Other urls found in this thread:
Might as well get this out of the way now:
Obviously a female younger than my parents!! Delete this sick shit now!!!
come on man
In the future could you not ban for 100 years? All these pedos are using VPNs and you're just ruining it for everyone else.
Hey guys ice posieden just started streaming
You deserve it, faggot.
t. closet pedo
t. pedo
pedos didnt do anything to you faggot, lighten up.
t. pedo
I post women only tbh
pic related could be someone…could it be….(You)?????
WOMEN only
yeah its me. you're the pol mod aren't you
It's vol, you stupid fucking newfag.
so you are the pedo vol
my money was on mailman or way tbh
WOMEN only
lol no. I don't know where this shit meme came from. I just b& a nigger for CP a few minutes ago, check the board log.
WOMEN only (18+)
not a meme.
pedo mod said he would 'start strong' so dysnomia doesn't get suspicious tbh
Stop baiting.
Why would I ever jack off to anything other than hand holding and missionary for the sake of reproduction?
t. closet pedo
Out with it already!
stop projecting
then stop taking my bait tbh
i heard the pedo mod was non exclusive tbh
im pedohebeteleiophile tbh
Then why did you post a pic of a mannequin?
kek, sorry
people keep telling me about how it's so great to fuck women, but why are preteen girls so much hotter than women? I don't get it.
Mods mods Mods MODS
It is a mystery
Go outisde on socialize, retards.
t. retard
She is not fat, she is chubby. And chubbies are god-tier
Nah, she is fat as fuck
How dare you insult, the goddess that is Ariel?
Fuck off shill.
ChubbyCuck btfo
ricefags should be gassed tbh
this is now a bestiality tread
no u
this tread says nothing about not been able to post 18+ men
hes 18+
t. Pedo
her teeth are too white, they are whiter than her white dress. They are basically neon-white.
But she herself isn't
she's probably Italian so she's mostly nigger.
what do you think?
quite a breeder *_* ♥
stop posting gooks.
Nope, not my fault you are a racist with shit taste.
gookposters out tbh
degenerates out pls
I'm not stopping you tbh
Im gonna fucking throw up. When I click 18+ threads they're normally filled with little girls but this is almost all gooks and disgusting grannies.
Her eyes are beautiful.
nice meme. you should post that on Holla Forums for reactions ;)
Plastic mannequins w/ surgery OUT
Stay in your containment thread, pedoshits. No one wants you here.
the entire board is our containment area, tbh
No, the rest of the board is for real people.
what containment thread
There hasn't been a proper containment thread sinces jims original sperg out so we do whatever the fuck we want deal wid it.
really makes me think user
Nah jim ruined the whole site the day he became admin whats left is just the apocalyptic wasteland that remains.
Based Kim should nuke those south korean degenerates
Jim thinks he can scare us by banning 6 ips then attaching a notice saying "you are just not welcome here." Damn that pig is such a pushover.
where ?
for a sec I thought I was on halfchan -.-
I'll spoon feed you
I just want to make it clear that OP is a non exclusive pedophile and his intentions in making this thread was try to shit up the board with 'halfchan irony.' This is a bait thread and you've been baited.
sounds ilke jim did nothing wrong here
You must be legitimately new then.
be new
i came last week from reddit
Wouldn't be surprised one bit if you were actually telling the truth.
check those digits. jim did nothing wrong
What's wrong with reddit? At least there you can post Instagram pics of girls under the age of 18 without getting banned.
a lot of things. if you have to ask then you must be from reddit.
No, don't actually post there. But it's a great place to go for some places dedicated to younger models. Those models get posted here though and you're banned.
there are better places that are even more dedicated to child models.
having a fully functional braining
brain ah
Disgusting gook poster should be banned tbh
helpful tbh
chadman you're a pedo tbh but i still like you
its not a good idea to spoonfeed people
bam! right there spoke hard truth. think about this. there's some expectation, or an illusion, that if you post on a chan the rules are a little looser. not that you should expect to get away with blatantly illegal acts, but the inverse, that mainstream shitholes like reddit are more likely to be heavily moderated and ban at the drop of a hat. instead you have to face the reality that here and at halfshit at least, they fucking permaban over nothing at all every second of every day. how's that for a kick in the teeth? this user is really 100% correct in pointing out that pussies or sjw retards with enormous chips on their shoulders over-moderate the hell out of this place for reasons i can't comprehend. i've posted tame af pics here at get permabanned without any warning or explanation as i'm sure as happens to many others. the fuckwit mods trim out everyone but the most blatant normie newfags, they turn this place into a milquetoast lamer version of the sites they purport to try and distinguish themselves from. it's crazy.
Hotwheels understood this which is why Holla Forums even became popular in the first place, none of us would even be here without him.
korean mannequins out
mannequins out
Good thread. Not bias tbh.
mannequins out
What are you talking about gooks with more layers than a cake of makeup are the hottest.
gooks out !
Here here
russians out tbh
Gooks are subhuman filth
Thanks user, i like you too
what an awful thread.
stuck between gooks and slav larping as nazis.
i'm out
Moar of this. Less the gooks.
nice teeth
No, that's enough for today - Hex