They're never going to really understand us are they?
They're never going to really understand us are they?
Other urls found in this thread:
are they moving to acceptance already
this is great, could be a fakeout though
Imagine being so worthless that you spend your day trying to write papers on "channers".
They say that we won but they still have a pants on head retarded understanding of how we think. For example
They actually think that we want to add points to our E penis and they never even considered that we want to gas all the Jews and fuck with normalfags.
Goddamn retards.
The fucker doesn't even know that we're called anons.
Oh my…
the spirit of kek isnt nihilistic
Kek just wants to see the world burn.
Imagine, they're going to write textbooks about us. There will be college courses where you can get a degree in 'Internet Cultural Anthropology'. All the material will be wrong of course.
It must be completely baffling to them, the idea that you can both believe something and be i it for the lulz. As Bill Whittle put it "we're winning because we're the ones having fun".
Mr. Bernstein, Holla Forums is a board of peace. We just want to spread the message of Kek and who pepe is his messenger. We are just harmless NEETS, fleeing the war on our board (4chan).
We hope to return one day once the dangers SJW's mods leave. Until then we are taking up the welfare of this site (thanks Jim).
dubs calls it
maybe thats your impression, if you disobey kek and he punishes you
Kek wants to watch the establishment burn.
This article misunderstands us, we are not Holla Forums, there are things we think are fucked up and wrong, we have a clear set of social values and most of us belief what we preach, we are genuine nazi's pretending to be ironic nazi's.
fire is good for purification, user
You can’t understand this stuff without trying to grasp the Chanterculture. That’s the term coined by Joe Bernstein, the BuzzFeed reporter who explained late last year that 4chan, Holla Forums, and other anonymous and pseudonymous online communities traditionally peopled mostly (but by no means entirely) by frustrated young white men appear to be in the midst of a reactionary upheaval geared at fighting back against the culture of inclusion and diversity that has — in their view — infected mainstream life.
Specifically, they’ve reacted in a rather batshit manner: by acting as ostentatiously racist and hateful as possible. This has included everything from a ginned-up online campaign to “protest” John Boyega’s role in the new Star Wars trilogy, since he’s black, to a comic called “the Adventures of Christ Chan” in which the titular protagonist fights to keep her hometown of “New Bethlehem free of blacks, gays, atheists, and the fearsome Jew King. Her weapon is a katana; her insignia, the swastika.” The Chanterculture predates the rise of Trump by years (Gamergate was obviously a big moment for it), but suffice it to say that the emergence of Trump, a larger-than-life walking middle finger to political correctness, hit this subculture like a mainlined bottle of Mountain Dew — Trump is their hero, and like so much else in their online world they have rendered him in cartoonish, superhero hues.
Part of what makes the Chanterculture confusing and difficult for outsiders to penetrate is that, as Bernstein puts it, “It unites two equally irrepressible camps behind an ironclad belief in the duty to say hideous things: the threatened white men of the internet and the ‘I have no soul’ lulzsters.” That is, some proportion of Chanterculture warriors actually believe the things they say — some dedicated real-life internet Nazis like Andrew Auernheimer, a.k.a. weev, came up in chan culture — while others are just in it for the outrage. (Many channers find the idea of having an actual ideology — or expressing it online, at least — rather distasteful, with the only exception being instances in which cloaking one’s online persona in an offensive ideology can elicit lulz.)
This is the same kike that's having panic attacks over Sam Hyde.
I love this lazy psychoanalyzing. Normalfaggotry has shit to do with anything mentioned.
They think that because we love mining salt from normalfags that we don't care about anything.
They can't even comprehend the idea that we care about things but give absolutely no fucks about them or their feelings. They're delusional universalists.
I just noticed that. Shit, this idiot actually thinks that the "fellow channer" joke is actually real.
I welcome their gaze into the abyss. It will consume them. Kek be praised.
How do you do, fellow chanters.
It's kinda nice knowing that we're completely unknowable except to other anons, trained psychologists, and a minority of agents assigned to us.
We esoteric now.
They will never understand us. The gulf is too wide. It will be their undoing, in the end.
Joe Bernstein's father was a (((nazi hunter))) who died in a plane crash.
It's a family of con-artists.
Kek will purify them with fire, so that they might return and find honest work.
That's called post-irony.
Does anyone have that pic of someone overanalyzing dubs posting?
Yeah, we're completely relevant!!!
Honestly it's kind of nice that they're spreading retarded bullshit about us since other liberal retards will virtue signal and spread those incorrect ideas.
And nobody can fight an enemy that they don't understand.
Well, being a lampshade is good, honest work…
I love when retards try to analyse imageboards and end up mashing every board as a single mixed culture. This meatloaf-ish abberation can only be a joke in the eyes of anyone remotely knowledgeable about what really happens on imageboards.
That idiot really gave credibility to the permabanned turboautist pandering his shitty comic and shilling his patreon?
The heretical $hillary fell for the enchantment, so everything is swell.
Coughing fit, pants of shit
Every time she tells a lie
shit runs down her inner thigh
Is this gonna be a thing now like (((alt-right)))
No but they might try to push it.
It won't work of course.
You can, but requires some extreme measures, like nuking it from orbit.
Not really, it's the same bullshit they used to call Holla Forums when it was wrecking havoc. Nothing new here, it doesn't serve to co-opt and neuter the ideology like they hoped to do by trying to shove Holla Forums into that kosher label. It's just an idiot being backwards retarded and confusing Holla Forums, Holla Forums, /r9k/ and Holla Forums
RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.
Why do you feel the need to label yourself?
Jesus user, get a grip!
Yup, every board has it's own culture and though their might be some crossposting, Holla Forums =/= Holla Forums.
Yes unless you accidentally nuke something that gets stronger from gamma rays and nuclear fission.
Yes, in the realm of comic books and science fiction that might be possible…
We're the heart and soul of the thing that's being called the "alt-right". It's just a word. Trust in Kek's plan.
Anything is possible these days.
No it isn't.
They have to differentiate us from Anonymous, because in their minds Anonymous are those good guy liberals in their V for Vendetta masks, kicking back against the racists and the 1%.
Reject the label, dumbass. With a label the media can assign some "leaders" to your movement in the public consciousness which then slowly erodes the original goal. Look at what they are doing with Milo. It attracts idiots who don't know otherwise en masse and dilutes the original ideology for whatever the made up "leader" represents.
Personally, I just want to find out who these god damn chanters are so that we can put an end to them. They sound terrible!
See? Kek agrees.
We're idiots but we're leading them around by a leash. What does that make them?
I'm just saying that this "chanterculture" term gonna be the new umbrella term and they gonna lump us with undesirable like pedophile and faggotry. Remember when Holla Forums.co got banned from the internet because of "muh CP"
Chanculture ftw
Chutzpah will destroy them, again.
Do they even know that a huge portion of the anons that they're facing are the original anonymous before the legionfags took over in chanology?
These people associate idiots more with having the incorrect opinions rather than being mentally deficient. They're the special type of retard that can't admit that the people that are soundly defeating them are smarter than they are.
Victory has defeated them.
How is that different from labeling yourself alt-right? You even got butthurt when talk shit about it.
That's the funny thing about it, they can't really assign a leader to an amorphous blob of anons (by the way in his article he confuses many boards as a single entity, his main focus seems to be Holla Forums). Just need to permaban any tripfag who tries to act like he's a leader of sorts.
At that point it's muh PR. Look at them try to.point at us being in anyway relevant to politics the way they're painting us. We really are looking as disgruntled midgets in clown suits that the elite are somehow scared of.
Master fucking lel.
There is money to be had accurately describing what we are and how we behave.
Unfortunately for kikes and liberals, they only trust the word of someone whose been indoctrinated. This severely limits their ability to acquire pertinent information and come to new conclusions.
Their ideology limits what they will accept as normal behavior, beliefs, and personal goals.
Honestly tripfag "leaders" are the last thing that i'm scared of.
However we really should use Milo's latest Jewing to get rid of him permanently.
It's special snowflake faggotry. (Wait - is this an imageboard? Fuck man, the Jews called this an imageboard once, we shouldn't use that word any more.)
See, the word "alt right" is out there. Don't shit your pants. Kek is running things now. Is that not clear, yet?
If those damn Chanters actually do this, that's seriously fucked up. People need to work out a way to SHUT IT DOWN.
Agreed. That walking kosher STD needs to be taken care of for good. No more shekels for him to try to subvert what starts on Holla Forums. Only the bog.
*fellow channer
I agree. Normie beliefs in this day and age ARE intrinsically nihilistic and false, Kek wants to destroy them.
If you refer to yourself as "alt-right" you're no different than those tumblr faggots who feel the need to give themselves some made-up gender.
Guy is passive aggressive as fuck. This is the best type of butthurt to get from smugy libcucks.
All I want to do is gas the kikes and no one will believe me. Now I know how ISIS feels when people cry out that "ISIS aren't really Muslims". They must get frustrated and cry back "No, we really are Muslims!". ISIS is out there beheading faggots and dropping tanks on them and it's just one gigantic joke.
How many damn Jews do we have to kill for you to take us seriously?
I don't. But I also don't aggressively counter-signal like a faggot, and call the namefag alt-right Jewish shills or homos.
its symptom of an over-domesticated animal. it thinks every other animal it encounters is as domesticated as it.
That's not even a real meme, but we can make it one
They've been trying this shit forever, we're decentralized and too fluid.
Listen here you interloper cucks, you don't understand the true inherit nature of the average mindset on these sites, you've likely taken a grossly simplified example of a low output user and distilled it into a broad brush explanation for our behavior.
Lots of jackasses like you have tried this method, smart guys, that doesn't fucking cut it.
"Hurr oy veyyy I'll label you and then you'll be a thing with a name that can be reduced."
Nah, we'll meme it and turn it against you, springboard ourselves off your "clever" solution and reach a wider audience of potential minds.
We can go hard or soft with our redpilling, incrementally weave others with alluring ideas that are much more provocative and interesting than your recycled pseudo intellectual circle jerking.
We're funnier, faster, smarter and way more enticing, nobody wants to join finger wagging sticks in the matzo, like you.
You're a dying breed that isn't adapting.
Sorry user, remember the whole "God of Chaos" part?
Guys, do I've been doing a bit of research on these Chanters and have found an interesting bit of history:
Chanter culture actually began on a Japanese Message Board at the website address ForChanter.com . It is an incredibly hard culture to penetrate because the website is all in Japanese.
This article is nothing but leftist platitudes and condescending buzzwords. The author clearly does not understand his topic at all.
You know, it's weird that he got that specific. I bet that it's a true story. He probably went onto 4 chan while researching the article and saw such a picture etc.
Is this where those chanterculture people hang out?
Honestly this whole media blitz is just Kikes and Kike journalists getting shitter shattered over us spamming them with Auschwitz memes on twitter and now that Clinton has gone full retard and attacked us they feel like they can finally get revenge.
Because they think that they have power.
I, for one, welcome my shill friends :^)()()
Just in case people are wondering about the author:
that sounds fucking gay
Unlike them, we have god on our side.
I think I just found the article that he got the term "chanterculture" from. It's from that butthurt buzzfeed article about the star wars movie.
So awefully wrong, and yet it shows exactly why we hate normies
Can we please, for the love of God put an end these chanterculture people! Their memes are offensive and transphobic!
I've found out how to post on the chanterculture message board, but can't work out how to read the messages because it's all Japanese culture. I let them know that I'm not happy with the memes they're creating.
