Esoteric Hitlerism concluded that Fascism and racism had something to do with a belief in the "Surpa Natural". Which is obviously a criticism in the mind of a scientist studying human behavior. This is interesting because you can see these writings like Evola came out shilling what is essentially paralytic insanity after the fall of Germany….
Hence the creation of Holla Forums's NEETS and Smiley from /fringe/.
But the reality is Fascism and racism are actually the very essence of nature. There is nothing supernatural behind it, it's hard law ("might makes right" etc.). It is the Communist CIA and Jewish-Christian-Mason world that live in the psychosis of unnatural dream states, of anti-nature utopian pyramid scheme, of "God's Law".
Beware anons… There is nothing unnatural in nature (even computers are natural). The esoteric types are leading you down a winding path that ends with you childish, childless, and dying in mommy's basement.
Justin Collins
change your template
Cooper Robinson
Jose Mitchell
maybe since jew women are more masculine than the men they have an innate fear of them
Julian Gonzalez
Yeah sorry… Jews never fear.
They are the bravest ever!
watch anons
Daniel Barnes
Adrian Adams
Women follow the men who lead in their life (Father, husband, or unfortunetly now, the television.) So When women are becoming redpilled, its a good way to tell that the movement is on its way to normalfag levels.
William Perry
Are you really that much of a newfag or are you just pretending to be retarded? Everyone knows the purpose of "tits or gtfo" you retard. Fuck off back to redcuck with your white knight shit.
Thomas Morris
Yeah, I'm an old old fag. And I've been watching the shills for a long time.
In fact. I've influence Holla Forums more than you can ever know. And I see a weird hatred for women. A weirdo cringy fucking beta hatred. And that's not Holla Forums
Holla Forums will never submit to the beta lifestyle!
Thomas Green
Men follow men… It's only sad psycho fucks like myself who can't be influenced and dominate Holla Forums
God I miss the old 8ch Holla Forums
Cameron Howard
personal experience has taught me that reason and confidence sways anyone, and in particular, women. just stand up straight, don't waver, and be reasonable.
you know, a militarily minded person sways women more than anything. i have witnessed an instant shock in some women when confronted with issues of security that shifts their opinions in the exact opposite direction. it's a sight to behold.
our men really are emasculated. and i'm very willing to believe that this was intentional.
Liam Mitchell
Yeah… Check these comments later….
I agree with you
Carson Ramirez
Why did you post that
Ethan Hernandez
Basic shill
too sleepy?
Landon Young
Why? Because it shows a different kind of female
Aaron Rivera
Or scary redpilled one
Andrew Sanders
Justin Young
We need sstrong women for strong men. And a strong woman takes a strong man as her foundation.
Jason Reyes
Why are you dumping this stale pasta
Angel Wright
So stop letting Jewish shill drive women away from Holla Forums
Asher King
And this is a Jew… Not wrong, just a Jew being a Jew
Nolan Torres
Matthew Brown
Christopher Long
Esotericism is about studying nature. Essentially, Esoteric thought is just a non-dogmatic theology and metaphysics based on logic, reason, and tradition. All adequate internally consistent philosophical systems require an esoteric aspect. I really hate these people that think esoteric simply means queer crowleyesque 'magic'. I put magic in quotes because western science is essentially a refined system of European magic or sorcery practiced since the stone age.
Cooper Gutierrez
It's about anti-nature delusion
You should be ashamed of yourself for spreading this lie… that is if you're not a kike. Really, it's anti-reality and sandy nigger behavior
Kevin Carter
Oh jeez it's the "anti-esoteric" guy again. Fucking hell. You don't even understand nature if you don't have a deeper understanding and that's all esoteric is: a deeper understand that only few seem capable of grasping AND YOU AREN'T ONE OF THEM APPARENTLY!
Carson Baker
They're the reason a term like "esoteric" exists, otherwise what is esoteric would be more like common sense.
Henry Moore
esoteric is the hiding of common sense. The way pedos Priests use to hide the bible from plebs because only they could speak Latin
See: king James
Elijah Cook
What? Are you in a personal war with someone? Esoteric means hidden. You're just a Catholic priests over-lording on the poor white peasants your Jewish mysticism.
Sebastian Bennett
You're talking about interpreting dogma and the priest class loves to do that to main control over the illiterate, but we live in an age where at least literacy is high (although understanding still isn't). This isn't hidden knowledge if it's available to us in the form of books we can buy or even find online as PDFs. Get over yourself, you're just playing the priest and trying to keep others from peering into what was held away from us for centuries.
Ayden Baker
maintain control*
Yeah, the jews, and perhaps those hypnotized by the jews.
Adrian Bell
Then you should abandon esoterics, because it was shit skins like the Jews who brought it into our people's minds. the God once had a real transparent purpose To teach science To teach ancestry To teach the blood and spirit
Is your purpose to destroy that with Evola butt sex and esoteric (I know more than you can ever know, so read this book!) scatterings of complexity and mis-information???????
