In other news, prostitutes have extramarital sex.
sweden is like if a friend suddenly went crazy and started smearing shit all over their face to humiliate you by association
It's going to happen
Already exists, that's Bahai. Based in Israel of course
Are you sure this isn't bullshit?
Every single day I come on to this website because I can know safely that I am actually receiving real news on real world events. I learn of the crooked elections within my own country, I learnt of the differences between the White and black man I did not see before. Things clear up and my head became level I felt like I finally had a grip, if only slightly, on this ever changing planet. Yet, once in awhile I'll see one article. One story. One piece of information that makes me sit down and think. Thinking about the glorious civilizations that started from dirt and ended in polished marble, that bore the very backbone of each of our heritage and the forbearance in effort for a brighter future among the following generations. Then I see this. One picture and one article. No they are not related to each other, but it is all I need to see. The woman who is supposed to be the mother, caretaker and guardian of the household is on the street welcoming that which is both foreign and openly dangerous to her, with little to no care about the ramifications of her actions, if only for that brief few minutes of holding a sign that she will feel morally superior in a world with a lack thereof. The article shows me that the religion that fought and shaped all of the civilization that my ancestors worked for, being mercilessly drug through the dirt for the appeasement of those who only wish to see it's demise. Is it my religion? No, indeed it is not, but it is the one that I know many of my close family and friends adhere their lives to. Special privileges are granted to those of colored skin and those who are most intolerant of any other viewpoint on life, despite logical, scientific or sound clarity, it still runs amiss in the brain of the brute. I go to work, I go to shop for food, I go for a run and all I see endlessly are those who could not care less of the plight of the ones who came before them. A massive coagulation of spittle spit carelessly on the reputation and honor that was bestowed upon them from birth. The White women fall prey to the beasts that care not for their well being or future and the system of indoctrination that once grasped a hold on the Slavs has begun to arise in the western world. In a world where equality is pushed insomuch as inequality for those who have rightly earned their due, the people laugh at the history which birthed us, the cultures slowly die then amalgamate as one and I sit down whilst I watch my world burn.
Why hasn't Sweden been nuked out of the orbit with nuclear missiles for the good of the human race?
I know your ways fucks, but wearing cross is indeed not christian, it has no point, or meaning what so ever, but a false heretical lie. That source of income of most babylon-whore shops, along with idols and icons is a very old degeneracy.
When will Church of Sweden become the Scandinavian affiliate of Islamic State?
Even a decade or so ago, before I browsed Holla Forums or even had defined rightwing tendencies I used to visit thelocal.se on a regular basis and laugh at all of the absurdities.
>wearing the cross is not necessarily Christian
Fair enough point. Wearing a cross, or hanging a rosary over a dashboard, is often just a fashion statement, or even marker of, e.g., Latino identity. But in their defense, people wearing the cross or rosary as an accessory don't get it blessed by a priest, and in the Catholic Church at least a cross or rosary isn't a sacred object that needs to be treated with reverence unless it's been blessed by a priest.
This is about people in Sweden wearing crosses to honour the dead priest in France, that's how it started.
I'm not Christian so I don't wear a cross, but if I were I would.
This is the official Church in Sweden, affiliated with Churches all over the world telling the Swedish people they are bad goyim for wearing crosses to honour a priest killed by mudslimes.
Reminder that the Church is filled with jews and communists.
The tool of subversion was subverted.
Reminder that the leader of this church's motto is literally Allahu ackbar in Swedish.
Reminder that Sweden must abandon Christianity for it is far too subverted.
Good luck and god bless to the USA and some European places with orthodoxy.
Well they're not wrong, but we all know the real reason behind this is to have Sweden accept the Muslim invasion.
Having read the article I have no idea why these people continue to pretend to be Christian. They clearly just want to be Muslims or Communists.
Just come out and say it it's not like Sweden would ever care.
created by the Persian Jew, of course!