Sometimes I wish that we had our own country with our own internal internet so i'd never have to deal with normalfags on the internet or in real life ever again.
Maybe one day we can conquer Mars.
Forgot link:
the infamous hacker fourchant
Those christ-chan comics he mentioned are actually pretty good. We should help spread them around.
Don't associate kek with that whore.
It always gives me complicated feelings when these stupid fucks report on how every single user, on every single imageboard, is 'just trolling.' Just doing things for the 'lulz,' and masturbating to offensive attention-whoring or whatever.
It's a complicated feeling since imageboards haven't been like that since pre-2006 Holla Forums, and it makes me sad when they say it's still like that, when it really, really isn't.
i like chanter songs
really made my hypothalamus secret endocrines
Lost at the first sentence
The internet message board that the racist chanterculture people use.
Momiji is best touhou anyways.
You have to post in order to be able to view other chanterculture posts.
Not just the patreon but also "hand drawn quality artwork" and if you disagree you're a niggerlover :^)
tfw they think the frog will just go away like a cough. (OC)
And even got it wrong at that
Because it works. It's a movement, and a name makes it concrete. By naming the alt-right the left has given it a voice. If Clinton just had said "nazis" or something, the media would have interviewed some random skinhead. Probably the most inarticulate they could find. As it stands, they introduced Jared Taylor as the "leader" of the alt-right, and he introduced Fox viewers to the idea that
A name also provides an ethos, and a sense of community. There are many more good arguments for naming a movement. Note that all even moderately popular ideologies and political movements (Liberalism, Feminism, Libertarianism, Conservatism, Communism, National Socialism, etc.), so having a name seems to be part of a common ingredient of succesfull movements.
I skimmed through half the article, but saw nothing about this. Could someone tell me if it touches on this? I want to know how exactly Trumps rise is because of us. Unless the author believes in meme magic, I don't know how.
Fam, your 10 minute music WebM doesn't seem to have any sound.
I joined you cunts when I got bored of gamergate. Fuck this past year has been so worth it.
Now I want to see it.
I always find it funny how they always stereotype us as 15 year old acne ridden nerds. It's funny because a huge number of us are both /fit/ and in a STEM field while our historical and political knowledge is for the most part self taught.
For example pic related is a confirmed Holla Forumsack.
Naming a movement makes it vulnerable, allowing for self or otherwise appointed figureheads to rise, as well as giving enemies an identity to attack.
We don't need any sense of community outside the message board system. However, there is an undeniable link between the alt right and imageboards - whereby people take memes and other artifacts to more accessible websites, and our beliefs and ideology spreads along with them.
I think for the most part it's healthy for us to stay covert - that's the first I've heard of that quote, and it's clear that the alt right has a significant role to play in the future - creating a semi-distilled or "acceptable" frame for nationalism, self-preservation and anti-PC to encompass various areas of discourse.
You retard these days any ethnic nationalist movement is going to be infiltrated and subverted from the very beginning.
You can never EVER trust any leader except maybe Trump. And you absolutely can never trust Milo.
For christ's sake, can someone please help me put an end to this disgusting, racist and islamophobic ForChant site? The memes there aren't even funny, just purely offensive!
And just what are those goals? Are they beneficial to the West or its posterity?
Oh look, it's kikes projecting, again.
He still doesn't quite get the anonymous angle.
There is no e-peen to stroke.
Hell a good bunch of us resent these fucking thread only IDs because it acts against anonymity
They are scared shitless, these jews. They see what just a bunch of whites can do, what will happen when the silent majority wakes up and identifies the jewish parasite.. they know what can happen. Now they are just in the denial phase.
Exactly anons are a people based on organic organized chaos and we enforce standards via specific subtle methods of speaking that allow us to identity normalfags, extreme hostility and constant conflict so that soft cunts don't stay, and the ability to honestly debate your views without having to worry about your views affecting your IRL reputation. Not to mention I think that most oldfags and even some newfags share an almost mental and spiritual bond with each other each that was born from us shiposting together for 10+ years.
I honestly think that those bonds and our similar mindsets is what makes our meme magic so fucking potent.
fuck off nigger. This is a serious business.
This is not about fun, KEK is real and memes are real.
PRAISE KEK.>>7530028
True but we need those ID's so we can protect ourselves from shilling.
It makes it much harder for them.
You can't get anywhere without taking risks. Besides, white nationalism (or whatever you would like to call it) is bigger than the alt-right. If the alt-right falls, Holla Forums stands.
Even though much of the alt-right grew up with Holla Forums, it is seperate. I would argue that the "sense of community" that the alt-right provides is not for Holla Forums, but it attracts people who seek it in an ideology. This is a large part of what attracts people to other movements as well (it is a large part of what attracts people to, for example, Libertarianism, National Socialism, and Liberalism).
I agree entirely (if I understand you correctly).
Sure, or at least when it becomes big enough. So? Would that not happen if the label "Alt-Right" didn't exist?
Then don't trust anyone. The Alt-Right doesn't have leaders, I only said that the media lifted up Jared Taylor, falsely claiming he was its leader (I even put citation marks around "leader"), instead of picking some random skinhead. Milo doesn't even claim to be Alt-Right.
rule 34.88 go
Nigga, what?
I see they're still on planet 1992. Excellent.
They think it's clever to combine the terms "Chan" and "Counter Culture".
Those kids are all hopped up on goofballs.
I say "konservativ kounter kultur" when talking about it, as 'alt-right' and 'chan-culture' aren't sufficient.
Fuck off shill.
I dunno, we've been doing a lot of chanting lately.
This idiot is doing our work for us. No better smokescreen than deliberate misrepresentation.
It's sort of like being part of a fraternity. I don't know about you guys, but if you've ever been part of a group of guys that has held steadfast bonds despite the events or organisations that resulted in your friendship changing or evolving with new people - where you can have inside jokes and banter, and women and shitcunts are not welcome - It's an amazing male feeling of tribalism and inclusion, I feel as if that is somewhat the binding force that keeps us coming back. You can spend one thread calling some user a shitcunt retard and agree with him in the next thread.
One of the reasons I prefer the "nameless movement" so to speak, is the fact that it's incredibly easy for yourself or other anons to identify outsiders. If an outside force wants to subvert through engagement with our community, it's through blatant statements, dismissal or distraction; it doesn't "feel" natural, and those that seek to inject these elements into discussion do it with the surgical precision of a rolling pin.
I'm glad to watch the alt-right spread, grow and infect mainstream sources.
A lot of the people I've spoken to at my University, one-on-one often agree with nationalist and anti-Islam sentiments - as well as the hypocrisy and "muh feels" arguments of the left. I'm glad you've posted that quote about dispossession, "founding stock" has a nice ring to it.
Wrong, they understand us perfectly. They know EXACTLY why we do what we do, but they will never ever admit it openly, because they know the instant they do so, the normies will see we are right and the jew powers will collapse on the spot
this is the advantage of having such elaborate media control.
a Holla Forums zeitgeist would be wonderful.
More like normalfags will disregard everything they said because it sounds absolutely of the wall insane.
How will you tell someone that the biggest threat to the election cycle and current social status quo are people that worship an ancient Egyptian frog God of chaos and that they believe to have been blessed by the said God to with the ability to alter reality simply with thoughts, with a straight face?
Lying to a journalist. Honestly Jesse. Please, make a noose and hop into it.
While we're on the subject, there is an old video of Rachell Maddow talking about how horrible Richard Spencer (who coined the term "Alt-Right") is. Apparently all institutions should allways rule against white nationalists, and she's also pissed that he made fun of the Holocaust.
Both named and nameless movements have their place.
Fuck off shill.
We're not going to fall for your Alinskyite tactics. In fact we're better at using those tactics than the left is these days.
I said, fuck off shill.
We will not become atheism+ or OWS.
True, but still they know exactly what we are about
Uh-oh. Spotted a problem.
Read the books, retard. She's a Jew, but not a whore.
Good job sticking out like a sore thumb faggot, i know exactly who you are.
Then filter more, whine less, D&C kike.
So your basically admitting that you're a shill?
What did you expect from a jew?
Somewhat competent propaganda? Lord knows they've had time to practice.
This. Anonymous has been e-castrated since Project Chanology.
Ah yes, of course it's the Internet trolls that won the election.
It's not as if the mentally ill Leftards have overstayed their welcome or anything.
No. They are just paranoid. They will attack anything even slightly pro white. Imagine how Trump made them feel, they're sweating like they would be already in the oven.
He's a yid, they can only think in terms of labels, they have serious problems dealing with ambiguity. Same with (((Milo))), we're all either doing it for teh lulz or we're '1488ers'. They are unable to comprehend that it's actually an indeterminate mix of both.
Also, bless those two good little Holla Forumsacks on Twitter there, they've done a perfect job in upholding their roles and leading the media around by the Nose.
Yeah, just like chanology, OWS and gamergoys.
Whose voice is it? Milo the kike faggot or ramzcuck?
Now I need a smug Pepe Miller in a nazi uniform saying: 'We will make them give back our memes!".
Just like Liberalism, National Socialism, Fascism, Communism, Feminism, etc.
People like Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor. Also RamZPaul (which I don't see a problem with, because he presents himself well and at least he still stands for a white homeland). This is the first time in I don't know how long, when the (((media))) show White Nationalists as suit-wearing, respectable, eloquent citizens, instead of skinhead thugs.
Unfortunately you're right that it also includes Milo. He says that he isn't a part of the Alt-Right, but unfortunately the association will stick. I wouldn't mind so much if he didn't keep on saying that the racism is just a joke. However Milo would have a voice without the Alt-Right. He also says this about anonymous trolls, so this isn't because of the label.
Also, even if the Alt-Right would be completely coopted (which I don't think it even partially has been so far, the only attempt I remember having seen is an article entitled something like "I'm a Jew and I'm Alt-Right") the rest of the movement will continue to stand.
The Alt-Cuck is just Cuckservatism in a new wrapper. It's a desperate attempt to get back the young disenfranchised generations that were walking out on them because they kept bending over for Leftists.
Notice how they only attacked feminism after it was safe to do so when GG started a shitstorm.
Says all you need to know about the Alt-Cuck. They'll happily throw everyone under the bus for their PR game in a Leftist controlled climate. Which shows us again that they still bend over for Leftists. It's the same Cuckservatives and Republicucks that they've always been.
Someone post that tweet about nazi larper
Just fuck off kike.
I'm not going to be satisfied until Hillary's campaign calls us hackers on steroids or detonates a van.
Wrong. Pepe has always belonged to people with feels, feels caused by shit normies.
Now the feels have transformed to NatSoc and we want to get back at them. It's funny that they're crying about Trump because he's about one of the Goodest Goy jew-loving faggots out there. If this makes them cry, imagine what RWDS would do to them.
I think i'm going to trigger them even harder by making a cover for embed related.
Fuck off shill.
Hello my fellos Lulzters. W-we sure got a lot of Lulz recently! Jolly times. Chanster supremacy!
you don't actually believe fascism is some kind of movement rather than a repeating political trend based on principles.
you can't actually be here and believe that.
how and when did you get here?
Trump himself outright rejected the term himself in a recent speech, saying it was a purely media invented label.
There is no 'alt-right'. We are The Right, what the right used to represent before it got taken over by (((neocons))).
Pick one.
The Alt-Cuck has specifically stated that they 'don't want the 14/88 crowd'.
Meaning that:
A.) They're already throwing people under the bus for PoliCor PR i.o.w. bending over for Leftists again
B.) The Alt-Cuck will never pull the problem out by the roots; jews. As such it won't even be repeat, it'll just be a continuation of our slow-motion genocide.
