I'm starting to wonder why i'm such a drooling lazy retarded lately.
Is it because my brain has weakend by a lot of being really lazy for such a long period?
I'm starting to wonder why i'm such a drooling lazy retarded lately
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stop fapping so much
So like for example: if i stretch my brain by doing study and mathematical work for the first time in a long time i reinstate back to when to the time i currently i was smarter back then?
This may change my whole life.
this is called neuroplasticity of the brain changing when you do something like this; it takes a while to break out of strongly formed decision making tendencies that are already established but can be done
So the brain is kind of like our muscles?
If i do a lot thinking and mind work i will sort of become more intelligent?
This may explain my whole depression, everything for me has become more difficult to understand to understand, even the same jokes that i've seen aren't as funny or easily understandable for me as they used to be a couple of years ago.
You're the same as you were, you just forgot what you've learned from years ago because you never had any use for the information. Now that you've forgotten it and probably do nothing with your life you feel like a dumbass.
Actual physical exercise will also help immensely, OP.
Try High Intensity Interval Training and Intermittent Fasting. Your brain will be sharper, you will get far more done, and you will look and feel much better.
Roastie shill GTFO
Just walked 3kms in half a hour.
So yeah
exercise is good, just walking like that distance everyday if you're otherwise a NEET is good for brain
this doesn't always solve the problem but should be done anyway for general health
do sudoku, crosswords, math problems, read philosophical or science stuff, excercise, meditate. anything that isnt doing normie stuff like Holla Forumsitics, Holla Forumsidya gaems, drinking, doing drugs. its litteraly dumbing people down
i have the same problem lately, but trying to keep myself up
Politics, video games and being sociable isnt dumbing people down. It is part of the same equation, it intertwines.
t. dumb
embed the video if you want me to watch it next time, newfag
Here have a boobanimal.
not sure what you meant there, but yeah it could be all together, however i always find myself without energy or will after gaming or drinking, not socializing though
My man in the mirror is a relentless berserker that drinks from a very special fountain no matter if alone or amoungst others.
And they invaded our privacy, no matter if the fbi or some analmouse shitters, they pay with blood or shekels. Either way.
so, are you satisfied with that man?
good question user im super sure he is
Yes i really would be, esp. if what he conquers would be substantical.
There wouldnt be any greater satisfaction.
Because i not just do tell people stuff in RL, here or at my work, or in abstraction, it is always like this becomes some kind of "realz".
And to put it in my mothers tongue: Ich hab keine lust mich zum vollidiot machen zu lassen, seit ich denken kann war ich immer der sagte wo es langgeht, hab mich nie verarschen lassen und so wird es immer bleiben. Wenn ich diese welt so betrachte und die scheisse die wir fressen sollen dann werde ich sie sicher nicht fressen. Was sich nie ändern wird ist wie ich an das komme was ich will, nur die art und weise wie wird sich ändern.
maybe is someone truly wants to be evil, he would be satisfied with that as his state of being, although i have yet to find such a person
du sollst kein idiot zu sein oder sich einflussen zu lassen. darum geht es, ein freier mann zu sein der dentkt und lebt fur sich allein
Meinst du ich lass des stehen wenn so ein office shitter sich meinen verlauf anschaut oder mir nichts dir nichts einfach so mein profil aufruft.
And if you do that, there is no mercy, bit by bit until we drag you out of your beds by the hair so to speak. You started this and now you will pay for it, no matter who you are.
Und vor script vorlesende clowns und kasperler hab ich keinen respekt, deswegen der hass du missgeburt.
Echte menschen mit echten meinungen, nicht an irgendwelche scheisse wie finanzielle sicherheit gebunden, und in diesem framework wo die türen immer mehr geschlossen werden und immer mehr echte menschen diese dümmliche scheisse vorlesen müssen, meinst du wirklich ich fresse diese scheisse wenn ich seit ich geboren immer anders war.
was du tust sollte dein wahl sein, ohne einflusse