Good thing the Parsi have an almost instinctual hatred of (((Baha'is))), probably due to Manichean-Satanism.
wearing a cross is not necessary to be a christian. this is true.
but wearing one or its use to representing christianity is not un-christian.
our summer home has a big wooden cross above the door on the inside. it is also routinely blessed by our jesuit priest friend.
my family is christian, but i do not identify as such. my beliefs are not necessarily exclusive, though.
i understand the significance of the cross and the ritual, and it's a comfort to me for good reason.
the symbol just means it's a christian home, the implications of such are understood.
what does "WND" stand for? what kind of site is this? what kind of qualities?
Christcucks at it again, I hope Kek will forgive their sins.
World net daily.
It stands for Zionism, and being a good, good goy.
I am Swedish. I dare to make the claim that Swedish Church was quickly subverted by marxism.
Keep in mind that Sweden is an extremely "bland" nation in all regards. Our "uber-racist" rightwing swedish democrats can barely qualify as an average moderate american party.
We don't have any form of outspokeness in our nation, nobody who really displays a steadfast and resolute belief in any way, shape or form.
People are quick to scurry away at "scawy" discussions, unless its absolutely 100% approved opinions from the mainstream media.
This nation is pathetic, cowardly and sick and I hate it, especially since I tried to bring up the "possible" negative effects regarding accepting multiculturalism and mass immigration. People tend to be quiet really fast, if they had a backbone and made their discontent opinions heard, we would have murders on a monthly basis perpetrated by immigrants, or gangrapes (often involving children) on a weekly basis.
But here we are, and you Swedish cowards have noone else to blame but yourself you fucking cucked pieces of shit faggots.
Nations that go without war for prolonged times gets de-attached from reality, and becomes autistic/suffer boy in bubble effect.
Good things about this is, this will humble the very elitist snarky and arrogant faggy swedes.
I hope swedens formerly respectable name, becomes synonymous to cuckold/black dickfellator on an international platform, this shame needs to be reinforced.
Long gone will the days be when swedes enter europa or america, feel smug boasting about sweden, only to be laughed at, until they get their shit together.
That aside and more ontopic, yes Swedish church was easily subverted by what I can only assume are the kikes. They teach false nonsensical teachings, probably first nation to allow gay marriage under the roof of the church (fucking blashphemy), not to mention that 87% of sweden is atheistic, yet have the fucking arrogant nerve to talk down on christians, as they become a nation of weak belief and destroyed tradition and nuclear family.
Goddamn I hate swedes, you will hear these pieces of shits arrogantly scoff and say "hah, our socialistic system makes us the best in the world, omg lyke i totally feel sorry for u americans oppressed by anti-gay bigotted homophobic christians lyke omg wish u could be enlightened as us" FUCK OFF.
Although I do not support dumb midwestern american blob-women reaching menopause accusing rock-fans of being satanist, I do believe strong christianity has a rightful place in western society, and without it, we will fall prey for any modern new-age psycho-babble filth jews spit out every 10-20 years.
Swedes are cowardly and decietful race who sneaks away and makes themselves appear small at any conflict, i suppose there is a historical survival skill related to hitlers presence, I can just see the dead eyes and a wide smile when hitlers army were around, later to stay quiet as a churchmouse in their abode.
Getting the truth out of a swede is impossible, so remember this next time you meet one of those 3 faced fuckers.
Sincerly .t Ranting autistic swedefag
Also, borders are considered racist here and my own brother claims he doesnt see anything wrong with living as the only swede in a city filled with somalians. "Because if anyone hurt him he would just contact the police" My own flesh and blood people
Behold the perfect autist.
Many of us get angry at our own for not recognizing their chains, but don't worry Swede, you'll be the first to remove Semites. You'll have the most first and the semites never have enough they will push you to the breaking point, certainly in our lifetimes it will happen. Perhaps we'll get a global freeze along with it, then you won't have to do the deed yourself, nature will take care of you and your peaceful migrants.
The only trouble, I can see, is if one of our countries becomes uncucked another of our "friendly" cucked countries might invade to "save" them poor lesser races. I could imagine the EU invading the US just like the US invaded Germany in WWII, under the same guise of "those poor Jews" or Muslims or Homosexuals.
minorities just need to be beaten back into obscurity.
gays need to be confronted in a way so as to reform their preferences.
bloodbath isn't necessary to fix shit.
neutralizing those who have engaged in unethical behavior on a grand scale is priority #1. the rest can be beaten back in many ways.