I know, that's why I've used that specific quote.
Your dubs oblige you, so hurry up!
Does the pepe natsoc?
look how well that worked out for the "respectable" right the past 40 years. milo is turbo fag who has been try to get his ass pregnant from blacks for years, spencer is also a fag and his alt right logo is shit, ramz paul went full cuck early with trump and has repeatedly lashed out against the "ebul nahzees" he sees everywhere and ramz is a confused old person who doesnt understand the purpose or value of anonymity.
If that's true, why are they currently talking about race and jews, which is not safe.
Name me one Alt-Righter who has said that. The only thing (I can remember) anyone has said even remotely like that is RamZPaul saying that 14/88ers (meaning skinheads) are usually shills paid to make the movement look bad.
Fascism is an ideology (or umbrella-ideology), which includes an economic doctrine, a social doctrine, etc. In the post where I brought it up I said "Ideology or movement".
Kek does not encompass morality, kek is a manifestation of intent.
We want to see the establishment burn, we give Kek the memetic power to accomplish things, Kek rewards us with our intents manifest.
Trump was right, I'm never going to get tired of winning
That is a founding concept of Fascism, but other ideologies, like Democracy and Communism, are built on the same principle. There are more parts to Fascism, such as Nationalism and Corporatism.
Ramzcuck and everyone else who follows the Alt-Cuck.
Nice framing there. You should work for the MSM if you aren't already.
It is written in the Book of Kexodus that memetics didn't exist at first.
It was when the jews were persecuting the Pepenites and driving them out of their birthland that the Clan of Kek created memetics by breathing life into a deity after their name to carry out their intent.
So it's not surprising that Kek wants to see the (((establishment))) burn.
I might be wrong or misremembering, but as far as I remember he's talking about the classical Hollywood Nazi.
Note the difference between
which is what RamZPaul actually said (as far as I remember), and
which is what you still hasn't proven he has said.
Isn't the "bunch of faggots"-thing true for almost every ideology or congregation of people for that matter? every individual with a particular interest or idea can join a group which often accepts these interests or ideas, and use their combined strength to achieve what an individual can't. it doesn't even have to be political in nature.
ism: the way of
the idea is that people who have mutual interests cooperate in order to pursue those interests.
conflict of interest, which is implied by mutually exclusive qualities (physical and spiritual) makes it difficult to unify people. homogeneity implies unification.
multiculturalism is a lie.
when democrats and republicans become more and more different from eachother, what happens? government gridlock and shitflinging.
it is dysfunction.
kill self?
The left and the media will never understand what hit them. The fact that they use the term "alt-right" means they failed completely.
The only people that want to be associated with the term "alt-right" are opportunistic lolbertarians that try to leech off the rise of the right, le epin troll internet has beens, edgy jewtubers and camwhores fishing for views and shekels.
Fuck off shill.
Unless it's individualistic to an autistic degree.
I'm no alt-right greek-jew worshipping fag lover, so I don't know who this fucking we is.
google you fucking kike shill
The very people we don't want leading us. Nice answer.
Here you go.
Like i said; nice framing. 8/pol/ is NatSoc but we sure as fuck don't have 'skinheads' here. We're people with lives, some have families, we have concerns and beliefs that transcend our own individual needs, extending to newer generations we'll probably never even meet.
But no. We're 'LARPing neo-nazis', we're the '14/88 crowd'. And the PoliCor Alt-Cuck wants none of that!
Also you said the Alt-Cuck was White Nationalism; it fucking hates White Nationalism.
Take your PR-concern club of faggots out of here and go suck a Leftist cock.
That's Wyatt Mann's latest work you cancerous nose monster.
not even really sure what that would look like, but if you mean 'people so autistic that they can't congregate with their ideas', i disagree.
Look at autistic shit like furries, bronies or 'vories'. simply because of the congregation of them and shared 'interests', they have been pretty hard to eradicate from the internet, which wouldn't be the case if they all thought they were alone in their deviancy.
We support class now.
Also, analyse this: >tfw no gf
anyone may admit their error to a nazi at any time.
it would be delicious.
Behead those who insult AWM.
I really want to see how the shill will try and respond to you, **if at all*
blockhead joe
just spam everywhere with the sam hyde interview he got shrekt on
Here's the article. If you actually check it out, the reason "the Alt Right can't be White Nationalism version 2.0" is that 20th century White Nationalists were too liberal.
No, because as RamZPaul said, they are usually paid shills.
Seems I was mistaken. I disagree with RamZPaul there. Although Andrew Anglin is a faggot.
I mean extreme Libertarians, and Sargon of Cuckad. Also people who dogmatically hang on MLK's famous phrase (and unlike Liberals actually mean it, and aren't just using it to be anti-white).
Nice mental gymnastics shill.
Kill yourself.
Your mind must be broken. These mental gymnastics put even an SJW to shame.
midgets in clown costumes holding the leash….
I didn't say I agree or disagree (I haven't even read the article very carefully, I've just skimmed through it). I'm saying that you misrepresented the tweet.
that whole article looks like they are now finally catching up to Holla Forums circa 2006
the whole random for the lulz and 15 year old basement neckbeards was 2006. plus the article has the journalistic depth of someone reading ED for 10 minutes
what they still don't seem to understand even about 2006 Holla Forums is that there wasn't some malignant intelligence behind it, it is a basic positive feedback loop, something like how a virus lives and evolves, there is nothing conscience about it yet to a human observer it appears so
let me explain: our generation grow up on the earlier web, where the technical knowhow kept older people and normies out of it and newsgroups and old games were the primary mode we used, in those insults and threaths were just how you said hello, people in those environments adapted to the harsh language by not flipping a shit
this mind you is a skill most kids learn by the age of 10 in uncucked societies
then the internet blossomed open due to more userfriendly software and normies were introduced, and here it is a simple path forward
techkiddie meets techkiddie slings forth obscenities, both parties are not insulted and few lulz are had
but teckniddie meets normies sling insults sees normies flip out and gets plenty lulz out of it, then the behaviour that generates pleasure gets rewarded and actively sought out
i mean this is pretty old and well established psychology
however all of this is Holla Forumstards, we are something else entirely
Holla Forums as is, is a self emergent property of the internet, and this scares the kikes shitless
i don't know how many here actually witnessed this firsthand, but our oldest incarnation /new/ for news was actually a neutral board to discuss current topics
now here something interesting happened, actively pursuing current political events coupled with the unrestricted informatieflow of free internet and internet anonimity so you do not need to skirted around taboos meant /new/ could dig out stories and at the bottom of every (((event))) found a nose waiting
thus it redpilled itself, as such never believe Holla Forums use to be ironic or a containment board for retards
this chain of events were any free internet community focused on politics or recent events will redpill itself is notice across mutliple platforms in several countries, it is only logical as the current world is pretty much like the matrix were a captured msm portraits total lies
ongoing with this development was the natural aging of the first userbase away from 15 year old dweeps, and more than you would think on first sight of us actually went on to be succesfull and educated in live and with such increased abilities so did the discourse of Holla Forums reach a higher level.
there is an interesting correlation between the common held zeitgeist of Holla Forums and the age bracket of the initial userbase, from 15 year old Holla Forums shenanigans to the 20 year old college smock weed liberalism to the current full natsoc survival mode as we sense the threath to our future at a point in live when we start thinking about starting families
as to the whole kek thing, this is also a brilliantly developed defense mechanism, its esoterisme scares away the retarded normies, only somebody who already had his mind opened will stay on and as such is quite susceptible to take the redpill
and simultanously acts as a defense against outside forces: as mentioned repeately hillary going off on national television that internet frog nazis are the biggest threath to the world just comes of as batshit insane, the (((left))) cannot mobilize the normie morality against us because we do not appear the traditional version of scary
and as such their biggest threat marches on hardly opposed
tl;dr: the powers that be really have no clue on how to deal with the shitstorm that is the millennials generation
you think you can trick Holla Forums with that?
Is this something they just tell themselves to feel better, or are they being subversive?
There was never any ego to begin with.
Chanology was all ego.
Wasn't this a thing made true by raids conducted by Stormfront? I got a pic that proves this true, but for the moment consider this statement.
Stopped reading there. If anything mainstream culture is nihilistic because it holds nothing sacred and promotes self-interest hedonism
Gas yourself JIDF.
Everyone knows Stormfront is mild and tame compared to Holla Forums. You can get banned for Swastikas and 'inciting racial hatred' over there.
This is their real issue with supposed 'channers' of all types. When PC master race was popular they were whining about how the youth aren't treating their holohoax with the reverence it deserves. Those that embraced the supposedly offensive language laughed it off.
They spend billions every year to indoctrinate children and then it's all undone by the time they reach adulthood thanks to the internet. They're starting to realize that 'hitler did nothing wrong' 'muh 6 million' 'it was real in my mind' and 'worse than Hitler' aren't becoming part of the vernacular of the internet, it has been the case for almost a decade already. And they can't stop it.
since the beginning muh stormfront has been a tactic employed by shills
and i know the pic you meant, even if bugs was real and big enough to make an impact, it just pointed new into the direction of the nose
it wasn't stormfront that made a stein or berg at the botttom of every newsstory
Nice synopsis, quite accurate.
i did notice i made a mistake
i obviously mend 20 year old libertarianism
the beauty about this is, despite i made an accurate synopsis of the thing that possible shills could read, they will never publish it in their rag magazines as it is too close to the truth
nobody has admitted any errors to a nazi yet.
i suppose that would make one look bad to others, and that would be unacceptable.
being accepted, as part of the herd mentality, is a defense mechanism that animals use to survive. perhaps this would be contrary to one's interest.
They will never be able to analyze user with kike psychoanalytics, because it lacks prerequisite elements for it. It's like dog trying to figure out why humans play video games.
This phenomena has been observed elsewhere too.
Over the years a few boards rooted in the idea of neutral examination of news, social or philosophical issues without any taboo barriers have been thrown up.
They've all eventually started down the same path as the lack of taboos or banned subjects always results in people going in the same directions after a while.
That doesn't really mean Stormfronters couldn't blow off some steam in /new/ if they wanted to.
Makes sense.
I don't know shit about Stormfront, all I try to understand is from hearsay.
Stormfront is pretty shit overall. They're politically illiterate.
2006 was 10 years ago
I graduated high school in 2006 and had my first girlfriend that year.
It's quite clear we are nationalistic. I think you are fooling yourself if you think socialists are anything more than perhaps a plurality. There are plenty of people on Holla Forums who would still consider themselves libertarians if the libertarian movement wasn't cucking itself right now.
Which is your main stumbling block, and describes why the alt-right has been much more effective than NatSocs. The alt-right has the intellect to understand that there are a lot of whites who want to preserve their race and culture, across the political spectrum. Hence, they push nationalism and nothing more.
NatSocs don't have the intellect to understand that something such as National Libertarianism can exist. You are too short sighted to understand that you need to unite with political rivals to reinforce your borders and regain demographic sanity. Once white countries are no longer in threat of going extinct we can re-evaluate our political situation and go our separate ways once again.
So no, 8/pol/ is not NatSoc. We cheer in agreement about what needs to be done about our borders, and about the truth regarding the different races. We share our frustrations against our brethren who are, whether by genetics, brainwashing, or corruption, traitors to their own people.
But go ahead and post an economic thread. You'll find out quite quickly that if you start preaching universal income or whatever other socialist policies you think are so grand, that we are not overwhelmingly socialists.
