He deserved to die painfully in the middle of nowhere, when he could have just stayed in the comfy trailer park banging prime Kristen Stewart
I don't need a career! It's a stupid 19th century invention!
Other urls found in this thread:
Just fuck my shit up fam.
If I remember correctly, this is based on a guy who had little to no survival training or knowledge, no specialist tools or equipment, just food and water and other basics. He died of starvation really close to civilization because he didn't have a map and was useless as orienteering. The story has been romanticized quite a bit but in reality lots of people have done what he did (for longer durations too) except they made correct preparations beforehand.
Whole story confuses me tbh because if you're gonna say 'fuck the man' and go wild why not break the rules and fuck a hot 16/17 year old rather than dying alone in the woods like a wounded animal
The actual guy this was based off was a both complete idiot with a mix of bad luck.
He apparently tried to get back to civilization but the routes he came down on were blocked and didn't know other ways back.
A fagaloon who thought he was above nature but fucking sucked at it. Always fun bringing up the information about the loser who died of starvation because he sucked at survival, how the fuck can you manage to starve in an area with tons of fish in the water?
He and that Grizzly-man fag, both fags, both dead. What does that tell you?
fuck don't start with the grizzly man shit, the details still horrify me and the girlfriend didn't deserve that even if her boyfriend was a dipshit
lol yes she did. they were both dipshits who knew fuckall about bears
i cant stop laughing
that's fake, you edgy tard so joke's on you
He probably coaxed her into it, you can see in the video before they actually die she's very uncomfortable
sounds like the butthurts on you
well, color my dick rainbow and paint me surprised
Exactly, it's retarded however you measure it. Clearly the movie is pushing an agenda.
Why burger had this cucked rule?
It's not even consistent across states, America is literally the dumbest country in the world.
Not every human life is inherently valuable.
A doctor is a valuable life, a scientist is a valuable life. That guy down the street who fixes cars, his life has value.
Timothy Treadwell and Amie Huguenard were two hippies who were autistic about bears. They were not valuable.
The whole movie is really about a fag in denial of him being a fag.
I thought it was a sad movie, because we couldn't comprehend our protagonist's mental illness, dude clearly was not that dumb (finished with prime grades) but he was also not a big thinker, he just did what he felt
But "why" is the question that looms all his encounters, he simply responds "muh wildneress" and "must be alone fam" every time someone expresses their newly-found personal need for his friendship
And then he dies like the cunt he was, i think that is the real sad part, a guy who could be a cherished part for someone's life, dying like a bitch in the middle of nowhere because he could not articulate well his feelings, even when his personal background clearly stated he decently treated in his formation years
Pointless waste of good potential, personified in a young man: The Movie
Jailbait K-Stew is Best K-Stew!
Man, wonder why that country fool didn't mind if he would
Everyone here is a wasted potential.
Can someone upload that webm with that couple shooting a bear down of a tree than fucking on its dead corpse?
What did he mean by this?
girzzly man make beeg mistake of two:
1: he was not polack, must be polack to tame stronk bear also must geeev hem ciggarot and Bier
2. grizzly
Shooting a top predator with a grill present while protecting her, then mating in the missionary position for the sole purposes of recreation on top of its dead corpse, then after exhaustion from you and your lovers carnal act rolling away from the beast and sleeping a few feet away in a tent for a few hours while cuddling, carving up the wild beast in front of your lovely lover and then the two of you haul away its heavy nutritious meat out of the forest in your backpacks to feast on for a month or maybe the whole season…..
Isn't bear meat meant to be shit?
Then your lady tenderizes the bear meat at home for you!
Just make sure you kill the bear and not piss it off or you are fucked. Bullets can bounce off their skulls. They can probably bounce off and hit you point blank if you were defending yourseld from an attack
I watched it on illegal cable, please don't tell the jews
You sure that's not Arin Hanson?
I won't :)
It's 14 in some places
Its funny how the movie tries to portray him as an intelligent guy when in reallity he was just a retarded hippie
Driving gets you places you need to be, racers start way younger than that
Drinking is just self destruction, alcohol is only allowed because its not that addictive and makes the governements a ton of money
I want to hear you retarded europoor arguments why burgers are wrong this time
Women are ready for sex when their body tells them not legislation. Seriously, AoC at 18? Disgusting infantilisation. Same with drinking laws. Yes it is a self destructive practice but you should have access to it like all the other adults rather than at an arbitrary age.
car accidents are pretty self destructive
Really? In the movie he dies due to eating poison berries.
I hate this movie so much, it pisses me off when people talk about this guy like he is such an example and the movie is so sad and deep. Fuck this, he is the dumbest fucker I ever seen, it's surprising such an idiot got movie made about him.
He hates society, he hates the self imposed goals that made no sense and all the dumb shit we are forced into because of social pressure. So he goes on a journey and eventually finds a perfect life with a qt jailbait gf and many friends who like him and are willing to help him in whathever he needs.
Women peak at 14. After that it's only downhill.
Dude, spoiler that cuckshit.
Chance are this guy just OD'd in the middle of nowhere but they chose the "poison" narative as it would sell better? Makes you think about things…
You go and tell that 14 year old kids father, that you want to fuck his daughter and see if he's okay with it or not.
Fucking tripfags.
He starved to death, because like all hippies they are all talk, but has no actual fucking experience or knowledge on how to survive in nature. Just arbitrary thoughts and wishes they have, since they don't live in reality because they never had to, since they are a bunch of rich kids who never had an actual day of worry in their entire life.
Trust me, have been living around those jerk-offs for some years, the amount of entitlement and bullshit these hippie-faggots got is astounding.
Nice to see burgers wanting big daddy gov check them in line
Did i hurt your feelings degenerate faggot with no purpose in life?
then you got it wrong. The whole point of the movie was that he fucked up in the end and realized he was wrong. (same with the book)
The truth hurts, flower child.
That's where our difference lies. We have a completely different conception of sex and sexual morality. You are a degenerate who only sees things in terms of weak willed promiscuity which degrades all who engage in it. If the law here allowed for me to engage in a relationship of a romantic nature with a girl of that age I wouldn't bother to ask, either, I would simply do.
Your American morals don't have any weight among my countrymen I'm afraid.
Just filter him. My Holla Forums experience improved the second I filtered Phantasm.
your country is irrelevant, shitskin
Also, weak argument.
Weak argument.
Everybody dies, user. Not everyone truly lives.
I thought he went to a section of the woods that tends to flood that time of year but hadn't yet, and ended up with roaring rapids on both sides of him. He got more or less marooned and starved.
Thanks for giving the thread a perfect example of why is a retard. Once Trump's incompetence and constant sucking of Israeli cock buries America, the rest of the world will lower the AoC even lower than they already have it and legalize (re-legalize in some cases) 14-year-olds being in porn just to give murrika an extra fuck you. Burgerstan is on the way out.
Jodie took that cherry before she even hit her teens
Maybe if you did some actual research you'd know that he is the product of abusive, alcoholic parents. This left him emotionally damaged and suicidal. Sorry to interrupt the circle jerk of shitposters who think they have this guy figured out.
girls can't rape girls, nor steal their virginity
in any case, we're really talking about the movie character
This faggot deserved to get abused.
Didn't he get discovered a few weeks later because the bus he camped in was used by hunters as a blind or something?
What abuse did he get? "Mom, I don't want to clean my room. Cleanliness is a silly 19th century concept anyway".