What about drinking a couple of beers and getting into the mood of talking?
I agree, at least for a start elitism should be imposed, and respect should be enforced and rules set. You only need to kill one hostage for the others to fear you but programs should be in place to slowly dwindle out the lesser races from our countries.
But let us say one of our countries implements even the minor of things you or I state are necessary. How will cucked countries not be forced into invading them?
Like lets say Germany goes 1488, will the EU's private army invade? Will the US come in too?
Perhaps we should be discrete in our programs and plans. No bloody conflict only making it difficult enough to get what we want over the course of decades, until no one has the power to oppose our race.
It already it's the first nation of Eurabian caliphate
I fully believe liberals are the most cowardly, scrawny and weak creatures around. Even the violent "anti-fascist" 20 vs 1 nationalist gets beaten or easily scared.
There is not really anyone in europe, except maybe english who would have the balls to attack America.
We all like america, we grew up with your movies, we take every fad from you, easily demoralized army would happen instantly going up against papa america, and we dont harbor a single hateful or aggressive feelings toward the states.
The only way EU army would pose a threat to america, would be if Eu army would be institutionalized into american fabric, featuring muds and possibly americans themselves attacking their own people. Not a single white european citizen would even consider going to war with america.
I might be wrong, and kikes are known for their clever gradual schemes, but I really dont see it happening at all.
I genuinly believe Germany is the most cucked, then france, then england, then sweden.
We actually have the majority of muds confined in malmö, göteborg and stockholm. I think we gained our reputation due to loud global virtue signalling of rediculous cucky headlines.
Christianity is great. I just think we should have two branches. One branch with "soft" teachings, caring about each other, helping out, and another "hard" branch with strong crusader no-compromise type of people.
Good people don't want to kill other human beings, they want to serve a good purpose, but we need the warrior branch in place who removes heretics. Christianity appears to be lacking this, we all know early days when christians with strong faith allowed themselves to be burned alive, and eaten in the colloseum. Having such a strong faith but weilding the sword would make us the greatest power in the world.
I lived in Sweden for a few years about five years ago, and while this Swedeanon is correct that nerly everyone shys away from any "difficult" discussion, like literally can just shut down, go silent, wait for you to say "okay let's talka bout something else" and then they lift their head and come back to life. It's scary shit.
But this is when sober, when they're drunk, if they are racist, or anti-immigrants or whatever non-PC thing, they will say it to you, but will feign ignorance the next day. While I liked living there and had a great gf, it was a lot like Bill Murray waking up to the same day everyday for two years. Even if the world around them was changing, they just kept going like nothing has changed or just accepting everything.
Yet people lose their collective shit when someone has a dissent opinion, right view wing or 'hateful' material.
Literally 90% of swedes that I met were hopelessly cucked democrats or at worst liberal
from bisexual 'metalheads' to emasculated betas to full blown trannies
All of whom who threw a shitfit when I gave them red pills and uncomfortable facts.
It doesn't help that the king is a complete cuck and government is inept.
Sweden is lost, culture and demographic wise.
I live here too, but I'm not a Swede. The only Swede I know who is open about his thoughts on immigration is on his deathbed. Even my partner acknowledges the problems but refuses to discuss them in depth because 'what can I do, it's hopeless, so best not to talk about it at all'.
I also have firsthand experience with the healthcare system here - I don't know why people praise it as good. The doctors are foreign and not exactly knowledgeable, there's a nurse shortage because wages are so low and the waiting periods for treatment are huge.
The people here are driving me insane. I want to know at least someone who has a plan or some optimism, but everyone seems to hold the same 'if I ignore it, it'll sort itself out' mentality. I'm ready to work, surely there's Swedes out there who feel the same?
I guarantee not that meny, but if they're they're, they're either in the north or suburb escapees after being islamised.
Was it always like that? What happened?
Those are in the 'vocal minority' - same people who want to get shit done and fix the nation.
Leftist dominated media portray them as right wing bogeymen
Like he said, no war for two hundred years.
I am in the north. I've seen NordFront stickers around, so maybe there's someone around who sees what's going on and would like a change. Time will tell.
