8/b/
I wouldn't be on Holla Forums with people behind you. might get a lolidoll
he's prob a paddy not a jew
I wouldn't be on any site with people behind me.
your desktop is shit
At least it works and has software
What's the difference?
t. cuck
Linux doesn't works and has no software.
enjoy the botnet, goy
t. cuck
One is a semite the other is European.
these are hilarious tbh
pog mo thoin faggot
Hope not he's my target….
What kind of nigger browses 8ch in public? Wouldn't he be afraid someone will report him for looking at midgets?
Find the thread's that he's lurking in and post scat porn in them