Jordan Cooper
I forgot the "s" ssss
godss esotericsss
Luis Butler
Evola isn't even qualified to be esoteric. I won't even bother to wonder where you got "butt sex" from (clearly your imagination though).
Juan Walker
This is literally animal nature. It is the man alone that has the opportunity to seek a better, higher paradigm, if there is even one at all to be found.
It is inherently based on scarcity. And if you believe that scarcity is a law of the universe I would consider you an adolescent who is still growing.
Cooper Thompson
Redpilled women will be a consequence of our success. Not the cause of it.
Tyler Cox
The thing about nature, especially our nature, it is a constant process of growth. There is always a higher paradigm to be found because there is always room for an organism to grow. If he has no room, he will create it, because that too is his nature; his will and his vision.
Justin Bell
And what I'm implying here is lebensraum.
Austin Martin
Are you going to put that on your resume?
Brandon Anderson
There always seems to be a lot of anti-white woman shilling… I wonder why.
Ethan Anderson
You are not taking into consideration the consequences of rapid technological growth. When no one has to compete for "room" violence will become a choice.
Zachary Thompson
All i want is a cute aryan goddess to marry.
Gabriel Williams
Not psychopaths. They make up %1 of the population and will have to be addressed sooner or later.
Camden Miller
Leo Bailey
There will always be competition, it may not be violent at least amongst ourselves but it will always exist because we are a competitive being that will certainly meet other competitive beings.
Rapid technological growth is the Communist desire because it cannot hope to maintain itself naturally: it needs to build an artificial system to maintain its desire of a worldwide beehive state. It's also a consequence of rabid materialism.
Aaron Reyes
Jews fear women because a group of men without women are a dead end. Women are potential mothers. The kikes know that there is nothing more damaging to their long term plan than a strong white man marrying a good woman and raising six kids who will not be good goys. That is why there have been so many 'its the wimminz goy' threads as shilling has increased.
The real question is why aren't you already married with kids?
Alexander Reyes
The thing is, might makes right isn't a moral doctrine, it's just a fact.
Oddly, reversing the idea also makes sense. "Right makes might" is as much of a truism as its opposite. Propagandizing truth is enormously beneficial if you align yourself with truth rather than bending it to suit your ends.
Note that our enemies haven't actually won anything in the battlefield of ideas. They censor, ignore, or just lie. Fanaticism comes from being sure and their fanatics are just nihilists and idiots who seek to drag everyone else down to justify their own failures and iniquity. Theirs is a personal idea, not a societal one.
Normies aren't excited by anything and the other latent fanatics simply have no access to vital information.
Don't limit yourself. Remember that you have to keep a watch for truth wherever you see it and stay humble enough that you aren't only trying to prove to yourself that you can exert power.
Philosophy as we understand it now is useless and a retreat from its own purpose. Government, economics, etc. shouldn't be viewed as an outside force. The way we think and what we are makes these things, it isn't some ephemeral to theorize about from an ivory tower. It's real and affects all of us.
Having knowledge and a superior method of finding truth is of no real use unless you are able to bypass rhetorical tricks and interference.
Sebastian Gutierrez
because we are at the point we are because of women. They vote for all the bullshit even when the tide turns and men are getting angry because men see what's going on women still vote for left wing parties rather than nationalist parties which are on the rise. That rise is fueled by men now women.
Some women are "red pilled" but that number is few and far between more than likely you'll see some white bitch or your sister saying how great it is to let niggers and Muslims in then while blaming you and other white guys for all the rapes. Sad but true.
Noah Lopez
If only there were some quality women worth marrying these days. Most appear to be worthless whores with no prospect other than their pointless careers and riding the carousel. I don't think it's practical to try and court one at least until the economy collapses and women can no longer depend on daddy government for their gibs, and so they will be forced to live up to our standards of a proper motherly and virtuous aryan wife, or starve.
Nolan Martinez
Wew. You know it's exactly the opposite? The materiel plane is what corrupts and binds us. Study of alchemy and hermetics tries to leave that behind.
Wew, you practically said this in the first sentence. Projection? Or just a disinfo kike?
WEW It's more of a literal misinterpretation of alchemic texts that went too far.
Robert Barnes
and MODS who banned me
I have 1meg left on my whatever the fuck Vpn or whatever
I wasn't trying to annoy your lack of dick inside of pussy
I was trying to teach you
that females are hated on Holla Forums
for a real fucking reason
the Jews fears us.
let that sink in next time you ban me twice.
Jordan Cooper
MOVE TO THE SOUTH NIGGER That being said you have to remember it's not the women, it's the fucking kikes. They are the ones that poison the already incredibly malleable minds of the woman. Make yourself presentable, irresistible, and they will flock to you. Then you will have your choice of those most worthy.