I don't know why people who want to fix their country are portrayed as evil. What was it about Swedes that made marxism so successful here?
Yes, but you must realize the only thing they can do is apply peer-pressure or say "Are you kidding me?"
They are cowards user, their biggest fear is violence. Apply some leaders smacking them around like little bitches and their obedience will kick in.
You can never fear liberals regarding physical violence. They need their chimps and spics for violence purposes.
Feel free to correct me other anons
No, just organized Christianity; let the people keep their faith so they keep other traditions and remain bigoted.
Oh I know that all too well. Swedish national socialists are labeled as the most evil people since nazis.
Which is strange since Swedes weren't occupied or directly allied with the fuhrer.
Also I noticed one odd rather curious behaviour pattern as soon mudscum started to settle in anti-antisemitism became acceptable. I do not understand the double standard and the logic where shitskins are innocent dindu nuffins while jews are getting booted from Sweden. Though nosebirds are migrating on their volition.
Could swedes be cucked by sand dindus?
I'm sort of absolutist myself and I can't see why is it so fucking hard to DEPORT THEM ALL
This tendency towards the creation of images as representation is indeed aryan/pagan in nature. We engraved the image of Christ on the cross, as formerly we engraved the images of out gods. You need to look at the dull protestant churches to see Christianity in it's 'pure', semitic form. They wanted to 'peel' off all the lairs grown on Christianity, and so they did. It also goes back to Freud vs Jung in psychology. The word vs the image. (still, this must be distinguished both from idol-worship, as we do not honor the statues themselves, but what they represent, as opposed to primitive cultures, and the usage of religious images as 'bling', which is more of an oriental and nigger phenomenon) .Without beauty, life would be a mistake.
Liberals don't fight wars, they send others to do that.
I apologize for most of them, as even the greatest of them feature subtle Jewish imagery. Perhaps I see the EU more powerful than it truly is. But minds can easily be switched.
An Example:
Both my grandfathers where sons of German/Swabian Families, they even had their houses wrecked by Irish communities who hated the Hun. Even due to that they still fought against Germany in WWII, and were in D-Day, it was because of "the poor Jews", today Hebrews hold an even higher place in our society. All Christian organizations you can find take up donations to give to the poor Jews regularly. See video, ran at the church my family goes to, denouncing anything the Jews do causes them to irk away in fear. I believe Europe is slowly loosing that, so how about this. The US invades Europe again, because of "the poor Jews".
If Holla Forums cannot gain seats in governments of the world, we could easily see one of our countries being invaded by the other causing the needless deaths of whites. And further collectively pushing back our civilizations and closer to an extinction of our race.
The "muh idolatry" shit is hilarious because the idea of it is so Jewish. Even the "shirk" stuff in Islam is because Mohammed wanted the Jews to accept him as their prophet. To use weeb terminology Mohammed was yandere for the Jews and if he couldn't have them then they deserved to die.
Replace "poor jews" with "poor arabs". EU can't have both without a bloody conflict.
Paradigm is shifting, user.
We'll see what happens user, I think the only viable war would be civil war here in europe.
A great growing resentment for immigrants is coming alone.
The word racist has lost enormous amount of power, and we are truly greatful seeing trump pretty much destroy and shatter both medias illuisons completly, and destroying political correctness.
The fathers, brothers and family members of the victims in nice, and that dance club carry deep hatred.
It comes to point where everyone knows someone who has been a victim of this retarded shitskins, their time is up, they just dont know it yet.
Sucks however, since its the jews plan all along, orchestrate a europe vs muslim civil way, while they sit back and sip.
Later when the nationalistic movement is in full effect, jews will try to place themselves nicely to create a pro israel nationalistic alliance, and skew us once again from our true purpose. We must have agents working against nationalistic movements and do *things* with the hidden powerful hands.
I mean, they must live somewhere right?
There are so many things wrong with the Swedish "church", but it hasn't been Christian since they allowed women as priests and purged all of the old guard who resisted.
Hi, user here!
You might remember me from threads like "South African is pissed of that his country was destroyed by the globalists" and "Apartheid was better for everyone except the ANC and the communist elitists". Since I currently live in sweden, here's an outsider's view of this once-great country.