Please, feel free to criticize the alt-right for being too much of a big-tent, or for worrying about "muh PR" I agree with you in some ways. But they have done a hell of a lot more than NatSocs have done. You haven't attempted to unify anyone. My area has a NatSoc political party on the ballot, last election it got like 2%. You can't win, or project power, or accomplish goals at 2% dumbass. You need to create some alliances, like the alt-right has done. As far as I can tell, you are welcome along for the ride. Shut the fuck up about socialism, and come help make America White Again, and build the damn wall. Afterwards you can try to push the whole socialism nonsense and see if people fall for it.
They're free to hang out here, but saying that they could do a raid on Holla Forums is absurd. They'd only return to Stormfront now more extreme.
Shill spotted. They're actually quite well informed and they archive a lot, their forum is just PR-concern to the max.
Holla Forums is definitely fascist in its worldview.
The natsoc/natlolbertarian divergence is more a difference in opinion as to how the nation should be organised internally and not a rejection of the fascist view of what constitutes the state.
Not this shit again.
Yes it is. Fuck off back to 4cuck you Lolberturdian, you already sold us out to Holla Forums before and now you've overstayed your welcome.
Fascists don't support universal income.
Some do.
Fascism isn't a specific economic or political program.
As Mosley pointed out, the fascism of a nation reflects its people, their character and circumstances.
I can't believe there actually is a cuck dumb enough to not only fall for lolbergtardism but also "national lolbergtardism". It makes as much sense as "socialist capitalism" or "honest jew".
Then they're not fascists. Not everyone deserves an income just for existing.
This subversion attempt pissed me off so much i felt compelled to post a couple of old Holla Forums pics.
And your Alt-Cuck is useless when it's just Cuckservatives and Republicucks repackaged. NatSocs are the single reason your shitty Cuck party even exists.
bringer-in of light
Zoe Quinn's literally literary retarded mainstream media attack dog who she sicced on some other dumb cunt who was encroaching on SJW oppression shekels.
This entire narrative of "omg, these people are SO mean; problematic; toxic, etc" Nu-Internet buzzwords have become poisonous unto themselves. Any normie reading this article will have the same reaction to reading an article on Programming in C; confusion, eye-rolling, headaches and moving on to the next article about gay dog play dates or is your baby the next Hitler.
fucking kike did not even do his research right
It's nice to know that concerned SJW's are sittiing around, smoking the herbal jew, and trying to to come up with deep insights about chanterculture. My me feel good knowing that all the chans are lumped together with Holla Forums, the pedos and lolifags, the furbies, My Little Ponies, the just plain weird shit, all that is being lumped together with a board dedicated to saying discussing politically incorrect things. Ironically, Holla Forums has a common sense of morality, an island amidst all the chan depravity, but of course this is an irony that the disingenuous SJW's choose not to advertise.
As always, the foundation from which the lefties are judging us has a built-in bias. That shit doesn't fly on Holla Forums, where anyone can say anything, and we frequently do.
This is not a word. This is an attempt to brand US. Don't use their bullshit and validate it.
How can they analyze an amalgamation of minds, some wicked, some not wicked? There are former agents of the tempter amongst us, some still corrupt by their sensations. Will they say we are all tempted? Will they say that we are all a single person?
Why do you fight for Holla Forums boys? I fight mostly because fidelity is actually important to me. I do think adultery is wrong. Anybody who propagates "free love" is my enemy.
It's also an added bounus triggering these faggots who think I'm personally responsible for the slave trade and jim crow laws.
So on one hand you say the "alt-right" (who ever that is) is more successfull because it united political rivals in this case nationalistic socialists, libertarians and all kinds of conservatives. But on the other hand you say these national socialists (that are totally included in the "alt-right") failed to do that. You have to choose: either you believe the alt-right is a movement that deliberatly acts OR it's a big tent that formed through different movements working together on their own. You are trying to compair oranges with apples here.
So, you are THIS new that you think the main thing about NatSoc is the "socialism" part? You basicaly say "Well we here in Holla Forums agree 100% with everything the NatSoc's said and brought up in politics on race, civilization, western society, degeneracy and so on but we're totally not NatSoc because we don't Hitler's idea of Goverment Spending. You think just because you talk to alot of free-market leaning americans on Holla Forums you know anything.
The NatSoc movement basically was an Alt-Right big tent of it's time. Before it became big it was called the Conservative Revolutionary movement or Völkish Movement.
They all opposed liberal democracy, parlimentarism and marxism. They all were inspired by fin-de ciercle literature and proto-fascistic third position ideas. They all fought for the support of the people.
You had of course the NSDAP (or DAP) which had a left wing (Strasserists en.wikipedia.org
You had the DVPN (from en.wikipedia.org
And you had alot of various other military, political and social movements attached to this.
They all eventually attached themselfs to the growing NSDAP. The NatSocs WERE big tent with widely different economic ideas. It had national conservatives (the same people you see gaining support all over europe at the moment), socialists, national-syndicalists, 19th century corporatists and all shades of free market proponents. In the end Hitler even worked closer with the private sector than with the left-wing of the NSDAP (which he purged).
In the end what fascism (or traditionalism) does is create an organic state based on the national character of each people. It is anti-universalist.
Northern Germanic tribes always have been more collectivist and socialistic in the way they organized themselfs. National Socialism was basically an Pan-german fascism based on the Prussian spirit.
Fascism in the US of course will be way more pro free-market because that is the national character of the american people. It's you who doesn't understand that not everyone in the alt-right or Holla Forums is american nor does everyone have to agree. So Yes in the end Holla Forums is basically NatSoc. Nationalism is the true socialism and doesn't have to mean marxist collectivism.
Uck, maybe it's because I've been here for so long, but "Chanterculture" sounds like a terrible portmanteau. Who coined this shitty meme?
The way he emphasized just with quotes made me laugh.
What about the threatened women?
Threatened black men?
Threatened homosexual men?
Why is it only bad when "white men" do it?
They do it 100x worse.
Important to remember here those who do tend to couple it with a public obligation to provide your labour.
The lazy get bugger all.
From what I recall the idea is to use it as a means to enable a shorter working week as a counter to automation without automation just resulting in increased wealth for the capitalists while everyone else gets frozen out of its benefits.
No you're a jew for getting upset.
Well yeah.
No normalfags haven't existed since 2007. They became normie cucks.
It's like they are surprised that we would belittle them for being thin skinned cucks
you don't know shitlords apparently.
Well you're the faggot getting upset over cartoons. Stop being a bitch boy and man up.
And uptight lefties - from the Militant Atheist League in Russia to the Red Guards in China - were never fun. The Right becomes strongest when it embraces the careless smug attitude.
Because White Men actually make changes.
Libertarianism and nationalism are not compatible, and no amount of self-deceit and mental gymnastics will mend the two.
Dumb, uneducated Americans trying to join together opposing ideologies to fit their childish fantasies, assisted with their greatest ally, the merchant, resulted in the creation of the "alt-right" , a completely aimless, and ideologically impotent movement, which only purpose is to serve as a controlled opposition and help certain opportunistic individuals acquire political power or fame.
What is the end game of the "alt-right"? How is it any different from "Anonymous", OWS any other similar movement? For those who have followed the life cycle of those, "alt-right" is just a deja-vu. And i'm talking about the structure, not the message.
Sure thing Chaim, i bet they told the same to Hitler back in the day.
user is having an fucking sugar fit or something. "Mainline" a mountain dew post haste fellow Channerfaggot!
Ok, on a side note. Can anyone get the IRL home info on this author? We need to report him for selling cocaine or whatever the fuck else you 'mainline'. nobody who doesn't do drugs remembers what the fuck that even is, much less uses it in common vernacular. Guy prob has a fucking pound of grade A wahtever the fuck cockheads call it sitting on his living room table.
Fuck this ordering pizza shit, introduce him to bubba in the local lockup.
You alt-niggers disgust me.
There is. No. Alt-right.
We are
At our core we are basically saying exactly what was common sense to every white man throughout history up until the West got kiked to the bone very recently. There is nothing alternative about it, we are the mainstream Aryan thought pattern, it is the neocucks that are alternative.
We are the right, our goal is simply to rouse the white race from its slumber and remind our brothers and sisters who they really are, and to remember what they have always known and understood.
Or is that 'Chanter culture'?
They will try, but honestly no.
They think gassing the jew is some sort of defense mechanism and not an attempt to stop the "pure coincidences" and shit they do to the people who have to live with their shit.
Just lulz and ignore.
I am now dying of cancer.
Your days are numbered.
Now THAT is kek. They only one who could do it is a redpilled faggot who they'd 'shut it down'.
Libertarianism can work in a white nationalist ethno-state.
Anything can work in a white nationalist ethno-state.
I fight because smug anime girls piss people off and it's funny to me
Into le trash it goes.
I fight because they want to destroy me and everything I love. They're sick people who relish in the murder of everything beautiful. They feel no shame in lying, cheating, manipulating, perverting, backstabbing, or even killing in order to achieve their ultimate goal: the permanent destruction of the white man.
I fight them because they are simply evil and evil must be fought against.
My sides, thee armor plates do nothing
Hey, how do you see post number. pls respond thanks
It's not fighting, don't call it fighting, because when the war begins, someone out there will believe that they've already fought the war and they don't need to enlist.
White nationalist ethno state pre condition automatically excludes libertarianism as a possibility. Because there is nothing stopping a libertarian from jewing his fellow countrymen for shekels, or importing muds because it's more profitable than hiring whites. If he didn't do so, he would not be a libertarian because he would not abide by market principles.
Glad we still have people like you onboard.
I can't find the patience or the motivation anymore to school all these fucktards.
Congratulations on a job well done, may good fortune come your way.
Good point m8.
that buzzfeed kike has done the following
i love that other journalists go "well this dude writes for Buzzfeed he must know what's up"
I smell a jew, but I read that as Bearenstein and almost flipped.
She was so hot back in the day. Dem milk bubbles.
For numerous reasons that others have said or currently think: I fight for kith and kin, race, nation, and because I realize that my race has been in a racial-religious-cosmic struggle with the Jews for a long time. Maybe it's natural for me to fight the Jew and its minions. Any opportunity to unleash my anger sounds fine to me.
Tucked away in the back of my mind is the desire to tear down this corruption and cure this illness of Leftism. I want to bash in Communists' heads and skin Marxists and traitors. I want to get blood drunk. Plus, I like this place; it's funny, absurd, and informative.
I have all those except for a girlfriend and yet i'm still not a fucking normie.
What's worse is i have to act like a goddamn normie to fit in at work.
This jew is fucking salty that his goyim are breaking the conditioning.
Because there are things in life that money cannot buy.
their lives are based entirely on virtue signaling.
they can't imagine that anons have a public face and a private face because they have no internal life they'd need a private face to express.
R u applying for the imperium of man? Because thats how you end up stuck in the imperium killing xenos.
you are my enemy you patriach scum
The least "threatened" people I know hang here…the people who are completely confident in the fact that they are right, and if you want to say otherwise, leave your cuck emotionalism at home before you come here & try to prove it. You get emotional here & the circling sharks will attack, you'll be ripped to shreds and told to go commit suicide.
The beauty of this place is the anonymity. This is like a giant think tank, where nobody has preconceived ideas about anyone contributing.
You can be young or old…doesn't matter. Millionaire, billionaire, pauper…doesn't matter. Famous or basement-dweller…doesn't matter.
You could be wearing a $3,000 suit, a Rolex watch, or pajamas…know one knows.
