Hillary 'briefed' on NYC nearly an hour before it happened

(note: both the person sending the tweet and I are in same timezone)


They're going to put some FUCKING WHITE MALE on TV and blame him. They're going to reveal he is a Trump supporter and say "see these guys are deplorable."

Other urls found in this thread:


Good catch, user.

What's the motive?
Why attack vets?
Why NY?
Why would a right winger feasibly do it?
nobody will buy it?
what are you sliding?

If it's a real catch then you should archive it for evidence.

It's actually 10:42pm EST

It reads 7:42pm because you're not logged in. When you're not logged in, it always reads west coast time

can we ever get a happening that isnt a false flag or a hoax?

well then

Washington Post and NYT also reporting "around 8:30" as the time of the explosion.


Fucking happening anons

well shit

happening aborted

Yep. I logged into my Twatter account and it says 10:42 PM

If it's a muzzie we'll know it's legit. I mean, it'll probably turn out to have been funded with US dollars, but those were probably intended to be used against Assad rather than Jew York.

This was the briefest ==REEEEEEEEE== I have ever felt.

Redtext fail, my hubris was too great.

It's been 8 hours.

Shouldn't they have blamed us already by now?

While this has been debunked may I remind you to

They are hoping Trump jumps and says it is a muslim then they will reveal it's not. They are literally waiting to see what Trump says so they can turn around and claim he is wrong and that he doesn't have the temperament and so on and so on to give Hillary momentum for the debate. In short, this is a trap.

He's not going to fall for a stupid trap like that.




Guys this is bad. This is REALLY REALLY bad. Trump needs to get out ahead of this and condemn these actions and the supporters involved. This is the moment of truth for his campaign if he fails this test, it's over for him.

A major speech directed at his supporters, telling them this kind of behavior is inexcusable is the only way forward from this. I've been a Trump supporter since forever and I'm telling you. This NEEDS to happen!


Your pathetic copypasta only makes us stronger.

thanks for correcting the record. direct action is necessary to prove your capabilities. otherwise no respect is given to you.

Fuck off for believing that shit and fuck off for being a PRfag.

an hero immediately

Remember to sage finished thread

Oh Rabbi, what pretty yellow star you are wearing.

its alright go to the nyc habbening bread and you will see some epic red text fails


coulter's law anons. new york has eyes everywhere. they have to have vids of the perps. they dont want it out though. then people would see black or brown putting the "device" into the dumpster. the longer they wait the moar likely it was nog or mudslime

trips confirm my failure

Kek has seen humility in your posts and absolves you of all new faggotry, don't let it happen again

kek is truly great

Breaking: Photo of the suspect seen leaving the scene minutes before explosion


Filter by ID+

Retards responding to shit like this just shits up the thread even more. And yes, that includes this post.

i dont want this to be the new thread

Trump must stop this madman. He can't keep getting away with it.



Because OP is a faggot


Oh, well, that explains it.

We should get Hillary to come out and attack Sam, claiming he is a terrorist and nazi frog enthusiast.



I was watching NoThiefsAllowed stream early'er last night. Fox news was on, all they would talk about was. "All we can do is speculate what happened". Then out of nowhere comes shilling for Israel, "we must support our (((allies))) they experience this all the time. Top it off with a cherry on top. "It was Palestine who did the bombings".

How the fuck does fox news know that? What happen to muh "speculation". These fucking shills and kikes are getting tiresome.

These fucks want more support? Right after king nigger sets these parasites, up for 38.billion dollarydoos, and military support. Holy shit! RWDS can't come any sooner I'm tired of this shit.


bc op goofed, forgot how to tell time or smtn idk

Fuck, I just read a bit down the thread.
Goddamnit OP fucked up hard on this one.

wow, shill much.

This won't stop Trump, people will see through the bs.


Because you're a fucking retard? Why don't you just kind of hang out on Holla Forums and maybe make some jokes. Don't offer things. You're too stupid. Or too young


Her body now feeds the starving Earth.

yup, this, this is nothing

So who the fuck was this guy in the end? Just some somewhat off loony who was tending to his plants when he was accused of shooting a Pirates of the Caribbean tier flintlock at Joe's Cock?

Do you guys remember what happened after the Boston Marathon bomb?

There was a rumor on the TV news networks that it was some white domestic terrorist. This was the talking point that was circulating in the media soon after it happened.

Then some anonymous guy sent Alex Jones the photos of the patsy in the crowd, a white guy with a beard and a backpack who looked like he was either a bum living on the street or some guy recently released from a psychiatric hospital. And he also showed photos and videos of the police/FBI agents who seemed to be his handlers.

Live on TV there was this announcement that a suspect had been brought to the courthouse and they were showing the black FBI minivan going into the courthouse but as far as I can recall that guy was never identified.

And then the FBI decided to change the scenario and go to plan B, the Tsarnaev brothers.

I don't how much influence the Infowars coverage of the event had on the decisions of the FBI but if they want to go with a white patsy, something like a pro-Trump 'white supremacist' suspect wearing a frog t-shirt, then we need to be on the lookout for the real culprits.

So if you live in that area, get your camera ready. Some anonymous guy may once again foil the plans of the government to blame a homegrown terrorist when it was probably some arab/muslim who's in contact with the FBI.

Paul Towne is trying to make himself into a Sam Hyde type figure. He's a guy that's big on the frog twittersphere. He's that guy that Trump retweeted that had everyone kvetching because his handle is @WhiteGenocideTM