The swedish church no longer has anything to do with Christianity. It has been completely subverted by the globalists and is now far more interested in homosexuality(1), rapefugees welcome, corruption and nepotism. It has gotten to the point of hiring imams and assisting in the construction of mosques(2). In sweden.
Who is to blame? Several groups: the swedes themselves, the politicians and, ultimately, the globalists.
The swedes have become a fearful, naive people who are constantly afraid of not fitting in with their neighbors. Their naivity has been indoctrinated into them for the past 100 years of social democratic government and the ideologies of the 8 political parties span from "socialist", "not quite socialist but still quite socialist" to "very socialist".
The swedes are a very nice and welcoming people, like the Canadians, but insanely naive. A swede will give away their firstborn to a mudslime to be raped if only the mudslime would say something like "I am traumatized from war and need a baby from a non-racist family to help me feel better". Not wanting to be racist (and therefore differing from their neighbors) the baby would soon be in rapefugee land.
The politicians, being swedes themselves, are naive and stupid and easy prey for the globalists. I find swedish politicans despicable, not because they are corrupt as fuck and nepotistic in their government, but because they constantly preach of how fair and democratic they are, compared to "bad", corrupt countries like North Korea or warlike Russia. If they would only be honest in their dishonesty I wouldn't have that much hate in me.
The mudslimes here are everywhere, the swedes accept them, and there is no political ideology that will save this country. It is doomed, unfortunately, because if left alone sweden would be a nice place to stay and visit. Its glory days are over, though, and the only way up is down into Hell first.
So now I fucking have to make plans to flee a non-functional socialist Hell hole. Again.
1 friatider.se
2 friatider.se
Maybe you ran past me and didn't know.
It's more and more possible each day.
Next you're going to tell me Christmas has pagan origins
How can this lie keep going? God scattered the people of Babel all over the world, gave them language and culture specifically so some tyrant wouldn't try to make another tower.
Everything has been subverted, we know this. Christianity is no exception.
Come to Australia, I promise you'll never have to flee again :^)
He is a snake. And a murderer.
When he speaks it is in his father's native tounge.
Beware of false pastors and so called "officials".
1:2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.
1:17 And I gave my heart to know wisdom, and to know madness and folly: I perceived that this also is vexation of spirit.
1:18 For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.
2:4 I made me great works; I builded me houses; I planted me vineyards:
2:5 I made me gardens and orchards, and I planted trees in them of all kind of fruits:
2:6 I made me pools of water, to water therewith the wood that bringeth forth trees:
2:11 Then I looked on all the works that my hands had wrought, and on the labour that I had laboured to do: and, behold, all was vanity and vexation of spirit, and there was no profit under the sun.
2:18 Yea, I hated all my labour which I had taken under the sun: because I should leave it unto the man that shall be after me.
2:19 And who knoweth whether he shall be a wise man or a fool? yet shall he have rule over all my labour wherein I have laboured, and wherein I have shewed myself wise under the sun. This is also vanity.
7:25 I applied mine heart to know, and to search, and to seek out wisdom, and the reason of things, and to know the wickedness of folly, even of foolishness and madness:
7:26 And I find more bitter than death the woman, whose heart is snares and nets, and her hands as bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be taken by her.
7:27 Behold, this have I found, saith the preacher, counting one by one, to find out the account:
7:28 Which yet my soul seeketh, but I find not: one man among a thousand have I found; but a woman among all those have I not found.
1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
1:10 Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.
1:11 There is no remembrance of former things; neither shall there be any remembrance of things that are to come with those that shall come after.
8:14 There is a vanity which is done upon the earth; that there be just men, unto whom it happeneth according to the work of the wicked; again, there be wicked men, to whom it happeneth according to the work of the righteous: I said that this also is vanity.
7:10 Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.
1 Timothy 12
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Burning instead of beauty.
1:2 Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.
1:7 Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.
1:9 Except the Lord of hosts had left unto us a very small remnant, we should have been as Sodom, and we should have been like unto Gomorrah.
1:15 And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.
2:6 Therefore thou hast forsaken thy people the house of Jacob, because they be replenished from the east, and are soothsayers like the Philistines, and they please themselves in the children of strangers.