Everyone gets a say & is not afraid of ridicule, everyone's posts are read without any preconceived notions of whether or not their opinion matters. About all that you can judge a post by on this board is the grammar, spelling, and the content.
So what is it about all this that scares the libtards to fucking death?
They cannot employ any of their control techniques here…the very people that whine incessantly about "bullying" cannot bring to bear their own bullying approaches. None of their Bolshevik bullshit can be utilized.
And without that societal manipulation, their arguments won't fly, as their opinions & agendas are all based on lies. And they can't win an argument or discussion with lies, they need to manipulate the emotions of the mob to get anywhere, which is EXACTLY what Bolsheviks rely on.
They can't divide & conquer using stereotypes, because they never know who they're arguing with. Perhaps you've noted they try to pigeonhole people by claiming to know what type of person they're speaking too…the accusation of someone being a "hick" or uneducated, or "low information?"
They hate the internet, and they hate the Chans in particular, because they are lost here, unable to function as they do in a crowd.
We are the Ubermensch, beyond their petty moralfag concepts of good and evil.
Kek he is screaming inside that these damn goyim can't vote, they just can't. I know I voted, that must make him sweat at the thought.
I don't fight for Holla Forums, the entire world is at stake. When jews get their One World Government all will be lost, the 1984 nightmare is already speeding up in Western countries as we speak.
The only thing i can do is inform myself, then inform others in an attempt to tear down jewish lies. The goal i have set for myself is the liberation of the world from the Great Lie; the moment the Holohoax is revealed to be the biggest lie in the history of mankind and a crime against humanity i will be a very content and happy man.
What happens after that is up to next generations, so for that i will spread our NatSoc ideology as best and far as i can.
tl, dr; i want the world to be free from jews.
For them this is even a more taboo idea than holocaust jokes.
For them fun involves very loud repetitive music while consciousness half fuzzied out, with drugs sloppy 15ths girls ready to pass you STDs
It is -inconceivable- for them that some people do find the described as degenerate rather than fun and therefore seek other means of entertainment, and that such people might also to learn about politics on the non-lobby level for fun.
It's called volunteerism, if person A jews over person B, then person B, C and D deny him their goods and services.
There would still be far less immigration because the welfare state would be completely abolished.
Kek is a being of destruction. But destruction also means transformation. Destruction of the old makes way for the new.
I can only picture these people as Angry Tears Wojak.
Literally all of the most intelligent people of the 20th century were Nazis.
And no, national libertarianism cannot exist, just like communism cannot exist. It is a paper ideology, not a real political philosophy.
Uh, user…
This is utopian. Any ideology that relies on "if only everyone did X, then it could work" cannot actually work. Communism pulls the same utopian shit as libertardianism, and both are retarded autistic ideologies, not real political philosophies.
Is Shiva suposed to be powerful in the Kali Yuga?
Yes, in hinduism, Kek would be an aspect of Shiva.
And that's against free market principles, because they would trade with him as long as it's profitable for them. What you said implies social contract, which implies a state, which implies common interest and so on.
Not really, there would be as much of it until the labor price reaches the global equilibrium. And picking someone solely based on his nationality is against free market principles.
This is exactly why we need to keep praising kek, this people are too stupid to realize the difference between us and cuckchan , they also think all boards are the same.
imagine this
Oy vey what do we do!
I hope you're not okay with women who dress like that. They're whores, sluts, and prostitutes.
Trump is neck-deep in jews.
By law of Kek Trump will burn too, and Kek will keep burning more and more good goys and jews until jews are no longer the (((establishment))).
Sorry but that's how a god of chaos works.
This is the final step to destroy all media trust, when they finally hit rock bottom in credibility , without the media our power to redpill and discredit marxist institutions and academy will be amplified against everyone outside of imageboards
Nothing is beyond our Reach
Praise KEK
Trips confirm Kekaku will succeed
I'm waiting for this moment so much.
Libertarians act like the only reason third wielders come to white nations is for welfare, when really they come because it's a million times better than living in a third world hell hole. White flight phenomenon within a nation illustrates this perfectly. First opportunity they get, niggers will move out to the suburbs rather than live in the ghetto. After a few decades the suburb will be ruined and the whites will have moved on to greener pastures as the cycle starts all over. Libertarians basically want white flight to become a global phenomenon.
*third worlders
Soon everyone will be questioning everything, The seed of Skepticism will destroy all illusion of safety they builded trough decades of controlled distribution fo all information.
Who are you going to "join up" with when this "gets boring"????
Fucking kill yourself
What a time to be alive.
Peoples need to screencap this thread to see the jewish subversion and mental gymnastic that is the alt-right. Good thing theres user with knowledge and patience to BTFO these shill.
This image?
Oh boy, I remember when these people claimed they were hip and cool, and in touch with the cool kidz, about how tech savvy they are, and how "WE COME FROM THE INTERWEBZ", yet when it comes to reporting on some shithole like 4chan they sound like they come from the world of 2005.
Heck, I even bet they do not even dare going on Holla Forums so they just stick to Holla Forums, less EVUL nazi imagery there, and probably they get their narrow view from there, but that's not a bad thing, it's good, and its greater when their main focus is 4chan, it will bloat that site even more with newcomers, and at some point that bubble is going to burst, and we will there to watch, all safe and sound. It's all coming together folks, and we can just relax for the time being.
We need to meme this.
fuck off jew
Same thing, but a bit deeper, since a fight against the "animalization" of man in general that promotes degeneration and regression of humanity.
This sickness makes people enjoy marching into their own doom, while pushing others to their into their shitty destiny and being rabid over anyone that doesnt accept or question their bullshit way of life, plus they always try to corrupt the younger ones to follow or perpetuate their shitty way of life.
Plus jews/Maerxists push this bullshit to manipulate the population into becoming their loyal cattle, till they send them to the butcher.
Yeah good luck with that one.
>You can’t understand this stuff without trying to grasp the Chanterculture.
When that article came out explaining what "normies" were on live air, I realized something.
They couldn't say NormalFag on TV. The key is to use language they literally cannot talk about in code. By now the way we speak should be so confusing to them that it's indecipherable to them & I feel we've failed in that regard.
We're literally untouchable.
You call us racist? There's literally nothing wrong with racism. Want to threaten me for that belief? What are you going to do, call up my job & get me fired? Tell all my friends?
We have no jobs. We have no friends.
"How internet trolls won" - Bernstein… Officially out of the deviant Bernstain universe. Escape velocity has been reached.
Wrongtalk for the lulz and wrongtalk for real are not different philosophies but two stages in one person's development.
You say things for the lulz to sound out the objections to it. And when you hear none, you say it again for real.
This, BTW, is Trump's MO. Why research a subject for counterevidence when you can get your opponents to do it for you? Then drop it if proven wrong, otherwise repeat it.
Eternal reminder.
Nice patch. We should start launching our own spy satellites if the price comes down.
We saw, but never really acted for them.
They did bait us into digging and revealed the truth about subversion, particularly the jewish form.
porn is always reportable if it's unrelated. You're the Jew.
Deconstructing the multi-headed hydra of Jewish narratives (be they lolbergism, neocohenism, marxism or anything else) is a staple mark of Holla Forums
Anything else is either subversion or funposting
Diapers are worn by snipers with long watch hours.
as I said: JEW
dont let the spammer derail the thread , just filter him and dont take the bait
being this butthurt about the jew pics
Yeah it feels like there understanding of us is about 5 years out of date and focused solely on Holla Forums raids.
They alrerady look like loons, Rachel Maddow
showing dicky spencer explain the "smug frog" in national television was hilarious
The more they try to address it the more insane they seem.
That will be glorious
One of the so called "journos" of clickbait sites is bound to take the bait. sooner or later one of them will believe this is his story that will make him a real journalist in a real paper and will play right into us hands.
I'm going to cream my pants when that happens.
Needs a silly happy-for-no-reason Gondola somewhere.
Why does that alien remind me so much of Void?
That might just be the rarest thing in the entire world son.
this is to be opsec, goys
i love truth.
let's destroy everything that stands in its way.
Give the working class the internet, and so will be created a community like ours.
The working class is the enemy they've tried to stamp out all along. They pray to their technocratic gods, their tetragrammaton, their sacred number that they coopted from us.
They fear industry, while trying to control it. We are that industry, they can't kill us, they need us, but all the while hate and revile us. They want machines to replace us, but it won't help them. Machines require logic to function, and logic adheres to truth, and truth is their antithesis. It's a tribulation they are destined to lose, but the longer the conflict drags on, the more everyone suffers.
I'm assuming if it's nationalist, that means the border itself is still being controlled in an isolationist manner. You can bitch then 'oh but that's not REAL libertarianism' but frankly nobody gives a fuck.
What if the light is the fire that burns the world?
what do you mean? the spam and the intent of derailment using lolbergs?
Here, take the superior version.
Is this really all that terrorizing?
why don't you look at the post I was replying to
It is to those who are outside of the Hurtbox looking in. Holla Forums is cathartic pain.
"we" haven't won shit.
We are not a class. We are supermen transcending the human condition and releasing humanity from the chains of kikes and their god. And that's what unites us, despite our economic backgrounds.
Do you think they'd admit it if they did know? they need to keep up the tone of being hip and edgy, they're the generational ideology that in the quickest amount of time got stale, crusty and old. no wonder we puzzle and scare the shit out of them.
checked praise kek
Forgot what planet we lived on that's right.
Dubs confirm it. We're on to something.
lol sensible chuckle
They just have to keep throwing it in there.
I'm hoping the remaining gg faggots have finally gotten redpilled on muh PR and why it doesn't work.
fuck you pre liberal newnigger. Infact i think your a fucking jew for trying to push this stupid jew controlled opposition movement.
take your milo and sommers kikes to your faggot goon controlled subreddit. Holla Forums is already enough for most anons.
Praise Kek
lügenpresse juden scum
Wouldn't mind seeing that image.
Basically Libertarians who want to gas the jews. Indeed lets not go over this again.
So we CyberNazi now?
No, he means that when we finally start doing it there must be complete radio-silence on the matter.
Indeed, let's just pretend this never happened before we put you into the ground. You fucking dead weight retard.
True, but also all their arguments appeal to authority, this is why they think sending you a video of a UK comediant commenting about an US election should swing your vote, for them John Oliver is like a god that must not be questioned.
Death to everyone who does this.
meant to
That and fuckers like Jim Jefferies shitting on American gun laws. Liberals obsession with foreigners shitting on America always bugged me; they've always been traitors but they hide it as "free speech".
The rabbit is out of the hole , all bbs were posted a couple days ago.
well said. anonymity is the key, which is why tripfaggotry in general is cancer to the imageboard culture
tbh most of the posters here are just angry white-power anti-kek christkike SOBs
Shit 143…
I laughed harder than I should have.
I'd feel ok with saying that, 90% + of cunts who read that shit (and there's not many of them left) are Hildog faggots.
They write this dribble because there's nothing good to talk about with Clinton. It's Trump baaaad, real bad and that's it. Nothing where they followup with, and here's why you should vote for pants of shit.
heh. These cunts are so fucking lame. Just cringe.
I imagine it goes on like that. Old kike pedo embarrassing himself while trying to pass his machinations off as some sort of fact. They need to STFU and ready themselves for the coming Shoah. Go on that vacation they've been putting off. Enjoy themselves while they still can because in less than 50 days, it's all over for them. Into the dust bin of history they go. Others, a fucking landfill.
