I'm a 22 year old registered sex offender.
Ask me anything.
I'm a 22 year old registered sex offender
how many loli did you bang before you got caught?
why are you such a faggot?
Mr Podesta, what do you think of Trump's presidency?
Why did you post a picture of an astronaut crew?
I have bad news…
idk m8
Sorry this is Sam.
they dead
How did you become a sex offender?
Are you atheist?
I accidentally backed up my cp to google drive. and it got red flagged. I got done for possession 2 years later, after the fact
Why i am not amuzed?
How does that even happen?
it happens because op is a faggot
Was getting caught part of your plan?
Was there a lot of it? I heard that they authorities (at least in Canada) only care if there's a lot and it's obviously not an accident, etc.
Of course
there was alot.
It was not not my intention to get caught.
but I ctrl + A 'd then dragged over everything.
Bullshit. Loli is illegal there.
You're a retard for having a google account in the first place
It's illegal, for sure, but they wouldn't do an investigation if there's just a small amount. This is all hearsay, anyway.
They probably wouldn't investigate, but they sure as hell would add you to a list. 20 years later, when you get busted for insurance fraud, some kike lawyer will dig up your CP records to discredit you.
Still don't believe you. The hysteria is real and they crave to make an example out of low hanging fruit.
thats a whole new level of retard
How old are you?
Ever been arrested?
What for?
Did you get put on a list for it?
What list?
Can I ask you something?
dumb cunt op now they will bust you for everything. better wear your seatbelt everytime you drive
When you were in jail, did a big dick nigger make you his bitch?
How many blowjobs did you have to give for a pack of cigarettes?
Do you have to wear diapers because so many big dick niggers fucked your asshole that it constantly gapes and your poop slips out?
xD lmao fam thas MEST UP
this is the least believable thread on Holla Forums
Imagine being a pedo. You knowingly create a google drive account, using your google account (which was made by using your own phone number). You find it weird when you get arrested for "accidentally" uploading it to a cloud owned by google.
This is a millenial faggot
This is the real answer, folks.
Further to the above, we're probably all on a few extra lists just for posting (even looking) in this thread.
Non toi
He also must have been logged on to his google account while doing this. It's the only way he could have uploaded it. Also, why did he not acknowledge that he was uploading data to a cloud? Did he ever check the cloud and think "oh fuck maybe I should delete this CP". Yet two fucking years later he got caught.
So many retarded actions. This has to be b8.
people can be lazy/negligent/incredibly stupid. i dont even find this that hard to believe tbh
I do. I am an alcoholic and I regularly do stupid shit on the internet while i'm drunk. I've never done anything like this though. You'd have to be a low-IQ retard to accomplish something like this.
Charles how are you fucking posting??
yeah, that was part of my point. He's fucking retarded for uploading to a cloud in the first place. A retard like him would probably try to delete it though, but he didn't.
pill me on charles who is this nigger
Charles is a person who did something that you know nothing about.
Your a fucking idiot dude. The fact that you fell for (((cloud storage))) at all is proof of that. Doubly so for using said computer as your jerk off box.
yes pls go on
How is that better?
You know it happened in England because in America the firefighters would just shoot him instead
keeping it on a virtual machine is the best option.
do Americans clap after getting shot by firefighters?
i was reffering to whatever documents that were so fucking important he needed cloud storage.
t. niggerpedo
firefighters don't carry guns in america and never have.
do americans always have jokes fly over their head? do they clap after anyway?
Alright I'm done being a dick. Still though, I wouldnt trust Google with as a little as class notes fuck those people.
So how long were you in prison? What was the raid like? Did you get any of your shit back? Are you banned from the internet?
lets hear the answers to these OP imvinterested now too tbh
See, this is what happens when you derail a thread by being children and flinging shit all over the place.
OP bails. No interesting discussion in sight.
OP please come back.
no they always have bullets fly over head
Fam ur a spotty 12yr old who talks like a prick
Hello hex. Welcome back.
You swallow bro?
That "pedo-conversion" therapy they have in my country, is so lame:
"user, it's not okay to have sex with children."
"Not even if they want to."
"Not even if they come to you, and say 'Hey, user, I really want to have sex with you. Let's do it right now!' - even then it's not okay."
"This is so dumb."
I got ordered to do that as part of my probation, and I just stopped going. They were real mad about it, but somewhere along the way they figured that they could spend their time and money more wisely.
Moralfags are so gay.
I like gay, tho.
Good for you.
You should totally go to those sessions then.
I got the feeling that that shrink was really a closet pedo himself, trying to demonstrate how much restraint he had.
I was a closet pedo for a long time, myself.
It was really uncomfortable to feel love and lust over such weird things.
…but seeing just how slutty girls become after 16 years of age, I'm more confident that pedo love is superior to normal love.
what colours your hair?
Oh wow you are such a snowflake
user, how did you get so clever?