3:5 And the people shall be oppressed, every one by another, and every one by his neighbour: the child shall behave himself proudly against the ancient, and the base against the honourable.
3:9 The shew of their countenance doth witness against them; and they declare their sin as Sodom, they hide it not. Woe unto their soul! for they have rewarded evil unto themselves.
3:12 As for my people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.
3:16 Moreover the Lord saith, Because the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:
3:17 Therefore the Lord will smite with a scab the crown of the head of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will discover their secret parts.
3:18 In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon,
3:24 And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell there shall be stink; and instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth; and burning instead of beauty.
Goddam, lad.
shirk stuff is before the jews
hell, the jews have never in their history be as bloodthirsty as the muslims are in destroying pagan sites (well, the christians came second so..)
Islam was founded in the 7th century, dummy.
HOW DARE YOU NOT WORSHIP JEWS!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOW DARE YOU NOT WORSHIP JEWS!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOW DARE YOU NOT WORSHIP JEWS!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOW DARE YOU NOT WORSHIP JEWS!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is this the first step to Catharism? Both mainline Christianity and Catharism are a heresy, in different ways(mainline Christianity has the old testament, where Catharism believes the old testament isn't just Jewish myth but the writings of Satan), but Catharism was directly inspired by Islam.
1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
7:10 Say not thou, What is the cause that the former days were better than these? for thou dost not enquire wisely concerning this.
No submission to the One True G_d is what Avram (Abraham) preached
what his "heirs" do to that clause is, of course, subject to (rabbinical) debate goy!
Cathar is a gnostic offshoot
it's more similar to the Yazidi (poor poor "victims" of "ISIS") than to orthodox Islam.
Matthew 23:8 But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.
I understand the reason migrants was brought in to 'spice up the blandness'.
Why not migrants from Asia?
Why turd world unskilled subhumans?
the righteous OT patriachs and their fellows were christians
everybody else were spiritual talmudists
Race is a social construction :^)
Abraham, and all the figures in the old testament, are merely fairy tale people, the characters in the Jewish National "Epic" where they glorify destroying whole cultures, murdering all the enemies of the Jews, stealing from them, and being hideous people. Not a single word from God is contained in the largest part of the "canonical" Bible according to Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox heretics. Even much of the new testament is influenced by such heresy, as it was written by Jews of little faith clinging for a connection between the impartial and sovereign Lord Christ, and their non-existent God Yahweh.
Catharism has many of the features of Islam, though one might not notice. They glorified men, called parfaits, who were similar to the Islamic Imams and the spiritual leaders of the Sufi: not priests, but in their eyes holier than themselves. They both believe that Christ was not truly crucified and killed. Furthermore, many of the Cathars likely believed that the new testament was tainted, and in a way they were right, much of it has false Jewish doctrinal ties to the old testament, but there is still the Good words of Christ the Lord in it.
Hey there my nordic brother. I'm a Finn who for 20 years lived in Sweden and I cannot but feel sorrow when reading this. Mainly because I know that every word of it is true.
You Swedens have almost all lost it. It's like talking to people living in an alternative universe when I talk to Swedes and I have to do that on almost a daily basis. But it hurts as it's a fellow Nordic country being ruined from within and there's not a single fuck I can do about it. Nothing. I don't even have a double citizenship so I at least could vote in your elections.
But remember this. Once shit hits the fan, you'll have a place to go, that's on the other side of the Baltic Sea. If to live and forget or to regroup and reconquer. It might feel hopeless but if Swedes themselves can't save themselves it will be left to us other northerners to do it for you once shit does hit the fan. One way or another we will get back Svea Rike.
Nee, bru - kom na die State. Australiërs is net shitposters, naar wi in die State is sterke Burgermen
What I worry about is how fleeing Swedes could bring their values to other countries.
That is a legitimate worry. I've encountered swedes that have fled / lived outside of sweden for several years and they've all been very open and honest about why they left: the immigrants.
I think you'll be meeting two kinds of swedes outside of sweden: the kind that, rightly, see the immigrants as a problem, and the kind that are rich so they can't blame the immigrants openly because then they'd be ostracized by their rich globalist friends.