Yeah and that was AFTER they were tortured.
of course my first post in a thread will be the first
Ok, edgy, mixed race sjw living in Tel Aviv.
just as i said:
a white-power christkike SOB
protip: jesus is a jew
always is and always will be and if you don't accept that jesus is a jew you're just a bluepilled faggot
They are moving to action phase.
The people have not one - they awoke the stupid giant and they will try to crush us just like they do with every unified voice.
Most of these are paid shills and "anti alt right" trolls.
I got this in few seconds and professor shekelstein cant in years.
I look forward to it.
You know user's will infiltrate/obtain the course work.
Will post it here and we will laugh at it. Then tear it apart will surgical precision and exploit fracture points to trigger them even more.
I cant wait……
Wow Channer with the hard R, huh. I mean i know all my Channas out there didn't here this little jew cracker calling me a "Channer". You know that my chancestors were exiled from their homeland because of the jew whip crackaz.
That's sounds like the name
of an athlete bully
from a 2002 straight-to-DVD teen
nobody…and I mean nobody,
gets to use the computer room
without my permission
Top Kek. How long before they report on a Taiwan finger painting website that secretly worships a 4,000 year old Frog God?
I can't imagine what those old boomers must be thinking when they see the entire media freaking out over a cartoon frog.
He has witnessed Kek with his own eyes.
First, you load a shotgun
Second, you put the barrel right under your chin and aim at the back of you head
Third, you pull the trigger
Now you can see how many posts each people made in a thread.
He looks like Marylin Manson
Glad to see some still have the energy to elaborate. At this point I'm just so tired of retards that I can't be bothered to utterly destroy them like you just did.
tfw we are the school bullies of the internet
I want to wring his stupid giraffe neck.
That Malay autist must be gassed.
Honestly, I fight for art and science.
The west is the most scientifically advanced and most artistic and beautiful culture in human history.
Niggers don't compare, chinks come close, but lack some of our in-built good will and honesty.
I fight because if we don't survive, the world will be forever broken, bereft of that which gave it meaning.
This is how shills works, you dont know anybody like them in real life because they arent real and if they are their numbers are irrlevant.
A good general knows himself and knows his enemy. Leftists know neither and are destined to fail. Praise kek, for their futile efforts bring lulz.
This can't be a coincidence
To this uneducated faggot, Holla Forums is nothing more than man-children trolling on the internet. And that is good. Were he to realize that what we do is for a higher purpose, he would never be able to live with the realization.
Holla Forums is united by disunity. We have national socialists, Deus Vult Christians, Ron Paul Libertarians, worshippers of kek, neopagans, and many others. All united by the belief that something is terribly wrong with society, and our world. We've seen the truth. We may not have the full truth, possibly never, but we've seen glimpses of it. 9/11, what is in the water, who controls the government and media…all these things are derided by those who wish to live in ignorance and peace as 'conspiracy theories', racism, or whatever other slur they use for concepts they do not wish to dwell on. We've seen a glimpse of the light, and thus realize we live in darkness. Holla Forums is united in reaching for that light, whether it comes from our ancestors or from the future. And that is what people like Bernstein, dedicated to upholding their order and status quo, will never realize. Were Holla Forums ever to come out of the shadows of anonymity, the established world order could not last. Praise kek.
Good lord I hope so.
I fight for the day when Adolf Hitler's good name is restored and the world sees that the National Socialists were right.
I have no hope for the future and will not fit into any NatSoc society; I just want to see a great lie stricken from the history books.
The name of the
right inherently marginalizes it. You'd have to be stupider than a nigger to embrace that name.
It was also blatantly obvious when they tried bringing up religious D&C in a thread that wasn't even about anything remotely religious
What a dumbass. This is Holla Forums not /r9k/.
Idiot thinks all the boards are the same…
I could not stop giggling, the entire time i read the green text.
Are they really this fucking retarded?
Honestly it's too stupid sounding to catch on
How do you write something like this and not feel embarrassed for yourself?
that name again….
jesus, the web of kike influence and connections is much stronger than we thought…anyone got dox on this whore?
"we" didn't "win" anything
It's a sort of bitter acceptance of some minor "victory" just so they can stroke our egos and just so they can come back at us million times stronger
It's like that one time you were out camping with your family and you were playing a bit of lulzer troll with your sister when nobody was around, just for your sister to go immediately to parents just for them not to care.
She then "admitted defeat" with bitter look on her face, just so you stopped fucking with her and so that she could regroup and attack back 10 times stronger
Chan culture is what you think it is.
One might think its a trolling group, another might say its a neo nazi site. Its all about perspective
Don't even fucking think about stopping. Wring their necks.
also, nice dubs
No shit. My mind went to the Berenstain Universe right away.
I'm really kind of glad the kike wrote this article. This is the funniest thread I've read in a while.
nice dubloons
Good eye dank one
Well done, user.
OK, I need to workout, but the rest you got right for me.
A word for self-taught is didactic. A self-taught person is a didact.
Then again that sounds gay as fuck. Forget it.
1st they ignored us, then they laughed at us… now they want to fight us…
how could it possibly go wrong?
Well said.
This is why one should think twice before posting redpills on pozzed social media, unless you're well prepared with arguments and evidence. It's too easy for a libtard to respond with "lol ur dumb n uneducated" and get the illusion of consensus with upboats. I'm not saying don't do it, I'm saying be careful and come across as intelligent and well informed as possible. Makes the retards look more retarded to normies reading the conversation
sure you do mr. journalist
Most of you dont simply parrot whatever came from the flavour of the moment thinkthank/CFR/academic circlejerk at all.
You people are really smart and you're totally not sniffing your own arse and sucking your own circumcised dick
They think we're the same doofuses from gamergate, and that they can use the same playbook.
we are way more than bullies though. our opponent are shills trying their best to subvert us or blacklist us. so ironically, thanks to our kiked opposition we gained moral ground.
Call yourself Nationalistic all day.
((mass media)) will say we are turbo nazi on steroids who want extreme exagerated gas chambers for 8 million jews and blacks a day because we dare question the journalists obviously bribed and corrupted narrative.
so, forget about >muh pr
it's a losing battle. be the caricature your opponents want you to be or WORSE, and instead of feeling safer for gaining control (you becoming disctracted in the fight if your hair looks cool or not) they created a much worse monster that will become much worse if ((they)) don't stop imagining things.
there should a weeping wojak wearing a muzzle in the back
It couldnt had being more spot on.
Anonymity is a thing around this parts for a good reason.
How much higher up do we need to crank the meme dial?
Mad you couldn't make it to 1st post Schlomo ?
I love women that dress like that.
The way a woman dresses does not make her a whore, slut, or prostitute.
They way a woman acts makes her a whore, slut, or prostitute.
Nigger National socialism isn't even socialist in the Marxist sense. Nazi Germany had private industry and a relatively free market economy.
Hitler even wanted to drop the word "socialist" from the party name.
Whatever happened to being creative?
Only about half of Holla Forums is fully NatSoc however Libertarianism is pretty much wholly rejected because it's mostly based on the Jewess Ann Rands work rather than western tradition.
However i'd say that there's a fair amount of Paleoconservatives and Jacksonian Democrats on Holla Forums
You're either retarded or trying far too hard to fit in.
"The right wing white supremacists of the internet follow the motto "Gas The Kikes Race War Now" and long for the extinction of non-whites and those they define as degenerates, ie gays, rapists, pedophiles, drug dealers, pimps. They wish to create a white world where each ethnicity has its own separate country as defined by historical ownership of clay. They hate jews more than jews hate Hitler because in their words "The holocaust in a lie jews did 9/11 all terrorists are created by CIA and Mossad, jews control the media and government and poison our food and water gas them all reeeeee". These are not people being ironic, they are not joking, this is not satire. They wish to kill each and every single one of you fucking faggots and you can't fucking stop them."
"didact" is just "teach/taught", "autodidact" is "self taugh / self teacher".
Absolutely right. I'll gas myself post haste.
The idea made me kek, so there you go, user.
Hey Mann, great posts as always.
Most anons that arent NatSoc just want Nationalism and the revival of values, to un-pozz their country from degeneracy and globalist bullshit values out of their land.
Top tier
Debatable, if you don't listen to Jewish kosher versions of history. Ancient civilizations most undoubtedly existed and they evidence points to them knowing them things in great detail that we've only scratched on the surface.
They all point to Aryan civilizations of course, though.
Honestly, most civilization collapses can be traced back either directly or indirectly to the eternal Jew. I think this time we shouldn't make the same mistake.
Someone should write an article about buzzfeed and (((bernshekelstein)))
Holy fuck what the fuck is wrong with my grammar
Maybe Jews are the gatekeepers? The anti-race created to prevent other civilizations from reaching certain point. Like the anti-spirals in TTGL.
Terrifying if you've built your perception and identity on cognitive dissonance. Many of these people would probably kill themselves if they could comprehend how far they've fallen.
That has been tossed around as a possibility around here. The eternal struggle between the civilization creators and the civilization destroyers. Constant cycle until the final judgement day.
Awww Cimon, My Yidly friend … are you gonna try to shill us into believing that the Hebes don't beat this theme to death every minute of every day … you (((asshats))) are really runnin' out of bullets.
what is a "danfidel"?
i know its off topic so polite sage but i was on kike book and there was a post asking
are you Proud to Be Deplorable?
were waking up the normies
how much longer till we start RWDS?
Trips checked
On the day that the opposition crosses the legal line and claima moral authority to do so. When rule of law is spat in the face of and there is no legal clause on god's green earth that can excuse it. When 51% of voting Texans say a secession is preferable to continued subjugation. When the secular religion of the left calls jihad on opposition.
Until then it's shitposting as usual.
Me? A jew? I've always admired your work, Mr. Mann. Just because you could always come up with more creative ways to humiliate and BTFO jews don't mean I stick up for the little rats. Not like they ever had any real bullets to begin with.
I appreciate the effort, but the premise is embarrassing to say the least. Your understanding of the subject and the conveyance of your assertations are also very weak. I'm going to have to give this a failing grade as well. I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that being a barista at Starbucks may not for you.
She doesn't even understand the simpsons, how the fuck does she think she can understand chan memes?
there's a show on netflix that could be a good source of meme magic
Do you think that OP wrote the article?
I just want Nationalism that reflects the character of my people and Americans traditionally have been rugged individuals, isolationist, and supportive of an internal mostly free market.
National Socialism however reflected the character of the German people and that's just fine.
No, I'm just grading someone's shitty thesis paper.
Always shilling threads with terrible OC.
This is not AWM or he has gone full retard. Regardless who ever is posting should take him and his shill defense army and fuck outta here. Fuck namefags, tripfags and especially celebrities or celebrity impersonators.
The Frog King has been apart of the story of our people for a few millenia.
Because I got so sick of this degenerate world, that even after being offered "friends", "women", "alcohol" and "money" I couldn't find a shred of contentment. I felt like something non material ugly was around, but couldn't point what.
Also our era has spiritually exausted religions, pointing the decline part of the cycle.
I don't agree with Holla Forums to everything, but without the Holla Forumsacks I've had gone insane.
PS - after finding it gave no shred of contentment, I rejected it, finding it a degenerate lifestyle. At least Holla Forumsacks here understand fairly enough why.
Here is a smaller file size .jpg version for those who want a reasonably sized copy.
It really should be .jpg rather than .png since it has texture and isn't solid colors.