The latter group is, of course, tiny.
And if that Clinton bitch wins? Besides, I'd be waiting for years and years for my green card.
Bro, she's dead, bro, don't even worry about it.
Come on over, you can have some boerewors.
where's the sweden yes
why in the fuck would anyone want to be a nigger?
So you can claim welfare as a """""""refugee"""""".
Comedic purposes
Run away to Hungary while you still can
Then try to garner media attention there, showing and telling people how bad in Sweden it really is
It's like they never read the description of the tabernacle (they probably haven't.) The tabernacle was pretty blinged out for a wandering desert tribe, especially because it housed the Ark of the Covenant.
They don't believe that you dumb ape. Swedish Christians are Marxists. There are no Christians in Sweden.
I have this complete loser attitude about sweden where I'm hoping the islamic caliphate takes over the entire country so we can just bomb everyone there
To get away with rape.
And this is the reason Europe is shit. Force-fed American propaganda all through the post-war period.
Mainstream christianity is as far gone as Sweden itself.
It's the kind of spray tan that bodybuilders use for their "competitions".
He fucked up.
Now they're building a wall between us and god :^)
top kek
if the jews are so false, why worship a jew whose apotheosis was by the hands of a dozen jews and a romanised jew?
((Heberlein)), ((Helle Klein)) ((Åke Bonnier)) etc…
Just current my year up.
This cannot be reality
Nobody gives a shit about Sweden, it is a joke country. It's good to know what the jews are doing there because that is their end goal in all countries.
reported for D&C
Christ wasn't a Jew. As I said, much of the new testament is plagued by Jewish doctrinal ties to the old testament, Christ never quoted the Old Testament in His preaching. Christ was not a descendant of David, how can God be descended from His creation? Christ preached to all the religious institutions in Roman control, it just so happened that some Kikes saw him and made Him their messiah. He probably preached more in the Roman temples than He did anywhere else. The people of Rome new him as a preacher of Dionysus.
*knew Him
Nice D&C moshie
The entire Church is filled with kikes and commies.
Wake up and smell the ashes
Wonder who's gonna win that religious war? Thank fuck for the Russian Orthodox Church, they're the only ones calling it like it is.
Fuck off kike we saw through you, look at what my other post is.
Fuck off
kek, where's the evidence? All the books say he's mainly active in the Second Temple (of the Jews) and near it until the end of his walk in this life.
Indeed user, indeed.
It's not D&C if even the Swedes agree their country is fucked. Unless some RWDS spring up there soon and get real fucking crazy, Sweden is fucked.
Are you gonna go to Sweden and start shooting people?
That's not as impossible as you think.
Time might be continuously and infinitely repeating.
that's the esoteric hindu view isn't it?
God only knows.
The canonical new testament was written by fallible men, Jews even, and much of it cannot be trusted.
What do you think Jesus did before He began preached in wicked Judea at the age of 30? Some of the "heretical apocryphal gospels" say He was preaching to other nations, and a few modern pseudo-gnostics believe He was learning Buddhism and Zoroastrianism in Persia and India.
*began preaching
Actually, it might be the scientific view too.
This sort of thing might have passed with an illiterate populace, but how do people by into this sort of thing?
nice try, chaim
based Japan
What the fuck?
That's blackface kek.
I heard something about Obama having a relative being involved with the administration or creation of Bahai. But I wasn't able to find anything online.
that's… not the esoteric 'hindu' view.
Outside of american culture most people dont give a shit about blackface
You answered your own question, user. Most Christians are illiterate when it comes to their own book. If they weren't, then they wouldn't be cucks.
Matthew 4:4
…Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Matthew 5:17 - 5:18
Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
John 5:46
For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.
Etc., etc. But I suppose you'll try some retarded mental gymnastics and say because there are no exact quotes, we can never be sure Christ was talking about the Old Testament.
I'm.. a little bit curious.
Haven't heard of esoteric Hinduism.
Is that how aryanism spread from northern India?
They're in the Protestant denomination of Christianity, which can be way too pozzed or way too strict.
You do realize that the OT Leviticus chapter 19 laws were only intended for Israelites. Hence, the "Speak to congreation of Isreal and speak to them" line at the very start of the chapter.