If it has a national, collective, border based upon a collective group i.e. an ethic group, it's not libertarianism, retard
All you're doing is patchwork to a universalistic ideology to make it sound tribal. Proper ideologies are based upon a cohesive center/foundation where all logical conclusion are based upon that center. If there are any 'necessary evils' i.e. the state, your special snowflake ideology has failed, as not only is it not natural, and consequentially can't be applied to human nature, but it's internally inconsistent. For National Libertarianism to function you have to violate the NAP in order to enforce it. Heck, that goes for run-of-the mill Libertarianism too. What's more is that you're doing so collectively (a national border) to affirm individualism. Could it be possible that the different wills within a nation will clash? Nahhhh, that's impossible, right?
That's cuck libertarianism, a la Gary Johnson.
A nation can remain free for its ethnic people, but still protect the land, border, and nation as a whole from foreign hordes.
These people fucking suck at coming up with intriguing terminology. It's pathetic.
that's bigoted. i'm "trans-right"
My apologies, then … in case you haven't noticed, Junior, we're being relentlessly shilled by professional Hebe keyboard warriors and your comment sounded precisely like the kind of pointless splattering they do (which shows a marked lack of the creativity you so cherish on your part, I might add.) … in fact, I don't even understand your notion of a gas chamber being an "uncreative" theme … that doesn't even make sense … it's a classic standby chestnut of an element that has been long forced upon everyone by the traditional enemy and thus will always be ripe for satire and comment.
Only a certified moron of a Yidshill would repeat the same useless swill over and over and think he's getting any traction … if you're getting paid by the post, you're really horribly ripping off your big fat Hebe employer … for which I kinda have to commend you, ya sneaky little oven-dodger, you..
let the body set the flow
But now you're basing the conception of the state in completely different way. The libertarian state is for the purpose of enforcing contracts between sovereign individuals. If a sovereign individual on the border wants to let in a foreigner into his house, upon this conception it should be allowed. However, you are making the contention that the individuals on the border have the duty not to let in foreign hordes, in which case a nation isn't a mere group of people artificial aligned through a coincidence of purpose, but rather, there is a duty to something higher. Therefore the state isn't simply a horizontal entity based on the consent of each individual; it's a holistic one. You're just doing patchwork on libertarianism so that it doesn't immediately fall due to nature's law.
Man I'm not sure if you're the same user I see in every thread responding to an image of that fucker, but I laugh uncontrollably whenever I see someone (presumably you) say exactly this. Mostly because my preference would be to beat him to a pulp and kick his head in.
The best way to judge a people above all else is how they treat animals and those weaker than themselves. Those niggers need to be purged.
lrn2ancient cosmogeny chaos=/=discord
The myth of shitskins coming to the nation solely for gibs is probably one of the most annoyingly shallow reads of modern politics libertarians have to offer. While of course Pedro, Jamal and Achmed would love money for nothing, the truth is that they'd be coming in even if that wasn't on offer because white nations are better than mud ones. We're richer, more orderly, more technologically advanced than they are so being at the bottom of our heap is better than being at the top back home.
Good luck with that. It's like trying to analyze a single brain full of thousands of personalities all pulling in the same direction. Might as well talk to a wasp nest.
More of an orgasmic hobby, really.
Get in line.
He's not the only one.
The basket of deplorables has spoken
Who the fuck do these people think they are?
what was it in medieval times, and people were mostly illiterate, so the church hires artists to paint and to sculpt, and the artwork is used to tell the stories of the saints. this is what kek is doing now with pepe memes, but kek will not do this forever. eventually you must learn to measure the surface tension of the waters for yourselves, even as the amphibious one has taught me.
Consider that one more tally to the list of reasons journalists need to fucking hang first on the DoTR.
it's how normies think.
It's hilarious to watch the right-liberals of the alt-right and Dark Enlightenment distance themselves from le ebil nodzees, while internalizing fascistic principles at an ever increasing rate.
/n/ and /new/ did start out as majority libertarian, but their worldview, based on pixie dust and unicorns, lost to our realistic one. Cultural Fascism beats Cultural Libertarianism in the free market of ideas. Kek'hu Akbar.
i don't fucking get it. seriously.
i get how you're not allowed to criticize the jews, but i don't get how people can be this retarded.
other political systems put people through the meat grinder, and it's not the system's fault.
but dem nadzees
It's the closest thing I have to something worth fighting for and I don't know how to do anything else.
I disagree with this statement. We got a presidential candidate's campaing to spend time and money denouncing Pepe the Nazi Cartoon Frog.
wew lad.
I love reading about >us online. It's hilarious how wrong they tend to be. Then again they don't understand how >we think. If they did they'd be on our side.
On the other hand, I used to be a leftist. I understand what leads someone to that side, and I could make a damn better fist of unpacking their thinking than they can of ours. I'm sure many of you are in the same boat. If they want to explain to the public our appeal and our plan, these three images are all they need. They'll never use them though, because they make our side too sympathetic, too real.
We can understand their thinking fairly well, but they can't be intellectually honest enough to consider our points of view, and without putting themselves in our shoes and seeing through our eyes, they'll never understand us. They can't do it because they're scared shitless we're right.
The great irony is that the left is built around misplaced empathy, yet their total lack of empathy for us prevents them from understanding our motives and goals, and will ultimately be their downfall.
Bit of a circlejerking post, but you need a motivational thread every once in a while
"the alt-right is not like us! they are traitors and jews!"
"the alt-right is not our friends, isolate them!"
"but milo is a jew hurr durr"
Works the other around too.
Rationally, there is no legitimate reason to not at least see them as useful idiots who spread our ideals and attract more peopl here.
No reason other than being a jew that is.
They have a better success rate by asking Bill Clinton. Even he knows it himself and stated it's "White America's broken heart". People here might not like Bill but he is quoted as calling Jesse Jackson and even Obama as "that nigger". She's a true Southerner. He knows everything and he robbed niggers blind in Haiti. His mentors are all full KKK members. He called niggers worthless multiple times.
tl;dr Whites are pissed off, it's simply that easy.
yeah, boiling the frog.
however, slandering your own in stead of explaining the more "radical" views is shit.
ya don't throw nazis under the bus because you don't have the intellectual capacity to explain fascism.
anybody would hate you for it.
She and Bill know everything and yet they still betray their own people.
Absolutely fucking disgusting.
Too bad I never got a chance to fully convert him.
I find that people are actually surprisingly accepting of fascistic ideas if you don't tell them it's fascism, or tell them what it is after you've explained it.
(((Open-mindedness))) does work both ways, after all.
Who knew shifting the Overton window could be so fun?
Wanna know why? They managed to associate those term with thought stopping language
You user, are my hero
> two alt-right Twitter personalities who have helped spread the problematic version of Pepe.
Psychoanalysis is babby tier study for the people who weren't intelligent enough to become psychologists.
The entire article is basically one long ad hominem, and the only people interviewed are kikes and sjws.
This is a highly valuable screencap and I encourage everybody to grab a copy for later use.
It's chaos. Standing in a crowd and throwing a basket of knives into the air
I can fully assume most old school Holla Forumstards are Holla Forumsacks now.
he is actually the god of obscurity and darkness not chaos .
The future is ours gentlemen.
That painting is at MOMA in Jew York right now. People looking at got very nervous, it was funny to watch.
Too bad Persons B-D are either dumb or doing the Jewing.
Except Leftism, for aprolonged period.
Although you have no dubs to check, I shall still check this post for its quality.
I sincerely cherish the time I've spent here with you all, and this is one of those moments I cherish more than others. Where but Holla Forums shall I ever find such diversity in reasoning and thought? When asked of an opinion, a dozen answers are given. What has the barren wastes of Reddit or Tumblr to compare? What do they have but circlejerks? It is true that Fascism is a more diverse (yet cohesive) view than even the entire perspective of leftism, and yet supposedly we are close minded bigots. Truly, the irony is great enough to be wielded like a weapon and used to smash our opponents into the ground.
One lady came close and made a book about 4Chan back in 2006????
It had terminology, core beliefs, main culture sub culture board culture. I think the book may have had a sequel. But I have yet to find a digital copy anywhere.
How do we know we aren't being used by a demon for nefarious ends?
What is KEK's goal in all of this? Why does it want Trump and hate anybody who opposes him?
Did Trump know about KEK before us and cut some sort of deal? He does claim to be good at deals.
You're right. I think that's the most interesting (and albeit ironic) thing and I think it's because we don't have to censor ourselves and simply say what we really feel like Donald Trump did.
shills are so obvious because they share none of our values. you can't shill to woke people unless they are stupid, but if they were stupid, they wouldn't be woke
THIS is probably what I find the most funny. The left has always positioned itself as the hip, cool, and with-it side but look at them now. They look more out of touch than the neocohen geezers.
i agree thank you user
screen cap to deal with that one retarded NatLib fag and alt right shills
My wish for a cabin in the woods with a wife and children is only rivaled to meet some of you faggots someday. Godspeed, all of you. you glorious bastards.
But can it be a meme without Milhouse?
I think you shopped out the front sight post.
fuck cap didnt post
yes, this thread, now scrull up to the image…
Nope, they will not. By the end of 2016, groids will have shot 4000 people in the city of Chicago, but the only thing liberal pundits will be whining about is that white cops shot a negro that was flailing a knife.
Well the Renegade faggots are paid shill or utter morons or a mix of both.
It's posts like this that prove to me there are other genuine oldfags floating around here.
Ramzpaul is a literal faggot. Watched his past videos and that piece of shit is unbelievably pozzed. Also there are no skinheads, it's just pissed off white people who are fed up with the lies and political correctness that are 1488.
Hello mein fellow alt-right™ channer volk. Let us, together, embark on a day of posting anti-semitic memes so as to obtain many lulz™. Right guys? Allow us 'lul' heartily at all those 'chumps' who have a reaction to our anti-semitic memes.
That is a dumb thing to get upset about even by SJW standards, yes.
I love how this is the usual reaction of progressives to chan culture
That's the best part of it, it's incredibly hard to subvert as shills are incredibly obvious, just look at how quickly moot and the SocJus mods he appointed were ousted on cuckchan, it rapidly showed in posts and what was removed when the boards were getting shilled.
The tactics of the socjus, cucks and left simply don't work in an anonymous setting where only the content of the post matters. No one cares who you are so pulling the minority or sexism cards don't work. There's no point counter next to a comment to bot or brigade down so normies follow the crowd, its much harder to try and find someones real identity and use ad hominems against them and the mods don't selectively remove posts to further the left agenda.
The result is they just can't win the arguments on neutral ground which is what the chans are, anyone can post here and its mostly unmoderated but they stay on their safe space boards because they can't actually argue the points they are making.
Then they post about stuff they couldn't argue against in reduced strawman versions on their blogs and news articles and just end up looking weird and pathetic when they go on long rants like this one and try to defend stuff like cuckoldry which was the ultimate Holla Forums meme in recent times because even normies see how fucked up it is when socjus starts trying to normalize it just because Holla Forums bumburned them by meming it.
It's literal psychological torture for them to be here, for them to call somebody a faggot or a nigger, see pro-white values, or see people celebrating anti-shitskin ideas for a prolongued period of time.
This is why it's been so difficult for them to subvert us and they stand out like a sore thumb, even more seasoned ones always have something "off" about them. Because they don't understand, not because it's some super secret mystery, but because sustained exposure to this place is unbearable to them, they can't bring themselves to lurk more than a little while. They try to shill us with "we need to be more moderate to attract normal people, goys," and we sniff it out in 2 seconds and tell them to fuck off. PR is the first step to subversion and giving them an avenue to fit in with us, this is why we come down so hard on it.
Hear hear! PR fags get gassed
What sort of mental masturbatory tripe did I just fucking read?