We only have to follow the ten commandments and leviticus chapter 20 laws. You're pretty dense if you unironically believe that there's an issue with laws such as "do not kill, do not fuck men, do not steal, or do not cheat on your spouse".
Become literate and maybe I'll turn atheist. Because at this moment, you've only proven to me that you guys are awful reading books properly. Do everyone a favor and don't breed.
Once again, refer to my earlier statements. The church-approved new testament is largely untrustworthy, though there is knowledge to be found within it. The church-recognized biblical canon is a mess of false Jewish doctrine.
It's the Nordic/Heathen/Asatru view as well.
if religon is a map then esotericism is the legend to that map, every map needs its legend
op is protecting middle easten semite cult
That awkward moment where religion and science agree.
Never understood the ayy lmao that visits Lain.
Actually, by the looks of it, most civilisations followed similar cults
Bump. Reported for intl.
Drawing a blank here
Get thee behind me, Satan.
When will it all end?
Satan confirmed for intl.
Go back to your shithole and never come back please.
Whoa…what happened in that battle user?
God is creation ( + - = ) ( father son holy spirit ) ( holy affirmation holy negation holy conciliation )
although in hebrew god is spelled GD ( gimel daleth ) which basically means spinal column (G), doorway(D), kabbalistically speaking. im sure at first glance everyone will assume im a shill for knowing anything about hebrew due to the conditioning of "all jews are evil" on this site, but there is two sides to everything, the talmud is also kabbalistic but of course if you dont know kabbalah than you interpret things as they are literally written and you become a radical religious extremest like the people killing themselves for religion ( namely muslims ) or killing others ( any other religion really ). People who have a map with no legend are lost. Such is the case with religon, people have the map ( bible, talmud, vedas, ect.. ) with no legend to it ( esotericism, meanings to the map ) and that leads to much confusion
go back to intl satan
I'm not even Christian, and this makes me want to kill shitskins and false priests.
WTF, Christians? Will you let yourselves be stomped out of existence by a bunch of invading parasites? Your leaders are telling you to roll over and fucking die, why do you tolerate them?
If you cared about your savior Christ so much, why would you let these ANIMALS spit on him?
Do you expect the rest of us to fight the shitskin FOR you? To protect your religion at our cost, while you sit in your homes and follow orders to be cucks and pussies?
Get your shit together, Christians!
You may not follow Thor, but you can sure as hell follow the way of the Hammer of the Gods.
Those aren't the real numbers, modern estimates bring the Umayyads at around 800-1400 troops. Still fucking impressive that the Visigothic Christians beat there asses though.
Holy fuck my sides
I want to personally whip the Jews out of our White Countries just as my lord Jesus Christ whipped the Jews out of the temple.
Welcome to Holla Forums
wait until you learn the truth about Jewish anti-white behavior
That's the spirit. Amen and pass the ammo.
I have to say, Holla Forums has inspired me to be more religous, just because I have to study Christian doctrine, tradition and scripture to counterpoint the "jew on a stick" narrative the fedora tippers have been shilling. While we must recognize how our Church has fallen, rather than despair we must kindle righteous fury towards those who would enable it to fall.
You mean he whipped some Jews. I don't recall him whipping himself out of the temple.
Also we've tried expelling the Jews. It doesn't work. Exterminating them is the only thing that will.
Exactly. It pains my soul, but it must be done.
He whipped the money-changers (bankers) out of the temple.
It was his only act of violence toward anybody. Even Jesus couldn't tolerate bankers.
I swear this world is like one big joke and the punchline is that we have to live here.
The punchline is that the kikes kvetching so much about the holohoax got them gassed for real.
men asså brorsan fan vad rasse du är mannen liksom bara tare luuuuugnt, wallah.
Döda mig.
I also don't know what happened.
But on an unrelated note, TayAi = Lain
This is new age world religion "everything is god" bullshit.
Meme that shit.
Where are the men in sweden telling these cunts off intellectually? Where are the men in sweden who burn the houses down of these bitches?
The Son of God is the Ogdoad.
The Father of God is the Decad.
Get fucked, Wiccan.