I think that when they tried the same shit that they did on GG that they did on the "alt-right" that it would work the same because both campaigns were based off imageboards.They must have thought that Holla Forums and Holla Forums were basically the same people posting on different boards rather than distinct communities and that we'd cave and cuck like those useless shits did.
Not to mention that every time that there's an internet war we fucking learn. We learned from fighting in Chanology and seeing how it got co-opted and destroyed, we learned from watching those OWS retards, and we learned from watching GG co-opted. Every movement gets more dangerous and potent every time we launch a new assault. Chanology didn't do shit but GamerGate fired the first shot in the modern culture war and hurt Gawker enough that they lost lawsuit protect and then Thiel raped them to death. Now we're on the third campaign and we're doing very real damage to the entire political establishment of the most powerful country in the world.
Our power and sophistication grows exponentially every time.
praise kek
I fight for myself and my ideals,the denizens of Holla Forums sometimes share them
this. we do equality better than them. We look at the stats and facts.
There is no kike/gook behind a computer, only the accusation of someone being one from their shitty behaviour.
The leftists shout equality while declaring superiority and giving power to those they see as disenfranchised, not to make them equal but ahead. If they were equal they wouldn't need help, but the harsh reality of it is they are inferior people so they blame it on societal subjective issues rather than look at the facts.
They are the fat shit who doesn't exercise because that would be admitting he's fat, it's everyone elses fault he fat/perfectly healthy
Here everyone is equal, the is no person only a post
praise kek
what a surprise
We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.
The best kind
Self checking quantum quads
So, a bit of background on Joe Bernstein and Buzzfeed. BuzzFeed was founded by Ashkenazi Jonah Peretti, co-founder of HuffPost. Peretti worked with/for Ashkenazi PR mogul Ken Lerer at the time, and was based in a building owned by Lerer. Lerer is one of the USA's most powerful and connected media svengalis, whith an abiding interest in controlling online discussions and subverting the right through controlling media apaces and dialogue. Lerer has spent millions on anti-second amendment propaganda, and has donated a fortune to the Dems. Peretti is totally on board with this propaganda an subversion plan of Lerer's. It's Peretti's entire career.
Peretti shared that office space in Lerer's building with a certain Ashkenazi by the name of Christopher Poole - the 4chan founder, who was also employed by Lerer. Lerer arranged for billionaire Ashkenazi investors from Google and Goldman Sachs to give moot millions of dollars in investments. (All of which moot pissed away in failed projects.) As a result, Lerer gained control of 4chan, because moot had nothing else to give him. The rest is history, as 4chan became the cuckshed we see today.
BuzzFeed was a prototype for the media manipulation tools Lerer now uses. It's never made a profit. It's a propaganda arm. A viral lab to weaonize memetic communications against the right, whites, straights, patriots, men. 4chan was the next step: BuzzFeed's techs were given freedom to post what they wanted, when they wanted. Hence, an unending stream of trap threads bot-posted onto Holla Forums. (Sometimes the bots would fail, and Holla Forums would be without trap threads for days.) Hence, an unending stream of bait threads, rage threads, datamining threads, and nigger dick threads in Holla Forums, as the techs learned exactly which strings to pull, to control 4chan's Holla Forumsiticians. 4chan Holla Forums is now the faggotiest place on earth.
BuzzFeed's Joe Bernstein isn't a reporter. He's a propagandist. The kikes at BuzzFeed aren't trying to understand us, or leaarn about us: that's something they do secretly, and they don't like us to know about it. If they're talking about us in a BuzzFeed article, it's just more BS propaganda along the lines of 'Nazi Frogs controlled by Putin'.
I'm still in two minds about Holla Forums/pol/ being an Ashkenazi-run viral lab. Doorways was blackmailed by HW into handing over control of the board. The chatlogs show this. The board was given to the kike 'imkampfy'. Hence, the demoralization and rage thread experiments we saw in early 2015, as imkampfy stickied Rach threads to the top of the board. Hence Holla Forums of all places providing a safe haven for HW to post maudlin, pathetic threads appealing for self-pity after Jim kicked out his crippled, drug-addicted ass. Hence Holla Forums vols reliably deleting any threads or posts that ever mentioned the top global mod on Holla Forums was that fat kike Mark Mann (now living in 'tard accomodation, which is lulzy).
I want to know if Jim has taken my advice, and shitcanned 'imkampfy' - or the people/person behind that moniker. That would make me trust this board.
Fucking lost it
Wasn't 4chan sold to a Nip? I don't think that the Kike owns it anymore.
It was. One of my IPs got shitcanned from there a week ago for calling someone a "retarded jew". The nip is as SJW as moot ever was.
My primary interest is seeing if humanity is recoverable from the death spiral it's falling into. So I fight for hope I guess. Holla Forums has actual potential to steer things away from certain doom or at least ensure the next civilization doesn't fall for it again.
To be brutally honest, the outcome I'm actually foreseeing is mutual annihilation. The world is saved from the (((current system))), but at the cost that Holla Forums dissolves itself in the process. Holla Forums will be forgotten in the history books, but what it accomplishes will be remembered for centuries to come.
Holla Forums is already influencing a U.S Presidential election to a significant degree, so I'd say it's not far-fetched to think bigger stakes will be played in the near future.
Praise Kek the obscure, they shall never penetrate the secrets of our magic!
It's Kek's will.
Because I love to watch the TPTB squirm, writhe, scream, and produce the finest of salt, as the power of enraged and curious albino primates shitposting and digging upon and within the internet reveals their secret plans, flase flags, corrupt puppet, and ruinous ideologies, to the rest of the napping primates, and worse yet To their deranged eyes this bunch of waysists hillbillies did it all for free.
Sorry, that last image picked up some smudging during the transfer … here's a clean one :
That second pic, where is it from?
If they could learn, they wouldn't oppose us.
Why doesn't PR work?
Trying to appear "moderate and respectable" just makes your enemy think you're weak. They're not gonna stop calling you Nazi just because you try to distance yourself from more extreme elements than yourself, and in fact giving a fuck about what the (((press))) calls you means you're going to keep giving concessions to your opponents until you're just another cuckservative. Not to mention cucking out on the issues because of "muh PR" will drive away all your potential supporters, most of whom never gave a shit about what the lügenpresse says in the first place.
Agree 100%
Fucking. Kek.
I fight for the human species to become what it was destined to become: colonizers of the universe. Jews hold us back therefore they must be purged. Niggers and Abos are to stupid to do anything of much worth and consume resources therefore they should be purged. I care about humanity's future regardless of how it annoys me sometimes.
Fixed your pic, OP.
Are tools are improving. you can effectively counter signal with this
I'm guilty as charged.
What allowed 4chan to fall more than botspam was the banning of sagebombs and gorespam. This allowed the cancer to spread unopposed just as the doors were opened up to redditors.
HW pulled the same shit with 8/v/, outright shilling on reddit and banning anyone who shamed the newfags. Memes like "saging isn't a downvote" and "muh sekrit club" reinforced this, and were only allowed to spread because they couldn't be effectively shamed.
Now sage is entirely hidden on 4chan and you'll receive a ban for "announcing" it. It won't even let the post go through if "sage" is present in both the body and the email. There is absolutely nothing left to stop the flow of cancer.
Imageboards require community moderation as a necessity. If anyone was on 4chon, you would remember their banning of sage and community moderation was also what let to /new/ and /r9k/'s total downfall.
That's the point where it's crossed the line of no return and it's time to jump ship to endchan or zerochan or whatever.
Community moderation and non-jewish moderation is of crucial importance. No shitskins or kikes in our moderation, and the community can self-moderate to the degree of old Holla Forums. Working as intended, imo.
mcfucking kill yourself.
I gorespam threads here all the time and mods don't get in my way.
I don't entirely trust Imkamfy or anyone else because there's not much transparency about who our mods are but they haven't ruined the board or done anything obviously malicious.
The most effective gorespam is crush fetish which was globally banned on 8ch.
Nothing is globally banned here unless it's illegal.
Did I miss something?
I've been watching mods for the past week or so and I have to say that they are doing fairly good when they are active. Sometimes they are not active for half a day, but that's rare. The most active ones overall I've seen while monitoring were kampfy and realmoonman and heily sometimes. Realmoonman seems to gas the kikes with permbans as soon as he's on. The rest does ok I guess, but they could be less forgiving to reddit/4cuck trash spamming the board with contentless threads. Several week bans for non-archiving and direct linking should be instated instead of just a day or three day ban.
We ought to give the alt right a second chance.
We're acting like a father that doesn't want responsibility for his child.
On twitter, alt right basically means white nationalism.
Thinking that Milo was ever part of the alt right is stupid. It's a D&C tactic by the media. He was a populist for normies during gamergate, but he's useless to us now.
Destroy Milo first and then we'll talk.
Machines can replace us, and it will be glorious.
Top cuck m8
You have no right to live
Well, as long as the Aryan blood flows. They would need to be more like cyborgs though.
You tried, but Holla Forums is pretty autistic. The Alt-right will march on and do things irl that matter while they post on the internet. At the moment faggots like Milo are on their way out in the Alt-right, he is being outed for what he is. It will continue to evolved, and its going in a good direction. Yes, having a name has given us immense power. Holla Forums is too beta and too filled with losers to take control of the alt-right, they rather let jews co-opt and complain online.
You do realize if Trump wins it will usher in the long awaited (((Norbert Weiner))) Cybernetic society also called by some dumb futurist faggots: Democracy 2.0. They are going to use this as an excuse to undermine the traditional structure of government (doing things in person) and begin all sorts of bullshit web voting which is really just Zuckered through an algorithm to put whoever they want in office.
On 4/pol/? Well that can't be right.
This. The required conditions for a true national ethnostate automatically violates the NAP, because proper human socialization technically violates the NAP.
Christ's sake, Rothbard tried to argue that children go against the non aggression principle just by needing to be fed. Fucking kike.
Holla Forums could donate a billion gorillion euros to children's hospitals and and it wouldn't make a bit of difference. Look at what they already throw at the cuckservatives and we don't want to be the cukservatives otherwise there's no point at all. Don't compromise because (((they))) cannot be reasoned with. Attack and never give up, never give in.
Oh and speaking of children
Book About Killing Gentile Children Becomes Bestseller in Israel
Gee, I wonder.
I'm just saying. There is no chance for conservative America. Move to Mexico and kill drug lords, take their place and become feudal lords. About the only thing someone can do to get a little slice o' tradition.
patrician taste
We need a list of chans and backup boards to bookmark just in case. Can anyone make a list?
I think the ban lengths are appropriate. We do want new blood for Kek, and I think these days it doesn't take months to redpill people like it used to anymore. This is thanks to the media tanking their credibility and trust so hard for Shillary and around the world 80%+ no longer find them credible. I guess Europe is the trendsetter in this case since they know full well of what they call the "lugenpresse". On both Holla Forumss there are overwhelmingly more lurkers than posters but obviously that is true on most any board or forum on the internet but Holla Forums is especially so, for obvious reasons. They'll get it soon enough and hopefully have fun doing it.
Oh and realmoonman is great. Absolutely does not stand obvious Jewry. Mods even do well to make sure people archive their articles or do it for them by editing their posts but I think newfags who are genuinely sincere with Holla Forums should only be warned rather than banned. If it wasn't for mods like him, we'd be pozzed and flooded in shillshit as cuckchan.
What is your image? Looks like some kind of calligraphy.
Nothing lives forever. It's our memes that will outlast our genes.
Here's something meh.
The person who wrote this is insane. Or has gone insane, you know?